Author Topic: SEX ALLEGATIONS AGAINST SIKYONG LOBSANG SANGAY & Dhardon Sharling quits!  (Read 63645 times)

christine V

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« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2018, 02:30:32 PM »
No wonder.. CTA do not want to go back to Tibet. They can have good life, good money, even cheat on sex. No one can control them, they are out of the country! They are king, they can do anything to manipulate things as they desire..

Wake up Tibetan in India.. you all are being cheat


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« Reply #31 on: December 18, 2018, 01:45:32 AM »
It is unfortunate that Dhardon Sharling having gotten a perfect human rebirth making that wish to serve her people is now suspected of being involved with Lobsang Sangay and together with him, she helped to published a book, and that if this book perpetuates will only create negative karma for her continuously.

Lobsang Sangay now is being accused of sexual predation and abuse, is an indication of why sexual abuse amongst lamas go unreported. Its like Harry Weinstein and his cabal of sexual predators in Hollywood, they covered each other actions, so how can the the pot call the kettle black?


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« Reply #32 on: December 18, 2018, 07:26:39 AM »
I think Lobsang Sangay will never want to go back to Tibet and he will not go for the Middle Way approach. If China agrees to let the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans go back, then there will not be a need for the CTA? If the CTA is not needed, Lobsang Sangay will be jobless!

Lobsang Sangay is having a very good life now. There is no pressure from anyone to produce results. He can use the public fund to travel around the world in first class flight, go to nice fancy restaurants and go dating with numerous lovers. Why would he want to go back to Tibet? It is a lie that he is loyal to the Dalai Lama.

Now that more negative news about Lobsang Sangay is exposed, hopefully, more Tibetans will speak up and get rid of this useless president. He and his gang have not done anything good for the Tibetans but only pain and sufferings. They fail to unite the Tibetans but instead create more disharmony.

Joo Won

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« Reply #33 on: December 18, 2018, 06:05:33 PM »
I wonder how is Dhardon Sharling going to serve Tibet cause better with her academic result? She has stopped her study for so long and now only continue, and she continues just because her lover advice her to do so, not really out of her own willingness or initiative.

She never did a good job while she is in office, she denied the religious freedom of Tibetan people by publishing anti-Shugden book. She never provides balance information to her fellow Tibetans, she spreads negative and fake info about Dorje Shugden practice.

Now she wants to leave to further her study while so many Tibetans are still not able to have a better living standard, not achieving much in the land of India and not able to go back to Tibet as the Tibetan leaders always claimed.

Be a leader without not much performance or charaisma never mind, but can you not involve in any scandal as such, not doing something curb the freedom of speech and religion of Tibetans, and make Tibetans feel so shameful of???

This is too much Dhardon Sharling. Enough is enough, please never never use Tibet cause as any of your excuse to gain something. If you can keep to others that you are a Tibetan would be even better. 


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« Reply #34 on: December 19, 2018, 04:53:27 PM »

Dhardon Sharling's interview by Uni of Mass. Amherst:

"I feel that I am a part of the struggle; not just the part that pertains specifically to Tibetans but also to the bigger, wider world. And if I wanted to make a difference in that struggle and other conflicts in the world, I felt that I needed to be a part of that institution, and the best way for me to do that was to represent my people and become a voice for them. All of this was possible through being elected to Parliament, and I thought that being a part of the decision making process would be a huge accomplishment in life". (

Dhardon Sharling sure started out all starry-eyed in her quest for the good of her people but well, I guess the corruption in Dhramasala is too good to resist. So instead, she went all out to demolish the harmony of her people with her all-out war against the wrong foe, authentic Dorje Shugden who had only benefitted people. Lobsang Sangay is her downfall I would say as she work hard to prove her worth to him by supporting and doing his dirty job for him. Well, attacking an enlightened deity is not the way to go and she is suffering the negative karma now. And more will come as she suffers the loneliness of her stupidity in trusting a loser. She did such a lousy job of taking care of her "people" and had never ever raised any doubt in the illegal discrimination, persecution and segregation that had harmed so many of "her people". So it is with good riddance that she is finally out of CTA which means one less to harm the Tibetans. Many Tibetans are so glad to see her go. Studying is just a face-saving ploy to look good when she abandon ship as Lobsang Sangay is going downhill. Well, she is a good student in learning disloyalty from Lobsang Sangay.

Bye Bye Dhardon Sharling, wonder what you Uni-mates will think of your notoriety?


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« Reply #35 on: December 19, 2018, 06:34:44 PM »
There is no doubt that Lobsang Sangay is now going down when his sexual abuse case was brought to the public's attention is the main reason why she is resigning now. There is no other perfect explanation than this because they are having affair for years until Ms Dhardon decided to get hitched to stop the rumours about her and the president. She needs to cut all ties to save herself from all trouble.

The only thing she did well while serving her term in CTA is the affair between Lobsang Sangay and her. She certainly did not carry out CTA's duty well and she even published a book that totally breached the law of religious freedom in the democratic constitution that they claimed to be following. The CTA is no democratic government.

They claimed to be one just to seem politically correct and get on the good books of all western country. This gives them alot of opportunities for them to make friends around the world and perhaps get more donation from those countries. This is a strategy that they had been playing for 60 years and it works and got them billions and millions of dollars in donation.


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« Reply #36 on: December 30, 2018, 01:11:15 PM »
Lobsang Sangay and the CTA will not last for too long. More negative news of Lobsang Sangay is exposed, more countries are distancing themselves away from Tibet. As the number of Tibetans in exile is getting fewer, eventually there will not be a need to have an administration office.

Lobsang Sangay is abusing his power to get what he wants. He uses the money for the Tibetans to pay for his house mortgage. When he was questioned, he did not give an answer.

To say the CTA is democratic, it is not quite right because no one can speak up if they feel something is not right. Lobsang Sangay will use his power to make sure they shut up. Look at what happened to Penpa Tsering, he was sacked by Lobsang Sangay after he challenged him.


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« Reply #37 on: December 31, 2018, 07:02:22 AM »
Lobsang Sangay and Dhardon Sharling are a scandalous couple. Dhardon Sharling did not have the right qualification to be the head of the Information Department but Lobsang Sangay put her there. He even tried to maker her a member of  the parliament when she also did not qualified and later was exposed. Despite all these negative news, Dhardon Sharling still stayed on.

Dhardon Sharling was just a puppet. She only had to execute instructions from Lobsang Sangay and helped Lobsang Sangay run his Dorje Shugden smearing campaign. She published books and videos full of lies to create disharmony among the Tibetans and the Buddhists and she was so proud of it. She is just evil.

Her resignation is a very good news for everybody including her. She is now not in the position to do mass destruction to Buddhism and Dorje Shugden followers. I do hope she really is going to do what she said, to continue with her studies. It will be even wiser if she severe her relationship with Lobsang Sangay to stop creating negative karma anymore. After all, she is a married woman now!


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« Reply #38 on: December 31, 2018, 03:49:03 PM »
I am just amazed that Lobsang Sangay is hanging on to his position, with such shamelessness. His people and those on the international arena know of how he preys on young beautiful girls and use his position to coerce them or assaulted them. I don't think that Dhardon Sharling is an innocent party as she would have known of his playboy attitude. After all, she is one that he snagged and wow, how she fell for him to do all those incredibly negative things that harmed so many people. She was supposed to bring harmony to her people but instead, she creates further discrimination and persecution by spearheading the book against enlightened Dorje Shugden and his practices. How much harm had this book caused the practitioners, who received the practice from their Guru and deemed unbreakable due to Guru Devotion which brings higher attainments in spiritual practice? Where is the freedom to practice our own preferred religion? Definitely good riddance to Dhardon Sharling and hopefully Lobsang Sangay soon to follow...


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« Reply #39 on: January 01, 2019, 04:39:45 PM »
I am just amazed that Lobsang Sangay is hanging on to his position, with such shamelessness. His people and those on the international arena know of how he preys on young beautiful girls and use his position to coerce them or assaulted them. I don't think that Dhardon Sharling is an innocent party as she would have known of his playboy attitude. After all, she is one that he snagged and wow, how she fell for him to do all those incredibly negative things that harmed so many people. She was supposed to bring harmony to her people but instead, she creates further discrimination and persecution by spearheading the book against enlightened Dorje Shugden and his practices. How much harm had this book caused the practitioners, who received the practice from their Guru and deemed unbreakable due to Guru Devotion which brings higher attainments in spiritual practice? Where is the freedom to practice our own preferred religion? Definitely good riddance to Dhardon Sharling and hopefully Lobsang Sangay soon to follow...

Lobsang Sangay is a shameless person. Any person with such a high position would have resigned and sent out an apology to the world to apologise for his shameful actions. Even Sogyal already resigned from his position and went into hiding for the same wrongdoing. I am amazed that he still holds on to being the president of CTA and act like nothing has happened when there are a few victims being identified already?

What's even worst is that no one in the CTA makes a fuss about it and demands Lobsang Sangay to resign! It means that everyone in CTA is just like Lobsang Sangay or they are putting their own benefits as priority disregarding what the victims of Lobsang Sangay's sexual abuse are feeling. That is why the whole CTA is just as dark as Lobsang Sangay.

Tibetans will never be back in Tibet when they have a government like CTA who prioritises their own benefit over the public's welfare. Now it is up to His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the final hope for Tibetans to return to Tibet. If His Holiness entered into clear light before that happens, Tibetans are doomed. CTA will exploit them even further with His Holiness's protection.


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« Reply #40 on: January 05, 2019, 04:59:41 PM »
Dhardon Sharling never served the Tibet cause and never will. She came into office to take. She is a taker and she likes it quick and easy. Otherwise, she won't be focusing on giving sleazy Lobsang Sangay favours. She has done so much damage by publishing the anti-Shugden book and made all negative publications on the enlightened protector.

Dhardon Sharling is so incapable that all she did while in office is to give Sangay favours. She makes sure to attend to his needs immediately so she got to travel first class, have fine dining, enjoy exclusive accommodations, and have lots of money and gifts from Sangay. I guess she really makes use of her youth and earns all she can with it.

Dhardon Sharling going back to school with the expenses fully paid by Lobsang Sangay. Their relationship is so close that he continue to have private meetings with her even she claimed she was married. He is part of the decision-making process for her to continue school since he will be paying her for as long as it takes her to finish. She has never joined the CTA to fight for the Tibetans' rights, she was in all for her selfish greed. That's why she is happy to leave.

I wonder how is Dhardon Sharling going to serve Tibet cause better with her academic result? She has stopped her study for so long and now only continue, and she continues just because her lover advice her to do so, not really out of her own willingness or initiative.

She never did a good job while she is in office, she denied the religious freedom of Tibetan people by publishing anti-Shugden book. She never provides balance information to her fellow Tibetans, she spreads negative and fake info about Dorje Shugden practice.

Now she wants to leave to further her study while so many Tibetans are still not able to have a better living standard, not achieving much in the land of India and not able to go back to Tibet as the Tibetan leaders always claimed.

Be a leader without not much performance or charaisma never mind, but can you not involve in any scandal as such, not doing something curb the freedom of speech and religion of Tibetans, and make Tibetans feel so shameful of???

This is too much Dhardon Sharling. Enough is enough, please never never use Tibet cause as any of your excuse to gain something. If you can keep to others that you are a Tibetan would be even better.


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« Reply #41 on: January 06, 2019, 01:26:51 PM »
Here you go, they are having a Tibetan tea and momo party again and there is only a handful of people. Just like Dhardon Sharling's marriage, not many people were attending. Is Dhardon Sharling really such a private person? If so, stop putting up photos on social media platforms and close all the accounts!

If Dhardon Sharling really has done so much good and was a good leader, how come there is no proper farewell party for her? The truth is she is incapable and she cannot lead. She was just a puppet in the CTA, executing Lobsang Sangay's order.

Lobsang Sangay and Dhardon Sharling are perfect partners in crime. They published books and videos that are full of lies to condemn Dorje Shugden followers. She was so proud of her production, she even held a press conference for the book launch. The CTA is the only government who make their own people their enemies. Unity and harmony are nothing to them, what they want is money and more money.


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« Reply #42 on: January 08, 2019, 06:07:19 AM »
Interesting timing for Dhardon to be resigning (with the news of Lobsang Sangay’s sex scandals broke out in open). After all, surely Penpa Tsering would have first made the request for her to leave way back when the fiasco was still on going (if indeed that is the reason for her resignation) but then the resignation only materialized now. Penpa Tsering told her don't work with Losang Sangay as she will regret it but she didn't listen. She is not innocent. She thought she can use Losang Sangay to get money and power and fame. But he has other female friends who performed better than her. So she is disgruntled and quit. These are the people working in Dharamsala right under the Dalai Lama's nose and they dare do all this. No wonder Tibetans can never get Tibet back from China. China grows stronger by the day and the loser Tibetans get weaker and weaker.

Tibetans will never be successful on their own. They need to leech off another country to get whatever they need.

It is good news Dhardon and Tenzin Palkyi (Office of Tibet-Washington) both quit. They were horrible in their job and they are not nice people at all. Tibetans do not respect nor like them at all. Anyways Tibetan government in exile is only getting worse. Karma returning back for all the harms they did.



"Dhardon Sharling submits resignation letter"
Tibetan Sun
By Lobsang Wangyal
ON THE WEB, 12 December 2018

Information Secretary of Central Tibetan Administration, Dhardon Sharling, has submitted her resignation letter to leave the administration of Lobsang Sangay, reliable sources told Tibet Sun.

Letter was submitted on 7 December but her resignation will be effective in the first week of January as CTA rules requires a one-month notice from their employees.

Rumour mills are rife with speculation that she has been asked by Sangay to testify in the on-going case filed against him by former Representative of the Office of Tibet, Washington DC, Penpa Tsering.

Penpa Tsering filed a defamation case in the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission in Dharamshala, India, for “false accusations” against him as he was ousted from the post by Sangay’s administration in November last year.

One of the ten reasons for ousting was that Dhardon had been asked by Penpa Tsering not to work for Sangay.

An email to Dhardon on Monday requesting comments remain unanswered.

She has been serving as the Information Secretary at the Department of Information and International Relations of the Central Tibetan Administration since October 2016.

It has been learned that Dhardon will travel to the US in January.

Meanwhile, it has been learned that the Government Relations Officer at the Office of Tibet, Washington DC, Ms Tenzin Palkyi, has also submitted her resignation letter.

Sources said she submitted her resignation on 30 November. She was appointed to the post in March this year.

Attempts to reach Palkyi for comment were unsuccessful.


(photo attached: read all the comments that people left on Tibetan Sun article about Dhardon's quitting. Most Tibetans do not like her at all.)

Even if the Tibetans are leeching of India for 60 years, they still did not get what they want which is Tibet. Until now there is no progress on Tibetan cause. What they did is just empty talk. Until now, they can't even initiate a proper dialogue with China. I start to think that they don't really want Tibet back. They are just comfortable with what they are having currently and getting free money by PRETENDING to be fighting for the independence of Tibet.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said that everyone should work towards achieving Umaylam, which is the middle way. However, CTA is certainly not helping His Holiness to achieve that. They still attend Rangzen meetings and going around the world raising awareness on China's human right issue.

CTA just wants to extend their time of being a refugee so that they do not have to manage a country which is proven to be overwhelming for them. Now that Lobsang Sangay announced that there will be another 50 years for Tibetan cause, it is like a holiday for them. They don't have to work hard for Tibetan cause for another 5 decades and when the time comes, they can just find another scapegoat like Dorje Shugden and blame their failures on it. All of the current CTA leaders will be dead by then and this whole problem will be passed on to the next generation. How convenient for them.


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« Reply #43 on: January 08, 2019, 06:06:42 PM »
I am not sure if you guys realise that Dhardon Sharling's resignation is actually part of the money laundering plan for the CTA, specifically her lover boy Lobsang Sangay. These two are very aware that the CTA is falling apart, pairing that with the Dalai Lama deteriorating health, they are preparing for the worst. The best thing to do is definitely to secure their own pockets before the window of opportunities are completed closed.

Dhardon Sharling will be in the states receiving orders and huge sums from Lobsang Sangay so he can laundry as much as possible. Their sneak trick is like an open book. Only the blind ones cannot see. The CTA will be bankrupt in no time because people are no longer interested in supporting the Tibet lost cause and the kalon members are only interested in filling up their bank accounts.

It is really bad karma that the CTA is formed by a group of greedy kalon members who have never been interested in the Tibet Cause!


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« Reply #44 on: January 08, 2019, 07:35:14 PM »
I am not sure if you guys realise that Dhardon Sharling's resignation is actually part of the money laundering plan for the CTA, specifically her lover boy Lobsang Sangay. These two are very aware that the CTA is falling apart, pairing that with the Dalai Lama deteriorating health, they are preparing for the worst. The best thing to do is definitely to secure their own pockets before the window of opportunities are completed closed.

Dhardon Sharling will be in the states receiving orders and huge sums from Lobsang Sangay so he can laundry as much as possible. Their sneak trick is like an open book. Only the blind ones cannot see. The CTA will be bankrupt in no time because people are no longer interested in supporting the Tibet lost cause and the kalon members are only interested in filling up their bank accounts.

It is really bad karma that the CTA is formed by a group of greedy kalon members who have never been interested in the Tibet Cause!

You are right. It is very obvious that this is just another stunt that the 2 lovebirds are pulling in order to get benefits for themselves. It is highly suspicious that Dhardon Sharling will choose such timing to resign and the reason she uses is to further her study. That is just ridiculous. If they really want to help His Holiness the Dalai Lama, why would she quit CTA while His Holiness is still around?

I think she had gotten what she wants and she wants to leave now before shit hits the fan. It is very sad to see that CTA is full of people who do not have any concern for their own people. All they do is to get as much of benefits for themselves and then they will leave and enjoy their lives. While the Tibetans in exile are still longing to go back to Tibet, CTA already purchased new homes in foreign countries.

Lobsang Sangay had bought a house in Boston and he probably going to share that with Sharling. They will be living overseas, enjoying their freedom and the money that they got from corruption while fellow Tibetans in exile suffer in India. I wonder when Lobsang Sangay will resign and let someone else solve Tibetans problem?