Author Topic: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice  (Read 32321 times)


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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2018, 03:24:18 PM »
For such a distinguished Lama who is one of the last of his generation, it sure is a little saddening that he doesn’t speak up much against the ban. What could people say? That he’s a liar? But he’s lived through it all and seen it all, and seen THROUGH it all. He wouldn’t be talking from hearsay but from experience and personal knowledge. I’m just saying, it’d be nice to see more people speaking up against the ban, especially people of his caliber so it’s not as though Dorje Shugden lamas are always on their own. Where’s the solidarity man?


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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2018, 03:36:30 PM »
Reading Zasep Rinpoche's autobiography in regards to DS, I have deep respect for him because it's not easy for anyone to come out in the open to talk or write about DS without risking their life, reputation, losing sponsors and students.

I have not read the rest of his autobiography but what is important to know is that Rinpoche shared the same root teacher as His Holiness the Dalai Lama who is none other than the great Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. This means they are dharma brothers who shared the same teachings and high chances ... the same practices.

There are so many valid proofs on how DS saved DL yet there are people who chose to ignore this fact because of HHDL's fame and status. HHDL is not the ONLY high lama with a long line of incarnation and is an emanation of a Buddha. If he was, how would Trijang Rinpoche be qualified to teach him? This shows that Trijang Rinpoche is also of the same par with HHDL.

If we believe there are many Buddhas such as Medicine Buddha, Chenrezig, Manjushri, Heruka, Vajrayogini, Tara and so on ... how would it be possible that ONLY Chenrezig chose to return in the nirmanakaya form, the emanation body we can physically perceive? Hence, there are other lamas who are Enlightened and their words should be taken into consideration as well. I believe what Zasep Rinpoche wrote in this biography is the truth.


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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2018, 04:32:00 PM »
This is such an awesome find! The 2 things that stuck out for me are:
1) How both Zasep Tulku Rinpoche's and Trijang Rinpoche's account of Dalai Lama's escape matches perfectly. It was Gyalchen Dorje Shugden who saved Dalai Lama's life and NOT Nechung. As Zasep Tulku Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche are both attained Lamas with undisputable calibre, this information can definitely be relied on.
2) The irrational and undemocratic ban on Dorje Shugden practice is just the way Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) tries to distract the world away from their failure. What failure? Failure to regain their home country after 60 years! Who on earth blames a God or deity on a government's failure? Only CTA. What's even more illogical is that CTA thinks everyone will buy into their brand of "truth". In this day and age where there is practically free flow of information, CTA has to realise that there are many who know the REAL truth.

Glad to see that Zasep Tulku Rinpoche has chosen to be open about his protector practice. Hope that more Shugden Lamas will lend their voice and presence to help lift the ban. If all the Shugden Lamas banded together, who is CTA to demonise Shugden practice? Surely a group of high lama's views will supercede those of secular leaders who have failed their own people miserably.


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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2018, 06:36:17 PM »
Everything Zasep Rinpoche writes is very true! He is a respected lama.He pointed out that DS is the real protector to help the Dalai lama escape from Tibet.


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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #19 on: October 22, 2018, 06:57:49 PM »
Thanks for the great find!

It is not easy for a lama to be opened about his practice of Dorje Shugden as it may cause discrimination, defame, or even at the risk of their life due to the Dorje Shugden ban. I truly salute Zasep Rinpoche to mentioned his practice in his biography. 

Zasep Rinoche mentioned about it was Dorje Shugden that helped H.H. Dalai Lama to fled from Tibet. It is just the same as other facts mentioned in one of the article ( It is showing me more evidences that Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being and he has helped Dalai Lama. If Dorje Shugden is to harm Dalai Lama, how would he in the first place save Dalai Lama from Tibet to India?

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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2018, 07:12:39 PM »
Many of the facts mentioned and described by Zasep Tulku Rinpoche's biography is not something totally new, including Dorje Shugden is the one who has saved HH Dalai Lama's life, and what route to take to escape safely. Information as such have been shared by

I summary, Zasep Rinpoche in his biography mentioned that:

* Dorje Shugden practice is something dear to his heart.

* HH Dalai Lama heeded the advice of Dorje Shugden via Panglung oracle, hence he is able to escape and arrived safely in India.

* When mentioned about Gelug, Kagyu and Nyingma all live together peacefully, doing prayers togetehr in harmony. Only after Central Tibetan Adminstration come in to divine and rule, the Tibetan community has turned into a divided society, as you can see now. Hoping that one day all the lineages can live together with HARMONY, regardless one group of people is practising Dorje Shugden or not.

* CTA is the culprit behind the Dorje Shugden ban to divide the Tibetan community.

* Sakya lineage has history of practising Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden is not SECTARIAN, if not why non Gelug lineage people won't be practising Dorje Shugden, unless they are receiving blessings from Dorje Shugden.

It's glad to have record re Dorje Shugden as such in a Rinpoche's biography, which speaks in details. Many resource can now cross check.


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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2018, 07:15:24 PM »
Nice picture of Zasep Tulku Rinpoche and his students with a statue of Dorje Shugden on the far right

Zasep Rinpoche has strong guru devotion where he will follow the practice passed to him by his masters. He is very dedicated and determined in doing dharma for the benefit of others. Zasep Rinpoche had been doing Dorje Shugden practice with his grandfather since he was 9 years old, as written in “A Tulku’s Journey from Tibet to Canada”. By 17 years old, he received Dorje Shugden initiation from Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, who is also the junior tutor of HH the 14th Dalai Lama when the HHDL was 19 years old.

This photo tells a truth that Zasep Rinpoche has strong faith and continue propitiate to Dorje Shugden until today.


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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #22 on: October 22, 2018, 09:12:01 PM »
Zasep Rinpoche is an amazing Lama with many authentic lineages of practice and teachings received from some of the highest Lamas of the Gelug traditions. His esteemed teachers including Trijang Rinpoche, Zong Rinpoche, Rongtha Rinpoche, Guru Deva Rinpoche and Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa are some of the most highest Lamas of our current era. If he received his practices from them, it must be important but most of all, it must be a positive one. Otherwise, the whole Gelug lineage is mistaken.

On top of that this book is heart breaking because in one section of the book it describes what Guru Deva Rinpoche had to go through because of the attitudes against Dorje Shugden. In fact one of Guru Deva Rinpoche’s monastic temples which he himself built near Boudhanatha Stupa in Kathmandu,  Nepal. It is called Samten Ling. This temple had a Protector Chapel on the top floor. They used to do Dorje Shugden pujas there on a daily basis. But the Central Tibetan Administration took over the temple and kicked out Dorje Shugden practitioners. Can you believe that? They totally trashed Guru Deva Rinpoche’s holy legacy.

For someone like Zasep Tulku to talk so openly about Dorje Shugden is brave given the situation. Though he may not be at the forefront of the Dorje Shugden movement, he is definitely an unsung hero.


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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2018, 09:55:11 PM »
For someone like Zasep Tulku to talk so openly about Dorje Shugden is brave given the situation. Though he may not be at the forefront of the Dorje Shugden movement, he is definitely an unsung hero.

Very true. If more people whether they are Tulkus or ordinary practitioners had the courage to speak of their devotion to Dorje Shugden, it would create a very powerful movement. It would be so inspiring to Shugdenpas all around the world and it would empower more people to stay true to their teachers, their lineage and their vows.

Many people mistakenly think that Dorje Shugden practitioners are against the Dalai Lama but we can see in the example of Zasep Rinpoche that this is not true. He remains respectful of the Dalai Lama - a quick look online will show the Dalai Lama’s portrait in a position of reverence in Zasep Rinpoche’s centers and shrines.


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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #24 on: October 22, 2018, 10:34:36 PM »
When I read this sentence “According to Zasep Tulku Rinpoche (as well), it was Dorje Shugden through trance of the Panglung oracle, not Nechung, who saved the Dalai Lama from China’s invasion in 1959.”, again it clearly tells us that Dorje Shugden helps Dalai Lama escape from Tibet.

I am deeply respect Zasep Tulku Rinpoche because he having courage to call Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is fully at fault for the schism in the Gelug school that spilled over to divide Tibetan Buddhists around the world.


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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #25 on: October 23, 2018, 08:46:01 AM »
There are so many written accounts by great and highly accomplished lamas of how Dorje Shugden helped in the escape of HH the Dalai Lama from Tibet. And these lamas and other lamas spoke of the enlightened nature of Dorje Shugden and pass on his practice to their students. Yet CTA brand Dorje Shugden as a demon and use many methods to put Dorje Shugden down. The negative motivation and actions by the CTA will no doubt come back to haunt them. Like the saying that goes 'karma is a bitch.'   8)


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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #26 on: October 23, 2018, 08:49:10 AM »
Zasep Rinpoche's comments( written in 2016) on Dorje Shugden as a powerful Protector, and how his predictions through renowned oracles have always been so accurate and have led to earth-moving decisions and results,  are current enough to make its mark as a valid and distinctive commentary on the Shugden controversy. From this Master of distinguished stature comes an account of the escape of the Dalai Lama from Tibet into India that clearly corroborates Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's account. Furthermore, he is to be lauded for being brave enough to forthrightly and uncategorically state that the Tibetan Leadership has "orchestrated the Shugden controversy" to "deflect attention from their incompetence". Yes, especially their incompetence in handling the administration of the Tibetans in Exile in India, leaving them in such a dire state of hopelessness and helplessness.


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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2018, 03:09:09 PM »
There are so many more lamas both senior and junior who are still practicing Dorje Shugden in secret. They attended Dalai Lama's teachings and events and pretend to not practice Dorje Shugden, but actually they are practicing and never stopped. Many of my Tibetan friends in the monasteries and Dharamsala tell me this. It is a well known 'secret' in the Tibetan communities of India and Nepal.

Once the Dalai Lama passes away peacefully, the secret practitioners will all come out of the woodworks and practice openly. They are not wishing for the Dalai Lama to pass away, but he will naturally one day. The monks all say this.


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Re: Zasep Rinpoche’s biography dispels CTA propaganda of Shugden practice
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2018, 04:25:58 PM »
For such a distinguished Lama who is one of the last of his generation, it sure is a little saddening that he doesn’t speak up much against the ban. What could people say? That he’s a liar? But he’s lived through it all and seen it all, and seen THROUGH it all. He wouldn’t be talking from hearsay but from experience and personal knowledge. I’m just saying, it’d be nice to see more people speaking up against the ban, especially people of his caliber so it’s not as though Dorje Shugden lamas are always on their own. Where’s the solidarity man?
Personally I am glad to see that Zasep Tulku Rinpoche addressed the Dorje Shugden issue boldly in his book. He could have avoided it altogether like a lot of people have for the last 20 years. If more people had stood up and called out the Tibetan government on their lies about Dorje Shugden, the controversy would not have become so protracted. Having said that, I too wish Rinpoche had said more.

The CTA's Dorje Shugden ban not only impaired the Gelug lineage but also the Sakya and the Tibetan Buddhist community as a whole. And this is not to mention how much the Dorje Shugden controversy distracted critical attention and effort away from the Tibetan struggle. Incidentally Zasep Tulku's writing about what he personally saw at the Sakya Monastery confirms yet again that the 40th Sakya Trinzin lied about the prominence of Dorje Shugden within the Sakya.

Those who know that the Tibetan government blatantly deformed the truth about Dorje Shugden and choose to do nothing contribute to the decay of the lineage and also the Dharma. It is understandable enough if they live in the Tibetan settlements and have to avoid trouble but a lot of lamas, geshes, monks and practitioners live far away from Dharamsala but decide to keep quiet because its just easier to do nothing.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's NKT used to fight the ban boisterously but somehow decided to retreat without even a whimper. Some like Tsem Tulku have been very vocal against lies said about the Protector but in a peaceable way. Tsem Tulku is attacked for speaking the truth but I guess it is better to be attacked than to see people disparage your holy gurus as demon practitioners. Tsem Tulku's devotion to Zong Rinpoche is legendary. Incidentally Zong Rinpoche is also one of Zasep Rinpoche's teachers. As for the other Shugden lamas, I suppose they have their own excuses and alibis.

May Zasep Tulku Rinpoche live long and continue to speak against the CTA's very harmful ban on Dorje Shugden.