Author Topic: Fear that CTA thought they left behind  (Read 19585 times)


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2018, 05:12:55 PM »
Yes, the Tibetan Cause is now 60 years old. It is sad, but who can continue as refugee for such a long time. Wouldn't it be better to accept the facts?

Unfortunately, the Tibetans don't seem to build friendships with India nor with China. So what is their future? Why are they running around but not making progress? So, there is reason to be afraid of what lies ahead of the CTA as time is running out.

Well, the Tibetans were meant to be a refugee for 99 years, as long as the lease of land is valid. Lobsang Sangay even announced that they have another 50 years to go. The question though is will he be alive by then? Obviously not. So why is he planning for a future that will not exist for him and really do something for now?

I think Lobsang Sangay is quite clever to announce that because he can easily pass the responsibility of bringing Tibetans back to Tibet to the next generation because he would be dead by then. In the meantime, he has secured 50 years of donations from those who still have sympathy for them.

The only thing is His Holiness the Dalai Lama might not have another 50 years to spare. Tibetans who are living in Exile suffering being a refugee might not have another 50 years to wait. All he thinks about is him and how he can throw the problem to another person to solve because obviously, he does not have what it takes to lead Tibetans back to Tibet.

The whole weight has been on His Holiness the Dalai Lama's shoulders all along and CTA is not doing anything to lessen the burden but to increase it. Even though His Holiness is said to have retired from his political position but it is impossible for everything to pass without his supervision because the current members of the Tibetan leadership are not reliable. All of them are still selfish people who only cared about their own wallet and welfare while neglecting the entire Tibetan Community in Exile

I must say the honour goes to Lobsang Sangay. Such deviousness! The land offered by India expires at 100th year and its a balance of 30-40 years? So how does he get to make plans for 50 years? Very willy way to trick the Indian Government into extending their lease? Is he so dumb to think he is clever? He is just making sure that the continued funds will last his lifetime and then who cares for the rest after that. He will leave behind his name of dirt that's for sure.

Imagine, refugee for 100 years...thats a century and more than an average person's life span. Two-three generations of refugees. Hmmm India certainly have a burden to bear. Such generosity! And how does CTA treat their host country? With arrogance and presumption. Phhhtt! Some thank you parties? As though India can't throw their own parties. CTA really look down on others when they themselves are just beggars.

Lobsang Sangay may have an impressive qualification, but he certainly does not have an impressive leadership capability. What has he achieved for the 8 years he has been the leader in the CTA? He has more scandals than anything else. No one dares to do anything to him, that is why until today he is still very arrogant.

Lobsang Sangay is not stupid, he knows how to make use of the Tibetan plight to make money for himself.  He does not work for the Tibetans, he works for the western countries who give him the money to irk China. He doesn't care about how India feels, India is nobody to him, he just wants to make money. If India can give him more money, I am sure he will change his tone.

The Tibetans are not appreciative of India. India has given them so much support, but after 60 years, they still refuse to integrate. India wants to give them citizenship but they prefer to go to the west. Is India that bad? What they have today is due to the kindness of India, they must learn to show appreciation before India kicks them out.


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2018, 12:44:11 AM »
Finally, there is still a Tibetan who is smart and sees what is really going on with CTA. He is right to say Lobsang Sangay is not putting the interest of the Tibetans before himself. He is touring around the western countries to ask for more sympathy and money. He even went to Israel, what was he doing in Israel?

Lobsang Sangay has no intention to strengthen their relationship with their hosting country India, he is not building a closer relationship with Nepal, let alone China. He has never really had any plan for a better regional relationship.

The writer also points out that 20 years ago (which is before the Dorje Shugden ban), Tibetans were in unity, everyone got along very well with each other. But later Tibetans were separated by their differences in faith and political views. If internally there is no unity, then Sangay doesn't have to talk about bringing the Dalai Lama and Tibetans back to Tibet. How to strike a deal when there are so many differences within the Tibetan leadership?

These are desperate times and Lobsang Sangay is grasping at air so any irrelevant countries will do as long as it seems he is making connection or being active. Get himself into the news to remain relevant. Otherwise the sponsors may just overlook or forget him or CTA. He will become a piece of redundant turd (sounds more polite ya). His people hates him and those around him are just looking for crumbs that he doles out. Oh wait! There is Dhardon Sharling that looooves him.

Strike a deal? Forget it. He is not going to be relevant enough for China to even want to see him. They are only interested in the Dalai Lama. The exiled Tibetans should really unite to change their government to a kinder and more caring one that even in the event if they are not able to return to Tibet, they are taken care of with improved living conditions and skills. Someone that respect others and is able to work with the government of India and China to his people's advantage. Wishful thinking?


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2018, 07:39:30 AM »

I must say the honour goes to Lobsang Sangay. Such deviousness! The land offered by India expires at 100th year and its a balance of 30-40 years? So how does he get to make plans for 50 years? Very willy way to trick the Indian Government into extending their lease? Is he so dumb to think he is clever? He is just making sure that the continued funds will last his lifetime and then who cares for the rest after that. He will leave behind his name of dirt that's for sure.

Imagine, refugee for 100 years...thats a century and more than an average person's life span. Two-three generations of refugees. Hmmm India certainly have a burden to bear. Such generosity! And how does CTA treat their host country? With arrogance and presumption. Phhhtt! Some thank you parties? As though India can't throw their own parties. CTA really look down on others when they themselves are just beggars.

I think he is just plain selfish and stupid. He thinks that announcing Tibet cause will go on for another 50 years he would have died and cant held for any responsibility. He just wants to reap as much benefit while he is the Sikyong and leave when he had enough. If he does not announce that, the whole world is watching him and he will have to produce some kind of results to continue to scam donations.

He obviously does not believe in karma and reincarnation, he might be even reborn back as a Tibetan to suffer the mess that he had left behind in his previous lives. Imagine the negative karma for him to cheat 100,000 Tibetan in exile for so many years. It will definitely not be pretty for him when he passes away.

Refugee for 100 years. That will be unheard of. Most refugees will either assimilate into the society of their host country or be deported back to their own country. Tibetans being refugee for so long unreasonable even for 60 years. Their hope now will be His Holiness the Dalai Lama to bring them back to Tibet when he goes back.


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2018, 12:28:14 PM »
It is really excellent a Tibetan is analyzing the current situation that the Tibetans in exile are in , and all is not so good after all.

CTA is not doing what is truly needed to shore up support for their causes and work. They are not focused and they are not thinking, down with the CTA, before they lead all Tibetans in exile to their dooms.


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2018, 06:18:42 PM »

I think he is just plain selfish and stupid. He thinks that announcing Tibet cause will go on for another 50 years he would have died and cant held for any responsibility. He just wants to reap as much benefit while he is the Sikyong and leave when he had enough. If he does not announce that, the whole world is watching him and he will have to produce some kind of results to continue to scam donations.

He obviously does not believe in karma and reincarnation, he might be even reborn back as a Tibetan to suffer the mess that he had left behind in his previous lives. Imagine the negative karma for him to cheat 100,000 Tibetan in exile for so many years. It will definitely not be pretty for him when he passes away.

Refugee for 100 years. That will be unheard of. Most refugees will either assimilate into the society of their host country or be deported back to their own country. Tibetans being refugee for so long unreasonable even for 60 years. Their hope now will be His Holiness the Dalai Lama to bring them back to Tibet when he goes back.

Exactly. The Tibetan Leaders like Sikyong Lobsang Sangay act as though karma does not apply to them. Wonder if the Dalai Lama had told them that...karma will not happen to them if they toe the Dalai Lama's line, straight! Then we know why they dare to do what they had done all these while! Dumb though! Who will suffer the karma but themselves when the time comes. Even Buddha couldn't take away our karma how could anyone else? So those Anti-Shugdens who commit such grave deeds as to disparage the enlightened DS Lamas like Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche, Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche, Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche and the many more that had been harassed and abused with vulgarity or death threats, should really watch themselves and stop immediately. Such heavy karma that will lead one straight to hell according to Buddha's teachings. What more, to create the doubt in the precious lineage Gurus that affects the integrity of the practices, how heavy will that karma be too?


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2019, 04:15:32 AM »
China is getting more powerful every day. They want to become the superpower of the world, therefore, it is very important to also improve the quality of lives of the people. Tibetans in the past have been living in poverty under the old Tibetan ruling and so solving the poverty problem is the priority of the Chinese government.

Since many years ago, the Chinese government has invested a lot in improving the standard living of the Tibetans. They have special programs to help the Tibetans to acquire skills they need to be more competitive. The Tibetans have the same opportunity as other Chinese citizens to receive education and for jobs. Today, many Tibetans are out of poverty line. Even though ruled by the Chinese, the Tibetans are still allowed to speak and learn their own language and practice their culture.

The CTA, on the other hand, claims that they are preserving the Tibetan culture. But many of the younger generations don't speak Tibetan anymore, they are more westernised than being Tibetan. Tibetan culture to them is something very foreign. The Tibetans should realise this and perhaps going back to Tibet is not a bad idea at all.


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2019, 04:44:48 PM »
Yes, the Tibetan Cause is now 60 years old. It is sad, but who can continue as refugee for such a long time. Wouldn't it be better to accept the facts?

Unfortunately, the Tibetans don't seem to build friendships with India nor with China. So what is their future? Why are they running around but not making progress? So, there is reason to be afraid of what lies ahead of the CTA as time is running out.

Well, the Tibetans were meant to be a refugee for 99 years, as long as the lease of land is valid. Lobsang Sangay even announced that they have another 50 years to go. The question though is will he be alive by then? Obviously not. So why is he planning for a future that will not exist for him and really do something for now?

I think Lobsang Sangay is quite clever to announce that because he can easily pass the responsibility of bringing Tibetans back to Tibet to the next generation because he would be dead by then. In the meantime, he has secured 50 years of donations from those who still have sympathy for them.

The only thing is His Holiness the Dalai Lama might not have another 50 years to spare. Tibetans who are living in Exile suffering being a refugee might not have another 50 years to wait. All he thinks about is him and how he can throw the problem to another person to solve because obviously, he does not have what it takes to lead Tibetans back to Tibet.

The whole weight has been on His Holiness the Dalai Lama's shoulders all along and CTA is not doing anything to lessen the burden but to increase it. Even though His Holiness is said to have retired from his political position but it is impossible for everything to pass without his supervision because the current members of the Tibetan leadership are not reliable. All of them are still selfish people who only cared about their own wallet and welfare while neglecting the entire Tibetan Community in Exile

I must say the honour goes to Lobsang Sangay. Such deviousness! The land offered by India expires at 100th year and its a balance of 30-40 years? So how does he get to make plans for 50 years? Very willy way to trick the Indian Government into extending their lease? Is he so dumb to think he is clever? He is just making sure that the continued funds will last his lifetime and then who cares for the rest after that. He will leave behind his name of dirt that's for sure.

Imagine, refugee for 100 years...thats a century and more than an average person's life span. Two-three generations of refugees. Hmmm India certainly have a burden to bear. Such generosity! And how does CTA treat their host country? With arrogance and presumption. Phhhtt! Some thank you parties? As though India can't throw their own parties. CTA really look down on others when they themselves are just beggars.

You are so right Sabs, actually, it is 110 years. Lobsang Sangay added 50 years to the Tibetan cause. No one will even remember what is it like of the pre-China Tibet. Everyone that escaped from Tibet at 1959 will be dead by now and all the Tibetan in exile will be Tibetans that never set foot in their supposedly "motherland" that they fight so passionately for.

CTA's brainwashing scheme is quite good I must say. Have you noticed that the recently self-immolators are getting younger and younger? Young Tibetans are easier to manipulate because they are not exposed to alot of people and news in the world. With all those young Tibetans being lured to kill themselves in the name of Tibet, CTA is quite happy with the attention they are generating which got them even more donations.

CTA even launched a book to glorify the act of self-immolation which indirectly encouraging their own people to kill themselves. What kind of government do that to their own people? They only want to benefit themselves and they can sacrifice anyone in the pursuit for their goal. This is their modus operandi for over 400 years now. This is not something new. That is why they lost their country.


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2019, 06:41:14 PM »
Finally, there is still a Tibetan who is smart and sees what is really going on with CTA. He is right to say Lobsang Sangay is not putting the interest of the Tibetans before himself. He is touring around the western countries to ask for more sympathy and money. He even went to Israel, what was he doing in Israel?

Lobsang Sangay has no intention to strengthen their relationship with their hosting country India, he is not building a closer relationship with Nepal, let alone China. He has never really had any plan for a better regional relationship.

The writer also points out that 20 years ago (which is before the Dorje Shugden ban), Tibetans were in unity, everyone got along very well with each other. But later Tibetans were separated by their differences in faith and political views. If internally there is no unity, then Sangay doesn't have to talk about bringing the Dalai Lama and Tibetans back to Tibet. How to strike a deal when there are so many differences within the Tibetan leadership?

These are desperate times and Lobsang Sangay is grasping at air so any irrelevant countries will do as long as it seems he is making connection or being active. Get himself into the news to remain relevant. Otherwise the sponsors may just overlook or forget him or CTA. He will become a piece of redundant turd (sounds more polite ya). His people hates him and those around him are just looking for crumbs that he doles out. Oh wait! There is Dhardon Sharling that looooves him.

Strike a deal? Forget it. He is not going to be relevant enough for China to even want to see him. They are only interested in the Dalai Lama. The exiled Tibetans should really unite to change their government to a kinder and more caring one that even in the event if they are not able to return to Tibet, they are taken care of with improved living conditions and skills. Someone that respect others and is able to work with the government of India and China to his people's advantage. Wishful thinking?

Lobsang Sangay is not capable and he is useless, the end. He is just an opportunist who wants something for himself. He did not become a politician with the motivation to take care of the welfare of the Tibetans. He is making use of his Sikyong position to build his network and make money for himself.

He has done more harm than good for the years he has been in the CTA. He criminalised Dorje Shugden practitioners, launched books and videos to smear Dorje Shugden, created disharmony among the Tibetans. There are already many problems within the Tibetan community, but instead of resolving the problems, Lobsang Sangay creates more problems.

Lobsang Sangay does not want the Tibetans to go back to Tibet, he does not want to reconcile with the Chinese government. Isn't it clear to see? If he ever reconciles with the Chinese government, he will lose his power and the opportunity to make more money.  He also doesn't want to free Tibet. If Tibet is independent, Lobsang Sangay will have to work harder and more. Besides, he is not capable to lead millions of people. This is probably why Lobsang Sangay keeps creating disharmony within the Tibetan community so that the Tibetans are not united to do the right thing, such as kicking him out from the CTA.


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2019, 02:16:33 PM »
Finally, there is still a Tibetan who is smart and sees what is really going on with CTA. He is right to say Lobsang Sangay is not putting the interest of the Tibetans before himself. He is touring around the western countries to ask for more sympathy and money. He even went to Israel, what was he doing in Israel?

Lobsang Sangay has no intention to strengthen their relationship with their hosting country India, he is not building a closer relationship with Nepal, let alone China. He has never really had any plan for a better regional relationship.

The writer also points out that 20 years ago (which is before the Dorje Shugden ban), Tibetans were in unity, everyone got along very well with each other. But later Tibetans were separated by their differences in faith and political views. If internally there is no unity, then Sangay doesn't have to talk about bringing the Dalai Lama and Tibetans back to Tibet. How to strike a deal when there are so many differences within the Tibetan leadership?

These are desperate times and Lobsang Sangay is grasping at air so any irrelevant countries will do as long as it seems he is making connection or being active. Get himself into the news to remain relevant. Otherwise the sponsors may just overlook or forget him or CTA. He will become a piece of redundant turd (sounds more polite ya). His people hates him and those around him are just looking for crumbs that he doles out. Oh wait! There is Dhardon Sharling that looooves him.

Strike a deal? Forget it. He is not going to be relevant enough for China to even want to see him. They are only interested in the Dalai Lama. The exiled Tibetans should really unite to change their government to a kinder and more caring one that even in the event if they are not able to return to Tibet, they are taken care of with improved living conditions and skills. Someone that respect others and is able to work with the government of India and China to his people's advantage. Wishful thinking?

Lobsang Sangay is not capable and he is useless, the end. He is just an opportunist who wants something for himself. He did not become a politician with the motivation to take care of the welfare of the Tibetans. He is making use of his Sikyong position to build his network and make money for himself.

He has done more harm than good for the years he has been in the CTA. He criminalised Dorje Shugden practitioners, launched books and videos to smear Dorje Shugden, created disharmony among the Tibetans. There are already many problems within the Tibetan community, but instead of resolving the problems, Lobsang Sangay creates more problems.

Lobsang Sangay does not want the Tibetans to go back to Tibet, he does not want to reconcile with the Chinese government. Isn't it clear to see? If he ever reconciles with the Chinese government, he will lose his power and the opportunity to make more money.  He also doesn't want to free Tibet. If Tibet is independent, Lobsang Sangay will have to work harder and more. Besides, he is not capable to lead millions of people. This is probably why Lobsang Sangay keeps creating disharmony within the Tibetan community so that the Tibetans are not united to do the right thing, such as kicking him out from the CTA.

Lobsang Sangay will never want to bring Tibetans back to Tibet because if he does, there will be no more free money for him. Now he does not need to do anything and the world will donate money to them. It is such an easy job to run a government with no physical land to govern while the whole world keeps giving them sympathy money.

Once they return to Tibet, the Chinese government will definitely not allow them to exist and they will be forced to disband. Which government on earth will let another government to set up their office in their land? That is why CTA will have to close down once all the Tibetans are back in Tibet.

That is why Lobsang Sagnay does not really want the Tibetans to go back to Tibet and hence he did not really work on the Tibet cause. This explains why the progress on the Tibetan cause can be so painstakingly slow. He also tried to sabotage the whole cause by going around the world and talk bad about China.


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2019, 07:17:11 AM »
The fact is no one really wants Tibet to be independent, everyone has their own agenda. If Lobsang Sangay and his cronies love Tibet so much, why are they not refugees like their fellow Tibetans in India? Why all of them have a passport from another country? Since they have decided to be the citizen of another country, it means they are not interested in going back to Tibet.

Lobsang Sangay and the CTA are using the Tibetans to make money, to get free money from the West. They have been earning their living like this, it's hard for them to give up such an easy way to make money. Therefore, they will not make free Tibet a success. They will only talk but they will never take action.

For the western countries, they also want the Tibetans and Tibet to remain status quo because this is the card for them to irk China and to sabotage China. Without the Tibet cause, there will be one less topic for them to condemn China. The western countries are not so stupid to keep giving money to support a cause that has been going on for the past 60 years and shows no results. All of them have their own agenda. The ones who suffer are the Tibetans.


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2019, 04:19:29 PM »
Yes, the Tibetan Cause is now 60 years old. It is sad, but who can continue as refugee for such a long time. Wouldn't it be better to accept the facts?

Unfortunately, the Tibetans don't seem to build friendships with India nor with China. So what is their future? Why are they running around but not making progress? So, there is reason to be afraid of what lies ahead of the CTA as time is running out.

Well, the Tibetans were meant to be a refugee for 99 years, as long as the lease of land is valid. Lobsang Sangay even announced that they have another 50 years to go. The question though is will he be alive by then? Obviously not. So why is he planning for a future that will not exist for him and really do something for now?

I think Lobsang Sangay is quite clever to announce that because he can easily pass the responsibility of bringing Tibetans back to Tibet to the next generation because he would be dead by then. In the meantime, he has secured 50 years of donations from those who still have sympathy for them.

The only thing is His Holiness the Dalai Lama might not have another 50 years to spare. Tibetans who are living in Exile suffering being a refugee might not have another 50 years to wait. All he thinks about is him and how he can throw the problem to another person to solve because obviously, he does not have what it takes to lead Tibetans back to Tibet.

The whole weight has been on His Holiness the Dalai Lama's shoulders all along and CTA is not doing anything to lessen the burden but to increase it. Even though His Holiness is said to have retired from his political position but it is impossible for everything to pass without his supervision because the current members of the Tibetan leadership are not reliable. All of them are still selfish people who only cared about their own wallet and welfare while neglecting the entire Tibetan Community in Exile

I must say the honour goes to Lobsang Sangay. Such deviousness! The land offered by India expires at 100th year and its a balance of 30-40 years? So how does he get to make plans for 50 years? Very willy way to trick the Indian Government into extending their lease? Is he so dumb to think he is clever? He is just making sure that the continued funds will last his lifetime and then who cares for the rest after that. He will leave behind his name of dirt that's for sure.

Imagine, refugee for 100 years...thats a century and more than an average person's life span. Two-three generations of refugees. Hmmm India certainly have a burden to bear. Such generosity! And how does CTA treat their host country? With arrogance and presumption. Phhhtt! Some thank you parties? As though India can't throw their own parties. CTA really look down on others when they themselves are just beggars.

Lobsang Sangay just announces the extension of the Tibetan cause for 50 years and I am sure that he did not talk to India about it. Maybe India will just take back their land after their initial agreement expires and all Tibetans in exile will be homeless by then. Tibetans are really shameless. They have been leeching off India for so many years and now they want to extend?

It will be over a century for the Tibetans to be refugees. Seriously? Who does that? Who stays as refugees for over 100 years? There can be a 2-3 generation of Tibetans living in India since the great escape. Why does the Tibetans in exile does not see a problem in this and continue to express their undying support for His Holiness and the CTA?

India is so kind to have tolerated them and still they did not appreciate them. They still make problems wherever they go and be really arrogant thinking that Indias are not the same for singers. India should just ignore what Lobsang Sangay says.


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2019, 08:34:22 AM »
It is really excellent a Tibetan is analyzing the current situation that the Tibetans in exile are in , and all is not so good after all.

CTA is not doing what is truly needed to shore up support for their causes and work. They are not focused and they are not thinking, down with the CTA, before they lead all Tibetans in exile to their dooms.

Those Tibetans who are born and raised outside of Tibet are more exposed to new ideas and the world outside, they know what is happening. They are not brought up in the old Tibetan system so the CTA to them is not the absolute power. They can also see with their eyes and analyse with their mind what is really happening.

After 60 years of struggling, the Tibetans are still struggling, they are still refugees with no identity and the CTA is actually quite happy to keep thing as it is because they need the refugees to continue to ask for donations from the west. The CTA does not have any plan for the Tibetans at all. The Tibetans in exile are stuck, they are not sure how long they have to still wait.

Some Tibetans are already planning for themselves. Some of them have migrated overseas, they are well integrated into the local system. Some choose to go back to Tibet where there are much more opportunities. Some have already become Indian citizens. Those who have chosen to leave the CTA are having better lives now. It is a shame that the CTA is not taking care of its own people.


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2019, 11:34:06 AM »
The fact is no one really wants Tibet to be independent, everyone has their own agenda. If Lobsang Sangay and his cronies love Tibet so much, why are they not refugees like their fellow Tibetans in India? Why all of them have a passport from another country? Since they have decided to be the citizen of another country, it means they are not interested in going back to Tibet.

Lobsang Sangay and the CTA are using the Tibetans to make money, to get free money from the West. They have been earning their living like this, it's hard for them to give up such an easy way to make money. Therefore, they will not make free Tibet a success. They will only talk but they will never take action.

For the western countries, they also want the Tibetans and Tibet to remain status quo because this is the card for them to irk China and to sabotage China. Without the Tibet cause, there will be one less topic for them to condemn China. The western countries are not so stupid to keep giving money to support a cause that has been going on for the past 60 years and shows no results. All of them have their own agenda. The ones who suffer are the Tibetans.

I agree with you, no one really wants to free Tibet. Tibet issue is a very useful tool for different people with different agendas. For Lobsang Sangay, the Tibet issue is his income generator. Without the Tibet issue, where is he going to get the fund to pay for his and his cronies' salary? He is not that stupid to make himself jobless by making Free Tibet movement successful. He likes power, he won't want to be reporting to China.

As for the western countries, they are finding ways to sabotage China as the growing power of China is a threat to them. They want to be in control of the world economy so they can do what they want. If China becomes the strongest economy, they will lose control and they have to listen to China. For centuries, the western countries have been the big brother, they will not like to lose that status. Unfortunately, who has the money, who will be the boss.

For those who claim they are human right activists, many of them are actually paid to do the job, they are not that righteous. They are hired to create problems for China, for example, Robert Thurman. Again, this group of people doesn't want the Tibet cause to be successful. If the Tibet cause is a success, they will lose their income. At the end of the day, it is all about the money.


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2019, 03:10:57 AM »
Tibetans in exile are the innocent bunch in this fight for Tibetan cause. They are being used again and again and they still don't know. The Tibetan government does not fight for them. The government is actually fighting for their own benefit. That is why the Tibetan cause does not have any progress for the past 60 years. They did not do anything substantial to help to fight for the cause. All they did is to whine and whine to the westerners about how bad China is and how poor they are to get sympathy money. All those money will be distributed among the CTA before they will ever reach into the hands of fellow Tibetans in Exile. Tibetans in Exile should just abandon CTA and move on with their lives before it is too late.


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Re: Fear that CTA thought they left behind
« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2019, 03:34:43 AM »
The CTA does not care about the Tibetans, that is the fact. The CTA is only using the Tibetans to make money for themselves so they can have a good life and future while the normal Tibetans' future remains uncertain and shaky. Many Tibetans have realised that they cannot rely on the CTA. Some Tibetans have migrated overseas, some have returned to Tibet, some have become India citizens. Sad to say this, but as long as the Tibetan is out of the CTA's control, their lives seem to be better.