Author Topic: CTA should stop being arrogant  (Read 23257 times)


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CTA should stop being arrogant
« on: June 05, 2018, 06:09:31 PM »
It looks like the Chinese have the upper hand in the bilateral ties. It is getting clearer that India is very much relying on China for their economic growth, just like any other countries in the world. The Central Tibetan Administration should face the reality and stop being arrogant. It was precisely this arrogance that had caused them lost their country in the first place.

What is leading to India’s widening trade deficit with China? Find out what this SBI report says

India’s trade deficit with China expanded to $51.11 billion in FY17, and further to $62.94 billion in FY18, from $38.72 billion in FY13, says an SBI country wrap report.

While the demand for Indian goods has been on a decline in the Chinese market, India’s increasing dependence on China for items such as electric equipment, machines, medical and surgical instruments and fertilizers, among others, is widening India’s trade deficit with the country, a report said on Monday. Huge imports of Chinese goods by India has made China the country’s largest trade partner, according to an SBI ‘Country Wrap’ report.

Other top imports from China include organic chemicals, plastic, ships and boats, iron and steel, and optical photographic. The report said that in FY17, while exports to China fell to $10.17 billion compared to $13.53 billion in FY13, India’s dependence on Chinese goods in FY17 surged to $61.28 billion from $52.25 billion in FY13. Thus, India’s trade deficit with China expanded to $51.11 billion in FY17 from $38.72 billion in FY13. In addition, data showed that the trade deficit further widened to $62.94 billion in FY18.

Interestingly, rising imports has made China the largest trade partner of India. In terms of exports, India’s top trading partner is the US to which it exported $42 billion in FY17 as compared to only $10 billion to China. “Trade between India and China has experienced a slowdown in the past few years. Structural transformation of China led to decline in demand for our exports,” said the report.

Although there has been a decline in China’s import of goods from India, certain items like ores, cotton, organic chemicals mineral fuels copper, iron and steel, nuclear reactor and mechanical appliances, electrical machinery and plastic are still there in the list of top export items from India to China, the report said.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2018, 10:50:55 PM »
Everything CTA does creates the opposite of what the Dalai Lama wants, which is to return to Tibet. That is his LAST wish, you think CTA would be smart enough to stop antagonizing China? If they are, they would immediately ask all Tibetan and Western supporters of the Dalai Lama to stop posting Free Tibet stuff online because that only contradicts everything they are doing.

All the Western supporters like Tibet House, International Tibet Society etc. should stop posting China's human rights issues on and on and on. Why post about their human rights issues when CTA does not even follow it and give human rights to their own Tibetans in exile, like duh, Dorje Shugden practitioners getting discriminated day in day out. That's why this website exists. Everything is here and can be clearly seen.

So what is the point then in Sangay saying that Tibetans should support His Holiness in trying to get him back to Tibet? Is it all just lip service? This CTA is really a huge hypocrite.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2018, 06:47:13 PM »
It is Tibetans' own arrogance that cost them their country. When China landed in Tibet in 1959, Tibetans could not defend themselves and no country wanted to help them as Tibetans were so arrogant.

What's sad is that arrogance still continues to this day. For a government-in-exile without an actual country, they should think about being humble and be friends with everyone. Pretty dumb to think that their anti-China sentiments will win them allies. Or get them anywhere.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2018, 10:50:22 PM »
It is Tibetans' own arrogance that cost them their country. When China landed in Tibet in 1959, Tibetans could not defend themselves and no country wanted to help them as Tibetans were so arrogant.

What's sad is that arrogance still continues to this day. For a government-in-exile without an actual country, they should think about being humble and be friends with everyone. Pretty dumb to think that their anti-China sentiments will win them allies. Or get them anywhere.

Well said, I couldn't agree with you more. How on earth do they think that shouting negativities on China will get them their country back? If it is a good strategy, they would have gotten their country back years ago? Why didn't anyone/any country help them then? It will also be same now and even tougher now when Xi is making allies with the entire world.

US can say whatever they want but they are not going to help because they have to get their own act together and they also cannot afford to piss China off too much, since they owe China billion in deficit. The US is no longer the superpower, China is. And if they could help, they would have when they were actually the no.1 superpower with fewer issues of their own. So whatever Free Tibet people are doing, is seriously a waste of time and effort, they might as well put it to good use and to strategise better on how to take advantage and be friends with China. At least, the Dalai Lama is doing or trying to do this, but unfortunately, his own government is not and contradicts themselves in everything they do and this is due to their --- arrogance. So I doubt Dalai Lama is going to be able to return to Tibet if they continue this route.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2018, 11:57:57 AM »

Well said, I couldn't agree with you more. How on earth do they think that shouting negativities on China will get them their country back? If it is a good strategy, they would have gotten their country back years ago? Why didn't anyone/any country help them then? It will also be same now and even tougher now when Xi is making allies with the entire world.

That is because the Tibetan leadership was never about the interest of Tibetans. This is evident from all the shady and questionable decisions by CTA which is geared towards keeping Tibetans as refugees so they can continue to capitalise on the sufferings of the Tibetans who gave up everything following the Dalai Lama to exile decades ago. Why else would Tibetans in exile are still refugees and not any better than how they were when they first reach Indian soil after all these years? – and we are talking about decades which have passed! Yet everyone in CTA especially even from the top Lobsang Sangay, is problematic  Why condemn those who opt for other citizenship when most CTA people enjoy dual citizenships and have properties overseas waiting for them? What about all the allegations and investigations for financial mismanagement and criminal breach of trusts?;ta-hides/] [url];ta-hides/[/url] ;;
Above are only but a few, so, hardly surprising that CTA is only self-serving and making use of Tibetans. One can just imagine their karma.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2018, 04:36:33 PM »
Why are all of you pointing your fingers at the CTA as being the evil ones.

You are going against the public teachings of H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche.

He has clearly stated that the 14th Dalai Lama has "Absolute Control" over the CTA.

Here is the link my post about  Tsem Tulku's article about the Dalai Lama and HIS CTA.

His Eminence Tsem Tulku has stated that it is the Dalai Lama that RUNS the CTA.

Here is a link to an article Tsem Tulku wrote on his website on June 5, 2018.

It is titled "The 4th Zhabdrung Rinpoche of Bhutan and Dorje Shugden".

In his article Tsem Tulku states,

The Tibetan leadership is no stranger to painting a misleading picture of what really goes on in their community. For example, they claim to be a democracy but behind the scenes, everyone knows that HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA CONTINUES TO OPERATE WITH ABSOLUTE CONTROL OVER THE GOVERNMENT, despite claiming to have given up secular power.

If we believe what Tsem Tulku is publicly stating is true then all of you are wrong.

The other option is that all of you are right and H.E. Tsem Tulku is wrong.

Which is it?

Posted by: dsnowlion
« on: June 05, 2018, 10:50:55 PM » Insert Quote
Everything CTA does creates the opposite of what the Dalai Lama wants, which is to return to Tibet. That is his LAST wish, you think CTA would be smart enough to stop antagonizing China?

The Dalai Lama plays the "Good Guy" to China and the CTA plays the "Bad Guy" to China.

Tsem Tulku and the Chinese Government know the truth about the Dalai Lama and his "Absolute Control" over the CTA.

They know that all the negative statements proclaimed by the CTA are actually coming from the Dalai Lama.

I go with what Tsem Tulku publicly teaches about the Dalai Lama and HIS CTA and not what you all say that the CTA is against the Dalai Lama's wishes.

The CTA's "Wishes" are the Dalai Lama's "Wishes" and the Dalai Lama's "Wishes" are the CTA's "Wishes"!


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2018, 04:09:51 AM »
CTA is definitely EVIL. Like Desi, today we have Sangay going around getting his short sidekick to Dhardon to head a hate campaign against Shugden! Well, I hope that their karma will come back and end soon!

Sorry, I know this is not a good wish but that is the ONLY way we will ever see justice.
I know His Holiness the Dalai Lama being all compassionate will always help those who are evil. That's what a Boddhisattva do, that is the only reason why I think His Holiness keeps evil Sangay and those nasty around.

Well, they will be able to leech off the world no more once the Dalai Lama returns to Tibet. Maybe that is why he is eager to return to Tibet. To end the CTA. Maybe this is wishful thinking, but just saying.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2018, 08:16:17 PM »
After 60 years, the Tibetans are still so blinded? They are not aware of how CTA is making use of Tibetans to get money for their own pockets? There is no result in their Tibet Cause, no result in establishing a good relationship with China, no result in improving the lives of the Tibetan in-exile.

The Tibetans in China are having a far better life than those outside of China. They have a good education, they have better infrastructure and amenity in Tibet now, what can the CTA offer? A yellow book that can bring Tibetans to nowhere?

For the benefit of the Tibetan in-exile, CTA should stop being arrogant and be nice to China. Don't talk about Rangzen anymore, this is not what the Dalai Lama wants. Besides, CTA has no capability to run a country, please don't destroy the future of the Tibetans.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2018, 08:55:05 AM »
The CTA is not interested in the well-being of the Tibetans. If not, why don't they make a shift and get friendly with China. Nobody can ever expect to get Tibet back as a country. So, why, after 60 years, is the CTA going around and asking money for a lost cause.

When is the CTA stopping to make a fool of themselves and get things going for the Tibetans. The few Tibetans in India will sooner or later become Indian, leave if they have the money or go back to China. What else is there to expect as the CTA is doing nothing for them? They don't reconcile with China and be the 'Tibetan Administration' for the Tibetans in China, fulfilled their role!

It is such a shame and there is nothing to be proud of. So many scandals are linked to the CTA. Why are they not closing down? Well, this will all end with the Dalai Lama. 


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2018, 09:46:04 PM »
It is Tibetans' own arrogance that cost them their country. When China landed in Tibet in 1959, Tibetans could not defend themselves and no country wanted to help them as Tibetans were so arrogant.

What's sad is that arrogance still continues to this day. For a government-in-exile without an actual country, they should think about being humble and be friends with everyone. Pretty dumb to think that their anti-China sentiments will win them allies. Or get them anywhere.

Exactly! Lose their country and soon will lose the friendship of India. Then CTA won't even have any land to "rule" over. What more, "borrowed land". Weird that they don't learn from their mistake and still continue with their arrogance. And what right do they have to be arrogant when they are really just beggars, living off people's generosity in sponsorships???


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2018, 05:16:21 PM »
Arrogant has caused the Tibetan lost their country, it has also caused to them lose their friendship with India. The Indian government has advised the officials not to attend public events organised by the CTA. The Thank You India event was a disaster, the CTA was made to move the event to Dharamsala and high officials were told by the Indian government not to attend.

Why after 60 years living in India the Tibetans have not created a closer bond with India? It must be due to their arrogance, thinking they deserve what India is giving them. When there was a protest against the Tibetans and when the Dalai Lama made negative comments on India's politics, the CTA did not apologise immediately, they just kept quiet. They don't even try to make an effort to improve their relationship with the Indians.

Apart from being arrogant to the Indians, the CTA is also very arrogant to China. Until today, they have not had a dialogue with China, they also don't have the intention to establish a better relationship with China. Everything the CTA does is to benefit themselves. Their loyalty to the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans is non-existent. If they really want India to still welcome them and the Dalai Lama's wishes to be fulfilled, they really should put down the gun.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2018, 07:48:17 PM »
Arrogant has caused the Tibetan lost their country, it has also caused to them lose their friendship with India. The Indian government has advised the officials not to attend public events organised by the CTA. The Thank You India event was a disaster, the CTA was made to move the event to Dharamsala and high officials were told by the Indian government not to attend.

Why after 60 years living in India the Tibetans have not created a closer bond with India? It must be due to their arrogance, thinking they deserve what India is giving them. When there was a protest against the Tibetans and when the Dalai Lama made negative comments on India's politics, the CTA did not apologise immediately, they just kept quiet. They don't even try to make an effort to improve their relationship with the Indians.

Apart from being arrogant to the Indians, the CTA is also very arrogant to China. Until today, they have not had a dialogue with China, they also don't have the intention to establish a better relationship with China. Everything the CTA does is to benefit themselves. Their loyalty to the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans is non-existent. If they really want India to still welcome them and the Dalai Lama's wishes to be fulfilled, they really should put down the gun.

The CTA does not have meeting China due to their lack of ability in proving their worth in the last 60 years. In addition to that, they went around the world criticizing China, their policies and their way of doing things. They do their Chinese rhetoric in order to mooch money from others.

They use India to get what they wanted: freedom to travel, taxfree, luxury lifestyle and etc. India is just a doormat for them, they never show appreciation and launch the Thank You Indian event using India's resources to look good.

Everything about the CTA is a fraud.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2018, 05:47:09 PM »
Arrogant has caused the Tibetan lost their country, it has also caused to them lose their friendship with India. The Indian government has advised the officials not to attend public events organised by the CTA. The Thank You India event was a disaster, the CTA was made to move the event to Dharamsala and high officials were told by the Indian government not to attend.

Why after 60 years living in India the Tibetans have not created a closer bond with India? It must be due to their arrogance, thinking they deserve what India is giving them. When there was a protest against the Tibetans and when the Dalai Lama made negative comments on India's politics, the CTA did not apologise immediately, they just kept quiet. They don't even try to make an effort to improve their relationship with the Indians.

Apart from being arrogant to the Indians, the CTA is also very arrogant to China. Until today, they have not had a dialogue with China, they also don't have the intention to establish a better relationship with China. Everything the CTA does is to benefit themselves. Their loyalty to the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans is non-existent. If they really want India to still welcome them and the Dalai Lama's wishes to be fulfilled, they really should put down the gun.

The CTA does not have meeting China due to their lack of ability in proving their worth in the last 60 years. In addition to that, they went around the world criticizing China, their policies and their way of doing things. They do their Chinese rhetoric in order to mooch money from others.

They use India to get what they wanted: freedom to travel, taxfree, luxury lifestyle and etc. India is just a doormat for them, they never show appreciation and launch the Thank You Indian event using India's resources to look good.

Everything about the CTA is a fraud.

The CTA does not work for the Tibetans, they don't care about the welfare and the future of the Tibetans. I think they work for CIA to undermine China, to make sure the Asian big brother doesn't rise. If China becomes the superpower (which she is already), the status of Asia region will rise as well.

The CTA is acting very arrogantly because they think they someone powerful behind their back. What the CTA doesn't realise is that the west does not have loyalty, they are only using the Tibet issue as a tool to smear China, to create obstacles for China to rise. When the Tibet issue can no longer serve its purpose, the CTA will be thrown away like a piece of trash!

The CTA will not work hard to get what they want, they will continue to act like this as long as the west is still giving them the money. When there is no more fund from the west, the Tibetan leadership will just say bye bye to the Tibetans in exile and go to the west to retire comfortably. The ones who really suffer will be the Tibetans. I feel so sorry for them.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2018, 07:33:46 PM »
The CTA does not have meeting China due to their lack of ability in proving their worth in the last 60 years. In addition to that, they went around the world criticizing China, their policies and their way of doing things. They do their Chinese rhetoric in order to mooch money from others.

They use India to get what they wanted: freedom to travel, taxfree, luxury lifestyle and etc. India is just a doormat for them, they never show appreciation and launch the Thank You Indian event using India's resources to look good.

Everything about the CTA is a fraud.

I would say the CTA does not have meeting China because they are NOT EVEN RECOGNISED BY CHINA as a LEGIT GOVERNMENT. They do not even acknowledge that sleazy egoistical Lobsay Sangay. As soon as Dalai Lama returns to Tibet, the CTA will even more insignificant.

And at the rate they're going around and how Sangay is touring Europe and still criticizing China, they will never find a solution with China. This goes to show that they a not for the people but more for their pockets.  If Tibetans would like to fulfil H.H. the Dalai Lama's wish to return to Tibet, they should really stop all Rangzen movement and stay quiet.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2018, 02:12:47 PM »
I would say the CTA does not have meeting China because they are NOT EVEN RECOGNISED BY CHINA as a LEGIT GOVERNMENT. They do not even acknowledge that sleazy egoistical Lobsay Sangay. As soon as Dalai Lama returns to Tibet, the CTA will even more insignificant.

And at the rate they're going around and how Sangay is touring Europe and still criticizing China, they will never find a solution with China. This goes to show that they a not for the people but more for their pockets.  If Tibetans would like to fulfil H.H. the Dalai Lama's wish to return to Tibet, they should really stop all Rangzen movement and stay quiet.

What you said has validity. Why give credence to CTA by meeting them? It will be construed as an acknowledgment, legitimising them as a government, which they are not. You don't govern from borrow land without a country. Whereas China will meet the Dalai Lama as he is the head of religion (so to speak) and on that basis for his people. So it is up to China to accord his and the refugees to return or not. However, with the stigma of his involvement with CTA, China is not convinced of Dalai Lama's real role. Which may be why the Dalai Lama commits the many guffaws that he did to separate himself from CTA and politics. To create that chasm between him and CTA. Hmmm this is interesting.