Author Topic: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China  (Read 33072 times)


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2019, 12:32:15 PM »
There is no benefit for India to keep the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans in India. India has supported the Tibetans for the past 60 years and what have the Tibetans given back to India for their kindness? So far, they only give more problems to India.  They have no value to India.

Internally India has its own issue to resolve; externally they need to maintain a good relationship with China. The Dalai Lama and the Tibetans are not helping in any way. Because of the Dalai Lama, the India-China relationship is not improving. India could have used their resources for the Indians instead of allocating the lands to the Tibetans.

However, the CTA doesn't seem to realise they don't have much value to India and yet they still want to create trouble for India. The Dalai Lama from time to time makes explosive comments on Indian's internal affairs and the CTA allows the Tibetans to protest against China in India which creates a negative impact on the India-China relationship.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2019, 04:46:22 PM »
What value does the CTA has to India? Nothing really! India has to give more to the Tibetans than the Tibetans have to offer to them. Not only the land, India has to also give subsidy and benefits to the Tibetans at the expense of the Indian taxpayers' money!

The Indian government also realise that no one can continue to remain as a refugee after 60 years. Life has to move on that is why the Indian government is very kind to offer citizenship to the Tibetans. Unfortunately, this is not appreciated very much by the CTA. The CTA does not encourage and refuse to allow the Tibetans to convert to Indian citizenship.

The reason is very simple. If the CTA loses the refugees, they will not have a reason to ask for fund from the west. The CTA only wants free money, they just want to make sure they are fine and they exploit their own people. The Tibetans should not trust the CTA anymore. Just face it, there is no one in the Tibetan community who has the leadership quality because no one is groomed for that. To move on with their lives, it is better to integrate, go back to China or migrate to some other countries.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2019, 06:29:06 AM »
It is about time for India to get rid of the pesky Tibetans in India. The Tibetans have proven themselves to be leeches and not beneficial to the country. On top of no contribution at all from the Tibetans, they are also creating a lot of problems to India by putting India's relationship with China at risk just with their presence in India. What a dangerous bunch of people to have in the country.

It is extremely unfair to fellow Indians because the Tibetans are enjoying the tax money of Indians while they contributed nothing back to India society. All they do is look down on Indians and segregated themselves from the Indian. They have forgotten how much kindness the Indians had given them to give them assistance when they needed it the most when China invaded Tibet.

Due to the aids from all over the world, Tibetans now are living even better than Indians and yet they are still using Indian's money. No wonder Indians are furious at Tibetans. Modi is clever to surrender the Tibetans to China to maintain a good relationship with them because that is what will be really benefitting their whole country in the future.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2019, 10:42:33 AM »
It is about time for India to get rid of the pesky Tibetans in India. The Tibetans have proven themselves to be leeches and not beneficial to the country. On top of no contribution at all from the Tibetans, they are also creating a lot of problems to India by putting India's relationship with China at risk just with their presence in India. What a dangerous bunch of people to have in the country.

It is extremely unfair to fellow Indians because the Tibetans are enjoying the tax money of Indians while they contributed nothing back to India society. All they do is look down on Indians and segregated themselves from the Indian. They have forgotten how much kindness the Indians had given them to give them assistance when they needed it the most when China invaded Tibet.

Due to the aids from all over the world, Tibetans now are living even better than Indians and yet they are still using Indian's money. No wonder Indians are furious at Tibetans. Modi is clever to surrender the Tibetans to China to maintain a good relationship with them because that is what will be really benefitting their whole country in the future.

The Indian government has been very kind to the Tibetans. 60 years ago, India welcomed the Tibetans with open arms, giving them the lands to settle down and rebuild their homes, allowing them to run their government on their land. Not only that, but the Tibetans are also given benefits and subsidy from the Indian government.

However, the Tibetans are quite ungrateful. They forget about the kindness of the Indian government, they want more and more. They don't give back but they continue to ask for more help and create problems. They try to cheat the money from the Indian government by producing fake documents, they organise protests against China in India when the Chinese officials are visiting.

What they are doing shows how selfish they are. They know India is trying to build a closer relationship with China, but what they are doing create tension between the two countries. They are the main reason why there is no progress in the relationship between the two countries. It will be better to send the Tibetans back to China than to have them in India.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2019, 03:02:39 AM »
It is about time for India to get rid of the pesky Tibetans in India. The Tibetans have proven themselves to be leeches and not beneficial to the country. On top of no contribution at all from the Tibetans, they are also creating a lot of problems to India by putting India's relationship with China at risk just with their presence in India. What a dangerous bunch of people to have in the country.

It is extremely unfair to fellow Indians because the Tibetans are enjoying the tax money of Indians while they contributed nothing back to India society. All they do is look down on Indians and segregated themselves from the Indian. They have forgotten how much kindness the Indians had given them to give them assistance when they needed it the most when China invaded Tibet.

Due to the aids from all over the world, Tibetans now are living even better than Indians and yet they are still using Indian's money. No wonder Indians are furious at Tibetans. Modi is clever to surrender the Tibetans to China to maintain a good relationship with them because that is what will be really benefitting their whole country in the future.

If I were the Indian minister, I would also like to send all the Tibetans away! They have taken so much from India for the past 60 years but they have not given anything back. Their lives as a refugee in India is considered very good compared to other refugees because they are allowed to move freely in India. They can even apply to go to overseas with the document issued by the Indian government. 

But what have the CTA and Tibetans given back to India after receiving so much help from India? Not only they don't give back, but they are also asking for more. Some Tibetans even tried to cheat the money from the Indian government by providing fake documents. The CTA knew about it but they have not done anything. Lobsang Sangay also said they will fight for another 50 years to free Tibet.  This means he is expecting India to host them for another 50 years!

As China is getting more powerful, India would like to build a better relationship with China also. But the CTA constantly goes against China and they have become the problem for the 2 countries to have a closer relationship. For the sake of the economy of the country, I am not surprised the Indian ministers want the Dalai Lama to go back to Tibet.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2019, 05:49:25 AM »
It is never something beneficial to be related to the CTA. They don't have anything to give but they only take. They have lived in India for the past 60 years but they have not given anything back to India. Every year millions of money are given to the CTA, how did the CTA use the money?

The CTA never realises how lucky they are compared to other refugees in the world. The Indian government allows them to move around freely in India. They are given the Yellow Card to travel although they don't have the passport. But did CTA reciprocate and repay the kindness of India by being a humble guest in India?

The CTA wants the Indian government to continue to support them as if India is obligated to do that. Some Tibetans tried to cheat money from the local government and the CTA is not doing anything to stop this bad behaviour. The "Thank You India" campaign is just a show, there is no sincerity at all from the CTA. I am not surprised Modi wants Dalai Lama to be out.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2019, 09:02:52 AM »
It is never something beneficial to be related to the CTA. They don't have anything to give but they only take. They have lived in India for the past 60 years but they have not given anything back to India. Every year millions of money are given to the CTA, how did the CTA use the money?

The CTA never realises how lucky they are compared to other refugees in the world. The Indian government allows them to move around freely in India. They are given the Yellow Card to travel although they don't have the passport. But did CTA reciprocate and repay the kindness of India by being a humble guest in India?

The CTA wants the Indian government to continue to support them as if India is obligated to do that. Some Tibetans tried to cheat money from the local government and the CTA is not doing anything to stop this bad behaviour. The "Thank You India" campaign is just a show, there is no sincerity at all from the CTA. I am not surprised Modi wants Dalai Lama to be out.

That is exactly why Modi wants to surrender the Dalai Lama to China because there is the only thing that can benefit India with the Tibetans. The Tibetans have been a leech in India for over 60 years now and they never gave anything beneficial back to India despite all the kindness and compassion that they received. Without India, Tibetans would not have survived until now.

Tibetans have been giving Indian problems just by being in their country. India's relationship with China has been bumpy because of the Tibetans. That is why the Indian government is trying to keep a distance with the Tibetan leadership to make China happy.

The most obvious of India's effort to distance themselves with the Tibetans were the cancellation of the cheapskate "Thank you India" event held by the Tibetans. The Tibetans are forced to cancel their event at the Delhi stadium and held it somewhere else in Dharamsala in a much smaller space. That is already a huge slap on the Tibetan's face and the message is clear.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2019, 02:34:39 PM »
That is exactly why Modi wants to surrender the Dalai Lama to China because there is the only thing that can benefit India with the Tibetans. The Tibetans have been a leech in India for over 60 years now and they never gave anything beneficial back to India despite all the kindness and compassion that they received. Without India, Tibetans would not have survived until now.

Tibetans have been giving Indian problems just by being in their country. India's relationship with China has been bumpy because of the Tibetans. That is why the Indian government is trying to keep a distance with the Tibetan leadership to make China happy.

The most obvious of India's effort to distance themselves with the Tibetans were the cancellation of the cheapskate "Thank you India" event held by the Tibetans. The Tibetans are forced to cancel their event at the Delhi stadium and held it somewhere else in Dharamsala in a much smaller space. That is already a huge slap on the Tibetan's face and the message is clear.

60 years ago Nehru welcomed the Dalai Lama and his people with open arms into India when they escaped from China. Nehru was very nice to give the Tibetans lands for them to rebuild their homes, to give them shelter. They are allowed to establish their own administration and their own system in order to preserve their culture, tradition and language. This was how kind Nehru was.

Tibetans are also allowed to move around within India, India even allows them to travel overseas with a special card issued by the Indian government. No refugee in the world is given privileges like the Tibetan refugees. They are the luckiest refugee in the world. With so much support from the Indian government for 6 decades, the Tibetans are still not appreciative. They always create problems for the Indian government by trying to cheat the money from the local government, organising protest against China in India.

Unfortunately, India will not be able to continue to help Tibetans anymore. As China is getting more powerful, India would like to work closely with China but Tibetans are getting in the way. Supporting the Tibetans cost money to India, but working closely with China brings money to Indian's economy.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2019, 09:15:40 PM »
After China, India has the great potential of becoming the next most powerful country in Asia, even at the international level. China has successfully become the strongest economy in the world. If India wants to become stronger in their economy, they definitely need China's help.

I am not surprised at all Modi wants to surrender the Dalai Lama to China. It was because of the Dalai Lama that the relationship between China and India is not progressing. Time is money, India has to seize the chance to work with China in order not to miss the boat to America.

The CTA and the Tibetans should not blame India for not helping them. How much can India continue to help if the CTA and the Tibetans are not making any changes or progress? To continue to be protected by the Indian government, the CTA and the Tibetans should help Indian government achieve their goal, that includes stopping condemning China.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2019, 11:05:11 PM »
After China, India has the great potential of becoming the next most powerful country in Asia, even at the international level. China has successfully become the strongest economy in the world. If India wants to become stronger in their economy, they definitely need China's help.

I am not surprised at all Modi wants to surrender the Dalai Lama to China. It was because of the Dalai Lama that the relationship between China and India is not progressing. Time is money, India has to seize the chance to work with China in order not to miss the boat to America.

The CTA and the Tibetans should not blame India for not helping them. How much can India continue to help if the CTA and the Tibetans are not making any changes or progress? To continue to be protected by the Indian government, the CTA and the Tibetans should help Indian government achieve their goal, that includes stopping condemning China.

China and India now have a lot of potentials to rise above all and become a huge power in the world. To achieve that, both of the countries will have to work with each other in harmony and they need to resolve their differences. However, there is one issue that is still unresolved until today which is the Tibetans that had taken refuge in India 60 years ago.

The Tibetan card used to be useful for India against China but now the card is useless. Since the Tibetans have no value for India, India does not need to continue to care for them. They have been leeching off India for 60 years without giving anything back. I do not think Modi would want to keep a parasite in their country any longer.

Hence, it is obvious why Modi wants His Holiness the Dalai Lama to return to China because it will solve India's problem. Once His Holiness returns to Tibet, all the Tibetans in exile will go back to Tibet too. Then, India can collaborate with China peacefully without the need to worry about the Tibetans creating an issue with China in India.

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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2019, 01:29:26 PM »
It's sad to see that Dalai Lama is not accepted to may countries. China has made his stand very clear that if anyone supports Dalai Lama, then don't come to China for whatever reason. This makes a lot of countries stay away from Dalai Lama. For India, the kind host that beings so generous to the Tibetan for the past 60 years is turning their head to China. Now India is getting closer to China and affected Tibetan in many ways. India is not sending his government staff to any of Tibetan event. Very soon India may ask Tibetan to leave for China.
CTA needs to put its act together really talk to China before the situation gets worst for Tibetan in India.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2019, 09:20:00 AM »
It's sad to see that Dalai Lama is not accepted to may countries. China has made his stand very clear that if anyone supports Dalai Lama, then don't come to China for whatever reason. This makes a lot of countries stay away from Dalai Lama. For India, the kind host that beings so generous to the Tibetan for the past 60 years is turning their head to China. Now India is getting closer to China and affected Tibetan in many ways. India is not sending his government staff to any of Tibetan event. Very soon India may ask Tibetan to leave for China.
CTA needs to put its act together really talk to China before the situation gets worst for Tibetan in India.

To China, the Dalai Lama is a separatist, he will cause chaos in Tibet. National security is the biggest concern for China, they will not let anyone how they think can can a problem to be in China. Since the Dalai Lama is very influential, he can potentially cause problems in China if he wants to.

However, the Dalai Lama has also been saying good things about China and he only wants autonomous status for Tibet. It looks like the Dalai Lama really wants to go back to Tibet and he does not mind to be controlled by the Chinese government.

CTA should follow what the Dalai Lama wants. In long term, it will be very beneficial for the Tibetans. The CTA has no experience in managing a country, but China has. The future of the Tibetans is brighter and better under the Chinese ruling, this is a fact.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #27 on: August 31, 2019, 01:11:43 PM »
It's sad to see that Dalai Lama is not accepted to may countries. China has made his stand very clear that if anyone supports Dalai Lama, then don't come to China for whatever reason. This makes a lot of countries stay away from Dalai Lama. For India, the kind host that beings so generous to the Tibetan for the past 60 years is turning their head to China. Now India is getting closer to China and affected Tibetan in many ways. India is not sending his government staff to any of Tibetan event. Very soon India may ask Tibetan to leave for China.
CTA needs to put its act together really talk to China before the situation gets worst for Tibetan in India.

To China, the Dalai Lama is a separatist, he will cause chaos in Tibet. National security is the biggest concern for China, they will not let anyone how they think can can a problem to be in China. Since the Dalai Lama is very influential, he can potentially cause problems in China if he wants to.

However, the Dalai Lama has also been saying good things about China and he only wants autonomous status for Tibet. It looks like the Dalai Lama really wants to go back to Tibet and he does not mind to be controlled by the Chinese government.

CTA should follow what the Dalai Lama wants. In long term, it will be very beneficial for the Tibetans. The CTA has no experience in managing a country, but China has. The future of the Tibetans is brighter and better under the Chinese ruling, this is a fact.

The Tibetans have been in India for 60 years and they did not give any benefits to India before. They are always there to take from India. India has been kind enough to give him what the Tibetans need such as land, opportunities, aids and even privileges in their country. In some cases, they even stole from the Indian government.

India should not have shown so much of kindness to the Tibetans and gave them the idea that they can do whatever they want in India. The Tibetans have taken advantage of India for so long which causes a lot of negative feelings in the hearts of Indians.

Luckily India realises the downfall of getting close to the Tibetans now and decided to keep their distance.


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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #28 on: November 16, 2019, 09:33:06 AM »

The Tibetans have been in India for 60 years and they did not give any benefits to India before. They are always there to take from India. India has been kind enough to give him what the Tibetans need such as land, opportunities, aids and even privileges in their country. In some cases, they even stole from the Indian government.

India should not have shown so much of kindness to the Tibetans and gave them the idea that they can do whatever they want in India. The Tibetans have taken advantage of India for so long which causes a lot of negative feelings in the hearts of Indians.

Luckily India realises the downfall of getting close to the Tibetans now and decided to keep their distance.

It is true that there is no benefit associating with the CTA and Tibetans, India has made the right decision to stay away from them. India has given the Tibetans enough support, 60 years is a long time. Tibetans should be grateful to India and stop making troubles to India. The CTA always organise protest against China in India whenever China sends representative to India to visit. This has put India into a very awkward position, this is also the reason why the relationship between India and China does not have any progress.

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Re: Report: India’s Modi Mulling Surrendering Dalai Lama to China
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2019, 08:55:52 AM »
India will not give any privileges to Tibetan in order to protect the relationship with China. India needs China in many ways and will not risk it for Tibetans. India already taking action to limit Tibetan movements in India and more to come. China is monitoring and India will definitely be on top of Tibetan matters in India.

CTA should really stop irritate the Chinese and work their way to be in the Chinese good book. Tibetan will never able to return to Tibet if the Chinese are not happy with them.