Author Topic: Hey Lobsang Sangye and Tibetan govt, how come you are not at G20 Meeting 2018??  (Read 15018 times)


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 ;) >:( :o ??? ::) :-[ :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Dear Lobsang Sangye and Tibetan Govt in exile in Dharamsala,

How come after 60 years you are still not at the G20 meetings? How come you cannot get your country back? How come the world economies and power are shifting towards the East which is China? How come you cannot get Tibetan autonomy, or freedom or any leeway with China? How come your negotiations with China is a failure and you produced nothing?

You run around begging for FREE MONEY from Europe, Australia, Japan, Canada, Taiwan and US for 60 years now  but no one in your refugee community has made it big or successful? Where did all the money go? In your pockets? How come all your Tibetans from India/Nepal are going back to Tibet or leaving to the west. How come your schools in India are empty? How come Dharamsala is emptying out?

How come you are getting weaker and more world governments are ignoring you? How come more are paying attention to China? Less governments are willing to pay attention to you and the Tibet cause? Where is all your rangzen groups? How come they are not effective? Maybe they are disillusioned with your corruption, lies and underhanded tactics and human rights abuses using religion to divide your own people?

What happened to you? Why are you and your community your Tibetan 'parliament' such losers and failures? How come you cannot achieve anything?

Are you going to continue to beg for more FREE MONEY to fund your trips, houses, children's education, vacations, five star hotels, nice brocade chubas, expensive accessories, and properties. You know the ordinary Tibetan in India has gotten nothing in financial help of the hundreds of millions in aid for that last 60 years you Tibetan exiled government pocketed. Is that why your Tibetan people in India and Nepal are all leaving to back to Tibet and the west? You failed?

Your policies and work are not effective. You lose and China wins. Too bad. Too bad you are a loser.

Too bad.

DhakaTribune Sunday, Dec 02,2018

China rises at the G20
 Michael Kitson

The global balance of power is shifting from West to East

Tensions loom over Argentina, which plays host to the 2018 summit of the G20 which started on November 30. The G20 is an international forum of the EU and the heads of state of 19 major economies, which discusses global economic challenges. And the challenges are mounting.

Globalization is in reverse, as the US threatens to escalate its trade war with China and other trading partners; and xenophobia is rife in many Western countries. These challenges are a threat to global prosperity, but what will shape much of the long-term evolution of the global economy is the rise of China and other emerging economies.

Much of the focus at the G20 has been on Donald Trump and his series of sidebar meetings with other leaders, especially Xi Jinping. Trump has said that it is “highly unlikely” that he would postpone the planned increase in tariff levels from 10% to 25% on $200 billion of Chinese goods in January 2019.

Of course, this may be bluster and a frequent refrain from apologists for Trump is: “Take note of what the president does, not what he says.” But we may be on the cusp of a full-blown trade war, which will not be confined to the US and China and which will reverse and reconfigure globalization. Entering foreign markets will be more costly and global supply chains will be disrupted.

Globalization is not inevitable

The notion that globalization is a natural phenomenon, akin to the change in the seasons or the weather or gravity, is a frequent refrain. During his tenure as prime minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair opined: “I hear people say we have to stop and debate globalization. You might as well debate whether autumn should follow summer.” A pithy turn of phrase, but patently not true.

The configuration and extent of globalization are shaped by public policy and technological change. When this changes, it can, in turn, accelerate, slow, or reverse globalization. In periods of severe economic crisis, it has been common for countries to become inward looking -- blaming “others” for economic problems and resorting to protectionism and controls on immigration.

In the interwar period, for example, the response to the Great Depression was a trade war and competitive devaluations as the Gold Standard unraveled. Similarly, since the 2008-09 financial crisis and the Great Recession that followed, there has been a worldwide rise in protectionist measures and Trump’s interventions may lead to a new phase of “delocalization.”

An evolving global economic order

Major economic crises often reflect endemic flaws within the structure of the global economy and lead to major changes in global economic leadership. The crises and lessons of the interwar period led to the establishment of the Bretton Woods system, which managed the world economy during the post-war golden age of capitalism until the early 1970s. It was the system that created new international institutions (the IMF, World Bank, and GATT, which was the forerunner of the WTO) and this was underpinned by the dominance of the US economy.

But the relative strength of the US (and the dollar) declined and the system unraveled in the late 1960s and early 1970s. This collapse, and a series of oil crises, led to another major economic crisis which temporarily stalled globalization and led to shifting reliance on the power of unfettered market forces.

Liberal market capitalism may have been unleashed, but is still not ubiquitous in the world economy. The picture of a fully globalized world and the dominance of free markets is a partial distortion of a complex picture. The extent to which countries have embraced the global market agenda is highly variable.

Although many developed countries have deregulated financial markets, capital controls and managed currencies are still highly prevalent in developing countries. In terms of trade, tariffs have been reduced since World War II but they have not been eradicated.

Meanwhile, the use of non-tariff barriers has increased, with roughly 80% of all traded goods affected by these restrictive rules and regulations -- and these are prevalent in developed countries. The ongoing chaos of Brexit illustrates that “free trade” is not a natural state but is negotiated, complex, and dependent on a litany of regulations and agreements.

Deregulation, the hollowing out of the welfare state, and intensified global competition have led to rising income and wealth inequality in many Western countries. And many of those who have not benefited from globalization have also borne the brunt of the austerity policies that followed the financial crisis and the Great Recession. The resulting backlash against globalization helps explain the election of Trump and the vote for Brexit.

The rise of China

The G20 will focus on current instability but there are long-term structural shifts which are leading to a rebalancing of the global economy. The balance of power is shifting from West to East and we are in the early stages of transition to China as the dominant world economy.

China is already the largest economy in the world (measured in purchasing power parity) and PwC (using World Bank data) estimates that by 2050, the Chinese economy will be 72% larger than the US. Further, by 2050, six of the largest eight economies will be countries that are still emerging markets.

China is home to many of the world’s largest companies, including major tech companies like Alibaba and Tencent. It is investing rapidly in research and innovation and although the dollar remains the dominant world currency, the IMF has added the renminbi to its basket of global reserve currencies. It will only become more important as Trump’s policy of American isolationism continues.

This year’s G20 summit will focus on maintaining some semblance of international cooperation and preventing a global trade war. The short-term noise will probably come from Trump. But China can play a long-term game as its position in the global economy is on the rise. In the face of the gales of the long-term shifts in the global economy, Trump can blow hard now -- but as far as the future is concerned, he will be blowing in the wind.

Michael Kitson is University Senior Lecturer in International Macroeconomics, Cambridge Judge Business School. This article previously appeared in Reuters.

(Photo: G20 leaders group photo 2018)


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There is nothing to be surprised about. The CTA's goal to get as much of free money as they can before they retire from their position. None of them worked to liberate Tibet from the clutches of China. It is not hard to know because, after 60 years of getting donations from all over the world, they still failed to even initiate a dialogue with China.

There is literally zero progress on the Tibetan Cause. It is very obvious now that it is a failed cause from the start. There is no way that China will let go of Tibet after they had invested so much in developing Tibet into what it is now. They even renovate numerous religious sites including the Potala Palace. They are genuine in developing Tibet and they can do what CTA can't do. Tibet will benefit alot under China.

Now the only thing that everybody is waiting for is Dalai Lama to return to Tibet under China. Tibetans have to return to Tibet under China. If His Holiness passes away before he can bring Tibetans back, CTA will not be able to do much. They will probably stuck with being a refugee for another century.


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 ;) >:( :o ??? ::) :-[ :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Dear Lobsang Sangye and Tibetan Govt in exile in Dharamsala,

How come after 60 years you are still not at the G20 meetings? How come you cannot get your country back? How come the world economies and power are shifting towards the East which is China? How come you cannot get Tibetan autonomy, or freedom or any leeway with China? How come your negotiations with China is a failure and you produced nothing?
Because in the past 60 years, Lobsang Sangay's focus was on getting sympathy money. He cannot get the country back because he is incapable. The world is smart moving along with Chinese power while the Tibetan leadership is not bright to ride on the successful wave. Lobsang Sangay pride himself for having a lot of connections and networks in China but he failed to get even a meeting with the Chinese because his connections are formed by insignificant and incapable people like him, you attract who you are. Lobsang Sangay is not a visionary or achiever, he is just like Robert aka Bob Thurman, who are leeching off the Dalai Lama's fame for personal gains.

You run around begging for FREE MONEY from Europe, Australia, Japan, Canada, Taiwan and US for 60 years now  but no one in your refugee community has made it big or successful? Where did all the money go? In your pockets? How come all your Tibetans from India/Nepal are going back to Tibet or leaving to the west. How come your schools in India are empty? How come Dharamsala is emptying out?
Free money is used to feed losers. Lobsang Sangay is a loser and therefore he cannot produce winners. The money were all used to make Tibetans ignorant and the CTA to have a good life. The smart Tibetans go back to China for the endless opportunities she provides, to the west so that they are not manipulated and continued to be used by Lobsang Sangay as a chip for free money. Therefore the school in Dharamsala are left for the flies and insects. Tibetans see through CTA now and know they are a big scam, from 120,000 now down to 75,000, more and more Tibetans are leaving Dharamsala for a better life.

How come you are getting weaker and more world governments are ignoring you? How come more are paying attention to China? Less governments are willing to pay attention to you and the Tibet cause? Where is all your rangzen groups? How come they are not effective? Maybe they are disillusioned with your corruption, lies and underhanded tactics and human rights abuses using religion to divide your own people?
Lobsang Sangay has never been strong and always take from others so the world governments are smart to ignore him before he takes everything from them. Befriending China brings tremendous benefits, compared to befriending CTA where you will only lose. There is no Tibet cause, it has long gone and no one is interested in it. Rangzen groups are no longer applicable since China has taken over Tibet, there is nothing they can do. Lobsang Sangay failed the rangzen groups' people, he failed Tibetans as a whole since his focus is creating disharmony within the tiny community so he can benefit. Dividing people with religions is one of the tactics he uses.

What happened to you? Why are you and your community your Tibetan 'parliament' such losers and failures? How come you cannot achieve anything?
Lobsang Sangay's karma comes back. All the lies, deceptive, greed, lust etc. are taking their effects now. He continues to stick with losers and failures because of who is he. He can never achieve anything apart from being around losers and lose more.

Are you going to continue to beg for more FREE MONEY to fund your trips, houses, children's education, vacations, five star hotels, nice brocade chubas, expensive accessories, and properties. You know the ordinary Tibetan in India has gotten nothing in financial help of the hundreds of millions in aid for that last 60 years you Tibetan exiled government pocketed. Is that why your Tibetan people in India and Nepal are all leaving to back to Tibet and the west? You failed?
Well, looks like that's a very good plan for Lobsang Sangay. That's what he does best for sure! The ordinary Tibetans are just for him to use, their cash cow, not people he worked for and helped with. This is definitely why Tibetan people are going back home - Tibet!

Your policies and work are not effective. You lose and China wins. Too bad. Too bad you are a loser.
Not only is Sangay's policies ineffective, he recently amends the policies to secure himself and make sure he will always be the Sikyong. This is all he does, to protect his selfish gains. China always wins because Lobsang Sangay is just a loser interested in fulfilling his own desire and needs.

Too bad.
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( I feel sorry for the ordinary Tibetans. It must be really bad karmas catching up that they have to end up with such a lousy Sikyong. There is no way out for them.


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Lobsang Sangye is the worst 'leader' from the exiled community of Tibetans. But unfortunately they don't have much choice as there are not any or many other choices. The Tibetan community do not produce world leaders in their secular education. They just want money and for FREE.


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Whether it is Lobsang Sangay or Penpa Tsering, the result will be the same. Penpa does human trafficking and money laundering among other dirty things he did when he was part of the Kashag. Imagine these are the two candidates among the 75,000 Tibetans in India. How pathetic!

Lukar Jam could have been a good candidate but too bad he doesn't go along with the middle way policy. So he is not diplomatic and skilfull in his approach to the political policies thereby getting himself disqualified at the beginning of the game. It is too bad that he lost to Sangay's sneakiness for a bigger picture.

Other Tibetans who have left to the West are ready to root out the Tibetanese in them, making themselves the new generations of the West instead of preserving the Tibetans' culture and heritage. This was what Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche was very worried about before Rinpoche past away in the 1980's. Being an enlightened being, Rinpoche always saw this coming and urge Tibetans in the West to do their utmost best to preserve their culture and heritage. It is impossible to rely on the West because the Tibetan Leadership has to unite them to do this together. Unfortunately, Lobsang Sangay just did the opposite and making it impossible for the preservation of the Tibetan culture to be done.

Lobsang Sangay has effectively destroyed the Tibetan culture. He is worst than Lang dar ma...


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Lobsang Sangay is just a small president of a union, not a country. Honestly, we cannot really call the CTA a government, how many people are under their governance? What are the things they have done to help the Tibetans in exile? After 60 years, many Tibetans in exile are still living in poverty. They don't have a future, Lobsang Sangay wants the Tibetans to wait for another 50 years before the CTA frees Tibet. How ridiculous is that?

The CTA is just like the old Tibetan government, they only look after their own welfare. They exploit the normal Tibetans to increase their wealth. They don't care if the normal Tibetans are taken care of. The CTA wants the Tibetans in exile to remain as refugees so they can continue to get financial aids and support from the West. The CTA doesn't have to work but yet can still get a lot of money, this is what they want.

If Lobsang Sangay is so capable and really is looking after the Tibetans, he should provide a better plan to make the Tibetans more competitive so they are able to improve their lives. Lobsang Sangay doesn't have the quality of a leader, the only thing he has is a qualification from Havard. He is not capable of bringing the Tibetans to another level internationally.


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Lobsang Sangye is the worst 'leader' from the exiled community of Tibetans. But unfortunately, they don't have much choice as there are not any or many other choices. The Tibetan community do not produce world leaders in their secular education. They just want money and for FREE.

Tibetan leadership is a hopeless case after 60 years of no progress in the Tibetan cause. Lobsang Sangay has been the president of the Tibetan leadership for a few years now and all he accomplished is suppressing religious freedom and encourage his own people to go kill themselves by setting themselves on fire. Under the leadership of Lobsang Sangay, his government published a book that glorifies self-immolation which indirectly telling all the Tibetans that setting yourself up in fire is a noble thing to do for your country.

Where on earth a government will encourage their people on self-harm and suicide? Only those who have a hidden agenda will ever do something like that. Those self-immolation incidents generated alot of attention internationally and paint a really bad image of China. This is exactly what CTA wants. They want the whole world to know how bad China is and then they can sweet talk their way to get more donations when they make themselves sounded like a helpless victim.

They can get alot of benefits by utilizing the death of their very own people. Sadly, Tibetans in exile are not able to see through the fake mask that CTA puts on. They are very faithful to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and CTA because they do not know any better due to underexposure. Tibetans who manage to escape to foreign countries are well aware of what CTA is doing and that is why the number of self-immolators from a foreign country is next to nil.


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Lobsang Sangay will be invited to the G20 meeting if he can finally free Tibet. Since free Tibet is not his wish, he will never be invited to the meeting. Actually, Lobsang Sangay is not even leading a country! With only about 80,000 Tibetans in exile, he is just like a president of a big corporation.

Even though Lobsang Sangay is so-called a president of the Tibetans in exile, he does not have the experience to run a country. They don't really have a yearly budget of how much to spend, they don't really have to implement any financial strategy because there is no GDP measurement for the Tibetans in exile. The Tibetans in exile survive with donations, they don't have to work hard for money, they don't have to stimulate their economy because it does not exist in the exile community.

Without any experience to run a country, would Lobsang Sangay brave enough to free Tibet and be the leader to millions of Tibetans? Does he and his 'government' have the capability to manage the economy of a country? The military of a country? The security force of a country? I really don't think so. Lobsang Sangay definitely prefers free money than to manage a real country. Therefore, he will not work hard to free Tibet, he is only making empty promises to the Tibetans.


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Lol! Lobsang Sangay in a GE20 meeting is already a good laugh lest to say 2018. A professional beggar at best and without a country to rule, what rights does he have or what basis can he present himself on? A nothing but a beggar, albeit a pretty successful one. Also a dumb one despite his PHD in Harvard University, USA. If he were smart, he would have earned himself a seat at the round table in Beijing by now. China is pumping so much money into Tibet to raise its standard of living and I am sure that with Lobsang Sangay, he will always manage with some millions squirreled away for his twilight years. Too bad Dhardon Sharling did not hang around to benefit more. Either she is not too bright or she is very smart to realise that things are heading down so she got herself out of the situation. Either way, it shows that Lobsang Sangay is and never will be any closer to attending the GE20 meetings. His is decision, his choice to lead his people into poverty without any hopes other than sell sweaters. Dumb move when he could have people of high calibre behind him all the way if he had invested the millions and billions into the loyalty of his people with training.


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Lol! Lobsang Sangay in a GE20 meeting is already a good laugh lest to say 2018. A professional beggar at best and without a country to rule, what rights does he have or what basis can he present himself on? A nothing but a beggar, albeit a pretty successful one. Also a dumb one despite his PHD in Harvard University, USA. If he were smart, he would have earned himself a seat at the round table in Beijing by now. China is pumping so much money into Tibet to raise its standard of living and I am sure that with Lobsang Sangay, he will always manage with some millions squirreled away for his twilight years. Too bad Dhardon Sharling did not hang around to benefit more. Either she is not too bright or she is very smart to realise that things are heading down so she got herself out of the situation. Either way, it shows that Lobsang Sangay is and never will be any closer to attending the GE20 meetings. His is decision, his choice to lead his people into poverty without any hopes other than sell sweaters. Dumb move when he could have people of high calibre behind him all the way if he had invested the millions and billions into the loyalty of his people with training.

Lobsang Sangay is just a loser, he does not have the leadership qualification. However, he does have the capability to create scandals and negative news. He siphoned money that was meant for the Tibetans and has affairs with numerous women in the CTA. Not only that, but he also sexually assaulted a few women!

However, no one in the CTA wants to say or do anything to him because they want to protect their own interest. They want to still be part of the CTA so they can also make themselves rich. The CTA is a very corrupted organisation, they exploit their own people and never take care of their welfare. They want the Tibetans to remain as refugees so they can get free money from the west.

Lobsang Sangay has also indirectly killed many lives. He allows the Tibetans to self-immolate, he even approves the publication of a self-immolation guide book. When the Tibetans self-immolate, it becomes another case for him to get sympathy from the sponsors and more money for him. He is just evil!


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Lol! Lobsang Sangay in a GE20 meeting is already a good laugh lest to say 2018. A professional beggar at best and without a country to rule, what rights does he have or what basis can he present himself on? A nothing but a beggar, albeit a pretty successful one. Also a dumb one despite his PHD in Harvard University, USA. If he were smart, he would have earned himself a seat at the round table in Beijing by now. China is pumping so much money into Tibet to raise its standard of living and I am sure that with Lobsang Sangay, he will always manage with some millions squirreled away for his twilight years. Too bad Dhardon Sharling did not hang around to benefit more. Either she is not too bright or she is very smart to realise that things are heading down so she got herself out of the situation. Either way, it shows that Lobsang Sangay is and never will be any closer to attending the GE20 meetings. His is decision, his choice to lead his people into poverty without any hopes other than sell sweaters. Dumb move when he could have people of high calibre behind him all the way if he had invested the millions and billions into the loyalty of his people with training.

Lobsang Sangay is the worst leader that any leadership can ask for. He has been the president of the Tibetan leadership but yet he did not achieve anything other than producing more rumours and scandals with the women around him. There is no progress on the Tibetan cause up until now and he is perfectly okay with it.

There are so many aids and assistance given to the Tibetan leadership to fight for their cause and get their country back from China. However, it seems like it is a waste of time and money to support Tibetan cause because, after 60 years of helping, there is no progress at all! What has the Tibetan leadership been doing? Drink Tibetan tea and fight among each other every day?

It is obvious that Lobsang Sangay's leadership is a huge failure and that is why he announced the extension of the Tibetan cause to another 50 years. He is just buying time for himself because he won't be even alive after 50 years. The mess he created will be passed onto the new generation of Tibetan leaders. How convenient. This is why, Tibet will never be independent ever again.


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The CTA used to be called the government in exile, it was a government before. Later, India downgraded it to an administration. The head of the government in exile used to be called the Prime Minister, then it was downgraded to President. These are the signs that the Tibetans are further away from freeing Tibet.

With a track record of not progressing and improving, there is no way Lobsang Sangay will be at the G20 Meeting. China, on the other hand, has developed rapidly to become the most powerful economy in the world. While the West is suffering from minus growth, China's economy is growing every year!

There is no way Lobsang Sangay can 'beat' China. Lobsang Sangay does not have the intention to make the Free Tibet movement a successful one because he knows it is hard. He is just buying time to make more money for himself. He will never negotiate with China and he will never care about the welfare of the Tibetans because he is just a power and money hungry person.


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Lobsang Sangay and the Tibetan government will be invited to the G20 Meeting as a case study of "what not to do as a government unless you want to fail miserably". They are a very good case study for "how to cover up your failure by putting the blame on a deity who cannot speak for himself". Not to forget, they are also a very good case study for "how to run a campaign for 60 years and there is still no progress".

CTA can never win China. China has become so powerful ever since it opens its door to the world in the 80s. Within 30 years, China has become the most powerful economy in Asia and also in the world. China with its huge population is a very lucrative market to the rest of the world. Everyone wants to be a friend of China because there are economic benefits that come with it. But if someone is going to associate with CTA, they will have to take money out from their pockets, there is no financial benefit or any other benefits.

CTA is very stupid to think the western countries will continue to support them. In the next few years, China will become even stronger that no one will show support to CTA anymore. If Lobsang Sangay is clever, he should make friend with China, forget about free Tibet, just go for the Middle Way approach.


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Lobsang Sangay and the Tibetan government will be invited to the G20 Meeting as a case study of "what not to do as a government unless you want to fail miserably". They are a very good case study for "how to cover up your failure by putting the blame on a deity who cannot speak for himself". Not to forget, they are also a very good case study for "how to run a campaign for 60 years and there is still no progress".

 ;D ;D ;D ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D ROTF

This is so hilariously funny! It is true though. If you want to know how to run a loser government, learn from CTA. They do it best and they sure are very good a pissing many people off and dividing their own people until they lose support from their own people.


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Lobsang Sangye is the worst 'leader' from the exiled community of Tibetans. But unfortunately they don't have much choice as there are not any or many other choices. The Tibetan community do not produce world leaders in their secular education. They just want money and for FREE.

The Tibetans do have a choice - Penpa Tsering. But look at what Lobsang Sangay did to eliminate competition? :'( That's why there was a huge protest in Dharamsala AGAINST their own Tibetan leadership, this is the first time Tibetans were protesting against Tibetans in Dharamsala. Lobsang Sangay really creates history  :-\
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 02:57:26 AM by Vajraprotector »