Author Topic: SEX ALLEGATIONS AGAINST SIKYONG LOBSANG SANGAY & Dhardon Sharling quits!  (Read 63587 times)


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Published on Dec 11, 2018 on youtube

Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay allegedly sexually assaulted 8 Tibetan women and 1 American woman. This is an abuse of power and injustice to women everywhere on earth says Mila Rangzen. It is totally unacceptable. This INCREDIBLE news is being explained by Mr. Mila Rangzen on the youtube. True or false, it is yet to be seen but for years there has been accusations of sexual impropriety surrounding Sikyong Lobsang Sangay which is well known and hushed up within the Tibetan exiles. Tibetans are ashamed of this and fear it will threaten the free flow of aid money into their pockets. Perhaps it is surfacing now as Lobsang Sangay is known to be corrupt and self-serving and people are getting tired of this as well as his no-result Sikyong tenureship.

Secondly, Ms. Dhardon Sharling quits! Personally, it is good riddance to Dhardon Sharling who has done nothing useful during her tenure as information secretary except round up a few 'geshes' who are desperate for money and limelight to come up with a book against Dorje Shugden and his followers. She is well known for spearheading this book against a religious practice she knows nothing about and creating much grievances, segregation and disharmony within her own Tibetan communities in India, Nepal and around the world inclusive of pockets in Tibet. Ms. Sharling has never studied Buddhism and frankly knows nothing about this subject but she can 'create' a book that speaks about which religion within Tibetan Buddhism is beneficial and which is not. She hails from studying in the US and she is well aware of real democracy which enshrines religious freedom. She herself having an opportunity to work within the Tibetan government in exile did not give this religious freedom to her own people. She was a part of the segregation using religion. Allowing any religion to take root in your society, independent of your own opinions, is a true test of democracy. Just because Tibetans are allowed to vote for their own Sikyong (president) does not mean they are a democracy.

Ms. Sharling was Sikyong Lobsang Sangay's protege and her career was suppose to be long and bright. So why is she running now? What is she running from? Besides the bigger issues of corruption, religious discrimination and lack of results during her tenureship, there were pervasive and persistent rumours she and Lobsang Sangay had a fallout of the personal nature. Lobsang Sangay seems to have many fallouts of the personal nature with attractive young Tibetan women.

THE TIBETANS HAVE STARTED A TIBETAN #METOO MOVEMENT NOW according to Mila Rangzen who is known as a huge whistleblower in the Tibetan community. He has a website and he publishes many insiders news. On his website, another 'big' news is Dhardon Sharling, the information secretary has resigned!!!!!!!!!!! Interesting. She has some 'excuses' for resigning that does not make sense. Not only that, but Ms. Tenzin Palkyi of the Tibet Office in Washington DC is simultaneously resigning also. Two top persons within Lobsang Sangay's 'cabinet' are quitting while he is still in office. Dhardon Sharling is saying she will go back to school as it's urgent and after school she can serve better the Tibetan cause. How can you not serve better now the Tibetan cause while the Dalai Lama is alive?

Attachments are:
1.The Tibet Star with Mila Rangzen's statement
2. Dhardon Sharling resigns-The Tibetan Sun
3. Dhardon Sharling resigns closeup
4. Ms. Tenzin Palkyi's photo
5. Screenshot of Mila Rangzen
6. Mila Rangzen's full video explaining the sexually impropriety against Sikyong Lobsang Sangay news President Lobsang Sangay, the Tibetan me too movement is hereby launched.mp4

7. Dhardon Sharling's blog post on why she resigned
8. Book against Shugden launch photo
9. Full article regarding the segregational book against Shugden Tibetans
10. Comments to Mila Rangzen's video


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« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2018, 08:46:43 PM »
This news is all over social media! Turns out the Sikyong has been alleged to have had affairs with over 7 different women! Check out what is said on social media! And they are going to expose him soon!


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« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2018, 08:58:51 PM »
HAHAHAHA what a way for Dhardon Sharling to say lots of things without actually saying anything meaningful at all. This is my alternative version of her letter, paragraph by paragraph, deciphering for you what she is actually saying:

The Kashag said it's okay for me to quit because they never wanted me as part of them anyway. Remember when I got rejected as a Kalon and removed from the Kashag due to my age?

Anyway, I care more about my own future and prospects, more than I care about the Tibetan people's future.

As a career academician-turn-politician, Lobsang Sangay wants me to get out of Dharamsala as soon as possible so our affair does not add to the causes for his downfall.

I learned many valuable lessons which I'll cherish for a lifetime, such as how it is best to not waste public money on stupid campaigns against Shugden people because it'll only turn around to bite me in the backside. By the way, this was under the leadership of Lobsang Sangay, it's his fault I did all that.

There's nothing further I can do as Information Secretary of the DIIR because in actuality, the Dalai Lama is the one in charge and he's the one who sets the tone. But regardless, I'd still like to be paid for the role although I will now be staying (and vacationing) in the USA.

As a Tibetan, I will live in America and pay my yearly contribution for my green book so I can pretend I am still Tibetan.

Dhardon Sharling

Big Uncle

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« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2018, 09:00:40 PM »
Yes! The news of Dhardon Sharling resignation is FANTASTIC NEWS! This is because she along with her department of information in Dharamsala are full of people who funded and arranged for a publication of a thick book criticising Dorje Shugden with print run of thousands of copies and distributed them all over. She did the launched of the book AGAINST DORJE SHUGDEN herself. At the launch, she was so proud. This means that all the negative karma arising from causing schism and disharmony came back to her and she somehow she cannot remain in office.

So Dhardon Sharling's resignation is excellent news arising from the negative karma ripening from the publication of this horrible book. This will make others rather not do this.

You know whats funny?  THERE HAD BEEN MANY TWEETS SENT OUT THIS YEAR DEMANDING HER TO RESIGN. The tweets are meant to make her feel ashamed of the terrible schism and disharmony she created through the launch of this book. There are hundreds of angry tweets sent to her demanding that she resign? She was asked hundreds of times to resign. This looks like she is finally getting it !!! LOL!


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« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2018, 09:01:27 PM »
Hey aboutthetruth

Things really seem to be heating up against Lobsang Sangay. People are really disgusted with him and are calling on the women to file legal cases against him in the Indian courts. People really don't like him any and are calling for him to be imprisoned. Seems like his time as a fake president is over.

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« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2018, 09:07:46 PM »
See.... more people think the same way! That Dhardon Sharling is another willing victim of the sex-crazed Sikyong. Everybody is thinking the same thing and words are aflutter on the Tibetan grapevine!


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« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2018, 09:08:20 PM »
HAHAHAHA what a way for Dhardon Sharling to say lots of things without actually saying anything meaningful at all. This is my alternative version of her letter, paragraph by paragraph, deciphering for you what she is actually saying:

The Kashag said it's okay for me to quit because they never wanted me as part of them anyway. Remember when I got rejected as a Kalon and removed from the Kashag due to my age?

Anyway, I care more about my own future and prospects, more than I care about the Tibetan people's future.

 >:( :(
As a career academician-turn-politician, Lobsang Sangay wants me to get out of Dharamsala as soon as possible so our affair does not add to the causes for his downfall.

I learned many valuable lessons which I'll cherish for a lifetime, such as how it is best to not waste public money on stupid campaigns against Shugden people because it'll only turn around to bite me in the backside. By the way, this was under the leadership of Lobsang Sangay, it's his fault I did all that.

There's nothing further I can do as Information Secretary of the DIIR because in actuality, the Dalai Lama is the one in charge and he's the one who sets the tone. But regardless, I'd still like to be paid for the role although I will now be staying (and vacationing) in the USA.

As a Tibetan, I will live in America and pay my yearly contribution for my green book so I can pretend I am still Tibetan.

Dhardon Sharling

This is just too funny. But seriously, this is what Dhardon Sharling is really saying for sure. She does not care about Tibet. She does not care about the refugees. She only cares about herself. It is good she is quitting because she failed at her job. She is a failure and she is running away to hide in school.

She only cares about herself. Why quit the Dalai Lama's government while the Dalai Lama is still alive? Don't you want to help Dalai Lama with Tibet?

Bye Bye Dhardon Sharling, we are so happy you are running away. You did a really bad job in the time you were in the exiled govt in 'Drama'shala.


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« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2018, 09:09:54 PM »
After Tenzin Palkyi and Dhardon Sharling has resigned, the question is: WHO IS THE NEXT PERSON GOING TO RESIGN?!? The timing of these 2 resigning is too coincidental with the sex allegations. Are we seeing just the tip of the iceberg?! Is it because Tenzin Palkyi and Dhardon Sharling know there are more scandals are coming and they are leaving to avoid questions?!


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« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2018, 09:17:11 PM »
I can’t help but think of this GIF.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. It’s about time we get better leaders. We Tibetans deserve better. We don’t deserve an embezzling, money laundering, wife-cheating, home-wrecking man who is pretending to be a politician. He does not represent Tibetan values of harmony and loyalty. On top of that, he has two of his lackeys propping up his exploitation and abuse of our community.

I’m looking forward to the new changes in government.


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« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2018, 09:22:08 PM »
This Mila Rangzen, who exposed Lobsang Sangay on his youtube video contributes to Tibet Sun and has started his own "Tibet Star". There he's exposed one of the previous sexual assaults that Lobsang Sangay perpetrated against an innocent ICT intern, read more about it here: "President Sangay and the sexual assault on Ms Leslie Butterfield" (

And Mila Rangzen hasn't got away with this exposing of Lobsang Sangay either, he has also claimed that "the price I am paying is his [Lobsang Sangay's] personal attacks on me using his stooges today". You can read more about that here:

He is definitely more than just a gossip monger though, so I am sure that there something behind his allegations. He dares to speak up in the Tibetan community, which we all know is not the done thing. He was born in Nepal and was in the US Navy. He's faced much worse than Lobsang Sangay, so he is not afraid of facing up to him and telling it how it is!


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« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2018, 09:25:03 PM »
And by lackeys, I mean Dhardon Sharling and Tenzin Palkyi. Funny huh, how it’s two young women who are quitting. Wondering they see better prospects outside of the failing Tibetan leadership or did Lobsang Sangay do something they don’t want to be caught up in?

On top of that, he has two of his lackeys propping up his exploitation and abuse of our community.


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« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2018, 09:35:12 PM »
Re: Dhardon Sharling's resignation excuse:

I don't want to sound like I am looking for the negative, but Dhardon's excuse to resign sounds too simple and covering something.

1. When she took on her position in CTA, she was supposed to take on something even longer in time, challenging and a much bigger portfolio. She was trying to wiggle her way into the parliament. In parliament the time span would have been much longer. Because of her age restriction, Sikyong Lobsang Sangay couldn't pull the strings to get her in legally so he created the information position for her so as not to lose face. As a parliament member she would have had to work in Dharamsala for a much longer time and she would have known about her studies, timing and schedule inclusive of funding before she tried to be a parliament member. So why quit now? Why is school suddenly an issue nowadays ? Naturally that is not the real reason.

2. In the information department Dhardon Sharling was not effective. Only working for two years, what did she accomplish? She 'threw' together some unspiritual 'geshes' who needed money and fame, a few printers and editors and got a book against Dorje Shugden practice together to 'please' Dalai Lama and look good and by speaking against Dorje Shugden people. She spent so much of public money on a book to segregate her own people using religion. How ridiculous is that? She wants all Tibetans who practice Dorje Shugden to not be allowed to integrate into mainstream Tibetans based on their religion. What kind of democracy is that? Fake Democracy. She couldn't get what she wanted which is more money, fame and power and that is why she is quitting mid-term.

Dhardon Sharling says:

"My resignation comes in light of few compelling circumstances that have made it imperative for me to resume my studies (PhD in Communication at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst). I will rejoin school this spring semester beginning January 22, 2019. Failing to do so might jeopardize my admission and funding from school, both of which have been on a continuous enrollment since September 2016."

Studying in the US, she should know how precious religious freedom is. How can someone who studies in the US not know you do not discriminate others due to their religion? Yet she can produce a book to give reason to discriminate against a religion and the people that practice it. She is guilty of segregation due to prejudice against another's faith. Her teaming up with Lobsang Sangay was a big mistake. She accomplished nothing 'under' his 'leadership'.

3. For the rest of her life, she will be haunted by the book she arranged against someone's religion and segregated so many people within her own people. She made a big deal to promote the book when it came out hoping for fame and limelight and recognition which she didn't get. For every person that reads this book she and her dept arranged and it creates doubt, anger, bias and prejudice in their minds, she will collect the negative karma as the cause of it and this karma will return to her. She will experience much disharmony for the rest of her life. Her own life will not be smooth, or filled with peace and her aims on the ultimate level will be difficult to fulfill. Wherever she goes and whatever she does, she will be remembered as the woman who worked in the information dept of Tibetan exile government who was the driving force behind writing a book that segregates and separates her own Tibetan people for the rest of her life. Shame.

She should offer Khata to Dorje Shugden and sincerely apologize to purify the negative karma she has accummulated in hurting the sentiments of so many people. She knows nothing about Buddhism or Dorje Shugden and she can produce such a negative undemocratic book. She should apologize to Dorje Shugden.

4. She does nothing for Tibetan freedom. For the freedom of Tibet. She goes to do her studies, get a job, earn money and hope to just be comfortable and relax. She does not fight for a Tibetan cause. She is only concerned for herself. Selfish.

She says, "As a Tibetan, I will continue to hold the cause of Tibet close to my heart and make every use of opportunity in academia and in life to further our collective cause. I am confident that completing my studies will enable me to contribute to the cause in a much bigger, impactful manner."

This is doubtful. She has the opportunity now while the Dalai Lama is alive to do something about the Tibetan cause. She is in Dharamsala all this time to do something. But she has done nothing. Being the person who wanted power, limelight and prestige, she couldn't get this in Dharamsala, so she is leaving. Being the person whose motivation was never genuine, she shows who she is by resigning. Resigning while the Dalai Lama is still alive and could do something for Tibet but she does not.

Too bad

(photo- Launch of the book she headed to put down Dorje Shugden practice and to segregate Dorje Shugden people from mainstream Tibetan society. There is so little Tibetans in India already and instead of uniting them, she segregates them further using religion which she knows nothing about. Shame on Dhardon Sharling.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 09:43:02 PM by Admin »


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« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2018, 09:55:45 PM »
Interesting timing for Dhardon to be resigning (with the news of Lobsang Sangay’s sex scandals broke out in open). After all, surely Penpa Tsering would have first made the request for her to leave way back when the fiasco was still on going (if indeed that is the reason for her resignation) but then the resignation only materialized now. Penpa Tsering told her don't work with Losang Sangay as she will regret it but she didn't listen. She is not innocent. She thought she can use Losang Sangay to get money and power and fame. But he has other female friends who performed better than her. So she is disgruntled and quit. These are the people working in Dharamsala right under the Dalai Lama's nose and they dare do all this. No wonder Tibetans can never get Tibet back from China. China grows stronger by the day and the loser Tibetans get weaker and weaker.

Tibetans will never be successful on their own. They need to leech off another country to get whatever they need.

It is good news Dhardon and Tenzin Palkyi (Office of Tibet-Washington) both quit. They were horrible in their job and they are not nice people at all. Tibetans do not respect nor like them at all. Anyways Tibetan government in exile is only getting worse. Karma returning back for all the harms they did.



"Dhardon Sharling submits resignation letter"
Tibetan Sun
By Lobsang Wangyal
ON THE WEB, 12 December 2018

Information Secretary of Central Tibetan Administration, Dhardon Sharling, has submitted her resignation letter to leave the administration of Lobsang Sangay, reliable sources told Tibet Sun.

Letter was submitted on 7 December but her resignation will be effective in the first week of January as CTA rules requires a one-month notice from their employees.

Rumour mills are rife with speculation that she has been asked by Sangay to testify in the on-going case filed against him by former Representative of the Office of Tibet, Washington DC, Penpa Tsering.

Penpa Tsering filed a defamation case in the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission in Dharamshala, India, for “false accusations” against him as he was ousted from the post by Sangay’s administration in November last year.

One of the ten reasons for ousting was that Dhardon had been asked by Penpa Tsering not to work for Sangay.

An email to Dhardon on Monday requesting comments remain unanswered.

She has been serving as the Information Secretary at the Department of Information and International Relations of the Central Tibetan Administration since October 2016.

It has been learned that Dhardon will travel to the US in January.

Meanwhile, it has been learned that the Government Relations Officer at the Office of Tibet, Washington DC, Ms Tenzin Palkyi, has also submitted her resignation letter.

Sources said she submitted her resignation on 30 November. She was appointed to the post in March this year.

Attempts to reach Palkyi for comment were unsuccessful.


(photo attached: read all the comments that people left on Tibetan Sun article about Dhardon's quitting. Most Tibetans do not like her at all.)

Lawrence L

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« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2018, 10:48:52 PM »
First of all, Mila Rangzen really has guts to expose Lobsang Sangay as we all know how scary the Tibetan leadership (also known as Central Tibetan Administration, CTA) is. They can kill you or mute you if they don't like what you say. They said the Chinese Communist is monster, but they themselves are not angels.

#MeToo exists within Tibetan Buddhism world and the Dalai Lama couldn't handle it well at all. Now there is #MeToo in his government. I wonder what the Dalai Lama will do? Sad to know Dalai Lama has to handle this, but what to do? He is still the King to Tibet, even though he said he 'retired', but who doesn't know he is ruling behind the curtain?

Dhardon Sharling finally quits. Whatever she did in the past, they were not for the Tibetan cause for sure. They were for her own fame and benefits. If she is truly for the Tibetan cause, why create disharmony and conflict between the Tibetans using religion (Dorje Shugden)? If she is truly for Tibetans, she should have create peace and harmony by addressing the Dorje Shugden aka Dolgyal issue. The same applies to Lobsang Sangay. In conclusion, she is definitely an opportunist. Now is the worst time ever for CTA, but is the best time for her to quit. How convenient. I feel there will be more people from CTA quitting. After all, I don't see anyone working in CTA is truly for the Tibetan cause. Everyone in there is for fame and money, when there's no ways to get fame and money, people quit.


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« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2018, 12:40:56 AM »
Great news on Dhardon Sharling's resignation! Her karma of publishing the book against Dorje Shugden that has caused so much of schism, disturbance on people's mind and disharmony is coming back! She can run away from her position but the Karma will always follow her and she will not have peace.


Yes! The news of Dhardon Sharling resignation is FANTASTIC NEWS! This is because she along with her department of information in Dharamsala are full of people who funded and arranged for a publication of a thick book criticising Dorje Shugden with print run of thousands of copies and distributed them all over. She did the launched of the book AGAINST DORJE SHUGDEN herself. At the launch, she was so proud. This means that all the negative karma arising from causing schism and disharmony came back to her and she somehow she cannot remain in office.

So Dhardon Sharling's resignation is excellent news arising from the negative karma ripening from the publication of this horrible book. This will make others rather not do this.

You know whats funny?  THERE HAD BEEN MANY TWEETS SENT OUT THIS YEAR DEMANDING HER TO RESIGN. The tweets are meant to make her feel ashamed of the terrible schism and disharmony she created through the launch of this book. There are hundreds of angry tweets sent to her demanding that she resign? She was asked hundreds of times to resign. This looks like she is finally getting it !!! LOL!