Author Topic: Tibetan leader rued that religion today has become a factor to divide people  (Read 6036 times)

christine V

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This is a very interesting news, H.H Dalai Lama is condemning on the Islamic sectarian clashes in Middle East. But H.H forget that He have created a sectarian clashes on his own ruling! 

I urge Your Holiness Dalai Lama, please do not look at other people's affair when Your Holiness have created the Dorje Shugden's ban, which have causes so much chaos and disharmony in your own refugees community. Please have courage to lift the ban and RESTORE the Lama Tsongkhapa's authentic lineage. Please be aware that Dorje Shugden have been practice for over 400 years within the Gelugpa lineage by lineage masters.


For the news : Dalai Lama concerned over sectarian clashes in Middle East


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This is a very interesting news, H.H Dalai Lama is condemning on the Islamic sectarian clashes in Middle East. But H.H forget that He have created a sectarian clashes on his own ruling! 

I urge Your Holiness Dalai Lama, please do not look at other people's affair when Your Holiness have created the Dorje Shugden's ban, which have causes so much chaos and disharmony in your own refugees community. Please have courage to lift the ban and RESTORE the Lama Tsongkhapa's authentic lineage. Please be aware that Dorje Shugden have been practice for over 400 years within the Gelugpa lineage by lineage masters.


For the news : Dalai Lama concerned over sectarian clashes in Middle East

This is interesting indeed. It seems that the Dalai Lama loves to condemn other religions these days. What is wrong with the Dalai Lama? It seems like he making the ending of his legacy to be one that is not very admirable or positive. It seems like all he is doing now it creating negative views on himself and be seen as a hypocritical Buddhist leader that does not walk the talk especially when he continues to allow the discrimination on Dorje Shugden to go on. How wonder how will this allow him to go back to Tibet, China?

And if he wishes to go back to Tibet, why isn't those Rangzen extremist stop creating conflict and irking China? Do they not want HH to return to Tibet and see his people one final time?


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When H.H Dalai Lama is condemning on the Islamic sectarian clashes in the Middle East, did he remember in his own community, there is also a sectarian clash? The ban on Dorje Shugden imposed 20 years ago? If he feels the pain for the people in the Middles East, can he feel the pain of the Dorje Shugden followers?

Ever since the ban was imposed, many families, friends, spiritual teachers and students have broken apart. The Tibetans were told not to befriend the Dorje Shugden followers because they are harming the Tibet Cause. The CTA even put up posters of Dorje Shugden followers everywhere to encourage the Tibetans to disturb them. The Tibetan community is broken in half.

If a Dorje Shugden is a spirit as what the CTA claims and he is so powerful to destroy the CTA's work, then there must be some higher divine who can help the CTA to succeed in their pursuits. It cannot be a Buddha is less powerful than a spirit. The CTA can ask Palden Lhamo to help, they can ask Buddha Shakyamuni to help. If Buddha cannot help us run our daily work or secular works, then it will be very unlikely a spirit can make a cause fail.

Harold Musetescu

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Has the United States of America banned the worship of SATAN?
Does the US government claim that SATAN is a threat to the long life of the President?
Does the US government claim that SATAN poses a threat to their country?
Could you lose your government job if you worship SATAN?
The answer to all these questions is a simply NO.
As a matter of fact you can PUBLICLY WORSHIP SATAN in the USA and in most other democratic countries.
It is time for the Tibetans to grow up and turn their backs on the Dalai Lama and his puppet CTA.


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This is a very interesting news, H.H Dalai Lama is condemning on the Islamic sectarian clashes in Middle East. But H.H forget that He have created a sectarian clashes on his own ruling! 

I urge Your Holiness Dalai Lama, please do not look at other people's affair when Your Holiness have created the Dorje Shugden's ban, which have causes so much chaos and disharmony in your own refugees community. Please have courage to lift the ban and RESTORE the Lama Tsongkhapa's authentic lineage. Please be aware that Dorje Shugden have been practice for over 400 years within the Gelugpa lineage by lineage masters.


For the news : Dalai Lama concerned over sectarian clashes in Middle East

This is interesting indeed. It seems that the Dalai Lama loves to condemn other religions these days. What is wrong with the Dalai Lama? It seems like he making the ending of his legacy to be one that is not very admirable or positive. It seems like all he is doing now it creating negative views on himself and be seen as a hypocritical Buddhist leader that does not walk the talk especially when he continues to allow the discrimination on Dorje Shugden to go on. How wonder how will this allow him to go back to Tibet, China?

And if he wishes to go back to Tibet, why isn't those Rangzen extremist stop creating conflict and irking China? Do they not want HH to return to Tibet and see his people one final time?

His Holiness has been manifesting a lot of mistakes recently which made a lot of people unhappy. It seems like he is trying to make the public lose faith in him and have doubts about him. It makes sense when thinking about what he said about the current incarnation will be the last incarnation of the Dalai Lama. The current incarnation holds a considerable amount of power, fame, and influence on the public. If he passes on during this time, I am sure that China will try to recognize their own Dalai Lama. CTA will also recognize their own Dalai Lama. Then there will be more chaos in the world. If the Dalai Lama is not favorable anymore because of all the mistakes that he purposely makes, no one will want to seek out their own version of Dalai Lama because it will not be any benefit for them to have a Lama that does not have any fame, money or influence.

Hence, I think His Holiness is very wise to do this and it serves him well for later.

Harold Musetescu

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If the Dalai Lama has decided not to reincarnate then why recognize the Chinese chosen Panchen Lama?

One of the main duties of the Panchen Lama is to find and enthrone the next incarnation of the Dalai Lama.

He is also responsible for the raise of the small boy until is 18th birthday.


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If the Dalai Lama has decided not to reincarnate then why recognize the Chinese chosen Panchen Lama?

One of the main duties of the Panchen Lama is to find and enthrone the next incarnation of the Dalai Lama.

He is also responsible for the raise of the small boy until is 18th birthday.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D LOL somehow I don't think that is the Panchen Lama's only job. I am sure his responsibilities and job scope is much wider than just that. And perhaps, who knows, maybe IT IS for the very reason you mentioned, that because the Dalai Lama is choosing not to incarnate back or to return as the "Dalai Lama" and that is why His Holiness is acknowledging the Chinese Panchen.

Hence the prediction by His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche... "Dorje Shugden and the Dalai Lama are working together to spread the Dharma" and therefore it is best not to be so narrow-minded and take sides  ;)


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Referring to countries like Afghanistan, Syria and other Islamic nations, the Dalai Lama said, "They all follow the same god Allah, same Quran, every day (offer) five time prayers. Yet they are killing each other. It's unthinkable, really. Killing due to political power or economic interest is somewhat understandable. In the name of religion killing each other is unthinkable. But it is a fact and it is happening," he said.

Same logic goes to Dorje Shugden practitioners and non-Dorje Shugden practitioners within the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism. They all follow the Lama Tsongkhapa teachings, same lineage masters and using the same textbooks. They used to eat together, do the same prayers together, study together and travel together. But His Holiness has decided that the Dorje Shugden practice was wrong and since then, there's no harmony within the Gelug school and many got killed because of that too.

How come His Holiness didn't the effect of his actions but focus only on other people's business?


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If the Dalai Lama has decided not to reincarnate then why recognize the Chinese chosen Panchen Lama?

One of the main duties of the Panchen Lama is to find and enthrone the next incarnation of the Dalai Lama.

He is also responsible for the rise of the small boy until is 18th birthday.

He is recognizing the Chinese Panchen Lama because he wants to be in China's good books. His Holiness is now trying to make China look good and he even said that he wishes to be under China so that they can help each other.

Chinese Panchen Lama is important in spreading Dharma in China which the current Dalai Lama cannot do. With the Dalai Lama's recognition, the Chinese Panchen Lama will be accepted by even more people and therefore he can reach out to more people. Since the Dalai Lama's Panchen Lama cannot be located at the moment, the China Panchen Lama is the only one that Dalai Lama can rely on.


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He is recognizing the Chinese Panchen Lama because he wants to be in China's good books. His Holiness is now trying to make China look good and he even said that he wishes to be under China so that they can help each other.

Chinese Panchen Lama is important in spreading Dharma in China which the current Dalai Lama cannot do. With the Dalai Lama's recognition, the Chinese Panchen Lama will be accepted by even more people and therefore he can reach out to more people. Since the Dalai Lama's Panchen Lama cannot be located at the moment, the China Panchen Lama is the only one that Dalai Lama can rely on.

This is an interesting scenario... this also would mean that the Dalai Lama cares more about the spreading of the Dharma than politics. However, I do doubt he would expect the Chinese Panchen to be the one to spread the Dharma if he was not authentic in the first place.

Whatever the case is, it is good news and especially if he goes back to China. Things will for sure improve for Tibetans in China if he goes back. All the fanatics and crazy Rangzen people who keep blaming China this and that will eventually need to keep quiet. Because if they want to say that Shugden sect is paid by CCP, then guess who is the biggest CCP paid personal when HHDL step foot in Tibet. Actually, whatever HHDL is saying now and praising China, they should start condemning him now... why haven't they? 


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Re: Tibetan leader rued that religion today has become a factor to divide people
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2018, 07:05:44 AM »

This is an interesting scenario... this also would mean that the Dalai Lama cares more about the spreading of the Dharma than politics. However, I do doubt he would expect the Chinese Panchen to be the one to spread the Dharma if he was not authentic in the first place.

Whatever the case is, it is good news and especially if he goes back to China. Things will for sure improve for Tibetans in China if he goes back. All the fanatics and crazy Rangzen people who keep blaming China this and that will eventually need to keep quiet. Because if they want to say that Shugden sect is paid by CCP, then guess who is the biggest CCP paid personal when HHDL step foot in Tibet. Actually, whatever HHDL is saying now and praising China, they should start condemning him now... why haven't they?

Indeed, the Dalai Lama wishing to go back to Tibet should quiet down the crazy and fanatic Rangzen people!

But what will they say when the Dalai Lama goes back? They turn against him?

I agree, they should have started condemning him already! Why are they quiet???