Author Topic: Dalai Lama Criticized as Racist White Supremacist for Saying ‘Europe Belongs to  (Read 13621 times)


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Has the Dalai Lama gone mad? What is he saying? If he can say ‘Europe Belongs to Europeans’ and refugees should go back to their homeland then what on earth is he in India for? He should walk the talk and get out of India already.

At first it was him hiding the sexual abuser lamas, now he is be a racist and asking refugees to get out of Europe? One after another, it seems the Dalai Lama is on a roll inciting hatred and disharmony. And what about those Tibetans who migrated to Europe? They should be kicked out to and go back to Tibet if people are to follow his advice. Seriously is the Dalai Lama off?

Dalai Lama Criticized as Racist White Supremacist for Saying ‘Europe Belongs to Europeans’

By: Shashi Kei

The Dalai Lama is in Sweden on a visit that from the beginning has been marked by controversy. Even before he touched down in Malmo, a group of distressed people were already waiting to meet him, seeking restitution for the sexual violations inflicted upon them by Tibetan personages close to the Dalai Lama and have come under his protection. Before the dust had even settled on that issue, the Dalai Lama sparked another furore that may yet tip over an already delicate and highly volatile issue – the immigration crisis and rising xenophobia in Europe.

n addressing a conference in Malmo, Sweden, the Dalai Lama callously proclaimed that “…Europe belongs to Europeans” and that ultimately refugees should “develop their own country”. In other words, refugees should not be allowed to remain in European countries forever. What the Dalai Lama said needs to be put into context to expose the tremendous harm his words will surely create. Malmo today is home to a large population of immigrants and refugees, and the Dalai Lama’s words come at a time when resentment against migrants and refugees are escalating in the European Union countries. The Dalai Lama’s statement directly targets an already disadvantaged and marginalized group of people facing increasing contempt by Europeans. It does not matter if the Dalai Lama seems to start off his message in a benevolent tone by asking Europe to receive, help and educate refugees seeking asylum when his ultimate message is to deny these refugees the opportunity to establish new homes and lives in Europe.

The Tibetan spiritual leader’s statement triggered angry responses, with one observer calling the Tibetan spiritual leader a “hypocrite” and “bootlicker”, and another calling him “a bigot of the first order”. Yet another felt his words and views were more aligned with those of “a neo-Nazi white supremacist”. While it may appear inappropriate to tag a Nobel Laureate and a Buddhist monk with such adjectives, outrage towards the Dalai Lama is not without its own justification.


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I know, right? The Dalai Lama is so inconsiderate to forget about his own people. So now that he has angered so many people, will there be a protest for the Dalai Lama to go back to Tibet? 60 years as refugee, I can't think of any refugees that enjoyed that status for so long. What more living in luxury although a refugee. Certainly not what refugees from other countries live in. The Dalai Lama also forgot how it was like to escape turmoil from one's country at war. Coming without much to start a new life. The Tibetans had been lucky that India gave them so much unconditional help, in land, governance and freedom of travel (not being confined within the refugee camps). Well, they say you need to be grateful to appreciate. I guess the Dalai Lama was not grateful enough and a hypocrite as well. Wonder if China will accept him since he is such a danger and bad news seem to follow him.


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His Holiness Dalai Lama is really out of his mind recently. He is going around the world angering many people with his comments. Why is he doing that? A seasoned politician like him would have. I think he did it on purpose because for a politician that had been through so much he would know that the issue that he is commenting on is highly sensitive and it is just a plain bad idea.

I guess His Holiness is really planning on getting on everybody's nerves and make people lose respect and trust in his incarnation. He already said that this is the last incarnation of Dalai Lama's reincarnation line. He is obviously trying to sabotage his image and credibility so that even if the new Dalai Lama comes he will not have the same. China will definitely name their own Dalai Lama because they have a Panchen Lama to back their selection. So if the Dalai Lama's name is smeared before he passes away, the new Dalai Lama will not be the same and might be rejected by many and hence limiting his influence and power and China will not be able to use Dalai Lama's name to manipulate things or people as they wish.


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The political statement the Dalai Lama made is getting more offensive and ridiculous. Before this incident in Sweden, the Dalai Lama has already made a very bad statement on Nehru in India and he didn’t learn from his lesson. In less than 2 months, he made another shocking statement in Europe.

The Dalai Lama is a refugee himself told the refugees in Europe to go back to their countries while he has been a refugee in India for the past 60 years. What gives him the right to say that? This has upset many people especially when the Dalai Lama is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. He is supposed to promote peace and harmony but here he is creating tension between the host country and the refugees.

The Dalai Lama and the Tibetans are lucky to have India welcome them. Even though they are refugees, they are allowed to move freely in India or even own their own business. They don’t really suffer much but yet they received so much support from the west. For Dalai Lama to say this, it makes people think he has no sympathy for these refugees at all.


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The Dalai Lama is a refugee himself. Why is he still staying in India with his people and continuing burning India taxpayers' money? Just like Europe, India belongs to Indians, so they shouldn't continue hosting the Tibetans. The Tibetans should all return to Tibet and stop using others for their own benefits.

The Dalai Lama is very insensitive to have made such a statement especially during this crucial and sensitive timing where refugees are being denied to stay in Europe. Refugees do not leave their countries if things at home are good and nice. They left because of war, abuse, hunger and etc. which no one should experience. Even animals left their habitat for food and needs!

The Dalai Lama is such a hypocrite where he preaches world peace, equality and compassion but he denied Dorje Shugden people their peace and freedom to practice. He also denied compassion for the women who have been sexually abused by Tibetan lamas such as Sogyal Lakar, Mipham Rinpoche, Tenzin Dhoden etc. and have been keeping quiet about it since he first heard about them back in the 1990's.

The Dalai Lama is seen increasing making bizarre statements like condemning Nehru, bite the hand that feeds him, Europe is for European racist remarks more frequently. Is he doing this to be on the Chinese good book as a strategy to pave his way back to Tibet or simply saying it to make things worse for himself? What is it that he is doing?

Ringo Starr

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 :-[ :-[ :-[

I hope the Swedes do not ever invite him back.
What was lost amidst the hooh hah was the timing and location of the Dalai Lama's statement - Malmo, Sweden.
It was like throwing gasoline onto flames.
Watch this video to understand why:

Apocalypse Sweden! Why is this happening?


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It is amazing that the Dalai Lama, who is a refugee in India since 60 years, is making statements about the many new refugees in Europe! I guess that the Dalai Lama is indirectly saying that he and the Tibetans should not stay indefinitely in India and the many other countries.

So, should everyone make plans to go back to Tibet and rebuild what they had to give up? I guess this is the message of H.H..

Ok, get ready Tibetans!


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Has the Dalai Lama gone mad? What is he saying? If he can say ‘Europe Belongs to Europeans’ and refugees should go back to their homeland then what on earth is he in India for? He should walk the talk and get out of India already.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is absolutely right. Muslims created abominable societies in their countries of origin, and now want to export and spread such abomination to other countries, as they have done in much of the Eastern world throughout the last 14 centuries.

Besides, these are not real refugees, but rather jihadist terrorists who fought as Western and Israeli operatives, perpetrating the most inconceivable and genocidal atrocities, and now are receiving their promised reward, an European passport with special social and financial benefits for themselves and their four wives, everything paid by the European worker, whose daughters are daily raped and murdered by Muslim monsters.

Those who need assistance, the real victims of the genocide perpetrated by the Western-Israeli-Islamic Stare-Al Qaeda barbaric alliance, are those who remained and keep suffering in their original countries.

Meanwhile, His Holiness clearly wants to go back to China, and is clearly encouraging Tibetans to to the same, which of course cannot happen overnight. Therefore, no contradiction here.

At first it was him hiding the sexual abuser lamas,

And you are hiding the inconceivable sexual abuses perpetrated by Western- and Israeli-sponsored jihadist monsters both in the Middle East and Europe.

now he is be a racist and asking refugees to get out of Europe?

This is a ridiculous, idiotic trope. What has sending jihadists to their homeland to do with racism?

One after another, it seems the Dalai Lama is on a roll inciting hatred and disharmony.

Then you want harmony with Muslim terrorists, is it?

And what about those Tibetans who migrated to Europe?

All of them CIA ex-operatives, who received their promised reward, the European passport, just like Western- and Israeli-sponsored jihadist terrorists are receiving now.

They should be kicked out to and go back to Tibet if people are to follow his advice.

Right. This is what His Holiness explicitly advises.


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Quite shocking coming from the mouth of a spiritual leader.

Of course it is not criminal for him to say Europe is for Europeans, but when this type of statements can be taken out of context and fuels the desires of right wing nationalist in Europe thats when the problem begins.

Refugee in Europe, yes not all 100% are angels or good abiding citizens, I am sure some Qaeda, ISIS member manged to forge their way through to Europe. This statement just helped right wing nationalists to brand all refugees as evil and damaging for European society.   


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Of course it is not criminal for him to say Europe is for Europeans, but when this type of statements can be taken out of context and fuels the desires of right wing nationalist in Europe thats when the problem begins.

What you and the media controlling your mind label “right wing nationalists in Europe” are just ordinary people who love freedom and reject Islamic inhuman, perverted values.

And right they are, as Islamism is well known as a barbaric, tyrannical ideology worth being eradicated from the face of the earth, as clearly demonstrated by the Kalachakra Tantra.

Refugee in Europe, yes not all 100% are angels or good abiding citizens, I am sure some Qaeda, ISIS member manged to forge their way through to Europe.

Since Islamic ideology is based on blind, absolute obedience to bestial Islamic leaders, it follows that all of your imagined “angels” or “good abiding citizens” without an exception cannot prevent being terrorists, even if only by connivance and temporarily dormant.

Besides, Al Qaeda and Islamic State terrorists did not “forge their way through to Europe”. Rather, they were and are the *honor guests* of the many European governments, politicians and courts controlled by the Jewish financial terrorist George Soros.

And why? Because such Al Qaeda and Islamic State terrorists are nothing but the Western operatives bringing havoc to countries such as Syria and Afghanistan, and their reward is the European passport. By the way, exactly like with Tibetan CIA operatives.

What we are witnessing is just one more chapter of the worldwide, more-than-two-millenia-old, relentless, barbaric attempts at Abrahamizing humanity, by Judaism, Christianity and Islam (plus now-dead but once widespread Manichaeism), as prophesized by the Buddha in the Kalachakra Tantra.

European ordinary people, those who are idiotically labeled by Jewish-controlled media and their parrots as “right wing nationalists”, having already shown throughout history their despise for the evil teachings of Judaism and Christianity, are now showing their rejection for Islam, and therefore deserve praise and support for echoing the teachings of the Kalachakra Tantra.

This statement just helped right wing nationalists to brand all refugees as evil and damaging for European society.

According to you the so-called “right wing nationalists”, which are just ordinary Europeans, are all “evil and damaging for European society”. Therefore, you qualify as an anti-European racist, spitting around your hateful intolerance and your Europhobia.


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For the Dalai Lama to say something this insensitive is really a low blow especially since he himself is considered a refugee. So why don't the Dalai Lama return to Tibet himself and ask his own people to who are taking advantage of the "FREE" land and free from paying taxes to also return to Tibet?

Oh yes heard he did say that but no one is listening...

So it makes me wonder, does the CTA really care about the Dalai Lama or is he just their bread butter, another pawn for their own self-serving agendas. Probably the latter. ????


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For the Dalai Lama to say something this insensitive is really a low blow especially since he himself is considered a refugee.

There is nothing  'insensitive' about the evil dalie's statement.

A opposed to Muslims in Europe, Buddhist Tibetans are not hell bent on imposing their culture and religion on their host societies, let alone the psycopathic and murderous Islamic culture and 'religion' together with its perverted 'Sharia' law.

Every single Muslim is by definition a jihadist terrorist, because such is required from them by Islam, and to call them 'refugees' rather than recognizing them as the violent invaders they actually are is the trick of the maindirtystream media as parroted by you.

So why don't the Dalai Lama return to Tibet himself and ask his own people to who are taking advantage of the "FREE" land and free from paying taxes to also return to Tibet?

This is what precisely what he is doing right now. But even if he were not, his statements in support of ordinary European people, those who are hatefully labeled “white supremacists” but in fact victims of the daily atrocities perpetrated by Muslim invaders, would still be perfectly adequate.


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Every single Muslim is by definition a jihadist terrorist, because such is required from them by Islam, and to call them 'refugees' rather than recognizing them as the violent invaders they actually are is the trick of the maindirtystream media as parroted by you.

I beg to differ and DO NOT AGREE with your very narrow-minded and racist statement. I have Muslim friends and the are NOT jihadist terrorist, and Islam, real Islamic religion do not require this. In fact, it is very the opposite and it is very much about showing kindness, love and compassion. So please do not judge and stereotype every Muslim to be a terrorist. Your kind of statement is what create more divisions amongst people, race and religion. Yours is the kind of statement whereby wars can arise from.

As a Dorje Shugden practitioner, we do not condemn and stereotype everyone to be the same just because a few persons is bad. This is the same thing CTA says about us Dorje Shugden practitioners, just cos there are perhaps a few people who did something wrong, they stereotyped and blame all Shugden practitioners, condemning us to be murderers, calling us Chinese dogs etc., some like Robert Thurman even called us Taliban of Buddhism. So if we do not like this, what makes us have the arrogance and cheek to call someone else/a whole nation to be terrorists?


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I beg to differ and DO NOT AGREE with your very narrow-minded and racist statement.

Is Islam a race? And How could one be a “racist” for rejecting the murderous tenets of Islam?

I have Muslim friends and the are NOT jihadist terrorist,

Since you don't even know what is a “racist”, you are of course not qualified to tell what is a “jihadist terrorist”.

Anyway, being a jihadist, which means a terrorist, is a religious requirement of being a Muslim, according to Islamic law.

and Islam, real Islamic religion do not require this.

This is what your jihadist-terrorist friends told you, and you gullibly believed because you failed to do your own research. No terrorist wants to be known as a terrorist.

In fact, it is very the opposite and it is very much about showing kindness, love and compassion.

How cute! How do you show kindness, love and compassion to someone you decapitate for refusing to convert to Islam, or for repudiating Islam?

So please do not judge and stereotype every Muslim to be a terrorist.

Then according to you not everyone who subscribe to terrorist tenets is a terrorist, is it? Please explain to the rest of us how is it possible, to support a terrorist ideology without being oneself a terrorist!

Your kind of statement is what create more divisions amongst people,

Then according to you terrorists should not be segregated, right? They should be allowed to mix with peaceful people, and freely murder and rape non-Muslims so that we can all live in unity and harmony. Fascinating!


Your repeated, malicious attempt to conflate “race” and ideology shows your lack of good faith in debate.

Indeed, you want to project stereotypes about “racism” on a discussion which is only about ideology.

What is rejected here is the murderous ideology of Islam, without any discrimination of race.

Or do you want to excuse the jihadist-terrorist ideology of Islam just because many of their proponents are non-European? Are you an anti-European racist?

and religion.

How inspiring! You even call the psycopathic, murderous ideology of Islam a “religion”!

Yours is the kind of statement whereby wars can arise from.

The war is already there; it is the very meaning of the Islamic jihadist ideology, which you obviously support.

As a Dorje Shugden practitioner, we

“We” who? In whose name do you pretend to speak? Do you believe that you somehow represent Dorje Shugden practitioners?

Despite your arrogance, you represent only yourself and your own preconceptions. At best you represent your jihadist-terrorist Muslim friends.

do not condemn and stereotype everyone to be the same just because a few persons is bad.


 This is the same thing CTA says about us Dorje Shugden practitioners, just cos there are perhaps a few people who did something wrong, they stereotyped and blame all Shugden practitioners, condemning us to be murderers, calling us Chinese dogs etc., some like Robert Thurman even called us Taliban of Buddhism. So if we do not like this, what makes us have the arrogance and cheek to call someone else/a whole nation to be terrorists?


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do not condemn and stereotype everyone to be the same just because a few persons is bad.

Whoever supports the murderous and freedom-suppressing ideology of Islam, which means every single Muslim, is as just as bad as any person can be.

This is the same thing CTA says about us Dorje Shugden practitioners, just cos there are perhaps a few people who did something wrong,

What a stupid comparison. The evil dalie and the CTA disgruntled ex-slave owners say bad things about Dorje Shugden practitioners just out of sectarian and political hatred, not because of any fault on the side of Dorje Shugden practitioners, while criticism against the murderous ideology of Islam and its jihadist-terrorist supporters is done on the basis of facts and reasons.

they stereotyped and blame all Shugden practitioners, condemning us to be murderers,

There is zero evidence of any murdering perpetrated by Shugdenpas, while the millions of people raped, murdered and having their freedoms violated by Muslim psycopaths throughout history and wordlwide are well documented.

Besides, all the inconceivable crimes perpetrated by Muslims were and are perpetrated in fulfillment of the brazenly inhuman commands of the perverted Islamic ideology.

Therefore, there is no “stereotype” about Shugdenpas, but merely blatant lies; and there is no “stereotype” about Islam and Muslims, but a well documented reality of ongoing crimes, which shows how your media-fed preconceptions have thoroughly damaged your capacity of thinking properly.

calling us Chinese dogs etc.,

Then, according to you, just because CTA idiots call Shugdenpas “Chinese dogs” it is ok for you that Muslim jihadist-terrorists perpetrate their crimes, right?

some like Robert Thurman even called us Taliban of Buddhism.

 So if we do not like this, what makes us have the arrogance and cheek to call someone else/a whole nation to be terrorists?