Author Topic: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner  (Read 29056 times)


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A friend emailed this to me and I found it so funny, I had to share. She sent it to a nunnery in Dharamsala called Gaden Choeling Nunnery.

I know you are destroy your Dorje Shugden statue. Why you are not destroy you Dorje Neljorma statue? This statue are give to you from Ama Lobsang Drolma n she are practice. To Dorje Shugden. Her tsaway lama is Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang n he are practice to Dorje Shugden. You all are bad anila for keeping Dorje Neljorma statue give to you by Dorje Shugden amche.

So just in case you do not know, Gaden Choeling Nunnery is the oldest and largest Tibetan Buddhist nunnery in India. It's located in Dharamsala, the North Indian headquarters of the Tibetan leadership in exile, and near to where the Dalai Lama resides. You can see the location of their nunnery below in relations to Dharamsala.

This nunnery was started by several nuns who fled Nechung Ri Nunnery in Tibet after it was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. The Nechung Ri anis worked with others from several other nunneries to build this one. I've included some photos below of what their nunnery looks like.

When the ban on Dorje Shugden was imposed, these sycophants decided they would pander to the Tibetan leadership and dragged their Dorje Shugden statue off their altar. They dragged it out of their nunnery and destroyed it by stomping and spitting on it. It was like a bunch of banshees screaming in their shrill voices and then they finally dumped the statue. (Wow. So clean. Much good. ::))

The twist? These anis have a Vajrayogini statue (Dorje Neljorma) in their nunnery that was donated to them by Ama Lobsang Drolma Khangkar, a famous Tibetan medicine doctor who was a devoted student of Trijang Rinpoche. You can see Amala in the picture below standing next to the Vajrayogini statue she offered to them. She paid for it and went to attend the invitation ceremony when Dorje Neljorma was invited into the nunnery and invoked and requested to abide there.

So my friend's point is, why do they destroy a Dorje Shugden statue so they look clean but they think it is alright to keep a Vajrayogini statue donated with the money of a Dorje Shugden practitioner, who was the student of a Shugden lama? How come a Dorje Shugden statue is not acceptable but the money of a Dorje Shugden practitioner is okay? These nuns are hypocrites and liars and practice double standards. They were funded by Dorje Shugden practitioners and lamas, and took their sponsorship and when the ban came, they immediately turned on their lineage masters.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 03:20:11 PM by Admin »


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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2018, 09:06:59 AM »
Stomping on sacred mantras

These nuns were known to practice Dorje Shugden since the inception of their nunnery. They had a beautiful and sacred Dorje Shugden statue housed in a special chapel dedicated to him. When the unethical and inhumane ban against Shugden started by the Tibetan leadership in 1996, this nunnery being located near the Tibetan government in exile (Dharamsala) dragged their Dorje Shugden statue out of their chapel, into the garbage dumps and proceeded to smash up the image. After doing so, some of the very political nuns jumped up and down on the smashed statue (stomping) to show they are so patriotic and loyal to the Tibetan government in exile. Many in the Tibetan world were shocked at the absolutely rude and disgusting behaviour of these 'nuns'. Inside the statue contained many relics of high lamas, mani pills, precious sacred pills, mantras of various deities and many other precious items. Tibetan statues always contain sacred mantras and relics. They were stepping and stomping on the mantras and holy relics contained within this statue. People were outraged and disgusted. The 'nuns' were looked down upon and called radical and extreme.

The Tibetan government encourages this type of radical behaviour.

They had every opportunity to study and educated Geshes were sent to their nunnery for decades to teach them the Buddhist curriculum, debate and philosophy. Till this day from their nunnery, not one great teacher or practitioner has arisen the ranks of nuns. No healer, meditator or great nun teacher has arisen. They just do puja, eat, collect sponsorship and continue to dabble in politics of dharamsala. Too bad when nuns dabble in misguided politics.


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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2018, 04:06:01 PM »
This saddens me to see how the ban had destroyed another nunnery. The ban makes people do the most disgusting things of all which is the abandon the scared practice of Dorje Shugden. Since the nunnery had been practising Dorje Shugden, their lineage must be coming from a Dorje Shugden lama. Are they breaking their samaya when they decided to abandon the practice?

There will be no attainments or whatsoever coming from the nunnery now. Once the samaya is broken, no matter what practice they do, there will be no attainments because the lineage's blessings are gone. I hope they realise what they are doing here. They are literally throwing away their spirituality.

I can't imagine how they dragged Dorje Shugden statue off the altar and desecrate it by jumping and spitting on it. How much of negative karma had been created from that. This is how destructive the Dorje Shugden ban is. All of this is unnecessary if Dorje Shugden ban is never imposed and everybody will be doing their practice peacefully.


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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2018, 01:20:13 AM »
Stomping on sacred mantras

These nuns were known to practice Dorje Shugden since the inception of their nunnery. They had a beautiful and sacred Dorje Shugden statue housed in a special chapel dedicated to him. When the unethical and inhumane ban against Shugden started by the Tibetan leadership in 1996, this nunnery being located near the Tibetan government in exile (Dharamsala) dragged their Dorje Shugden statue out of their chapel, into the garbage dumps and proceeded to smash up the image. After doing so, some of the very political nuns jumped up and down on the smashed statue (stomping) to show they are so patriotic and loyal to the Tibetan government in exile. Many in the Tibetan world were shocked at the absolutely rude and disgusting behaviour of these 'nuns'. Inside the statue contained many relics of high lamas, mani pills, precious sacred pills, mantras of various deities and many other precious items. Tibetan statues always contain sacred mantras and relics. They were stepping and stomping on the mantras and holy relics contained within this statue. People were outraged and disgusted. The 'nuns' were looked down upon and called radical and extreme.

The Tibetan government encourages this type of radical behaviour.

Oh yes, only the Tibetan government is crazy enough to get Tibetans to smash up Tibetan Buddha images and then tell the world, and appeal for funds to "preserve the Tibetan culture and identity".

I remember reading about this incident from some Shugden news years back. Below is the info:

April 5th, 1996
At 8 a.m., a group of nuns go into the abbot’s chamber and drag a Dorje
Shugden statue into the street by using a rope attached to its neck. This statue in
the Gaden Choeling Nunnery was consecrated by His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche,
the junior tutor of H.H. the Dalai Lama, H.H. Ling Rinpoche, the senior tutor
of H.H. the Dalai Lama, Kyabje Song Rinpoche and Kyabje Rato Rinpoche.
perpetrators, Lobsang Dechen, disciplinarian of the nunnery, assisted by nun Tenzin
Tselha and Dolma Yangzom, spat at the statue, sat on it, broke it into pieces,
and then threw the remains into the town’s garbage dump.


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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2018, 03:05:30 PM »
This is very typical of those anti-Dorje Shugden people, throwing the statue away but at the same time still enjoy items donated by the Dorje Shugden practitioners. This nunnery is not the only one who wants to look politically correct and clean so they throw away the statue. Kopan Monastery, Sera Monastery, Drepung Monastery, Gaden Monastery are all the same! They gave up the Dorje Shugden practice but yet still using the facilities built by the Dorje Shugden lamas.

Many high lamas are Dorje Shugden practitioners before there was the Dorje Shugden ban, they have helped to raise fund to build the monastery. When the ban was imposed, the lamas who didn't want to give up the practice were expelled from the monastery because they are said to be impure. However, the monasteries keep the facilities built using the money raised by the Dorje Shugden lamas and enjoy them daily.

There is a double standard here again. If everything about a Dorje Shugden follower is impure, these monasteries should also throw away everything that was donated or built by the Dorje Shugden lamas because they are contaminated. They dare not do so because more than 50% of what they have now, are from the Dorje Shugden lamas. For example, Kopan monastery in Nepal, it was established by Lama Yeshe who was a strong Dorje Shugden practitioner. If the students want to be clean, they should not use the existing Kopan monastery, they should go find their own land and build another center. This shows how illogical and hypocritical these people are.


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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2018, 07:55:59 PM »
This is just one of the many examples of how the CTA contradicts themselves. Another example would be the publication of OVERVIEW OF BUDDHIST TANTRA by the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives in Dharamsala. See below quoted from the book. Before the Dorje Shugden ban, everyone knows that Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen (sPrul-sku Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan) was one of Dorje Shugden's reincarnation.

0 Chos-rje bSod-nams grags-pa-dpal!
In the vast expanse of Your bodhi-mind,
The mind that the Buddhas have lauded for as many as one hundred times,
You have developed “merit” shining like the sun.
Through Your skill in learning, debate and writing,
As illuminating as one hundred thousand sun rays,
You have developed in You a complete knowledge of the entire sutras and tantras,
Resembling a garden of flowers in full bloom.
The power of Your speech is like the sun;
The fame of your name has reached the three realms of this world.
0 Sonam Dragpa, the teacher of teachers!
I bow down at your feet. In the vast garden of Your great teachings,
The intelligent young people gather for
The ‘six ultimates’ and the ‘four modes of transmission,’
Just as they are attracted to
The one hundred thousand types of nectar
Dripping from a flower of one hundred petals.
May I be able to experience
The taste of the secret tantra!

Panchen Chos-rje bSod-nams grags-pa-dpal, the holder of sutra and Vajrayana teachings, was a master whose outstanding learning and spiritual accomplishments are well known by all the learned ones in Tibet. His first incarnation came in the form of one of the five prestigious disciples of Lord Tsong-kha-pa and became known as Vinaya Holder Gragspa rgyal-mtshan. Then came Panchen bSod-nams grags-pa-dpal, the author of the present text. *The next was mNga’ -ris sPrul-sku Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. In this way, a line of his incarnations, each with the gragspa surname, followed successively.*

Panchen bSod-nams grags-pa-dpal was born in the 14th century in rTsed-thang in the Lho-kha region of Central Tibet. He entered the great seat of learning, Se-ra theg-chen-gling monastic university, where he became the personal disciple of spiritual master Dhon-yod dang-ldan and His Holiness the Second Dalai Lama dGe-’dun rgya-mtsho. Under them, he studied the entire teachings of sutra, tantra and their commentaries, and became known for his outstanding learning. He also received from them the empowerments, reading transmissions, guides and instructions of the entire body of spiritual training.

On becoming the fully blessed one, the Dalai Lama appointed him the abbot of the Blo-gsalgling college, one of the four colleges of ‘Bras-dpung- the most prestigious monastic university in Tibet before 1959, with over 10,000 monks on its register. He continued to be the abbot of this college for the next six years; and after him the tenure for each of his successors in this position was fixed for a period of six years, a rule that is followed even today. He was then appointed the head of the dGe-lugs-pa order, the throne holder of dGa’ -ldan, thus becoming the 15th regent of Lord Tsong-khapa, the second Buddha. In his eulogy to him, mi<has-grub dGe-Iegs dpalbzang says:

0 Lama, the second successor of the Unsubduable One,
The regent of the Lord of Dharma,
You are the one who made the virtuous qualities thrive;
You are the one who ascended to the golden throne uplifted by the fearless lions.
May Your success thrive forever!

He continued to be the throne holder for the next seven years, during which time he promoted the spread of Lord Tsong-kha-pa’ s precious teachings, the dGe-lugs tradition, across the land in all directions. He also paid special attention to the practice of monastic rules and the learning and meditation of Buddhism in the monasteries such as Se-ra, ‘Bras-spungs, sKyo-mo-lung, Phag-mo chos-sde, Nye-sdings, ‘Od-sna and Chos-sde rin-chen etc. and improved them to a great extent. He taught the Third Dalai Lama bSod-nams rGya-mtsho as the latter’s spiritual master. It was from him that the Dalai Lama received the name bSod-nams. His contributions in the literary field are enormous; and, indeed, they are the most valuable of all his contributions. Tsong-kha-pa has rightly said: Of all one’s deeds, The ‘deeds of speech’ are the most valuable.

Panchen bSod-nams grags-pa-dpal was a person with an extraordinary talent for teaching, debate and writing. In his colophon to dBu ma’i spyi don zab don gsal ba’i sgron me, he wrote:

In the field of teaching, I am [next to none!] Knowing that I would outdo them in this field, Arya Asanga and his brother transmigrated into another realm. In the field of debate, I am [next to none!] Knowing that I would find out the areas they had contradicted and that I would examine them and put forth my arguments, the logician Digh-naga and Dharmakirti tactfully bypassed me. In the field of writing, I am [next to none!] [In my eyes,] Arya-sura was just good at spreading the works, which are like ‘disputes~ between an insect and a field.’ I am the learned man. Peerless in the field of teaching, debate and writing!

For some this passage might sound utterly nonsensical, but the most learned master of our age, the talented teacher, logician and writer, the late tutor to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Yongs-’ dzin Khri-byang rDorje-’ Chang, said:

“Now, some people of our time, who consider themselves learned scholars, think that this is utter nonsense; but they are wrong.”

Panchen bSod-nams grags-pa-dpal wrote over 45 volumes of books dealing with many different subjects, such as the commentaries on the sutras and tantras, the saddhana manuals of the tutelary deities, history, religious history and so forth. Among these, one that is very important for all who wish to learn and meditate on the path-of the practical aspect of Buddhism in general and that of Vajrayana in particular is the Legs bshad rgyud sde spyi’i nuzm par bzhag pa skal bzang gi yid ‘phrod.

In this book, he has explained precisely how the four tantras differ from one another. He has also fully described the stages of the two spontaneous path practices of the Vajrayana tradition, dealing with the ‘six ultimates’ and the ‘four modes of transmission’, thus interpreting without mistake the intention of Adhi-Buddha Vajradhara. May the reprint of this text, which the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives is publishing herewith, bring peace and happiness in this world!

Prof. Nawang Jinpa
St. Joseph’s College
January 24 1996


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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2018, 03:52:27 PM »
Stomping on sacred mantras

These nuns were known to practice Dorje Shugden since the inception of their nunnery. They had a beautiful and sacred Dorje Shugden statue housed in a special chapel dedicated to him. When the unethical and inhumane ban against Shugden started by the Tibetan leadership in 1996, this nunnery being located near the Tibetan government in exile (Dharamsala) dragged their Dorje Shugden statue out of their chapel, into the garbage dumps and proceeded to smash up the image. After doing so, some of the very political nuns jumped up and down on the smashed statue (stomping) to show they are so patriotic and loyal to the Tibetan government in exile. Many in the Tibetan world were shocked at the absolutely rude and disgusting behaviour of these 'nuns'. Inside the statue contained many relics of high lamas, mani pills, precious sacred pills, mantras of various deities and many other precious items. Tibetan statues always contain sacred mantras and relics. They were stepping and stomping on the mantras and holy relics contained within this statue. People were outraged and disgusted. The 'nuns' were looked down upon and called radical and extreme.

The Tibetan government encourages this type of radical behaviour.

Oh yes, only the Tibetan government is crazy enough to get Tibetans to smash up Tibetan Buddha images and then tell the world, and appeal for funds to "preserve the Tibetan culture and identity".

I remember reading about this incident from some Shugden news years back. Below is the info:

April 5th, 1996
At 8 a.m., a group of nuns go into the abbot’s chamber and drag a Dorje
Shugden statue into the street by using a rope attached to its neck. This statue in
the Gaden Choeling Nunnery was consecrated by His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche,
the junior tutor of H.H. the Dalai Lama, H.H. Ling Rinpoche, the senior tutor
of H.H. the Dalai Lama, Kyabje Song Rinpoche and Kyabje Rato Rinpoche.
perpetrators, Lobsang Dechen, disciplinarian of the nunnery, assisted by nun Tenzin
Tselha and Dolma Yangzom, spat at the statue, sat on it, broke it into pieces,
and then threw the remains into the town’s garbage dump.

This is shocking and disheartening to know that the nuns from this nunnery will do such heinous actions. I understand that they agree with His Holiness the Dalai Lama's advise to stop practising Dorje Shugden but they do not have to act so barbarically. What happens to Dharma practice and the practice of kindness and compassion?

They can easily give away the Dorje Shugden statue or remove it from their altar to be stored or sent away from their nunnery. There is no need desecrate the statue from spitting and sitting on it. They can easily donate the statue to Dorje Shugden to Dorje Shugden practitioners respectfully instead of throwing it into the garbage dump.

This reflects their dharma practice and their tolerance to other people whom they do not agree to. This Dorje Shugden ban really shows who are the real practitioners and who are just pretending to be practising Dharma. Obviously, the nuns from this nunnery did not pass the test as they show a really bad attitude and conduct that a nun should have.


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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2018, 02:50:20 PM »
After the ban was imposed, many people and monasteries want to be politically correct so they denounced the practice given to them by their teachers. They run to another teacher who has a bigger name and gave up what their teacher gave them. They are an example of what we don't do to our spiritual practice and our teacher.

It is very sad to see what the Sangha members will do just to be politically correct. Dorje Shugden has been practiced by them for so many years, the prayer text that they have been using clearly says Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being. It was already not right to give up what the teacher has given them, the nuns made it worse by destroying the Dorje Shugden statue. They could have given the statue away or keep it somewhere, they have created very negative karma to themselves.

Since they hate Dorje Shugden so much, they should also remove all items used or donated by the Dorje Shugden practitioners. They dare not do so because if they remove them, their temple will become empty. Besides, they don't really have the ability to raise fund to rebuild the monastery. They don't think so far and well, They only want to be in the good book of the CTA.


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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2018, 03:12:49 PM »
Stomping on sacred mantras

These nuns were known to practice Dorje Shugden since the inception of their nunnery. They had a beautiful and sacred Dorje Shugden statue housed in a special chapel dedicated to him. When the unethical and inhumane ban against Shugden started by the Tibetan leadership in 1996, this nunnery being located near the Tibetan government in exile (Dharamsala) dragged their Dorje Shugden statue out of their chapel, into the garbage dumps and proceeded to smash up the image. After doing so, some of the very political nuns jumped up and down on the smashed statue (stomping) to show they are so patriotic and loyal to the Tibetan government in exile. Many in the Tibetan world were shocked at the absolutely rude and disgusting behaviour of these 'nuns'. Inside the statue contained many relics of high lamas, mani pills, precious sacred pills, mantras of various deities and many other precious items. Tibetan statues always contain sacred mantras and relics. They were stepping and stomping on the mantras and holy relics contained within this statue. People were outraged and disgusted. The 'nuns' were looked down upon and called radical and extreme.

The Tibetan government encourages this type of radical behaviour.

They had every opportunity to study and educated Geshes were sent to their nunnery for decades to teach them the Buddhist curriculum, debate and philosophy. Till this day from their nunnery, not one great teacher or practitioner has arisen the ranks of nuns. No healer, meditator or great nun teacher has arisen. They just do puja, eat, collect sponsorship and continue to dabble in politics of dharamsala. Too bad when nuns dabble in misguided politics.

For people especially the Sangha members who have been so vocal about giving up Dorje Shugden practice, I wonder how will they react if one day the Dalai Lama announces that he is wrong about who Dorje Shugden is and lifts the ban? Will they immediately rush to get a statue of Dorje Shugden and resume the practice so they can be politically correct again?

In a way, the ban has some benefits. First of all, Dorje Shugden becomes a very famous protector even though the news about him is very negative. But luckily there is website like where people can come here to get the information on Dorje Shugden and the ban and decide if they want to practice it. The ban also shows us who is the real Buddhist practitioner and who is not. This can become a guideline for us to gauge who are sincere practitioners.

I don't agree with what the nuns did to the statue because it was very disrespectful and rude. Only people with hatred will perform an action like this, so why were these nuns full of anger? What have they practiced all these years? If years of practice don't give a peace of mind to these nuns, how are they going to convince people that the Dharma is good? Maybe they should just disrobe and stop creating so much negative karma to themselves.


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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2018, 10:34:29 PM »
So my friend's point is, why do they destroy a Dorje Shugden statue so they look clean but they think it is alright to keep a Vajrayogini statue donated with the money of a Dorje Shugden practitioner, who was the student of a Shugden lama? How come a Dorje Shugden statue is not acceptable but the money of a Dorje Shugden practitioner is okay? These nuns are hypocrites and liars and practice double standards. They were funded by Dorje Shugden practitioners and lamas, and took their sponsorship and when the ban came, they immediately turned on their lineage masters.

One thing is for sure... these nuns do not practice any Dharma because if they did, at least before destroying the statue, they would have taken out the holy relics inside... there are still many holy relics and Buddha images inside the Dorje Shugden statue. Besides, which Buddha or lama ever taught us to destroy any statue by stomping on them and dragging it out with such disgusting humiliation and so un-nun like behaviour. It is just shocking.

And now we find out that there are keeping other statues that belong to other Shugden practitioners and that they would keep and not throw out? Wow, talk about being a hypocrite. Now we know that all this nunnery care about is actually just having a good name and money... because it is more important for them to break their vows as nuns and behave so disgustingly and take sides, abandon their practice, condemn a deity and discriminate others than to be honourable, just and sincere with their practice.   


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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2018, 11:05:06 AM »
These "nuns" are an embarrassment to their lamas and to Buddhism. It has been predicted that Buddhism will be destroyed from within and these "nuns" are doing nothing but proving that prediction to be true.


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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2018, 12:20:13 AM »
So my friend's point is, why do they destroy a Dorje Shugden statue so they look clean but they think it is alright to keep a Vajrayogini statue donated with the money of a Dorje Shugden practitioner, who was the student of a Shugden lama? How come a Dorje Shugden statue is not acceptable but the money of a Dorje Shugden practitioner is okay? These nuns are hypocrites and liars and practice double standards. They were funded by Dorje Shugden practitioners and lamas, and took their sponsorship and when the ban came, they immediately turned on their lineage masters.

One thing is for sure... these nuns do not practice any Dharma because if they did, at least before destroying the statue, they would have taken out the holy relics inside... there are still many holy relics and Buddha images inside the Dorje Shugden statue. Besides, which Buddha or lama ever taught us to destroy any statue by stomping on them and dragging it out with such disgusting humiliation and so un-nun like behaviour. It is just shocking.

And now we find out that there are keeping other statues that belong to other Shugden practitioners and that they would keep and not throw out? Wow, talk about being a hypocrite. Now we know that all this nunnery care about is actually just having a good name and money... because it is more important for them to break their vows as nuns and behave so disgustingly and take sides, abandon their practice, condemn a deity and discriminate others than to be honourable, just and sincere with their practice.

From this, we can conclude that main reason why those Nuns destroyed Dorje Shugden statues and not because they are afraid of breaking their refuge vows in worshipping a spirit. They are actually afraid that they are going against His Holiness the Dalai Lama and they will lose their sponsorship and face. They are not true practitioners of Dharma.

If they really are afraid of Dorje Shugden, they will even reject all money or sponsorship from Shugden practitioners because it will be money from spirit worshippers and it will not be right for them use it. However, the Vajrayogini statue in their nunnery is sponsored by a DS practitioner and they did not remove it from their nunnery. Why is it okay for them to accept that sponsorship while they can't accept the statue?

On another note, there are many ways to dispose of a statue. Why did they have to be so barbaric that they dragged the statue out, smashed it, sit on it and even spit on it? Is that very nun-like? Is that how the Buddha taught the nuns to act? What is worst is that they did it in public. I am very sure that people's faith towards the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha will be tainted by the scene of nuns sitting and spitting on a statue.


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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2018, 04:59:35 PM »
No highly realised practitioners arise from this nunnery. They are a group of people who just do what is necessary to continue receiving support from the CTA. It is another nunnery exist to do prayers and leech off the CTA for monetary support.


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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2018, 05:47:16 PM »
No highly realised practitioners arise from this nunnery. They are a group of people who just do what is necessary to continue receiving support from the CTA. It is another nunnery exist to do prayers and leech off the CTA for monetary support.

This is appalling. It's not so much about taking money from the CTA, but nuns destroying Buddha images for political purpose? This imagery disgusts me - dragged their Dorje Shugden statue off their altar. They dragged it out of their nunnery and destroyed it by stomping and spitting on it.



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Re: Geden Choeling Nunnery accepts an offering from Dorje Shugden practitioner
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2018, 09:21:23 PM »
No highly realised practitioners arise from this nunnery. They are a group of people who just do what is necessary to continue receiving support from the CTA. It is another nunnery exist to do prayers and leech off the CTA for monetary support.

This is appalling. It's not so much about taking money from the CTA, but nuns destroying Buddha images for political purpose? This imagery disgusts me - dragged their Dorje Shugden statue off their altar. They dragged it out of their nunnery and destroyed it by stomping and spitting on it.


It's their hypocrisy that disgusts me. They take money from Shugden practitioners, all the while courting favors from the Tibetan leadership. They sit in their gompa all holy, all the while stomping on objects they previously venerated. Why is the Vajrayogini statue acceptable, but the Dorje Shugden statue not? What if the Dalai Lama decides to ban another practice or deity? Are they going to stomp on that statue too? Fools.

Statues can be repaired. People's loss of faith in the sangha cannot.