Author Topic: Tibetans in Exile Are Blaming China for Dwindling Tibetan Population in India  (Read 22867 times)


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An interesting article from the CTA official website which acknowledges the dwindling population of Tibetans in exile. The article also blames China. The author mentioned that one of the reasons for the dwindling population is the increased restriction imposed on Tibetans inside Tibet, which limits the flow of Tibetans moving to exile. - using China as a scapegoat as usual.

One of the implications of the dwindling population is it threatens the sustainability of the Tibetan settlements because land is rapidly becoming a premium asset in India.


The dilemma facing a dwindling Tibetan population in India

In addition to the deteriorating political situation inside Tibet, a new woe facing Tibetans in exile particularly in India is its shrinking population. Propelled by a low birth rate and a high rate of immigration to foreign countries, the Tibetan population in India is going through a rapid decline.

No exact figures are available of the Tibetan diaspora in the early years of exile, as the key focus of the Tibetan administration then was on the rehabilitation of the refugees. However, a 2009 census conducted by the Planning Commission of the Central Tibetan Administration, revealed that the Tibetan diaspora numbers just about 128,000 with major concentrations in India, Nepal and Bhutan. The number is now estimated to have reached around 150,000 since then.

Since 1959, the Tibetan community in exile have seen tremendous economic and educational growth under the visionary leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

However, with the growth of modern education in exile, opportunities arose for immigration to developed nations in the west as well as ideas of compact family planning. Partly as a result of such developments, the Tibetan population in India saw a massive decline. So much so that recent reports indicated schools having just a few students enrolled in classes. The situation in Tibetan monasteries is even more telling as monks and nuns from Buddhist Himalayan regions started outnumbering Tibetans.

The dwindling population of Tibetan students in schools and monks and nuns in monasteries could also be due to increased restrictions imposed on Tibetans inside Tibet, limiting the flow of Tibetans fleeing into exile. Newly arrived Tibetans have long been a major source of human resource for Tibetan schools and monasteries, once considered bastions of the Tibetan community in exile.

The decline in population of Tibetans in India also has another alarming implication. It threatens the sustainability of the Tibetan settlements, as land is rapidly becoming a premium asset in India.

One other reason for the decline in Tibetan birthrate in India can be attributed to inflation. Coupled with the increase in living costs and the stinging cost of college education in India, expenses became a serious deterrent to raising children.

Consequently, during the second special general meeting of Tibetans organised by the 14th Kashag in 2012, delegates identified dwindling population as one of the pressing issues. As a result, a resolution was passed calling for measures to boost Tibetan population.

Subsequently, in efforts to combat the declining population of Tibetan exiles and its numerous underlying implications the CTA rolled out various initiatives and incentives for families with more than three children. Initiatives included free schooling and college scholarship, free healthcare, medical coverage for mother and child under both traditional and allopathic medicine, free immunization and vaccinations, awareness campaigns on healthy deliveries, financial aids, etc.

The dwindling Tibetan population also found expressions of concerns by the Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama. His Holiness (albeit in jest) urges Tibetan youngsters and parents to do their bit for the Tibetan cause by increasing the Tibetan population. He made a similar remark during a private audience with a delegation of Tibetan Women’s association in 2014.

It is understandable that an institutional intervention is needed to address the growing predicament facing Tibetan people and the Tibetan freedom struggle. A robust Tibetan population will not only engender the continuation of the Tibetan race but will ensure effective preservation of Tibetan culture and language, which is facing perilous destruction in occupied Tibet.

However, the success of these drives by the CTA, is contingent upon the sense of conviction and shouldering of responsibility by every individual Tibetans. As global citizens, Tibetans very much like the rest of humanity are entitled to reproductive rights, but when reproducing dons a responsible avatar and a fulfillment further the Tibetan cause, the public, as in any proper democracy, must exercise agency. Tibetans from across the spectrum must ensure that the insoluble dilemma facing the dwindling Tibetan population is solved.

Disclaimer: Views expressed here are that of the individual and does not necessarily reflect those of the Central Tibetan Administration.

*Jamphel Shonu is the editor of, CTA’s official news website and Tibetan Bulletin, the bi-monthly English magazine of the Central Tibetan Administration.


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I think the CTA are overestimating the attractiveness of being in exile.

With the roof of the world/tibet experiencing much economic growth, and more and more tourists coming to Tibet, Tibet is becoming much more prosperous.

So it may not be China putting restrictions, but they see there is no future as an exile in India. It could be as simple as that. 


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Dear DharmaSpace

Thank you for your reply. I think the problem is far more complicated than the CTA overestimating the attractiveness of being in exile. The CTA clearly knows about the dire situation that the Tibetans are facing in exile. The problem is they have to maintain the appearance that they are managing refugees in exile to their sponsors and keep the donation flowing to their bank accounts. So the dwindling Tibetan refugees population is a disaster for the CTA.


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There is so much the CTA can do to keep flogging the donkey. At some point the donkey will give way.

Hope it sooner rather than later. 


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Tibetans in Tibet have been lifted from poverty due to the Chinese, there are no reasons they need to risk their lives to escape to India. Just think about it, they are familiar with Tibet and the way of life there, enjoying the infrastructure and facilities the Chinese have built for them over the 60 years, have official documents to travel, why would they want to escape to India with all the uncertainties, become a refugee and start all over again? They should know by now that the CTA has not achieved anything because His Holiness is still in exile. So why leave? The CTA is too arrogant to think that they are still attractive and people are still blinded by the Shangrila ideal that the western media has painted Tibet as. The truth is that TCV school are now attended by Nepalese and Bhutanese, there's rarely any Tibetans. When the media visits, they had to put all the students in ONE classroom so that it looked like there are still students and donations will continue to come.


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An interesting article from the CTA official website which acknowledges the dwindling population of Tibetans in exile. The article also blames China. The author mentioned that one of the reasons for the dwindling population is the increased restriction imposed on Tibetans inside Tibet, which limits the flow of Tibetans moving to exile. - using China as a scapegoat as usual.

One of the implications of the dwindling population is it threatens the sustainability of the Tibetan settlements because land is rapidly becoming a premium asset in India.

Looking at where the news is coming from... it is not a surprise and typical for the CTA to blame it on China. It is easier that way because then they cover their failures, don't lose face and HOPE to try and squeeze as much out before they really dissolve. It is now surviving day to day. They do not have the freedom to do as they please like before in India anymore, as India will be watching and one wrong move, out they go and not sure if they are even allowed back in Tibet. Sine USA, opened it's big mouth recently to say they will back them, then the Trump administration should get ready to accept them when China rejects them from returning...  ;D :P

Is Trump administration willing? I doubt it very much! 


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All Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is capable of is to put the blame on other people. Has anyone seen CTA apologise for their inefficiency before?

There is no more Tibetan escaping Tibet because the living condition in Tibet is far better than in India. The Chinese government has implemented many programs to help the Tibetans to improve their quality of life, increase their literacy level by making education accessible to everyone. They are given a subsidy to build their house and they are given more work opportunity. Can CTA provide this to the Tibetans? CTA only knows how to make use of their own people's plight to ask the money from the westerners. The money raised eventually goes into the pockets of the Tibetan leadership. To trust CTA can provide a better future? No way.


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The dwindling number of Tibetan refugees in India is bad news for the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) because they need these refugees as a pawn to appeal for more donation. If there are no refugees to take care of, then what is the justification for the sponsors to give the CTA more money?


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The dwindling number of Tibetan refugees in India is bad news for the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) because they need these refugees as a pawn to appeal for more donation. If there are no refugees to take care of, then what is the justification for the sponsors to give the CTA more money?

Ya... they will have less people to exploit and ask for funds to foster their disgusting destructive administration that does nothing positive except harm and segregate their own people. If you do not follow what the CTA says, they will get you and they will ensure you will have a miserable life. Look at Lukar Jam, what happened to his car and I am sure his family has also been threatened because he dared to speak up and have a different opinion than the Dalai Lama?

So you see the Tibetan gov-in-exile is not democratic but actually the SAME as communist China - so why be the pot to call the kettle black? Money is their God, not Buddha.


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The CTA can really put the blame on everyone but not themselves! They put the blame of the dwindling Tibetan population on China and the inflation rate in India. They failed to disclose the number of Tibetans who have migrated to the US and Europe.

The living condition in Tibet is so much better now, Tibetans have the same opportunity as the rest of the Chinese citizens. They have the basic necessity they need and they have a fantastic transportation network to connect them with people outside of Tibet. The younger generation has a comfortable life, why would they want to leave Tibet to go to India? The monasteries in China have a well-established education system for the monks, there is no need to study in India. Besides, there are also many great Buddhist masters in China who teaches authentic Dharma.

What are the benefits the Tibetans get if they escape from China to India? They will be worse coming to India. They will become refugees, they don't know the local language and they have to start all over again. What's the point?  Why is the CTA not disclosing the number of Tibetans who migrated to overseas? Why is the CTA not disclosing the details of it? People are fed up of the CTA, fed up of how deceiving they are, that's why the population is decreasing.


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Why is the CTA so concerned about the declining of the population in India? Is it really like what they claim if the population declines,  the preservation of Tibetan culture and language will be affected? I think this is just another lie from the CTA.

The Tibetans in China are still speaking and learning Tibetan, they have TV stations in the Tibetan language, they still celebrate their festivals, the preservation of the Tibetan culture and language seems to be far better in China. Many younger generations of Tibetans in India don't speak good Tibetans and are not familiar with their own culture. Even Lobsang Sangay can't speak good Tibetan.

The main concern for the CTA on the declining population in India again is driven by their selfish motivation. If the population in India decrease, they will not have enough refugees to ask for financial support. Imagine if the subsidy comes in the form of per capita, the money they get will be lesser every year. For this reason, they have to increase or at least maintain a certain number of population in India.


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Why is the CTA so concerned about the declining of the population in India? Is it really like what they claim if the population declines,  the preservation of Tibetan culture and language will be affected? I think this is just another lie from the CTA.

The Tibetans in China are still speaking and learning Tibetan, they have TV stations in the Tibetan language, they still celebrate their festivals, the preservation of the Tibetan culture and language seems to be far better in China. Many younger generations of Tibetans in India don't speak good Tibetans and are not familiar with their own culture. Even Lobsang Sangay can't speak good Tibetan.

The main concern for the CTA on the declining population in India again is driven by their selfish motivation. If the population in India decrease, they will not have enough refugees to ask for financial support. Imagine if the subsidy comes in the form of per capita, the money they get will be lesser every year. For this reason, they have to increase or at least maintain a certain number of population in India.

Of course, the CTA is super duper worried about the population of Tibetans in India. The Tibetans are the only reason why they are getting millions and millions of donations from the western countries. They manipulate the westerners to donate to their Tibetans cause and use the Tibetans in India as a proof their "noble" cause. They portrayed themselves as a government who really cared about their citizen but actually, they don't.

The numbers of Tibetan in India has been decreasing over the years because those who were in India saw that they have no future if they continue to stay under CTA. They escaped to western countries to fight for their future themselves and some integrated into Indian society. Tibetans in Tibet stop migrating to India because the condition there has been improving because China is investing alot into Tibet.

With the numbers of Tibetan in India steadily decreasing, CTA has fewer people to control over. Soon, the number of Tibetans in India will be insignificant for foreign countries to continue to donate to CTA. Then, CTA will be in deep trouble and perhaps the whole administration will dissolve. That, of course, is a good new to Dorje Shugden practitioners.


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The CTA can really put the blame on everyone but not themselves! They put the blame of the dwindling Tibetan population on China and the inflation rate in India. They failed to disclose the number of Tibetans who have migrated to the US and Europe.

The living condition in Tibet is so much better now, Tibetans have the same opportunity as the rest of the Chinese citizens. They have the basic necessity they need and they have a fantastic transportation network to connect them with people outside of Tibet. The younger generation has a comfortable life, why would they want to leave Tibet to go to India? The monasteries in China have a well-established education system for the monks, there is no need to study in India. Besides, there are also many great Buddhist masters in China who teaches authentic Dharma.

What are the benefits the Tibetans get if they escape from China to India? They will be worse coming to India. They will become refugees, they don't know the local language and they have to start all over again. What's the point?  Why is the CTA not disclosing the number of Tibetans who migrated to overseas? Why is the CTA not disclosing the details of it? People are fed up of the CTA, fed up of how deceiving they are, that's why the population is decreasing.

I agree with Tracy. The dwindling Tibetan population is attributed to China providing a much better living standard in Tibet that they just don't want to suffer in the camps of no hope. Those that were in the camps had seen many migrated to better richer countries like USA, Britain, Europe, Australia, etc. rather than stay in the camps for the very same reason. It is solely the blame of the Tibetan Leaders as they had never cared for their people and their welfare. They even imposed division from the Dorje Shugden ban. Now they worry because their source of income dwindles with the the size of their population. Stupidly shortsighted! The Dalai Lama had long announced his wish to return to Tibet under China's rule and CTA being smart as they are do the opposite. So instead of basking in the wealth of China, they fear and stress of when the money tap will dry up. Haha! Sikyong's Harvard degree is just a piece of paper after all and it really makes me think the University is not so good after all. Anyway, as soon as the Dalai Lama goes to Tibet, all of the balance "Tibetans" in India will be absorbed into being Indians if they are not rich enough to pay for black market immigration. They are being exiled twice over, failed by their Leaders.

The valuable lands they are on will be seized for development by the Indian government as its rightfully theirs. Hmmm, I wonder if Sikyong will cry to the world and make a bid to say its rightfully the "refugees" by right of staying on the land for more than 60 years? India better watch out!!!


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The CTA has failed in so many levels. They have failed to free Tibet after 60 years of struggle, they have failed to give a better position and status to the Tibetans in exile, they have failed to bring better future to the Tibetans. What they have now is scandal after scandal.

After 60 years, many of those who are originated from Tibet would have died already, the new generation will not really feel anything about Tibet, their loyalty is more likely to their birthplace or where they grow up. Tibet is a far far away land, it is a story told by the grandparents. What will motivate them to fight to free Tibet? When they see the life of the Tibetans are so much better and stable, they don't see a need to 'free' them.

Did it ever come across the Tibetans' mind that if they really have freed Tibet, who will be capable of running the country? Can the CTA be trusted to run the country? For the past 60 years, they have proven they are incapable of managing 100,000 Tibetans, can they manage a bigger population? Just forget about the free Tibet movement, it is time to move on!


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CTA only knows to blame everyone except themselves.

The dwindling Tibetan population is a direct reaction to the failures of Tibetan policies and administration, 60 years of failure to gain any form of independence or autonomy.

Tibetan people have started to give up on the CTA long ago. Hence they find ways to get passports and leave India for greener pastures.