Author Topic: Tibet House US is totally out of touch  (Read 21687 times)


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Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« on: June 12, 2018, 01:51:46 AM »
I knew Robert Thurman was exploitative but I didn't realise this is how bad it's become. Is he so out of touch with the world and what's considered acceptable these days, he will try to ride a publicity wave and make use of someone's suicide to promote the Tibetan cause? Jesus. They haven't even held Anthony Bourdain's funeral yet but somehow Thurman finds one mention of "Lhasa" in article.

40 over years of leeching off the Dalai Lama to sell books will make you think anything's a valid excuse and method of promoting a Free Tibet :-\


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2018, 04:37:40 AM »
This is very bad to exploit people in this context. Tibet House US and Robert Thurman should really be much more considerate and respectful of others loss and grief!


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2018, 04:57:39 PM »
This is so true.

Bob Thurman should not leverage on a death of a celebrity to further his cause.

It is almost embarrassing as a reknown academic, he would resort to such second rate measures to highlight a cause he fights for.


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2018, 05:45:52 AM »
Good lord! Does Thruman have nothing better to do like meditate, or write another book or just play grandpa?

He should not be on Twitter, he should be teaching and nurturing students on Buddhism if he really is a good Buddhist Professor/expert. First, he uses Twitter to ask hackers to help him attack Shugden people, and then he uses Twitter to discriminate Shugden people and now he's using a death of a famous celebrity chef to promote Tibet cause? Disgusting old man. This is why Dome Geshe Rinpoche did not give him sogtae. He would have broken the vows the moment he decided to play politics together with CTA. 


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2018, 09:10:33 PM »
He further reinforced his disgusting behaviours by quoting the tweet from Tibet House and used it again to promote Menla Spa that his wife Nena Thurman runs, fully using the celebrity's suicide and ride the publicity wave to the fullest. You wouldn't expect a Buddhist Professor to behave like this but Thurman has shown otherwise. If he is not leeching off His Holiness, he wouldn't have all he has. Some leeches know where to suck the yummy blood, especially a seasoned on.


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2018, 11:58:57 AM »
Justin Stone-Diaz is Robert (Bob) Thurman's close students who manage his podcast and his online works. He was found attacking Indy Hack at Menla: the so-called world-class spa founded by Thurman and manages by his wife while Thurman was happily preaching his Buddhism to people who paid to attend his session. How holy is that?

Thurman is obnoxious in attacking Shugden practitioners, Chinese, Malaysians and His Eminence Tsem Tulku Rinpoche on Twitter as you can see from some of the screenshots below. Both Thurman and Justin Stone-Diaz are the biggest cyber bully you would ever come across. They spew hate speech and spread baseless claims without proof while openly approach the Anonymous Group of hackers to hack into the computer of people Thurman hates.

There you go, a supposedly eminent professor emeritus of Buddhist studies, the so-called Dalai Lama's man in the US, Bob Thurman is angersome, arrogant and ignorant about the Dorje Shugden controversy. All he does is to make sure he is always in His Holiness the Dalai Lama's good book so his businesses, his books, his charitable organisation can earn a lot of money and garner donations for him to hire hackers and trolls to attack Shugden followers.


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2018, 08:58:03 PM »
Very sad... Robert Thurman is putting himself to shame and putting Dalai Lama to shame as well.

How is it possible that a Buddhist professor who is a so-called expert in Buddhist behave in such a low, childish, narrow-minded way? How could he go even dare ask anonymous hackers if they could help him attack Shugden websites? How could he discriminate and attack Shugden people and go out there teach compassion and to love everyone like they are your mothers? Disgusting old man. Should just be quiet, act with dignity and behave like someone who did practice some dharma and never discriminate, criticise or condemn anyone for their religious beliefs. That is so wrong for a Buddhist practitioner let alone a "Professor"!

So Thurman shouldn't you think that all Shugden people are also your mothers? So why the double standards here? Look even the anonymous people have more sense and dignity than you. Hence, they rejected your stupid request. You've just labelled yourself to be a cybercriminal, who knows who else you have successfully solicited to be trolls on the internet to attack anyone who is a Shugden practitioners especially Shugden lamas. If anything happens to these Lamas, I know you'll be my first suspect of potential criminal mastermind, together with your CTA shorty friend Dhardon Sharling!   


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2018, 06:26:27 PM »
Seriously, just when you think Bob could not get any lower, he finds a new low to descend to and capitalises on a celebrity’s death.

Then again, on second thought, it is hardly surprising that Bob would do so since he clearly has no qualms capitalising on the death of Tibetans to further his agenda. Just look at how he glorifies self-immolation in his speeches although he pathetically tries to be politically correct.] [url][/url];;;

He is even seen to be laughing! And there was also he even went as far as to promote the “body-immolation” to distance from the stigma of self-immolation. It is ridiculous that a supposed Buddhist professor would say that it is better to use the word body immolation instead of self-immolation on the twisted logic that it better defines the burning of the physical being because self(soul) cannot burn or die instead they reborn again and again until they find the final destination called nirvana.


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2018, 07:26:32 PM »
It really mind boggling for me that a Buddhist professor would promote Self-immolation to younger Tibetans and Buddhist, it almost sounds like he is advocating a Tibetan Buddhist Jihad.

As from the start of the immolations till the current times, none of the immolations  have brought about any benefit whatsoever. Quite disturbing that a professor of Buddhism advocates suicides that bring about no results at all.


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2018, 01:41:16 PM »
Seriously, just when you think Bob could not get any lower, he finds a new low to descend to and capitalises on a celebrity’s death.

Then again, on second thought, it is hardly surprising that Bob would do so since he clearly has no qualms capitalising on the death of Tibetans to further his agenda. Just look at how he glorifies self-immolation in his speeches although he pathetically tries to be politically correct. [url]]] [url][/url];;;

He is even seen to be laughing! And there was also he even went as far as to promote the “body-immolation” to distance from the stigma of self-immolation. It is ridiculous that a supposed Buddhist professor would say that it is better to use the word body immolation instead of self-immolation on the twisted logic that it better defines the burning of the physical being because self(soul) cannot burn or die instead they reborn again and again until they find the final destination called nirvana.

I bet Bob Thurman gave the idea to Lobsang Sangay to publish the "Self-immolation for Dummy" booklet that is widely distributed within Tibet and encourage Tibetans to kill themselves. As he is the president of Tibet House, all they do is to find opportunities to spread fake news while repeating the Chinese rhetoric like a broken radio to brainwash naive Westerners into their propaganda. Then again, Sangay is very good at ideas like this, those that take advantages of others but benefit him, he is known to be extremely corrupted and is highly schismatic. His so-called fight for the Tibet Cause is to make everyone goes against China so he can continue to play to victim refugee card so donations can continue to come for him to corrupt. It has always been money and selfish agenda for him. Bob Thurman is the same, he leeches on the Dalai Lama and uses His Holiness' fame for his books to sell and his business to flourish. It is about who you know at the end of the day. Lobsang Sangay knows this very well. People entertained him because they believe in the Dalai Lama. Otherwise, who would bother to do anything with him?


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2018, 05:05:46 PM »

He is even seen to be laughing! And there was also he even went as far as to promote the “body-immolation” to distance from the stigma of self-immolation. It is ridiculous that a supposed Buddhist professor would say that it is better to use the word body immolation instead of self-immolation on the twisted logic that it better defines the burning of the physical being because self(soul) cannot burn or die instead they reborn again and again until they find the final destination called nirvana.

That is just so disgusting! Oh my goodness he of all person, a so-called Buddhist "Professor" / "expert" should know that taking one's own life for whatever the reason is against Buddhist principles and would create the causes for one to be born in the lower realms again and again - especially with those who die with anger and hatred.

Killing oneself is considered to carry the same negative karma as destroying the life of someone else. So how can Bob actually support this?

Perhaps these Tibetans got the idea from the famous monk in Vietnam who set himself on fire in a peaceful protest against the South Vietnamese government. But you see this monk did with honour and grace and he sat in lotus position as he was burning. And they did it only ONCE. Although it is still killing and negative karma, but when you see Tibetans doing it, you feel it is out of anger and when they do it so often, it becomes no big deal, the whole world is no longer watching or caring much. Only the Tibetans themselves are making it into a big deal these days. The impact is really lost.

So what on earth is this crazy Bob Thurman saying? He is really off and nuts to even suggest correcting the label! He should really be ashamed of himself, for being part of the group that encourages people to kill themselves and go to the lower realms. Good job Thurman for sending Tibetans to hell!


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2018, 01:58:46 AM »
Why did Robert Thurman suddenly become so aggressive attacking Dorje Shugden practitioners? Is it because the truth about Dorje Shugden will be revealed soon and CTA is putting pressure on him to do something since he has been receiving so much money from CTA?

His greed is going to cost him his reputation and credibility as a professor and expert in Tibetan Buddhism. He preaches about peace and compassion but yet he exhibits so much hatred towards the Dorje Shugden practitioners, I won't want to spend money to buy his books or attend his meditation class if he is the result of his products. If he continues to do that, his karma will come back to him. Unless he thinks the Dalai Lama can take away his negative karma and bring him to enlightenment.

Robert Thurman is not making any sense, he should just go into a retreat and shut up, it will be better for him.


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2018, 09:00:29 AM »
Why did Robert Thurman suddenly become so aggressive attacking Dorje Shugden practitioners? Is it because the truth about Dorje Shugden will be revealed soon and CTA is putting pressure on him to do something since he has been receiving so much money from CTA?

His greed is going to cost him his reputation and credibility as a professor and expert in Tibetan Buddhism. He preaches about peace and compassion but yet he exhibits so much hatred towards the Dorje Shugden practitioners, I won't want to spend money to buy his books or attend his meditation class if he is the result of his products. If he continues to do that, his karma will come back to him. Unless he thinks the Dalai Lama can take away his negative karma and bring him to enlightenment.

Robert Thurman is not making any sense, he should just go into a retreat and shut up, it will be better for him.

Well, he has retired and no longer a 'professor'. Thank goodness for the students at Columbia University, one less idiot to pollute their mind! Robert Thurman is a businessman and a greedy one. He also would like to the Dalai Lama because he desires the power and wealth the Dalai Lama has. Since he doesn't have the spiritual attainment and wisdom, the next best thing is to be on the Dalai Lama's good book by doing what he thought His Holiness like - discriminate Dorje Shugden people. You know Domo Geshe Rinpoche rejected his request for a sogtae for the obvious reasons. He howled like a baby and now take it on the Shugden people by attacking them with his troll army. He also attempted to hire the Anonymous group of hackers to do so. This is the so-called man in the America of the Dalai Lama, sadly.


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2018, 09:12:58 PM »
Why did Robert Thurman suddenly become so aggressive attacking Dorje Shugden practitioners? Is it because the truth about Dorje Shugden will be revealed soon and CTA is putting pressure on him to do something since he has been receiving so much money from CTA?

His greed is going to cost him his reputation and credibility as a professor and expert in Tibetan Buddhism. He preaches about peace and compassion but yet he exhibits so much hatred towards the Dorje Shugden practitioners, I won't want to spend money to buy his books or attend his meditation class if he is the result of his products. If he continues to do that, his karma will come back to him. Unless he thinks the Dalai Lama can take away his negative karma and bring him to enlightenment.

Robert Thurman is not making any sense, he should just go into a retreat and shut up, it will be better for him.

Actually, Professor Robert Thurman did not suddenly become aggressive. He started attacking Shugden practitioners years ago, especially when the protest against the Dalai Lama started by Western Shugden Society. And about finding hackers, that wasn't recent, it was years ago too! You should read and watch this, how rude he was to the nun who was trying to ask him some questions and he snapped back... imagine everyone’s surprise then, when he retorted to nun Kelsang Pema of the Western Shugden Society, “You should be ashamed of yourself,” as she first approached him >>>

Kelsang Pema asked him what proof he had to make statements like these to which he answered, “You use the same terminology as the Chinese like ‘fuedalism’ and ‘theocracy’.” Is this how a respected writer, scholar and academic of Buddhism, and a former monk, speaks to a nun or to any fellow Buddhist practitioner?

Well, it just shows that he does not really practice Buddhism because if he does, he will not be taking sides and causing divisions, anger and hatred amongst Buddhist. What kind of Buddhist teacher is that? On top of that he has the nerve to talk about "building common grounds"? What a hypocrite! He really should just go on retreat and shut up already! 
« Last Edit: August 01, 2018, 09:26:59 PM by Vajraprotector »


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Re: Tibet House US is totally out of touch
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2018, 03:39:11 PM »
We have to remember that Robert Thurman always links the Tibet House US with his own business Menla Dewa Spa. It is not clear now whether it is the spa that is supporting Tibet House US or vice versa. What is amazing, on the one hand, he always draws a close relationship between Menla Dewa Spa and the practice of Buddhism. On the other hand, he encourages the visitors to Menla Dewa Spa to do fly fishing.

He is one Buddhist professor.