Author Topic: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore  (Read 15776 times)

Ringo Starr

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Here is Lama Zopa practicing what he preaches, this time to the benefit of a CTA organization.

Lobsang Sangay and gang have been ever willing to associate themselves with FPMT since it is a politically correct non-Dorje Shugden organization so it seems. But will they heed what Lama Zopa says?

"Another side of the teaching is that it is mentioned that the protector (Dorje Shugden) is an Arya Bodhisattva, a manifestation of Manjushri. So, then, there is also the risk of our creating very heavy karma in that context."

Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore

Posted in Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche with Chief Representative Chophel Thupten.

The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is an organization based in India with the stated goals of “rehabilitating Tibetan refugees and restoring freedom and happiness in Tibet.” The CTA attends to the welfare of the Tibetan exile community in India, who number around 100,000. It runs schools, health services, cultural activities and economic development projects for the Tibetan community as well as assists with legal issues which might arise for Tibetans in exile. More than 1,000 refugees still arrive each year from China, usually via Nepal.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche, through the Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund, recently offered a grant to the CTA office in Bangalore (known as the CTA South Zone). Chief Representative Chophel Thupten explained that it is quite difficult to fundraise for administrative and upkeep needs of the office, but the needs are vast. Rinpoche was very happy to help in this way and offered half of the amount needed for upcoming expenses.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund enables Rinpoche’s compassionate service to others to flourish. All the offerings from the fund are used toward the creation of holy objects around the world; sponsoring young tulkus, high lamas and Sangha in India, Nepal, Tibet and the West;  supporting FPMT centers, projects and services; sponsoring Dharma retreats and events; funding animal liberations, and much more.


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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2018, 02:57:05 AM »
The CTA is now an organisation not even an administration office for the Tibetans in exile? And their goals are “rehabilitating Tibetan refugees and restoring freedom and happiness in Tibet.”? They sound more like an NGO than a leadership. Their status has gone from a government to an administration to an organisation. No wonder Lobsang Sangay has to change his position to "President".

This is such a shame that the CTA has to take money from Lama Zopa's spiritual organisation. As the leadership of the Tibetans, the CTA should be allocating fund to Buddhist organisations to help them preserve their religion and culture. Besides, the CTA has taken so much donation from the west, where has all the money gone? The Sangha's money should be used to do Dharma work, not to do secular work. Imagine if the CTA uses this money to fund their dirty work of going against the Dorje Shugden practitioners, how much negative karmas they will create?

The article mentioned all the fund from Lama Zopa's organisation is used support Dharma work, to sponsor tulkus, projects and creation of holy objects, then why is the money used to maintain CTA's office? If I were the sponsor, I will be pretty upset, know that the CTA receives millions of dollars from the west and they dare to say they don't have the money to maintain their office? Shame, shame, shame!


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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2018, 05:49:20 AM »
The CTA is now an organisation not even an administration office for the Tibetans in exile? And their goals are “rehabilitating Tibetan refugees and restoring freedom and happiness in Tibet.”? They sound more like an NGO than a leadership. Their status has gone from a government to an administration to an organisation. No wonder Lobsang Sangay has to change his position to "President".

This is such a shame that the CTA has to take money from Lama Zopa's spiritual organisation. As the leadership of the Tibetans, the CTA should be allocating fund to Buddhist organisations to help them preserve their religion and culture. Besides, the CTA has taken so much donation from the west, where has all the money gone? The Sangha's money should be used to do Dharma work, not to do secular work. Imagine if the CTA uses this money to fund their dirty work of going against the Dorje Shugden practitioners, how much negative karmas they will create?

The article mentioned all the fund from Lama Zopa's organisation is used support Dharma work, to sponsor tulkus, projects and creation of holy objects, then why is the money used to maintain CTA's office? If I were the sponsor, I will be pretty upset, know that the CTA receives millions of dollars from the west and they dare to say they don't have the money to maintain their office? Shame, shame, shame!

What you said is so true. It is so shameful of Lobsang Sangay to be able to take donations from the Sangha. Robbing from the holy to do unholy stuff. Yikes! CTA is really really going downhill fast with Lobsang Sangay at the helm. So much negative karma!

The thing is Lama Zopa had warned of "Another side of the teaching is that it is mentioned that the protector (Dorje Shugden) is an Arya Bodhisattva, a manifestation of Manjushri. So, then, there is also the risk of our creating very heavy karma in that context.". Its a direct hint of Lama Zopa could very well still be practicing the practice that his Guru, Lama Yeshe had given him. This will explain so well why Lama Yeshe's statue is still in the revered place in FPMT's altar when he is a staunch Dorje Shugden practitioner and had relied on Dorje Shugden for everything, even for the formation of FPMT. Uh Oh! Lobsang Sangay is taking money from a DS Lama.... Actually with Lama Zopa even voicing out to warn as such, shows up the waning control of the Tibetan Leaders on their people. If I was a sponsor, I would definitely be pissed off with sponsoring a greedy corrupted Government like CTA when its meant for holy activities. All those USD billions CTA received and no results other than to tear their people apart with the Dorje Shugden ban as distraction to hide their failures?? It is really inexcusable. It is even beyond Shame! Its EVIL!

Ringo Starr

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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2018, 09:24:10 AM »
This is such a shame that the CTA has to take money from Lama Zopa's spiritual organisation. As the leadership of the Tibetans, the CTA should be allocating fund to Buddhist organisations to help them preserve their religion and culture. Besides, the CTA has taken so much donation from the west, where has all the money gone? The Sangha's money should be used to do Dharma work, not to do secular work. Imagine if the CTA uses this money to fund their dirty work of going against the Dorje Shugden practitioners, how much negative karmas they will create?

You are absolutely right. FPMT was found by Lama Yeshe who is no doubt a strong Dorje Shugden practitioner and Lama Zopa himself admits that. Now the CTA has not only taken money from Sangha but still uses its resources to go against Sangha including Lama Yeshe. How bloody ironic!


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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2018, 06:08:49 PM »
This is such a shame that the CTA has to take money from Lama Zopa's spiritual organisation. As the leadership of the Tibetans, the CTA should be allocating fund to Buddhist organisations to help them preserve their religion and culture. Besides, the CTA has taken so much donation from the west, where has all the money gone? The Sangha's money should be used to do Dharma work, not to do secular work. Imagine if the CTA uses this money to fund their dirty work of going against the Dorje Shugden practitioners, how much negative karmas they will create?

You are absolutely right. FPMT was found by Lama Yeshe who is no doubt a strong Dorje Shugden practitioner and Lama Zopa himself admits that. Now the CTA has not only taken money from Sangha but still uses its resources to go against Sangha including Lama Yeshe. How bloody ironic!

When it comes to money, CTA is shameless. Don't forget CTA has been taking donations from countries and Tibet support groups all over the world for 60 years. They never produce any results and make any effort to actually fight for their country. Until now they can't even initiate a talk with China. How can they sleep well and not produce any results after taking millions of donation for that purpose?

Other than that, they are shameless enough to take the funds given for the welfare of the Tibetans in exile to use elsewhere. Tibetan settlements are still as backward as ever. No proper facilities and alot of the Tibetans are forced to escape to foreign countries just to seek a decent life. If their government is really taking good care of them, do you think they will risk their lives to go to a foreign country that they are unfamiliar to fight for a new life?


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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2018, 08:33:02 PM »
I have heard of Buddhist organisation such as Tzu Chi in Taiwan using their fund to support the victims of disasters, I have not heard of any Buddhist organisation sponsoring the expenses of their government. FPMT should not even release this announcement, it is not something to be proud of. This sponsorship from Lama Zopa's organisation makes the CTA looks very bad, I have more questions now on how does the CTA spend the millions of dollars they get from their sponsors? It is very shameful for a government to take money from the Sangha, very bad karma.


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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2018, 01:43:54 AM »
The CTA is now an organisation not even an administration office for the Tibetans in exile? And their goals are “rehabilitating Tibetan refugees and restoring freedom and happiness in Tibet.”? They sound more like an NGO than a leadership. Their status has gone from a government to an administration to an organisation. No wonder Lobsang Sangay has to change his position to "President".

This is such a shame that the CTA has to take money from Lama Zopa's spiritual organisation. As the leadership of the Tibetans, the CTA should be allocating fund to Buddhist organisations to help them preserve their religion and culture. Besides, the CTA has taken so much donation from the west, where has all the money gone? The Sangha's money should be used to do Dharma work, not to do secular work. Imagine if the CTA uses this money to fund their dirty work of going against the Dorje Shugden practitioners, how much negative karmas they will create?

The article mentioned all the fund from Lama Zopa's organisation is used support Dharma work, to sponsor tulkus, projects and creation of holy objects, then why is the money used to maintain CTA's office? If I were the sponsor, I will be pretty upset, know that the CTA receives millions of dollars from the west and they dare to say they don't have the money to maintain their office? Shame, shame, shame!

I agree with what you say Tracy and it is disgusting of the CTA to ask for funds especially since we know they generate millions from so many of their indirect charities such as Tibet House US who does a lot of their dirty work to influence the West. But the other question we should also ask is WHY did FPMT and Lama Zopa give to the CTA? When the sponsor so much to the CTA, what does that tell us?

I think this is very obvious... to buy themselves to be in the Dalai Lama's good books. And this is what disgusts me about FPMT and their mission to look "clean" and be politically correct due and for what? So that they get more sponsors and support because they are seen close to the Dalai Lama. What a shame, FPMT seniors, you guys should be a shame and to put Lama Zopa through all this must indeed be very hurtful and collects a lot of negative karma, so much so, Lama Zopa became ill and had a stroke and up until today his speech is not clear. This is the karma they've collected, for their Lamas power/speech/teachings to have obstacles in spreading.

The senior students should really give their teacher, Lama Zopa a break and stop demanding him to do this and that and teach, and go around sponsoring to the CTA. The way I look at it, FPMT students/changtsos of Lama Zopa are abusing Lama Zopa to look good and be credible when they are seen on the CTA/Dalai Lama anti-Shugden camp for the public. They should actually let Lama Zopa rest instead of making him do this and that, travel at his age and in his health condition. It says a lot about FPMT's priorities. Shameful. 


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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2018, 01:55:08 AM »

The thing is Lama Zopa had warned of "Another side of the teaching is that it is mentioned that the protector (Dorje Shugden) is an Arya Bodhisattva, a manifestation of Manjushri. So, then, there is also the risk of our creating very heavy karma in that context.". Its a direct hint of Lama Zopa could very well still be practicing the practice that his Guru, Lama Yeshe had given him. This will explain so well why Lama Yeshe's statue is still in the revered place in FPMT's altar when he is a staunch Dorje Shugden practitioner and had relied on Dorje Shugden for everything, even for the formation of FPMT.

This is a very interesting statement you make and quite likely possible too because I deep down inside I do believe that Lama Zopa is a good, loyal, and is very devoted to Lama Yeshe and I've heard from many high Lamas he himself truly relied on Dorje Shugden... he is not someone who would backstab Lama Yeshe and his protector. He must have been forced and cajoled to do this, unfortunately, hence this is probably why Lama Yeshe statues are everywhere... if not, why keep a statue of a Lama who practised and spread Dorje Shugden till the very end. Let's not forget Kopan monastery was built with the help of the great Dharmapala Dorje Shuguden back in the days as the Lamas would do many extensive pujas to invoke upon Dorje Shugden's help. FPMT senior students, shame on you and your greed and the need to look good. Where is your Guru devotion and Dharma?



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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2018, 04:51:10 AM »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche, through the Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund, recently offered a grant to the CTA office in Bangalore (known as the CTA South Zone). Chief Representative Chophel Thupten explained that it is quite difficult to fundraise for administrative and upkeep needs of the office, but the needs are vast. Rinpoche was very happy to help in this way and offered half of the amount needed for upcoming expenses.

They are so many people in need of help and assistance. The last one is CTA who is loaded with funds corrupted by the sleazy Lobsang Sangay, midget Dhardon Sharling and their cronies there. FPMT's move is clearly a political one. First, they denied Dorje Shugden practice that their founder Lama Yeshe held firmly. Then, they go to the Dalai Lama to cleanse their associate with Lama Yeshe and Dorje Shugden. Now, they pour in the hard earned money for kind sponsors to support the CTA.

No wonder Lama Osel refused to return to the FPMT. The FPMT that his previous reincarnation, Lama Yeshe, has formed was once a pure dharma centre with sincere people who are there to practice the genuine dharma and to proliferate the precious Lama Tsongkhapa lineage. There were people like Zina Rachevsky who went into retreat and ascended to Kechara under the guidance of Lama Yeshe.

Contrary to that now is getting involved with CTA and pour them money to get onto the Dalai Lama's good book.


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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2018, 12:50:23 PM »
While the CTA is taking money from a Buddhist organisation, the Chinese government has allocated USD1.5 millions to renovate Tibet’s oldest palace Yumbu Lhakhang, which later was turned into a monastery for the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism. According to a government white paper published in 2015, the Xinhua News Agency reported, Beijing has spent more than 1.4 billion yuan (US$219 million) since the 1980s restoring Tibetan cultural relics and refurbishing key monasteries. Is China really destroying Tibetan culture and religion? I guess not.

Here is the news article to share with everyone.

Yumbu Lhakhang, an ancient palace believed to be the oldest of its kind in Tibet, is undergoing an extensive state-funded 10 million yuan (US$1.5 million) renovation project aimed at ensuring that the aging structure will continue to survive for many more years to come, Chinese media have reported.

The palace, believed to date to the 2nd century BCE, is in poor condition, with a decaying wooden structure and cracked walls, according to Champa Tsering, head of the Cultural Relics Bureau in Shannan, a prefecture-level city in the southeast of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Tsering noted that renovation work, which began in November last year, will focus on reinforcing the underlying structure, without altering the palace’s original appearance.

Perched atop Tashi Tsere Hill in the Yarlung Valley about 192 kilometers southeast of Lhasa, Yumbu Lhakhang—yumbu means female deer in Tibetan and the name is reportedly derived from the shape of the hill it stands upon—is currently closed to visitors while the renovation project is underway. Work is expected to be completed by April this year.

Yumbu Lhakhang is said to have been built in the 2nd century BCE on behalf of Tibet’s first king, Nyatri Tsenpo, who is believed to have reigned from 127 BCE. The year of Nyatri Tsenpo’s enthronement marks the first year of the Tibetan calendar, and Losar, the traditional Tibetan New Year, is celebrated in his honor.

According to legend, during the reign of Tibet’s 28th king, Thothori Nyantsen, in the fifth century CE, a number of relics fell from the sky onto the roof of the place. They included a jewel inscribed with the mantra om mani padme hum and a volume of scriptures that no one at the time was able to read, but were subsequently found to be Buddhist sutras. Yumbu Lakhang later became the summer palace of Tibet’s 33rd king and founder of the Tibetan Empire (618–842), Songtsen Gampo (b. 557–617, d. 649). His consort, the Chinese princess Wencheng, a member of a minor branch of the royal clan of the China’s Tang dynasty is often credited, along with Songtsen Gampo's Nepalese wife, Bhrikuti, with introducing Buddhism to Tibet. Songtsen Gampo later transferred the seat of his temporal and spiritual authority to Lhasa, and Yumbu Lhakhang was used as a shrine.

During the reign (1642–82) of the 5th Dalai Lama Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (1617–82), the palace was turned into a monastery for the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism. The monastery later sustained severe damage during China’s Cultural revolution and was reduced to a single story structure, but was rebuilt in 1983. The palace has been listed as a regional-level cultural relic since 1962.

The existing three-floor structure of the tallest tower comprises numerous Buddhist chapels, accommodation for monks, along with other buildings. The first floor houses a small hall and a chapel that enshrines statues of Nyatri Tsenpo, Songtsen Gampo, and various ministers and officials. The second floor contains a Sutra Chanting Hall with statues of Shakyamuni Buddha, Chenrezig/Avalokiteshvara, Maitreya,  Je Tsongkhapa, founder of the Gelugpa school, Padmasambhava, and four Vajradhara sculptures. The walls are decorated with murals recording stories and legends from early Tibetan history, the most famous of which depicts Nyatri Tsenpo’s arrival in Tibet from heaven.

According to a government white paper published in 2015, the Xinhua News Agency reported, Beijing has spent more than 1.4 billion yuan (US$219 million) since the 1980s restoring Tibetan cultural relics and refurbishing key monasteries.


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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2018, 01:26:11 PM »
The CTA is now an organisation not even an administration office for the Tibetans in exile? And their goals are “rehabilitating Tibetan refugees and restoring freedom and happiness in Tibet.”? They sound more like an NGO than a leadership. Their status has gone from a government to an administration to an organisation. No wonder Lobsang Sangay has to change his position to "President".

This is such a shame that the CTA has to take money from Lama Zopa's spiritual organisation. As the leadership of the Tibetans, the CTA should be allocating fund to Buddhist organisations to help them preserve their religion and culture. Besides, the CTA has taken so much donation from the west, where has all the money gone? The Sangha's money should be used to do Dharma work, not to do secular work. Imagine if the CTA uses this money to fund their dirty work of going against the Dorje Shugden practitioners, how much negative karmas they will create?

The article mentioned all the fund from Lama Zopa's organisation is used support Dharma work, to sponsor tulkus, projects and creation of holy objects, then why is the money used to maintain CTA's office? If I were the sponsor, I will be pretty upset, know that the CTA receives millions of dollars from the west and they dare to say they don't have the money to maintain their office? Shame, shame, shame!

I agree with what you say Tracy and it is disgusting of the CTA to ask for funds especially since we know they generate millions from so many of their indirect charities such as Tibet House US who does a lot of their dirty work to influence the West. But the other question we should also ask is WHY did FPMT and Lama Zopa give to the CTA? When the sponsor so much to the CTA, what does that tell us?

I think this is very obvious... to buy themselves to be in the Dalai Lama's good books. And this is what disgusts me about FPMT and their mission to look "clean" and be politically correct due and for what? So that they get more sponsors and support because they are seen close to the Dalai Lama. What a shame, FPMT seniors, you guys should be a shame and to put Lama Zopa through all this must indeed be very hurtful and collects a lot of negative karma, so much so, Lama Zopa became ill and had a stroke and up until today his speech is not clear. This is the karma they've collected, for their Lamas power/speech/teachings to have obstacles in spreading.

The senior students should really give their teacher, Lama Zopa a break and stop demanding him to do this and that and teach, and go around sponsoring to the CTA. The way I look at it, FPMT students/changtsos of Lama Zopa are abusing Lama Zopa to look good and be credible when they are seen on the CTA/Dalai Lama anti-Shugden camp for the public. They should actually let Lama Zopa rest instead of making him do this and that, travel at his age and in his health condition. It says a lot about FPMT's priorities. Shameful.

FPMT never learn their lesson. The previous Lama Yeshe manifested early death and they still do not learn their lesson. They still continue with their broken samaya and do as they wish. Even when the new reincarnation of Lama Yeshe has been found, they still do not bulk up and try to mend their samaya with their founder. Now Lama Osel has started to manifest displease of his disciples in FPMT by having no interest in monkhood and being their spiritual guide. He is shown interested in a secular life. Soon he might leave FPMT or even manifest early death. It is common for Lama to manifest early death to not waste time as the students are telling the lama that they don't need him here with their broken samaya.

Out of compassion, the lama will leave to places that will appreciate the Dharma and his guidance. It is not to punish his students,  it is the matter of fact that the students with broken samaya will not have enough merit to sustain the Guru there to give teachings.  In another word, the students do not have the merit to receive Dharma and having a spiritual guide anymore.


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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2018, 10:36:24 PM »
You are absolutely right. FPMT was found by Lama Yeshe who is no doubt a strong Dorje Shugden practitioner and Lama Zopa himself admits that. Now the CTA has not only taken money from Sangha but still uses its resources to go against Sangha including Lama Yeshe. How bloody ironic!

FPMT doesn't seem to mind. Lama Zopa since day 1 has worked towards coming clean with the Dalai Lama and breach his teacher-disciple relationship with Lama Yeshe. The whole FPMT is ready to use money as a means to work their way up to preserve their tainted lineage that is transmitted by Lama Yeshe who was a Dorje Shugden practitioner.


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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2018, 01:36:44 PM »

The thing is Lama Zopa had warned of "Another side of the teaching is that it is mentioned that the protector (Dorje Shugden) is an Arya Bodhisattva, a manifestation of Manjushri. So, then, there is also the risk of our creating very heavy karma in that context.". Its a direct hint of Lama Zopa could very well still be practicing the practice that his Guru, Lama Yeshe had given him. This will explain so well why Lama Yeshe's statue is still in the revered place in FPMT's altar when he is a staunch Dorje Shugden practitioner and had relied on Dorje Shugden for everything, even for the formation of FPMT.

This is a very interesting statement you make and quite likely possible too because I deep down inside I do believe that Lama Zopa is a good, loyal, and is very devoted to Lama Yeshe and I've heard from many high Lamas he himself truly relied on Dorje Shugden... he is not someone who would backstab Lama Yeshe and his protector. He must have been forced and cajoled to do this, unfortunately, hence this is probably why Lama Yeshe statues are everywhere... if not, why keep a statue of a Lama who practised and spread Dorje Shugden till the very end. Let's not forget Kopan monastery was built with the help of the great Dharmapala Dorje Shuguden back in the days as the Lamas would do many extensive pujas to invoke upon Dorje Shugden's help. FPMT senior students, shame on you and your greed and the need to look good. Where is your Guru devotion and Dharma?

To me, it is a great possibility that Lama Zopa keeps his practice of DS secret but his outward signs speak much about his secret. The statues of his Guru, Lama Yeshe and how he is requested for the recognition of Lama Osel by the Dalai Lama. He must have put in so much effort into the search for the reincarnation of his Guru and I wonder if maybe for the recognition, he had to bargain the status of his centres to be Anti-DS. From all signs, Lama Zopa had never happily participated in activities against DS. Usually it is with a forced/closed face, just as in the picture taken when FPMT money was donated to the CTA.

On the contrary, his homage to his Guru, Lama Yeshe (as you had kindly shared pictures of) showed so much devotion and yearning. He had also kept Lama Osel as close as possible but under the circumstances, it is understandable that the conditions are not right/favourable for Lama Osel to teach. The lack of merits is very apparent. The senior students of FPMT should know of broken samaya and if they really want to preserve the blessings and existence/real purpose of their centres, then they should effect the mending of samaya now. The way it is, I think they have very little time left to do so. 


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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2018, 02:43:11 PM »

The thing is Lama Zopa had warned of "Another side of the teaching is that it is mentioned that the protector (Dorje Shugden) is an Arya Bodhisattva, a manifestation of Manjushri. So, then, there is also the risk of our creating very heavy karma in that context.". Its a direct hint of Lama Zopa could very well still be practicing the practice that his Guru, Lama Yeshe had given him. This will explain so well why Lama Yeshe's statue is still in the revered place in FPMT's altar when he is a staunch Dorje Shugden practitioner and had relied on Dorje Shugden for everything, even for the formation of FPMT.

This is a very interesting statement you make and quite likely possible too because I deep down inside I do believe that Lama Zopa is a good, loyal, and is very devoted to Lama Yeshe and I've heard from many high Lamas he himself truly relied on Dorje Shugden... he is not someone who would backstab Lama Yeshe and his protector. He must have been forced and cajoled to do this, unfortunately, hence this is probably why Lama Yeshe statues are everywhere... if not, why keep a statue of a Lama who practised and spread Dorje Shugden till the very end. Let's not forget Kopan monastery was built with the help of the great Dharmapala Dorje Shuguden back in the days as the Lamas would do many extensive pujas to invoke upon Dorje Shugden's help. FPMT senior students, shame on you and your greed and the need to look good. Where is your Guru devotion and Dharma?

To me, it is a great possibility that Lama Zopa keeps his practice of DS secret but his outward signs speak much about his secret. The statues of his Guru, Lama Yeshe and how he is requested for the recognition of Lama Osel by the Dalai Lama. He must have put in so much effort into the search for the reincarnation of his Guru and I wonder if maybe for the recognition, he had to bargain the status of his centres to be Anti-DS. From all signs, Lama Zopa had never happily participated in activities against DS. Usually it is with a forced/closed face, just as in the picture taken when FPMT money was donated to the CTA.

On the contrary, his homage to his Guru, Lama Yeshe (as you had kindly shared pictures of) showed so much devotion and yearning. He had also kept Lama Osel as close as possible but under the circumstances, it is understandable that the conditions are not right/favourable for Lama Osel to teach. The lack of merits is very apparent. The senior students of FPMT should know of broken samaya and if they really want to preserve the blessings and existence/real purpose of their centres, then they should effect the mending of samaya now. The way it is, I think they have very little time left to do so.

I also think Lama Zopa has not given up Dorje Shugden practice. Look at the devotion he has shown to Lama Yeshe even until today. He is a student of a high lama, he sure understands what Samaya is. Even though his centers have abandoned the practice and he seems to be on the Dalai Lama's side, but he has not been very vocal on Dorje Shugden practice.

Some of the high lamas are kind of 'forced' to be on the Dalai Lama's side. Because if they choose to practice Dorje Shugden, there will be nothing left on the Dalai Lama's side, no more great lamas, no more big monasteries or centers. Just look at Gaden Shartse now, who are the big lama there? Only Zong Rinpoche? If Zong Rinpoche also chooses to go to Dorje Shugden side, what will happen to Gaden Shartse? Perhaps it is for this reason that Lama Zopa chooses to be on the Dalai Lama's side.

So far, Lama Zopa has not said anything negative about Dorje Shugden, his statement is very diplomatic. When it comes to Dorje Shugden, he did not really express his personal opinion, he was quoting words from here and there. If he really agrees with what the Dalai Lama has said, he would have said it in a very straightforward manner. Therefore, I think he is still secretly practicing Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2018, 02:40:24 PM »

The thing is Lama Zopa had warned of "Another side of the teaching is that it is mentioned that the protector (Dorje Shugden) is an Arya Bodhisattva, a manifestation of Manjushri. So, then, there is also the risk of our creating very heavy karma in that context.". Its a direct hint of Lama Zopa could very well still be practicing the practice that his Guru, Lama Yeshe had given him. This will explain so well why Lama Yeshe's statue is still in the revered place in FPMT's altar when he is a staunch Dorje Shugden practitioner and had relied on Dorje Shugden for everything, even for the formation of FPMT.

This is a very interesting statement you make and quite likely possible too because I deep down inside I do believe that Lama Zopa is a good, loyal, and is very devoted to Lama Yeshe and I've heard from many high Lamas he himself truly relied on Dorje Shugden... he is not someone who would backstab Lama Yeshe and his protector. He must have been forced and cajoled to do this, unfortunately, hence this is probably why Lama Yeshe statues are everywhere... if not, why keep a statue of a Lama who practised and spread Dorje Shugden till the very end. Let's not forget Kopan monastery was built with the help of the great Dharmapala Dorje Shuguden back in the days as the Lamas would do many extensive pujas to invoke upon Dorje Shugden's help. FPMT senior students, shame on you and your greed and the need to look good. Where is your Guru devotion and Dharma?

To me, it is a great possibility that Lama Zopa keeps his practice of DS secret but his outward signs speak much about his secret. The statues of his Guru, Lama Yeshe and how he is requested for the recognition of Lama Osel by the Dalai Lama. He must have put in so much effort into the search for the reincarnation of his Guru and I wonder if maybe for the recognition, he had to bargain the status of his centres to be Anti-DS. From all signs, Lama Zopa had never happily participated in activities against DS. Usually it is with a forced/closed face, just as in the picture taken when FPMT money was donated to the CTA.

On the contrary, his homage to his Guru, Lama Yeshe (as you had kindly shared pictures of) showed so much devotion and yearning. He had also kept Lama Osel as close as possible but under the circumstances, it is understandable that the conditions are not right/favourable for Lama Osel to teach. The lack of merits is very apparent. The senior students of FPMT should know of broken samaya and if they really want to preserve the blessings and existence/real purpose of their centres, then they should effect the mending of samaya now. The way it is, I think they have very little time left to do so.

I also think Lama Zopa has not given up Dorje Shugden practice. Look at the devotion he has shown to Lama Yeshe even until today. He is a student of a high lama, he sure understands what Samaya is. Even though his centers have abandoned the practice and he seems to be on the Dalai Lama's side, but he has not been very vocal on Dorje Shugden practice.

Some of the high lamas are kind of 'forced' to be on the Dalai Lama's side. Because if they choose to practice Dorje Shugden, there will be nothing left on the Dalai Lama's side, no more great lamas, no more big monasteries or centers. Just look at Gaden Shartse now, who are the big lama there? Only Zong Rinpoche? If Zong Rinpoche also chooses to go to Dorje Shugden side, what will happen to Gaden Shartse? Perhaps it is for this reason that Lama Zopa chooses to be on the Dalai Lama's side.

So far, Lama Zopa has not said anything negative about Dorje Shugden, his statement is very diplomatic. When it comes to Dorje Shugden, he did not really express his personal opinion, he was quoting words from here and there. If he really agrees with what the Dalai Lama has said, he would have said it in a very straightforward manner. Therefore, I think he is still secretly practicing Dorje Shugden.

Yes what you said is quite true. Everyone needs the Dharma, no matter Shugdenpas or Anti-Shugdens and some Lamas compassionately look "wrong" to avail the Dharma to them. The Dharma may be taught but it is really the students' part to contemplate deeper into the truth and find out where there is doubt. If the FPMT centres sided with the Dalai Lama to look good, then they are really off tangent. Spending the whole life looking good had them seeking Dharma to gain relief from their sufferings but now they are reinforcing their sufferings? What's the point of seeking Dharma in the first place? Especially when you had lost your founding Guru, Lama Yeshe and may lose your current Guru, Lama Zopa and potential Guru who so kindly reincarnated back, Lama Osel. Should quickly repair your samaya so that Lama Zopa and Lama Osel will have long life and continue to turn the wheel of Dharma.