Author Topic: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President  (Read 29646 times)

Ringo Starr

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The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President


Helsinki — Urging the governments in Europe to stand up to their founding principles and values, and raise their voices against repression, Tibetan President Dr Lobsang Sangay said the *Middle Way Approach* seeks to resolve the Tibet issue through peaceful and non-violent means as the only viable solution to address the current tragic situation inside Tibet.

President's comments came during a lecture at the University of Helsinki, the oldest and largest university in Finland, on October 11, 2018, titled “Legal and political representation of non-state people in politics: Tibet case”.

President of Central Tibetan Administration arrived at Helsinki airport on Thursday night for the last leg of his four-nation Europe visit. This is President’s maiden visit to Finland. He was received by Sonam Tsering Frasi, Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama for Northern Europe; Erja Sini-Kaarina Varis of Finnish Tibet Committee; and the few Tibetans living in Finland, according to the Office of Tibet, London.

President Dr Sangay's first public event on his official engagements in Finland began the next day with a lecture at the University of Helsinki, the oldest and largest university in Finland, titled “Legal and political representation of non-state people in politics: Tibet case”.

 8) 8) 8)

I shan't bother you with the rest of this Tibet Post ass-lickin' article.
The "President" (Sieg Heil!) is full of contradictions and things that are just too rude to mention.

Most of all is the word "peace" which is rather alien to Tibet.
Peace cannot be a viable solution Mr Head of an NGO, because you never want peace, just money and power:

Tibetan leadership organizes violence

Posted on March 12, 2014 in Features · 8,807 Views · 110 Comments

Ringo Starr

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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2018, 12:56:59 PM »
Yes Lama Zopa, let's have some of that...

Ringo Starr

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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2018, 12:59:11 PM »
And some of this...

Ringo Starr

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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2018, 01:00:51 PM »
And this...

Ringo Starr

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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2018, 01:53:01 PM »
This too came from a member of the Gaden Phodrang government...


Ringo Starr

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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2018, 01:57:39 PM »
Under the noses of the Dalai Lama's government...

Ringo Starr

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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2018, 02:00:12 PM »
In Tibet governed by the Ganden Phodrang, the Dalai Lama's government...

Ringo Starr

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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2018, 02:03:13 PM »
Here's my chopped up arm Sikyong...
And some skin too...

Ringo Starr

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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2018, 02:07:46 PM »
Hand and legs...

Ringo Starr

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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2018, 02:10:06 PM »
When you don't pay the Tibetan IRS...

Ringo Starr

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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2018, 02:13:07 PM »
Our slave... ooops I mean our happy, peaceful farmer :)

Ringo Starr

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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2018, 02:14:37 PM »
Our grand plan to have peace in Tibet:

Ringo Starr

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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2018, 02:26:43 PM »

Not a great record of peace in Tibet:

640   Tibet invades and occupies Nepal.
654–676   Tibetan Empire conquest of Tu-yu-lun state and annexation of Chinese territories in Central Asia.
717   The Tibetans (according to an 11th-century Chinese history) join with the Turkic Türgish to attack Kashgar.
720   Tibetan troops take Uighur principality of 'Bug-cor in the Dunhuang oasis.
755–797   Reign of Trisong Detsen, Tsugtsen's son. Reconquest of Central Asia
763   Tibetans invade the Tang Chinese capital of Chang'an and withdraw 15 days later.
785–805   Tibetan army advances westward to the Pamirs and Oxus River.
836–842   Reign of Lang Darma, brother of Ralpachen. Supporter of Bon, he severely persecutes Buddhism.
1207   Tibetans send delegation to Genghis Khan and establish friendly relations.
1227   Death of Genghis Khan.
1240s-50s   Mongol invasions of Tibet.
1354   Fighting breaks out between the Sakyapa sect and the powerful Lang family which founds the Phagmodrupa dynasty.
1434–1534   Power struggles between the provinces of Ü and Tsang because of the religious divide between the Gelugpa and Karmapa sects. Rise of the Rinpungpa Dynasty.
1565   Overthrown of the Rinpungpa Dynasty by the Tsangpa Dynasty.
1641–42   Güshi Khan of the Khoshut Mongols overthrows the King of Tsang and returns the territory to the Dalai Lama. Establishment of the Ganden Phodrang regime by the 5th Dalai Lama with his help.
1705   The last khan of the Khoshut Khanate, Lha-bzang Khan, invades Tibet and conquers Lhasa.
1706   The Khan deposes the 6th Dalai Lama and sends him to China but he dies on the way. The Khan declares that the rebellious 6th Dalai Lama was not a true reincarnation and enthrones an eminent monk of his selection until the real one can be found.
1717–1720   Dzungar Mongols occupy Lhasa, killing Lha-bzang Khan. The Manchu Emperor of China deposes the Dalai Lama and recognizes a claimant from Kumbum named Kelzang Gyatso, who is officially recognised as the 7th Dalai Lama in 1720. Beginning of Qing rule of Tibet.
1750   Riots break out in Lhasa after the ambans assassination of the regent.
1783–84   British Mission led by Samuel Turner. Chinese troops impose the Peace of Kathmandu following Gurkha incursions into Tibet.
1841–42   Sino-Dogra War.
1842   Treaty of Chushul between Qing dynasty and Dogra dynasty
1846   Lazarist monks, Huc and Gabet, arrive in Lhasa.
1855–56   Nepalese–Tibetan War
1876   Birth of the 13th Dalai Lama, Thupten Gyatso. Diplomatic conflict between Britain and Russia over privileges in Tibet.
1904   British military expedition under Francis Younghusband forces its way into Lhasa, forcing the Dalai Lama to flee to Mongolia. Agreement is made with the abbot of Ganden Monastery. Treaty of Lhasa signed.


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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2018, 12:28:01 AM »
Lobsang Sangay ends his world tour with a peace talk? How ironic. Since when he advocates peace? He fails to bring peace to the Tibetan community and he wants to give a speech on this topic?

If Lobsang Sangay truly wants peace, he will lift the Dorje Shugden ban, take the section on Dorje Shugden practice off from the CTA's website. They will stop the Tibetans in China to self-immolate and stop condemning China. Isn't he a Rangzen supporter? Why is he suddenly supporting the Middle Way Approach? Either he is confused or he is trying to confuse people.

Lobsang Sangay is a hypocrite, if the Middle Way Approach is really the way to go, why he is not talking to China yet? Why is he still touring around the world to raise awareness of the free Tibet movement? He was very happy that his friends in the Czech Republic have formed the largest Tibetan support group in Europe. He is very contradictory to himself.


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Re: The only viable solution to the tragic of Tibet is peace: President
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2018, 01:00:48 AM »
Wow, that were quite a bit of information from Tibet's past. Thank you for the amazing pictorial sharing. Obviously there cannot be peace that reign while their citizens are constantly under the fear of their government and the wars that goes on. Definitely looked liked serfdom to me. They looked starved too. And all those corporal punishments. If it is only to collect taxes then what is the point of chopping off their limbs which means they can't work to clear their debts? And if this is the state of governance that the Tibetans came from then why would they want to go back to the same Tibet? China is investing so much into elevating the living conditions in Tibet and the people can own their land or run their own businesses. So much more freedom and yes also paying tax but I would think more willingly since they pay in relations to profit earned.

Even so, for Lobsang Sangay to speak about peace, had he looked into his own backyard yet? What about the peace to be accorded to the DS Lamas and practitioners? Having evicted the monks from their monasteries which they built, had Lobsang Sangay given them peace? Had the Tibetans coming into India with hopes and in loyalty to their government been given peace? Had their extremely kind sponsor, India, been given peace instead of problems all the time? What peace does Lobsang Sangay know since he had never given any at all? Even his mistress, Dhardon Sharling was forced into a farce marriage to cover up their affair. And what about his own family while he is having his flings? What peace is he talking about?