Author Topic: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!  (Read 106177 times)


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #120 on: April 02, 2019, 02:57:31 PM »
I think it is more than just the government who had given the Indians a bad impression on Tibetans. The Tibetans themselves are not so pleasant people either. There are many occasions where Tibetans are extremely arrogant and rude to India because Indians are not so well off compared to the Tibetans.

The Tibetans treat the Indians as someone below them and they do not respect the Indians at all. That is why it angered the Indians even more because the Tibetans are guests in India and they are feeding off the kindness of Indians.

In some occasions, Tibetans are found guilty of abusing the kindness of India by cheating their welfare system to get more aids for themselves while there are Indians who needed the help more than the Tibetans. However, the Tibetans are selfish and cared only about themselves. This is why Tibetans created a lot of anger towards them.

Many Indians are not happy with Tibetans. Due to India's culture of spirituality, they respect His Holiness the Dalai Lama very much, that is why in general, Indians do not mind Tibetans staying in India. However, some people couldn't stand how Tibetans are taking advantage of the status as "refugee" and trying to get more than what was given. Since 2017, Indians, even the indigenous community in India have protested against Tibetans. You can read here:

The only reason why Nehru opened their border for the Tibetans is also His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Tibetans without His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be nothing. There is nothing good about them that India would want to accept them and let them stay in their country for free over 60 years ago.

The Tibetans know this clearly and that is why they are very worried about the post-Dalai Lama time. They will be in a dangerous situation to be deported and face with homelessness. They should have taken the effort to be on India's good book so that they would want to let the Tibetans stay in the country. However, they created so many problems and make everybody angry at them for the past 60 years.

Now His Holiness is at a mature age where he can choose to leave this current body anytime. That is why CTA is panicking now and tried their best to find a solution for the post-Dalai Lama era. This will not happen if they just maintained the peace and not create any troubles in the first place.


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #121 on: April 19, 2019, 02:29:41 AM »

The only reason why Nehru opened their border for the Tibetans is also His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Tibetans without His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be nothing. There is nothing good about them that India would want to accept them and let them stay in their country for free over 60 years ago.

The Tibetans know this clearly and that is why they are very worried about the post-Dalai Lama time. They will be in a dangerous situation to be deported and face with homelessness. They should have taken the effort to be on India's good book so that they would want to let the Tibetans stay in the country. However, they created so many problems and make everybody angry at them for the past 60 years.

Now His Holiness is at a mature age where he can choose to leave this current body anytime. That is why CTA is panicking now and tried their best to find a solution for the post-Dalai Lama era. This will not happen if they just maintained the peace and not create any troubles in the first place.

Recently, His Holiness had chest infection. It is worrying that His Holiness is manifesting illness, and also showing he is old. Now at 83, His Holiness is manifesting old age where it is getting harder for him to travel the world to boost awareness of the Tibetan cause. I wonder if there will be more hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech. These few years, there seems to be a lot of hidden message, 'blunders', and so on. I believe His Holiness did them on purpose, because he's a great scholar with great memory, it is impossible that he is forgetful or unaware.


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #122 on: April 19, 2019, 03:13:55 AM »

The only reason why Nehru opened their border for the Tibetans is also His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Tibetans without His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be nothing. There is nothing good about them that India would want to accept them and let them stay in their country for free over 60 years ago.

The Tibetans know this clearly and that is why they are very worried about the post-Dalai Lama time. They will be in a dangerous situation to be deported and face with homelessness. They should have taken the effort to be on India's good book so that they would want to let the Tibetans stay in the country. However, they created so many problems and make everybody angry at them for the past 60 years.

Now His Holiness is at a mature age where he can choose to leave this current body anytime. That is why CTA is panicking now and tried their best to find a solution for the post-Dalai Lama era. This will not happen if they just maintained the peace and not create any troubles in the first place.

Recently, His Holiness had chest infection. It is worrying that His Holiness is manifesting illness, and also showing he is old. Now at 83, His Holiness is manifesting old age where it is getting harder for him to travel the world to boost awareness of the Tibetan cause. I wonder if there will be more hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech. These few years, there seems to be a lot of hidden message, 'blunders', and so on. I believe His Holiness did them on purpose, because he's a great scholar with great memory, it is impossible that he is forgetful or unaware.

His Holiness is not getting any younger, and he starts to manifest more old age health problems now. He is reducing his travelling and events around the world to recuperate and not straining his frail body. It is getting worrisome as the Tibetans in Exile are still depending on His Holiness to bring them back to Tibet.

After 60 years of being a refugee in India, they still have not progressed much in their fight for independence. Everything is still status quo since 1959 when His Holiness escaped Tibet. The opportunity for Tibetans to fight for freedom is now gone. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is clear on this, and that is why he suggested Umaylam instead of continuing with Rangzen.

Umaylam is more possible compared to Rangzen, and everyone should be fighting for it. However, His Holiness still requires cooperation from the Tibetan government who is attending Rangzen meeting and functions. They should be on the same page with His Holiness and not ignore his suggestions. I hope the Tibetan government will realise this fast enough to treasure the remaining time that His Holiness has for them on earth.


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #123 on: April 25, 2019, 08:05:15 AM »
Another of the Dalai Lama's speech infuriates China. I wonder why His Holiness keeps making statements that seem to contradict his effort or direction. If His Holiness is serious about returning to Tibet, shouldn't he befriend China and not say such things?  ???

Observers Warn the Future Prospects of Two Dalai Lamas
April 22, 2019 5:52 AM
Joyce Huang

Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, center, is assisted by his aides as he arrives to interact with an audience of educators, in New Delhi, India, April 4, 2019.

Beijing has reacted strongly to recent remarks from Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, who in late March suggested that his successor may come from India.

Chinese authorities have insisted that the selection of the next Tibetan Buddhist leader must comply with Chinese laws” – an indication that China looks set to repeat another reincarnation controversy similar to that of the 11th Panchen Lama’s anointment in 1995.

The legitimate holder of that title, Gedhun Choekyi, who the international society suspects was forced into disappearance by China, turns 30 this Thursday.

Two Dalai Lamas?

Analysts say the possibility of two Dalai Lamas – one chosen by China and the other in exile – is real.

China feels that it can use the next pro-Beijing Buddhist leader as a propaganda tool to strengthen its narrative that it is protecting Tibetan culture and Tibetan language.

But such repressive policies can only backfire, said Tom Grunfeld, a professor at Empire State College of the State University of New York.

“By repressing them, they create disloyalty to the state. The consequences of their [China’s] action is the exact opposite of what their goals are. And the more repression, the more disloyalty,” said Professor Grunfeld.

“And so, in Tibet, on the surface, things are calm, but under the surface, there’s enormous anger against the Chinese,” added the professor.

Golden Urn

China may resort to drawing lots from a golden urn to select the successor of the 14th Dalai Lama as it had done so in choosing the 11th Panchen Lama.

The use of a golden urn was introduced by the Qing Dynasty in the late eighteenth century to signify its authority over Tibetan leaders.

But the method won’t win the hearts and minds of Tibetan Buddhists, neither will they venerate any local religious leaders chosen through the urn, said Dawa Tsering, Taipei-based representative of H. H. the Dalai Lama.

“The drawing of lots from a golden urn means nothing but a bottle, which has no religious and cultural value to Tibet. Not a single Tibetan has had faith in the so-called Han Panchen Lama, recognized by China,” Tsering said.

Neither will Tibetans venerate the successor of the Dalai Lama if he’s named by Chinese authorities, he added.

Professor Grunfeld agreed, saying that the fact that many Tibetans refuse to hang the picture of the Panchen Lama, recognized by China, is a “political statement” that they don’t accept the incumbent Panchen Lama.

Power Play

Tsering criticized that China’s power play in Tibet has had a devastating effect on the Tibetans’ practice of Buddhism and cultural heritage.

He added that China, under the leadership of Chen Quanguo, who now serves as the Communist Party’s secretary in Xinjiang, has long implemented measures to transform Tibetans, similar to the practice in Xinjiang’s re-education camps.

Authorities in Tibet can’t be reached for comment and VOA’s calls to the Tibetan Commission of Ethnic and Religious Affairs got hung up on.

The Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959 after a failed uprising against Chinese rule and has since worked to promote religious and cultural autonomy for his people.

China has called the exiled leader a dangerous separatist – an accusation the Dalai Lama has long flatly denied.

He told a group of visitors in March that he has ceased to appeal to the United Nations since 1974 to declare Tibet’s independence.

Instead, he hopes to engage with Chinese officials through dialogues, seek to pursue true autonomy for all 6 million Tibetans, wrote Chinese dissident Yang Jianli in an article, who led a delegation to visit and meet with the Dalai Lama in March.

No Official Meetings

But no official meetings have been made between his exiled government and the Chinese authorities after 2010.

According to Grunfeld, China held a tight grip on the monasteries and repression in society is also tight. Thus, any resistance to the Chinese rule is doubtful to succeed.

At least 154 Tibetans are confirmed to have resorted to self-immolation as a way of protest against China.

In spite of such protests, China shows no sign of easing its controls in Tibet.

“Self-immolation represents a form of individual [protest], which may hurt China’s [international] image, but won’t rock the boat to change the political landscape [in Tibet],” said Kou Chien-wen, a professor of East Asia Studies from National Chengchi University in Taipei.

Kou said Tibet won’t be left alone now that China is tightening controls all over the country.

Neither will China give up its authority to designate a pro-Beijing leader in Tibet -- similar power it has in Hong Kong, where China has the final say in the territory’s chief executive, Kou added.

News extracted from:


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #124 on: May 20, 2019, 10:13:03 AM »
Another of the Dalai Lama's speech infuriates China. I wonder why His Holiness keeps making statements that seem to contradict his effort or direction. If His Holiness is serious about returning to Tibet, shouldn't he befriend China and not say such things?  ???

I also find the lack of consistency in His Holiness' speech. On the one hand, His Holiness wants to return to Tibet, and His Holiness gives the impression that he's willing to do anything. Yet, His Holiness continues to challenge China with these kinds of statement that the Chinese will not be able to have any influence in the selection of his incarnation/successor.

That is really contradictory of what His Holiness usually does or say. For example, His Holiness has been consistent in saying that Tibet doesn't want independence and wants autonomy. That part of it, His Holiness has been very consistent for years now, so why other messages/speeches are not consistent?


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #125 on: May 20, 2019, 12:42:57 PM »
Another of the Dalai Lama's speech infuriates China. I wonder why His Holiness keeps making statements that seem to contradict his effort or direction. If His Holiness is serious about returning to Tibet, shouldn't he befriend China and not say such things?  ???

I also find the lack of consistency in His Holiness' speech. On the one hand, His Holiness wants to return to Tibet, and His Holiness gives the impression that he's willing to do anything. Yet, His Holiness continues to challenge China with these kinds of statement that the Chinese will not be able to have any influence in the selection of his incarnation/successor.

That is really contradictory of what His Holiness usually does or say. For example, His Holiness has been consistent in saying that Tibet doesn't want independence and wants autonomy. That part of it, His Holiness has been very consistent for years now, so why other messages/speeches are not consistent?

I agree with you Pemachen. Recently, His Holiness's speech is getting more and more inconsistent. He changes his mind so quickly on so many things and that confuses a lot of people. Example, he said that his current reincarnation will be the last incarnation of the Dalai Lama incarnation line. However, he recently expressed that his next reincarnation is most probably to be found in India.

It was prophesized that the 14th Dalai Lama will be the last Dalai Lama and there will be no future reincarnation of the incarnation line. The 14th Dalai Lama will also be the most powerful incarnation among all the Dalai Lamas. It is partly true because he is the one that brought Tibetan Buddhism to the world especially the western world.

He has the most impact in the world compared to the other Dalai Lamas. As his age rise close to 100, it might be time for him to leave his mortal body. Many high Tibetan lamas pass away in the age which is around 80. Once His Holiness passes into the clear light, the Tibetan in Exile will be leaderless and their dream to return to a free Tibet will be crushed.


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #126 on: June 16, 2019, 12:38:34 AM »
I agree with you Pemachen. Recently, His Holiness's speech is getting more and more inconsistent. He changes his mind so quickly on so many things and that confuses a lot of people. Example, he said that his current reincarnation will be the last incarnation of the Dalai Lama incarnation line. However, he recently expressed that his next reincarnation is most probably to be found in India.

It was prophesized that the 14th Dalai Lama will be the last Dalai Lama and there will be no future reincarnation of the incarnation line. The 14th Dalai Lama will also be the most powerful incarnation among all the Dalai Lamas. It is partly true because he is the one that brought Tibetan Buddhism to the world especially the western world.

He has the most impact in the world compared to the other Dalai Lamas. As his age rise close to 100, it might be time for him to leave his mortal body. Many high Tibetan lamas pass away in the age which is around 80. Once His Holiness passes into the clear light, the Tibetan in Exile will be leaderless and their dream to return to a free Tibet will be crushed.

Tibetans believe that His Holiness is Chenrezig, Buddha of Compassion and has control of his life source and how long he lives.  End of last month, His Holiness expressed confidence that he will live to see his 110th year during the long life offering ceremony held on 17 May at the Tsuglagkhang temple complex in Mcleod Ganj, yet the Dalai Lama has already curtailed his visits abroad and inside India. Some supporters of Free Tibet movement do not know what to think anymore about the Tibetan cause as His Holiness' health is uncertain, and Lobsang Sangay doesn't seem to do much. It is quite disheartening from what I read.


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #127 on: June 16, 2019, 01:59:24 AM »

Tibetans believe that His Holiness is Chenrezig, Buddha of Compassion and has control of his life source and how long he lives.  End of last month, His Holiness expressed confidence that he will live to see his 110th year during the long life offering ceremony held on 17 May at the Tsuglagkhang temple complex in Mcleod Ganj, yet the Dalai Lama has already curtailed his visits abroad and inside India. Some supporters of Free Tibet movement do not know what to think anymore about the Tibetan cause as His Holiness' health is uncertain, and Lobsang Sangay doesn't seem to do much. It is quite disheartening from what I read.

His Holiness is definitely in full control and manifesting illness/exhaustion/weakness... he always says he has to stop or reduce his activities, but I still see him out and about. If it is totally out of the picture, I think CTA and the Tibet Cause will surely die. That's the end of the CTA's payroll and Sangay will be out of a job. At the moment Sagay is now in deeeeep shit. He is trying to avoid court but it looks like he's not gonna get away this time. I guess there is karma after all. He thought he was some untouchable Buddha since he became PM. How dillusional.

When you read the news, you will realise a few points!

1) The framing of the issue is completed and gave the parties time until June 19 to submit in writing anything related to the framed issues before the trial begins.

2) The Commission had made it clear to Sangay's lawyer that they have declined his further adjournment request calling as it is clearly unnecessary. Sangay had more than a year to prepare!

3) Sangay didn't answer the specific 10 questions pertaining to the case with details and was ordered to rewrite his statement since Dec. 7, 2018. He deliberately ignored the order and didn't provide specific answers to each question.

4) Sangay's trick is no longer acceptable and if he dares to disrespect the judicial system like this, it shows that the CTA is really a trickster and a fake bias democratic government. Big time failure in managing themselve and exile Tibetans. It is considered good karma for Tibet that these lot does not get to return and manage TAR. They would ruin it again. Now we can understand the level of mindset these Tibetan leaders have, hence this is why they LOST THEIR COUNTRY in the first place. They make very stupid, self-motivated decisions. They are not a government for the people but for themselves and their own power and greed. And because of this + being not too bright, they are bound to fail.



Case No. 20 completes 'issue framing'
Phayul [Saturday, June 15, 2019 22:18]
By Tenzin Sangmo

DHARAMSHALA, June 15: The second hearing of Case No. 20 at the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission (TSJC) this afternoon completed the framing of the issue and gave the parties time until June 19 to submit in writing anything related to the framed issues before the trial begins.

The first hearing ten days ago was taken up by “Clarification of Issue” arising from complaint and statement of defence. It was briefly interrupted by the defendant’s adjournment plea at the 11th hour but the commission resumed the clarification after announcing that the plea will be considered after a discussion.

A notice rejecting the adjournment plea was sent on June 10th to the defendant and a copy served to the complainant.

The Commission, in its opening remark today made known the reasons for denial of defendant’s adjournment request calling it unnecessary and the request process outside the courtroom’s decorum.

The adjournment plea was placed in order to answer the clarification questions in greater detail but the plea was made after eight of ten questions posed went without additional information with the defendant’s lawyer telling the court to refer to the statement of defence.

The commission also added that its order issued on Dec. 7, 2018, advising the defendant to rewrite its statement of defence categorically instructed the party to provide specific answers to each question.

“Given that the defendant overlooked the instruction and then asked for an additional time now to follow the instruction remains unacceptable.”

While the plaintiff was accompanied by his lawyer, the defence lawyer showed up with four members or representatives of Kashag, Health Kalon, the former Cabinet Secretary, the incumbent Cabinet Secretary and the incumbent Under Secretary.

The 10-point clarification published by the Kashag on 18 November 2017 in defence of its dismissal of former Representative from Washington office largely forms the issue of contention.

Barring the 1st and the 10th points, the remaining eight points considered “factual issues” are being rejected by the complainant and defended by the respondent, to be resolved through trial.

The Chief Justice Commissioner also stated that the questions posed at the first hearing in clarification round were the result of the Commission’s in-depth analysis of the written statements from Jan 15th to June 4, 2019.

“The defendant in this case,” he cited, “has responded to five different questions with only a few paragraphs, failing to adhere to the Commission’s instruction to respond to each question specifically.”

The Chief Justice Commissioner remarked that the commission has provided numerous instructions along the way to the defendant, akin to hand holding a child and said, “misinterpreting the court’s instruction could only affect the respondent negatively.”

The trial is expected to undergo several rounds before a verdict can be issued.

Case No. 20 completes 'issue framing'


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #128 on: June 28, 2019, 12:49:11 PM »
Dalai Lama's speech has always been full of riddles and hints that are only known to Tibetans. Anyone that grew up in the Tibetan culture will be able to pick it up but not the foreigners. They will have no idea of what is His Holiness's true meaning behind his speech. Hence, when His Holiness's gave the order to discriminate Dorje Shugden practitioners, many Westerners took it as advice.

Dorje Shugden people do not have a choice and those who carried out the ban did not have a choice either.  Many people did not want to discriminate against the Dorje Shugden people but they are forced to do so because the CTA will be on their case if they did not do it. Hence, the ban is not an advice but an order from His Holiness.

During this time, all we can do is to trust in His Holiness and also our guru. We should not have negative feelings towards His Holiness nor towards our Dharma brother and sisters who practice Dorje Shugden.


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #129 on: June 28, 2019, 01:10:52 PM »

His Holiness is definitely in full control and manifesting illness/exhaustion/weakness... he always says he has to stop or reduce his activities, but I still see him out and about. If it is totally out of the picture, I think CTA and the Tibet Cause will surely die. That's the end of the CTA's payroll and Sangay will be out of a job. At the moment Sagay is now in deeeeep shit. He is trying to avoid court but it looks like he's not gonna get away this time. I guess there is karma after all. He thought he was some untouchable Buddha since he became PM. How dillusional.

Just read news that another (the second) mock drill was carried out late Thursday night from the residence of the exiled Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama in McLeod Ganj. This is the second drill conducted in just over a month, in case of a medical emergency for the octogenarian Tibetan leader. If there is nothing to worry about, why the second drill in just over a month?


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #130 on: July 03, 2019, 11:53:56 AM »
News about Dalai Lama these few days have been about His Holiness apologising for the 'attractive' female successor remark. I wonder why His Holiness made this blunder again since His Holiness had already made one in 2015? There must be a good reason for this, it cannot be that His Holiness is so untactful. Perhaps it is time for His Holiness to sacrifice his reputation and good standing by making manuy blunders, and becoming less popular in line with the fading Tibetan cause.

Dalai Lama apologizes for 'attractive' female successor remark

(CNN)The Dalai Lama wants to clarify his recent joke that a female Dalai Lama would have to be "more attractive."

The Tibetan spiritual leader made the controversial comment in a wide-ranging interview with the BBC last week. He had previously told the British broadcaster in 2015 that a future Dalai Lama could be a woman but would have to be good looking or "not much use."


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #131 on: July 03, 2019, 02:04:11 PM »
News about Dalai Lama these few days have been about His Holiness apologising for the 'attractive' female successor remark. I wonder why His Holiness made this blunder again since His Holiness had already made one in 2015? There must be a good reason for this, it cannot be that His Holiness is so untactful. Perhaps it is time for His Holiness to sacrifice his reputation and good standing by making manuy blunders, and becoming less popular in line with the fading Tibetan cause.

Dalai Lama apologizes for 'attractive' female successor remark

(CNN)The Dalai Lama wants to clarify his recent joke that a female Dalai Lama would have to be "more attractive."

The Tibetan spiritual leader made the controversial comment in a wide-ranging interview with the BBC last week. He had previously told the British broadcaster in 2015 that a future Dalai Lama could be a woman but would have to be good looking or "not much use."

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been making statements that are obviously ridiculous and then apologise for them. Even though His Holiness is 83 years old, he knows exactly what is he doing and what is going on. Many people gave His Holiness the benefit of the doubt by saying maybe His Holiness is not aware of his actions or he is senile.

His Holiness is not normal people like us. His body might degenerate due to age but his mind remains sharp as ever. Hence, what His Holiness did is on purpose and it is for a higher reason than just putting down females.


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #132 on: July 05, 2019, 01:06:26 PM »
This is so exciting! I just heard through the grapevine from Nepal that some Sakya monks are visiting DS related websites. The Tibetan leaders totally have no control over this and word will spread of the truth. Soon the world will know of CTA's lies and will forever doubt their words. CTA will lose control and power over their own people!!!


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #133 on: July 10, 2019, 11:46:22 AM »
This is so exciting! I just heard through the grapevine from Nepal that some Sakya monks are visiting DS related websites. The Tibetan leaders totally have no control over this and word will spread of the truth. Soon the world will know of CTA's lies and will forever doubt their words. CTA will lose control and power over their own people!!!

They had already lost control over their people. Many of the Tibetans in exile had chosen to leave the Tibetan settlements and settle in foreign countries. Tibetans know that their future will be bleak if they continue to follow the Tibetan government. Many of them chose to escape to other parts of India, Tibet or western countries.

Many of those who escaped led a successful life which is way better than their life back in the Tibetan settlements. Everyone can see this now and that is why no one is going to donate to the Tibetan government. Tibetan government will have less Tibetan to order around. Soon, they will have to dissolve when all Tibetans ran away from them.

China is one of the most powerful countries in the world now and it is stupid for anyone to go against them. All they will get is economic disadvantages which is detrimental to a country. No one will be foolish enough to sacrifice their own country's future for the Tibetans.


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Re: The hidden message in the Dalai Lama's speech!
« Reply #134 on: July 11, 2019, 12:54:11 PM »
China is one of the most powerful countries in the world now and it is stupid for anyone to go against them. All they will get is economic disadvantages which is detrimental to a country. No one will be foolish enough to sacrifice their own country's future for the Tibetans.

I guess as China rises to be influential and more countries are aligning with China's policies, even His Holiness cannot garner much support for the Tibetan cause anymore. His Holiness will still be respected for who he is, but no one will support an independent or autonomous Tibet.

Let's look at the facts. There are about 100,000 Tibetans in India, and a total of about 150,000 worldwide residing in various host countries. Dharamsala covers an area of about 27.60 km2 (10.66 sq miles). Tibet (China) has roughly 3 million people and covers an area of about 1.228 million km². From just management point of view, do you trust CTA who continuously failed its people to manage such a vast land with so many people? CTA made a mess of the administration and we keep hearing problems and troubles, especially the infighting and disharmony in the administration. They are definitely not capable to manage Tibet.   ::)