Author Topic: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?  (Read 13732 times)


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Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« on: September 15, 2018, 06:22:23 PM »
Incredible! What is happening with the Dalai Lama? Why is he supporting Lamas who are sexual offenders and does not do anything to reprimand or condemn or segregate them yet he will instruct monks who practice Dorje Shugden for years to be kicked out? Why so much bias and unfairness? This is really appalling and a huge double standard! It shows how hypocritical the Dalai Lama is, sorry to say this but he is really leaving behind a not so positive legacy!

Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
By: Magda v.d. Berg

Observers and supporters of the Tibetan situation can generally be divided into two camps. One camp holds the view that His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a god king and everything he does is infallible. If someone associated with him does something wrong, illegal or even criminal, then the Dalai Lama himself is innocent and absolved of all responsibility – his good name and reputation are being exploited by individuals who do not have the Tibetan people’s best interests at heart.

The second camp holds the view that the Dalai Lama is an ordinary human being capable of making mistakes. In this case, people here believe the Tibetans are worthy of support because of what they perceive as China’s inhumane acts, and not because the Dalai Lama is perfect and infallible. Ironically enough, the Dalai Lama himself professes to be a member of this camp, saying that he is nothing more than ‘a simple monk’.

With either view, the Dalai Lama is always innocent no matter what happens around him and it is precisely this view that is presented in Misbruikslachtoffers willen dalai lama spreken in Nederland (“Abuse victims want to speak with Dalai Lama in the Netherlands”), recently published by the Dutch publication Nederlandse Omroep Stichting. The article seeks to hold someone responsible for the recent spate of sexual abuse in the Tibetan Buddhist community, but it stops short of blaming the Dalai Lama himself. Instead, it says that:

…the Dalai Lama is insufficiently aware of how Buddhist teachers use him to build an image of trustworthiness.

That is to say, the blame lies with the perpetrators of the abuse and it is also the fault of those surrounding the Dalai Lama, because they did not make him more aware of the situation sooner. How realistic however, is this view? Consider these questions:

Is it possible that the Dalai Lama was ignorant? That is, he did not know his supporters were abusing women and that is why he did nothing about it? No, because the abuse was widespread and the accusations have been going on for decades, and not just a couple of months. At some point, someone must have told him that certain lamas were being accused of improper and inappropriate acts with their students, and he should have acted there and then.
Is it possible the Dalai Lama was disempowered? That is, he knew his supporters were abusing women but could do nothing about it? No, because the Dalai Lama can issue diktats and proclamations banning entire religious practices like the worship of Dorje Shugden. Therefore it is very much within the Dalai Lama’s realm and capacity to speak up strongly against the abuse of women. He does not need anyone’s permission to speak.

Is it possible that the Dalai Lama is innocent or naive? That is, he did not consider people may be taking advantage of him? No, because someone who is singlehandedly capable of keeping the Tibetan cause alive for 60 years, will know everything that is happening in every corner of his community, especially what is being done by prominent Tibetan lamas. Someone who is that politically-shrewd, who can galvanize support from all corners of the globe, will know that he is being used by teachers to “build an image of trustworthiness”.
Is it possible that someone viewed as a Buddha, did not have the clairvoyance to know that people were stealing money, embezzling funds, murdering people and abusing women, and using their association with him to whitewash their crimes? Tibetans and Tibetan Buddhists view the Dalai Lama as Chenrezig. If people view the Dalai Lama as Chenrezig, then he definitely has clairvoyance. If he has clairvoyance, then he definitely knew about the abuse. And if he knew about the abuse, then he chose to do nothing about it. However, if people want to argue that the Dalai Lama is innocent and did not do anything because he did not know about it, then they are saying he does not have clairvoyance. If he does not have clairvoyance, therefore he cannot possibly be Chenrezig. Either the Dalai Lama is Chenrezig and thus possesses clairvoyance, or he is not. It cannot be both.
Everyone knows that as the topmost authority in the Tibetan community, there is nothing stopping the Dalai Lama from speaking up strongly against the abuses. With the imposition of the harsh ban against Dorje Shugden practice, the Dalai Lama has proven that he has no qualms about expressing his displeasure or imposing draconian measures against anything he manifests a dislike of. Thus the very fact that the Dalai Lama refused to distance himself from abusers like Sogyal, as the article mentions, until a written letter was published makes it clear that the Dalai Lama was aware of what was going on and chose to turn a blind eye until he was confronted with it and could not ignore it any longer.

Hence we arrive at a disturbing prospect – is it possible that the Dalai Lama knew about the sexual abuses all along and did not do anything because he supported the lamas’ actions? That is precisely what ‘De dalai lama beschermt nu bijna misbruikers‘ (“The Dalai Lama now almost protects abusers”), also published by Nederlandse Omroep Stichting, posits. By appearing in photographs with them, or agreeing to speak at their events, the Dalai Lama is in fact endorsing their behavior to the detriment of the unsuspecting public, risking their safety and spiritual practice.

Buddhist author Rob Hogendoorn is in agreement about this. Interviewed as part of Anna Mees and Bas de Vries’s article, Hogendoorn says:

If he [the Dalai Lama] speaks too clearly on this subject, he runs the risk of division among his own people

If Hogendoorn’s summation is accurate, then it means the Dalai Lama is aware of the abuse and is unwilling or unable to do anything about the situation. But how is this an indictment of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala)? Just like the Dalai Lama, the CTA has also been privy to the knowledge that some Tibetan lamas have been exploiting their positions in order to sexually abuse their students, and therefore they have been as equally unwilling and inactive as the Dalai Lama in dealing with this. Continue reading here >>>


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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2018, 12:42:39 AM »
More and more sexual scandals are exposed with the Tibetan Buddhist schools over the years. It is shocking to know that the Dalai Lama endorsed the actions of those lama involved. Even more shocking was he refused to meet with those who were abused and said that he is not at fault for endorsing them.

Similarly, he banned Dorje Shugden, asked the monastery to do the stick system and conveniently called it a referendum. He demanded the Dorje Shugden monks be expelled from the monastery and denied his actions saying it was the monastery's choice to do so. When confronted by the Western media about the ban, he said everyone has rights to choose and he was merely giving them an advice.

Being a seasoned politician and getting away from his harmful actions to his own people, just like any politicians in the world, he should not be given a special treatment to get away with his actions. He should be confronted and be responsible for what he has done. Just because he is the Nobel Peace Laurette, doesn't mean he can be exempted from the law.


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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2018, 05:02:59 PM »
The fund of the CTA and the Dalai Lama comes from the sponsors, some sponsors want to use the Dalai Lama's name to boost their credibility and images. The Dalai Lama has millions of followers around the world, his endorsement is a huge value added to many. The Dalai Lama receives money and hospitality when he is invited to give talks and the sponsors get his endorsement.

Many of these sex scandals lamas are very established in the west. They have big centers, they have many rich followers and they are very connected. These are what the CTA and Dalai Lama need in order to get their fund too. If the CTA takes actions on these lamas, their income will reduce and it is of no benefit to them. The CTA is known to be very self-centered, they don't care about others, they just want to make sure they are ok.

The CTA accuses Dorje Shugden of their failure when it is, in fact, their own inefficiency and incapability that causes them to lose their country. From the past until now, the Tibetan leadership has not done much for the development and progress of their country. They are well-known for corruption and nepotism. Until they change, there will be hope for the Tibet cause. Otherwise, it will continue to be a failure.


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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2018, 06:32:05 PM »
If only HHDL would be as vocal against such sexual abuse as he was with the Dorje Shugden ban. Considering the nature of such crime, which is nothing short of heinous, HHDL’s agreement to grant audience for such a short duration coupled with HHDL’s feeble response is but cold comfort to the sexual abuse victims.

HHDL’s attitude of “I hear your suffering but won’t do more to help prevent or stop the perpetration of such crime” is truly disappointing, if not distasteful. Especially given that HHDL
(i) knew about it and kept silent for so long
(ii) indirectly enabled the perpetrators to capitalise/ride on HHDL to perpetuate their crimes due to HHDL’s inaction despite knowing of such issues. HHDL didnt even disassociate himself until recently.
(ii) commands so much respect and has the ability to influence so many people, Tibetans and non-Tibetans alike. Just look at how the Dorje Shugden ban which was triggered by HHDL, has turned (supposedly) Tibetan practitioners against Dorje Shugden practitioners and ruined the lives of numerous Dorje Shugden practitioners.


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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2018, 06:40:55 PM »
Oh dear! It sounds more and more like the Dalai Lama is the accomplice of the perpetrators. Well, I would say that he is with the keeping quiet when he already knows of the crimes from way back. He should have sounded the alarm to save so many more from experiencing the dastardly acts. But he didn't. I really don't believe that the Dalai Lama does not know of the despicable acts, clairvoyance or otherwise. 6o years at the helm of the Tibetan refugees, churning millions of USD annually, he would not had survived the political game if without his efficient network of informers. Hmmm, come to think of it, with all the gaffes in recent times, could there be some breakdown in his network? Whatever it may be, the Dalai Lama himself said he knew of these wrong doings for a long time. As such, he is guilty by association and for allowing more new cases to arise. This matter won't go away so easily and I wonder how will the Dalai Lama face it this time.

Funny how the Dalai Lama could be so harsh with Dorje Shugden practitioners who's only crime is loyalty to their Guru and their practice. And so gentle with the perpetrators. What a topsy turvy world he lives in.


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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2018, 09:01:54 PM »
It has been so long, since the 90's that the Dalai Lama knew about the crimes of these sexual abusers! Who would expect this from the Dalai Lama??

Well, there are many who can not  understand how the Dalai Lama does nothing to protect the victims and stop these crimes. His reputation is not one who would let others be hurt at least among those who are in the West. But now it is obvious!

The Dalai Lama protects criminals but Dorje Shugden practitioners are being kicked out from monasteries, not allowed to see no Dorje Shugden friends and family, not allowed to teachings and even meetings with the Dalai Lama and they cannot follow their Dorje Shugden teacher. The life of Dorje Shugden practitioners is completely uprooted from the Tibetan Community but sexual abusers can continue and are even pictured with the Dalai Lama! How crazy is that???  ??? ???


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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2018, 09:43:04 PM »
Whatever it may be, the Dalai Lama himself said he knew of these wrong doings for a long time. As such, he is guilty by association and for allowing more new cases to arise. This matter won't go away so easily and I wonder how will the Dalai Lama face it this time.

Funny how the Dalai Lama could be so harsh with Dorje Shugden practitioners who's only crime is loyalty to their Guru and their practice. And so gentle with the perpetrators.
What a topsy turvy world he lives in.

You said it... and just like the Dorje Shugden ban, he was the one who started it but now makes it sound like it had nothing to do with his fierce implementation back in the 80s and now it looks like he is doing the same towards those girls who have been victims of the abuse.

How can he know these Lama were sexually abusing women disciples yet endorse still? What the Dalai Lama is doing is telling the whole world he is biased, not a good leader and definitely not someone we can trust anymore. 

The Dalai Lama is obviously trying to sweep this under the carpet but unfortunately, every word he says shall be scrutinized from now on because one after another he's been saying very inappropriate things. He is causing his reputation to go down the drain big time... and I cannot help but wonder is this on purpose? Or is the Dalai Lama just 2 face and bad?

The message the Dalai Lama is giving the world now is that he is a bigot and he is cannot be trusted because as someone who is spiritual, he is supposed to be protecting people not shielding and hence, supporting sexual criminals. If he can do that what else is he doing that we do not do and who else is he shielding? Scary!


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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2018, 04:36:24 PM »
Whatever it may be, the Dalai Lama himself said he knew of these wrong doings for a long time. As such, he is guilty by association and for allowing more new cases to arise. This matter won't go away so easily and I wonder how will the Dalai Lama face it this time.

Funny how the Dalai Lama could be so harsh with Dorje Shugden practitioners who's only crime is loyalty to their Guru and their practice. And so gentle with the perpetrators.
What a topsy turvy world he lives in.

You said it... and just like the Dorje Shugden ban, he was the one who started it but now makes it sound like it had nothing to do with his fierce implementation back in the 80s and now it looks like he is doing the same towards those girls who have been victims of the abuse.

How can he know these Lama were sexually abusing women disciples yet endorse still? What the Dalai Lama is doing is telling the whole world he is biased, not a good leader and definitely not someone we can trust anymore. 

The Dalai Lama is obviously trying to sweep this under the carpet but unfortunately, every word he says shall be scrutinized from now on because one after another he's been saying very inappropriate things. He is causing his reputation to go down the drain big time... and I cannot help but wonder is this on purpose? Or is the Dalai Lama just 2 face and bad?

The message the Dalai Lama is giving the world now is that he is a bigot and he is cannot be trusted because as someone who is spiritual, he is supposed to be protecting people not shielding and hence, supporting sexual criminals. If he can do that what else is he doing that we do not do and who else is he shielding? Scary!

As usual, the CTA and the Dalai Lama are always double standard. Lobsang Sangay criminalised Dorje Shugden followers in 2014, what have the Dorje Shugden practitioner done to be criminalised? These Buddhist teachers have committed crime but the CTA and the Dalai Lama are not doing anything to them, they still continue to give them endorsement until they were exposed recently. The way they dealt with the sex abusers is very disappointing.

These Buddhist teachers represent Vajrayana tradition. Because of the endorsement from the Dalai Lama, people go to them to learn Dharma. But the students end up being a victim. Many people will lose faith in Vajrayana practice, some might even have doubts in Buddhism and decide to not pursue the Buddhist practice.

How the CTA and the Dalai Lama handle the sex abuse cases does more harm to people than to help them. People will lose faith in Buddhism, some will lose faith in Dalai Lama. As for the CTA, they will endorse anything as long as they are given the money. Once again they have proven themselves to be unreliable and money minded.


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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2018, 05:37:34 PM »
As usual, the CTA and the Dalai Lama are always double standard. Lobsang Sangay criminalised Dorje Shugden followers in 2014, what have the Dorje Shugden practitioner done to be criminalised? These Buddhist teachers have committed crime but the CTA and the Dalai Lama are not doing anything to them, they still continue to give them endorsement until they were exposed recently. The way they dealt with the sex abusers is very disappointing.

These Buddhist teachers represent Vajrayana tradition. Because of the endorsement from the Dalai Lama, people go to them to learn Dharma. But the students end up being a victim. Many people will lose faith in Vajrayana practice, some might even have doubts in Buddhism and decide to not pursue the Buddhist practice.

How the CTA and the Dalai Lama handle the sex abuse cases does more harm to people than to help them. People will lose faith in Buddhism, some will lose faith in Dalai Lama. As for the CTA, they will endorse anything as long as they are given the money. Once again they have proven themselves to be unreliable and money minded.

The Nyingmapa is obnoxious in hating the Gelugpa and often claimed that the Gelugpa only study and never meditate. The Kagyupa refused to be ruled by the 5th Dalai Lama and created a lot of problems for the Gelugpa in the history. The Sakyapa may be rich, but their wealth cannot surpass Tashi Lhunpo monastery where the 10th Panchen Lama resides. The Sakyapa lost their control over Tibet to Gelugpa also.

Imagine if the Dalai Lama condemns their lamas and their misconduct, there will be rebellious and they will start calling the Dalai Lama and the CTA anti other secs of Buddhism. To keep things at peace, on the surface, the Dalai Lama decided to keep quiet about it. You would wonder why would the reincarnation of the Buddha of compassion will make such decision and sacrifice those victims for the sake of a fake peace. Did he base his decisions with political interest or protecting others from harm? How can he allow these maras destroy the Buddha's teachings like this? 


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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2018, 02:08:47 AM »

The Nyingmapa is obnoxious in hating the Gelugpa and often claimed that the Gelugpa only study and never meditate. The Kagyupa refused to be ruled by the 5th Dalai Lama and created a lot of problems for the Gelugpa in the history. The Sakyapa may be rich, but their wealth cannot surpass Tashi Lhunpo monastery where the 10th Panchen Lama resides. The Sakyapa lost their control over Tibet to Gelugpa also.

Imagine if the Dalai Lama condemns their lamas and their misconduct, there will be rebellious and they will start calling the Dalai Lama and the CTA anti other secs of Buddhism. To keep things at peace, on the surface, the Dalai Lama decided to keep quiet about it. You would wonder why would the reincarnation of the Buddha of compassion will make such decision and sacrifice those victims for the sake of a fake peace. Did he base his decisions with political interest or protecting others from harm? How can he allow these maras destroy the Buddha's teachings like this?

One possible reason that you mentioned is keeping the peace but there are two other possible reasons too.

1. The Dalai Lama in knowing their dirty secrets keeps them toeing the line and contributing money to the Tibetan funds

2. If as you mentioned there could be rebellion, the Dalai Lama bides his time and wait for them to implode and then he steps in as the head of these sects, to "save" them. His original intention was for all sects to meld as one under him so this will be good opportunity to do so? One by one by one.


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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2018, 07:09:16 PM »
The Dalai Lama known about the sexual abuse cases since 20 years ago and he even said this is not new to him. His Holiness knows about Sogyal dirty deeds and kept quiet for that long? What is he thinking? Is he now a perpetrator instead of someone who protects Buddhism and the students?

If he had voiced it out or make a stand when he first knows about this, he could have saved so much more people and students from being abused by Sogyal. Many potential Buddhist will not be deterred by the news of a Buddhist master abusing his students. Buddha's teaching can be taught into the minds of many more.

Even now after Sogyal's dirty act has been reported, His Holiness still refused to meet up with the victims until recently. Is he trying to deny what has happened? His Holiness's actions recently are unpredictable and seem to have created more problems that it is.


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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2018, 12:02:28 AM »
As usual, the CTA and the Dalai Lama are always double standard. Lobsang Sangay criminalised Dorje Shugden followers in 2014, what have the Dorje Shugden practitioner done to be criminalised? These Buddhist teachers have committed crime but the CTA and the Dalai Lama are not doing anything to them, they still continue to give them endorsement until they were exposed recently. The way they dealt with the sex abusers is very disappointing.

These Buddhist teachers represent Vajrayana tradition. Because of the endorsement from the Dalai Lama, people go to them to learn Dharma. But the students end up being a victim. Many people will lose faith in Vajrayana practice, some might even have doubts in Buddhism and decide to not pursue the Buddhist practice.

How the CTA and the Dalai Lama handle the sex abuse cases does more harm to people than to help them. People will lose faith in Buddhism, some will lose faith in Dalai Lama. As for the CTA, they will endorse anything as long as they are given the money. Once again they have proven themselves to be unreliable and money minded.

The Nyingmapa is obnoxious in hating the Gelugpa and often claimed that the Gelugpa only study and never meditate. The Kagyupa refused to be ruled by the 5th Dalai Lama and created a lot of problems for the Gelugpa in the history. The Sakyapa may be rich, but their wealth cannot surpass Tashi Lhunpo monastery where the 10th Panchen Lama resides. The Sakyapa lost their control over Tibet to Gelugpa also.

Imagine if the Dalai Lama condemns their lamas and their misconduct, there will be rebellious and they will start calling the Dalai Lama and the CTA anti other secs of Buddhism. To keep things at peace, on the surface, the Dalai Lama decided to keep quiet about it. You would wonder why would the reincarnation of the Buddha of compassion will make such decision and sacrifice those victims for the sake of a fake peace. Did he base his decisions with political interest or protecting others from harm? How can he allow these maras destroy the Buddha's teachings like this?

Rowntree, thank you for the insight, I didn't know about this side of the story. It seems like since long ago everyone hates Gelugpa and it has not changed a bit. Being a political head and a spiritual head at the same time didn't being any benefit to the Dalai Lama or Gelug tradition at all.

Why is that a lineage that is so pure and strict attracts so many negative views? Be it Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya or Gelug, the essence of the teaching is the same, why is there a competition? Most likely it is the students who create all these differences due to ignorant and jealousy. 

Therefore, it makes sense that the Dalai Lama is doing this to prevent rebels. If he openly condemns these lamas, the followers of other sects might protest and think the Dalai Lama is accusing their lamas to destroy their lineages. There are many minds the Dalai Lama has to take care of before his small community breaks even further, he has to be extra careful on this issue.


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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2018, 02:33:26 AM »
The Dalai Lama known about the sexual abuse cases since 20 years ago and he even said this is not new to him. His Holiness knows about Sogyal dirty deeds and kept quiet for that long? What is he thinking? Is he now a perpetrator instead of someone who protects Buddhism and the students?

If he had voiced it out or make a stand when he first knows about this, he could have saved so much more people and students from being abused by Sogyal. Many potential Buddhist will not be deterred by the news of a Buddhist master abusing his students. Buddha's teaching can be taught into the minds of many more.

Even now after Sogyal's dirty act has been reported, His Holiness still refused to meet up with the victims until recently. Is he trying to deny what has happened? His Holiness's actions recently are unpredictable and seem to have created more problems that it is.

He got away because he sided with the CTA and basically is not a Dorje Shugden lama. Imagine if it was a DS lama who did this? They will surely get it big time and the CTA will not stop condemning the DS lama. Even as we speak, DS lamas are being attacked non-stop, sidelined and have to tolerate so many online and offline abuse and discrimination just for keeping their commitments and practice.

The CTA is not a democratic administration, it is a feudal one, from past to present and the King is the Dalai Lama. As long as you go along whatever the Dalai Lama says, you'll get away with anything, even murder... that's how Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen was murderers got away!

Up until today, why has no one ever talks about WHO KILLED Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen and why was there no investigation on that? Why keep talking about the deceased and what he became? What about who killed him and made him a so-called spirit in the first bloody place???




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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2018, 09:07:44 AM »

The Nyingmapa is obnoxious in hating the Gelugpa and often claimed that the Gelugpa only study and never meditate. The Kagyupa refused to be ruled by the 5th Dalai Lama and created a lot of problems for the Gelugpa in the history. The Sakyapa may be rich, but their wealth cannot surpass Tashi Lhunpo monastery where the 10th Panchen Lama resides. The Sakyapa lost their control over Tibet to Gelugpa also.

Imagine if the Dalai Lama condemns their lamas and their misconduct, there will be rebellious and they will start calling the Dalai Lama and the CTA anti other secs of Buddhism. To keep things at peace, on the surface, the Dalai Lama decided to keep quiet about it. You would wonder why would the reincarnation of the Buddha of compassion will make such decision and sacrifice those victims for the sake of a fake peace. Did he base his decisions with political interest or protecting others from harm? How can he allow these maras destroy the Buddha's teachings like this?

One possible reason that you mentioned is keeping the peace but there are two other possible reasons too.

1. The Dalai Lama in knowing their dirty secrets keeps them toeing the line and contributing money to the Tibetan funds

2. If as you mentioned there could be rebellion, the Dalai Lama bides his time and wait for them to implode and then he steps in as the head of these sects, to "save" them. His original intention was for all sects to meld as one under him so this will be good opportunity to do so? One by one by one.

I never thought about point 1 because I never thought that the Dalai Lama would do so to threaten these people. I would think that it is more like these people wanting to shut the CTA up so they donate a lot in order to cover their dirty secrets. The CTA can definitely be bought by money but I don't think they can buy the Dalai Lama with money.

As for point 2, I think the various schools are basically all under the Dalai Lama. None of them dare to talk bad or condemn the Dalai Lama or his CTA. Even the Karmapa who is unhappy with the CTA had to come back to India to attend the meeting in November that is related to the Dalai Lama. Everyone in the Tibetan society knows that the Dalai Lama is the king and no one dare to go against his wish or his policies. This is why the Dorje Shugden people suffer so much as they are being seen as challenging the Dalai Lama.


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Re: Why does Dalai Lama cover sexual abuse among his ranks?
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2018, 07:32:18 PM »


I never thought about point 1 because I never thought that the Dalai Lama would do so to threaten these people. I would think that it is more like these people wanting to shut the CTA up so they donate a lot in order to cover their dirty secrets. The CTA can definitely be bought by money but I don't think they can buy the Dalai Lama with money.

As for point 2, I think the various schools are basically all under the Dalai Lama. None of them dare to talk bad or condemn the Dalai Lama or his CTA. Even the Karmapa who is unhappy with the CTA had to come back to India to attend the meeting in November that is related to the Dalai Lama. Everyone in the Tibetan society knows that the Dalai Lama is the king and no one dare to go against his wish or his policies. This is why the Dorje Shugden people suffer so much as they are being seen as challenging the Dalai Lama.

All Tibetans have been raised with the idea of His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the god-king of Tibet. What he says is the rule and anyone who does not follow his instruction precisely will automatically become a traitor of Tibet. This kind of close-mindedness has been around for decades and this is how Tibetan society works.

Due to this kind of close-mindedness, many people have suffered discrimination and segregation by their own Tibetan community just because they have a different opinion than His Holiness's opinion. One of the examples will be Dorje Shugden practitioners. His Holiness the Dalai had imposed an unjust ban on Dorje Shugden practice which violates the basic human rights which is religious freedom.

However, Dorje Shugden practitioners have been shunned by their own community and called as Chinese traitor just because they practice Dorje Shugden. In some part of the Tibetan settlements, Dorje Shugden practitioners are even denied services from hospitals, school and even monasteries. This is how powerful the Dalai Lama is and also why the sexual abusers can get away by being close to His Holiness.