Author Topic: CTA should stop being arrogant  (Read 23258 times)


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2018, 11:48:48 PM »
CTA is really stupid to think they are actually somebody and they can play around with China with their silly tricks. They are a government that formed in another country and governing their people in exile. They are lucky that India is so kind to even allow such silliness to take places in the first place. India has every right to deny them from forming CTA.

It is actually surprising for them to actually think that they are very important in the world and they have a chance against China. They have no chance against China from the start of the 60 years of refugee until now. China has a firm grip on Tibet and they will never let go of Tibet. They won't do it now nor 50 years ahead of time as predicted by Mr. Lobsang Sangay.

Tibet is actually a very small problem compared to other problems that China is facing now such as the trade war. It is very insignificant and only the Tibetans are making a big deal out of it. It is common for stronger countries to take over weaker countries in history and that is just the way it is. Due to their corruption, they won't be able to protect their own country. They have no one to blame except themselves.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2018, 04:50:42 AM »
CTA is really stupid to think they are actually somebody and they can play around with China with their silly tricks. They are a government that formed in another country and governing their people in exile. They are lucky that India is so kind to even allow such silliness to take places in the first place. India has every right to deny them from forming CTA.

It is actually surprising for them to actually think that they are very important in the world and they have a chance against China. They have no chance against China from the start of the 60 years of refugee until now. China has a firm grip on Tibet and they will never let go of Tibet. They won't do it now nor 50 years ahead of time as predicted by Mr. Lobsang Sangay.

Tibet is actually a very small problem compared to other problems that China is facing now such as the trade war. It is very insignificant and only the Tibetans are making a big deal out of it. It is common for stronger countries to take over weaker countries in history and that is just the way it is. Due to their corruption, they won't be able to protect their own country. They have no one to blame except themselves.

See how CTA is still up in the clouds about their status. Still lost in their own world thinking they are significant that they can demand to be heard on their terms. Dream on! China is beyond your sphere now and could just totally ignore you to let you drift in your refugee scam! I just feel sorry that the Dalai Lama will dwindle in your selfishness and not have his wish to return home fulfilled. So Anti-Dalai Lama.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2018, 10:06:16 AM »
The Chinese government doesn't really trust the Dalai Lama or the CTA. For the past 60 years they have been making troubles for China, condemning China and suddenly they want to become friends? It is hard to believe.

Even though the CTA says they want to go for the Middle Way Approach, asking for only autonomous status from China, but what have the CTA done to gain trust from China? They have not even had one dialogue with China. It is just Dalai Lama's wishful thinking to go back to Tibet.

If the CTA really wants to fulfill the Dalai Lama's wish, they would have done thing differently. They can start by making friends with China; stop their world tour to condemn China; work with India to see how India can help them. However, until today the CTA is still busy getting donations from the west.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2018, 02:29:29 PM »
The Chinese government doesn't really trust the Dalai Lama or the CTA. For the past 60 years they have been making troubles for China, condemning China and suddenly they want to become friends? It is hard to believe.

Even though the CTA says they want to go for the Middle Way Approach, asking for only autonomous status from China, but what have the CTA done to gain trust from China? They have not even had one dialogue with China. It is just Dalai Lama's wishful thinking to go back to Tibet.

If the CTA really wants to fulfill the Dalai Lama's wish, they would have done thing differently. They can start by making friends with China; stop their world tour to condemn China; work with India to see how India can help them. However, until today the CTA is still busy getting donations from the west.

I think it is pretty obvious by now CTA knows they have no chance of going back to Tibet and as such tries to drag out the sponsorships for as long as they can. After all, it is for their retirement rather than for their people. If I were the Tibetans in Exile, I would demand CTA to show the accounts since sixty years ago as it is their rights and their monies. They should demand to be trained before CTA totally finished the sponsorships. At the very least they have some skills to help them in their livelihood.  Why blame on the enlightened protector Dorje Shugden to divert attention from CTA's failures? 60 years and nowhere close to going home to Tibet. Just stop the pretense already and just say you are heading to a different direction instead of bring down a Protector that everyone could benefit from. So effective and wishfulling!


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #19 on: November 11, 2018, 07:07:04 AM »
The Chinese government doesn't really trust the Dalai Lama or the CTA. For the past 60 years they have been making troubles for China, condemning China and suddenly they want to become friends? It is hard to believe.

Even though the CTA says they want to go for the Middle Way Approach, asking for only autonomous status from China, but what have the CTA done to gain trust from China? They have not even had one dialogue with China. It is just Dalai Lama's wishful thinking to go back to Tibet.

If the CTA really wants to fulfill the Dalai Lama's wish, they would have done thing differently. They can start by making friends with China; stop their world tour to condemn China; work with India to see how India can help them. However, until today the CTA is still busy getting donations from the west.

I think it is pretty obvious by now CTA knows they have no chance of going back to Tibet and as such tries to drag out the sponsorships for as long as they can. After all, it is for their retirement rather than for their people. If I were the Tibetans in Exile, I would demand CTA to show the accounts since sixty years ago as it is their rights and their monies. They should demand to be trained before CTA totally finished the sponsorships. At the very least they have some skills to help them in their livelihood.  Why blame on the enlightened protector Dorje Shugden to divert attention from CTA's failures? 60 years and nowhere close to going home to Tibet. Just stop the pretense already and just say you are heading to a different direction instead of bring down a Protector that everyone could benefit from. So effective and wishfulling!

CTA has been taking free money from everyone for 60 years now. Of course, they will try to drag out the sponsorships as long as they can. Mr Lobsang Sangay already announced that their struggle will be going on for another 50 years. It is 50 years of free money again. They officially told the whole world to keep donating for another 50 years.

This is how arrogant CTA is. For 60 years, they did not do what they promise the whole world which is to fight for the independence of Tibet. Until now, they did not have any dialogue with China and yet they go around the world to talk bad about China. Do they really think by doing that, they will get the chance to get back Tibet from China? How about start with getting on their good books?

The world is not taking their lies anymore and more countries started to back off from their support to Tibet. China is becoming a very strong and powerful country. Many western countries do not want to make an enemy out of her. That is why Tibet is getting fewer donations nowadays and less support. Soon, the world will stop helping Tibet and CTA will have to think of new ways to cheat money.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2019, 06:41:25 PM »
I think Lobsang Sangay will continue to be arrogant to China. He has no intention to reconcile with China. The reason he is not interested simply because he doesn't want to free Tibet, he also does not want to be part of China. He wants everything to remain the same so he can still use poor me Tibetan's plight to make money for himself.

If Tibetan leadership is serious about fulfilling their promise to the Tibetans, they would have worked very hard to fulfill it. Everyone knows harmony and unity are very important to make a project successful. CTA must know it too, but why are they not uniting Tibetans but instead they keep creating conflicts to split the Tibetans?

Very clearly, CTA does not want to free Tibet, they also don't want to be part of China. Their culture of exploiting their own people has not changed a single bit. Whether in the old days or now, Tibetans are still the one who suffer from their own deceiving leadership.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2019, 03:17:49 AM »
There is nothing to be arrogant about the CTA. They achieved nothing significant. Everything they have now is given by the host country and they are overly dependent on the Dalai Lama's power and charisma. Without the Dalai Lama, they are nothing.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2019, 03:21:02 AM »
Lobsang Sangay is very arrogant to China. Instead of being humble to get onto the good books of China, he is going around talking about how bad China is treating Tibet. At this rate, he will never be able to bring Tibetans in Exile back to Tibet. Seems like he does not plan to fulfill his promise to his fellow Tibetans at all. How can he fight for Tibet's independence when China is not willing to even initiate a dialogue with him?

Tibetans in exile are stupid to not see what he is doing and stop supporting him. He is not going to help the Tibetans, he is helping himself to get more donations. He just extended the duration of Tibet cause for another 50 years and by that time, he would be dead and he does not need to be answerable to the world as well as Tibetans. Looks like Tibetans will have to suffer more with this kind of leadership.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2019, 03:25:31 AM »
There is nothing to be arrogant about the CTA. They achieved nothing significant. Everything they have now is given by the host country and they are overly dependent on the Dalai Lama's power and charisma. Without the Dalai Lama, they are nothing.

The thing is Lobsang Sangay and the CTA are very delusional, they think they are very powerful and they have the support from people all around the world. They have forgotten it was because of the Dalai Lama, they get the donations from the people. When the Dalai Lama is not around anymore, they can forget about the free money and free shelter from India.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2019, 03:50:40 AM »

It is a recipe for disaster! Hence, they are going down and the world will soon forget they even exist.
If they really cared about their culture and people, they would make friends with those in power to ensure their culture survive. Looks like the Dalai Lama is the only one who sees that but I think it is too late.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2019, 05:18:04 AM »
Another proof why the CTA should really stop being arrogant. The Dalai Lama was found to have said that he firmly criticized discrimination against women based on religious grounds and therefore assessed education was the only route to social transformation. Yet, the Dalai Lama didn't criticise the CTA for discriminating female Shugdenpas. The CTA, especially Lobsang Sangay is a Havard graduate major in international human rights, he should know better how important education is and how everyone should be treated equally.

The Dalai Lama is hinting at his next incarnation being a female in this piece. He also said he would reincarnate as an Indian recently. But what is important is now. What is he doing for the women and Indians now is far more important that what will happened after he has passed on.

Tibet: Dalai Lama Calls on Women to Path Way Towards Peace and Prosperity by Taking Leadership Role in Politics and Promoting Human Values

Last week, His Holiness the Dalai Lama spoke to a delegation of 75 women from the Young FICCI Ladies Organisation (YFLO) of New Delhi. He focused on the importance for women to play an active role in our society, saying it could have a positive global impact. He firmly criticized discrimination against women based on religious grounds and therefore assessed education was the only route to social transformation.

The article below was published by BuddhistDoor

His Holiness the Dalai Lama last week urged women to take a more active role in promoting and guiding social values for humanity in the 21st century, noting that more equitable gender roles in society are fundamental to advancing humanity toward peace and economic prosperity for society as a whole.

Speaking to a delegation of 75 women from the Young FICCI Ladies Organisation (YFLO) of New Delhi at his official residence in Dharamsala, northern India, on 18 February, His Holiness explained that if more women took up leadership roles in fields such as politics it could have a positive impact on a global scale. He cited as an example former Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi, the first woman in the history of modern India to hold the post.

“We are now in the 21st century. If we look back at the 20th century, it was a time of violence and fear. Therefore, we should make this century an era of non-violence and compassion,” said the Tibetan spiritual leader. “With regard to compassion, there is scientific evidence that women are more sensitive to others’ pain. Indeed, in human history most warriors, or killers, were men, whereas women consistently show more concern for others’ well-being. In this century we should make special efforts to promote loving-kindness and women should take a leading role in this. They shouldn’t just stay at home, but should support and be actively involved with education.” (His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet)

Founded in 2004, the YFLO is a platform for young women from diverse professional and entrepreneurial backgrounds to interact with each other, with the primary objectives of promoting entrepreneurship and professional excellence, acting as a catalyst for the social and economic advancement of women, and making women aware of their strengths.

The Dalai Lama also criticized discrimination against women on religious grounds and as a result of social customs, observing that education was the only route to social transformation and that women should play a key role in this evolution of gender relations.

“The Buddha gave men and women equal opportunities in that he offered ordination as a bhikshu to men and as a bhikshuni to women,” the 83-year-old Nobel laureate noted. “Although the introduction of the bhikshuni lineage in the Tibetan tradition is something I can’t achieve by myself, I have been able to encourage nuns and women to study. The result is that there are now nuns who have attained the highest level of education [the geshema degree].” (His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet)

On a far more fundamental level, the Dalai Lama continued, women have the ability to mould the society through the compassion of motherhood and their love for their children. Reminding the audience that mothers gave birth to every person alive in the world today, he related how the kindness of his mother had influenced his own life. 

The Dalai Lama also reiterated his assertion concerning his own reincarnation, that the next Dalai Lama could well be a woman if circumstances required. He referenced as an example the lineage and spiritual leadership of the Samding Dorje Phagmo, dating to the 15th century, the highest female incarnation in Tibetan Buddhism and the third highest-ranking leader after the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama.

“She was particularly kind to me, at the time her youngest child. There was no school in our village and she was illiterate, but she was naturally kind,” His Holiness said. “I had no toys to play with, but instead rode on her shoulders as she went about her work in the fields or with our animals. We, her children, never saw an angry expression on her face. She was kind to us, kind to our neighbours. When victims of famine came to the door, she always found them something to eat. It’s because of her that I am the happy, smiling person I am today.” (His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet)


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2019, 08:02:41 AM »
There is nothing for the CTA to be arrogant about. They lost their country and soon they will lose their people. It has been 60 years now and there is no progress on the Tibetan cause. Why would anyone want to trust them ever again? They have disappointed their own people again and again for 60 years.

Tibetans have stopped coming to India from Tibet. It means that the situation in Tibet now is actually better than the situation in India. It tells us a lot when the number of Tibetans from Tibet that went to Indian dropped from thousands to merely 100. China is doing a good job of gaining their trust.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama wanted to go back to Tibet and he will certainly bring all Tibetan in exile back to Tibet as well. That is the place where all Tibetans should be and not as a refugee in foreign countries. Soon, CTA will have to close down because there will be no Tibetans in exile for them to rule over.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2019, 01:24:31 PM »

It is a recipe for disaster! Hence, they are going down and the world will soon forget they even exist.
If they really cared about their culture and people, they would make friends with those in power to ensure their culture survive. Looks like the Dalai Lama is the only one who sees that but I think it is too late.

The CTA is arrogant, this is for sure. Most of the western countries have softened their tone and make friends with China. The one-belt-one road project is a huge economic project initiated by China to bring economic benefit to everyone who is involved. The motto of China is very simple, "if you win, I will win too". However, until now the CTA has not shown any effort in making peace with China.

The Chinese government does not believe in using violence to conquer the world economy. They want to accumulate wealth but at the same time they know they can't have it all, it has to be shared. This is a perfect ideology because peace and harmony can be maintained and at the same time, everyone gets the benefit.  Just like the Middle Way approach, do not go for the extreme, maintaining the balance is important.

The CTA should know it is not hard to negotiate with the Chinese government. What the Chinese government wants is peace and harmony. The CTA has to accept that Tibet can never be an independent state, an autonomous status is the best they can get. The CTA should just admit they don't have the capability to run a country with millions of people. Since China has done a good job in giving a better life to the Tibetans in Tibet, let the Tibetans in exile have the same possibility too. The CTA should stop being arrogant and put the welfare of the Tibetans as their priority.

Tenzin K

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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #28 on: April 29, 2019, 01:59:29 AM »
China is the main player in the global economy. Many countries would want to work with China in order to build a better and stabilize the economy in their country. There is no surprise to see even India is moving their head to China. So by looking at this what will be CTA faith in India? We already know India has stopped attending CTA events and India is very careful of their every move with the CTA, this is to prevent any unnecessary triggering the Chinese. Every country now is looking at how to befriend the Chines and no one will go against him for CTA. The past is the past and now if CTA still doesn’t realize their situation is not good at all, then nothing much can be done. All leaders of their country will set priority to take care of their people’s interests. But unfortunately we don’t see CTA doing the same, instead, they separate their people with religious discrimination which doesn’t bring any benefit to anyone but just suffering and disaster for their own countrymen.

No one can understand how CTA operates in terms of to benefit the Tibetan but very obvious that we can see is that CTA is all the time chasing their own personal interest. This is the real issue that needs to look into. Much suffering for the Tibetans that have been waiting for 60 years.


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Re: CTA should stop being arrogant
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2019, 03:47:27 PM »
China is the main player in the global economy. Many countries would want to work with China in order to build a better and stabilize the economy in their country. There is no surprise to see even India is moving their head to China. So by looking at this what will be CTA faith in India? We already know India has stopped attending CTA events and India is very careful of their every move with the CTA, this is to prevent any unnecessary triggering the Chinese. Every country now is looking at how to befriend the Chines and no one will go against him for CTA. The past is the past and now if CTA still doesn’t realize their situation is not good at all, then nothing much can be done. All leaders of their country will set priority to take care of their people’s interests. But unfortunately we don’t see CTA doing the same, instead, they separate their people with religious discrimination which doesn’t bring any benefit to anyone but just suffering and disaster for their own countrymen.

No one can understand how CTA operates in terms of to benefit the Tibetan but very obvious that we can see is that CTA is all the time chasing their own personal interest. This is the real issue that needs to look into. Much suffering for the Tibetans that have been waiting for 60 years.

If we look at whoever that works with CTA, all they can achieve are troubles and failures. There is no good ending with CTA. Look at Karmapa Ogyen Trinley who ran away to the west and suffers from depression. Look at all the Tibetan in exile who desperately burn themselves to death to raise awareness against China which is totally a waste of precious human life.

Wherever CTA goes, there will be destruction and disappointment. Just look at the Tibetan settlements. There is not much of improvement since 1959 despite millions of donation were received by the CTA for their people. The number of Tibetans are decreasing and no new Tibetans are coming to India to seek refuge because it is quite obvious that there is no hope in the Tibetan settlements.

China, on the other hand, is totally opposite proven from her development of Tibet. They are very near in eliminating poverty from Tibet and fellow Tibetans are having a decent life in Tibet. That is why there are no new Tibetans who want to flee to India because the living condition is better now. There is no need for them to risky whatever they have for India.