Author Topic: The Fake Karmapa is destroying the precious Karma Kagyu Lineage! Can't CTA help?  (Read 143731 times)


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Well CTA what happened to your chosen Karmapa now???

Looks like the Dalai Lama's chosen Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje has a girlfriend and has many girlfriends according to what the news in Taiwan is reporting.

Translation of the Youtube title from a friend: Born amidst "auspicious cloud" descending into the world, showing miraculous signs! Karmapa with millions of devotees involved in a sexual scandal, voice recording exposed: "We experience joy and sorrow of life together" San Li news station

How come Dharamsala's choice of Karmapa has so many scandals, from money scandals to now sexual/relationship scandals. What does this tell us about the Central Tibetan Administration's credibility?

Looks like everything the exile Tibetan Government does is just turning into a huge sham! What a disgrace.

Wow! This is the Karmapa endorsed by the Dalai Lama as often seen together in events. I wonder if this is the reason that the Tibetan Leaders had been keeping quiet about who the real Karmapa is and not clearing the confusion from their people's mind. If the Tibetan Leaders had cared for their people, they would have swiftly announced who the real Karmapa is so that we will be able to be assured of our practices. It is so dangerous to receive teachings from the wrong Karmapa as we may end up in Hell as what the Tibetan Leaders tell us all the time with Dorje Shugden practice. So I for one do not wish to end up in hell and why are the Tibetan Leaders not telling us?????
« Last Edit: January 25, 2019, 07:17:52 PM by Vajraprotector »


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This is getting uglier than before as time goes by. The Tibetan leadership is still keeping quiet on who is the real Karmapa and they refuse to let their followers know who is the real deal and who is the imposter. Now that CTA's Karmapa has a relationship scandal, I think it made the situation even worst.

CTA recognised Karmapa Ogyen Trinley as the real Karmapa and now he is involved in a relationship scandal. It makes CTA looks very bad. Now if CTA says their Karmapa is the real one, the public will not accept because how can the Karmapa have such conduct as a monk. It will make the whole lineage looks very bad.

If the CTA recognises Karmapa Thaye Dorje now, they will be seen as betraying their own recognised Karmapa when their own Karmapa is in a bad situation. They will be seen as not loyal. Either way, CTA will get blasted and this is the results of their own actions for meddling with the affairs that they are not supposed to meddle with in the first place.


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Well, the CTA created their own mess by meddling in the Karmapa issue. Now they are being put in an awkward position. Karmapa Ogyen Trinley left India and now his visa request is being ignored by the Indian government. The CTA cannot use him for now, and they have very little influence with the Karmapa Thaye Dorje. They tried to control the Karma Kagyu lineage and they ended up losing control.

Harold Musetescu

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Well, the CTA created their own mess by meddling in the Karmapa issue.

Your all wrong about who created this mess.

It rest with only one person and one person alone.

The 14th Dalai Lama.

He had no business meddling in the affairs of the Karma Kagyu.

The CTA only endorsed the 14th Dalai Lama's choice as all good puppet governments do when their dictators speaks.

This is not the fault of the CTA but their "Puppet Master" the 14th Dalai Lama.


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Does this Karmapa really have a girlfriend in Taiwan? It is all over the Taiwanese media and has taped recording of his conversation with the girl.


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According to the news in the media, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche made a statement to refute the story, and that the Karmapa doesn't have a girlfriend in Taiwan. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche said that this "H girl" is not someone special, and definitely not under his direction to get close to the Karmapa.

It's a he says she says situation, so I guess we just watch and see. Here is the short news of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's statement being shared on Facebook.

Found on:
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 08:49:44 PM by Vajraprotector »


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Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche isn't exactly stainless in his reputation either.

In October 2017, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche published a 16-page 'sex contract' as a purportedly humorous example of legal framework by which a tantric guru may engage in sexual relations with their disciples. After that he received a lot of backlashes and then removed the post. Perhaps that's why this H girl took the chance to implicate Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. In any case, why is it that the Karmapa himself didn't make any statement about this I wonder  8)?

This is the type of facebook posts by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche that creates controversy, saw it flying around, so I decided to post it here.


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According to the news in the media, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche made a statement to refute the story, and that the Karmapa doesn't have a girlfriend in Taiwan. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche said that this "H girl" is not someone special, and definitely not under his direction to get close to the Karmapa.

It's a he says she says situation, so I guess we just watch and see. Here is the short news of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's statement being shared on Facebook.

Found on:

The Karmapa issue has become so complicated. First, the money laundering scandal, then he ran away from the CTA to meet with the other Karmapa, not long after that a sex scandal. How true is the sex scandal, I am not sure. But it just puzzles me that why only now the H girl exposes the Karmapa.

There are 2 possibilities that the Karmapa or his office are not issuing any statement until now. One, it is a set-up, the Karmapa is wrongly accused and they see no point in clarifying the issue. Two, the scandal is real and they are still looking for the best way to deal with it.

I also wonder why the international media did not pick up this news? The news is reported in Taiwanese media and some minimal coverage in other Chinese media, nothing more than that. Is this again some kind of dirty tactic from the CTA trying to take revenge on the Karmapa for going against them?


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Well, the CTA created their own mess by meddling in the Karmapa issue.

Your all wrong about who created this mess.

It rest with only one person and one person alone.

The 14th Dalai Lama.

He had no business meddling in the affairs of the Karma Kagyu.

The CTA only endorsed the 14th Dalai Lama's choice as all good puppet governments do when their dictators speaks.

This is not the fault of the CTA but their "Puppet Master" the 14th Dalai Lama.

Dear Harold,

Do you think that is still the case? Of late I see that the Dalai Lama and Lobsang Sangay seems to be at odds but being Tibetan, it is all very subtle. Apart from news that Lobsang Sangay cancelled the Tibetan Religious Leaders Conference last year without informing the Dalai Lama beforehand, we can also see that the Dalai Lama is making efforts to make friends with China while Sangay is still quite hostile to China.

What is your opinion? Is the CTA still a puppet government or are people people like Sangay now thinking on their own but not openly challenging the Dalai Lama?


Harold Musetescu

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Dear Harold,

Do you think that is still the case? Of late I see that the Dalai Lama and Lobsang Sangay seems to be at odds but being Tibetan, it is all very subtle. Apart from news that Lobsang Sangay cancelled the Tibetan Religious Leaders Conference last year without informing the Dalai Lama beforehand, we can also see that the Dalai Lama is making efforts to make friends with China while Sangay is still quite hostile to China.

What is your opinion? Is the CTA still a puppet government or are people people like Sangay now thinking on their own but not openly challenging the Dalai Lama?


The Dalai Lama could dissolve with CTA with a simple proclamation that they are corrupt.

The Nechung Oracle will declare the CTA to be corrupt.

This is how fragile the CTA are and they know it.

Lobsang could have cancelled the conference on orders of the Dalai Lama.

This way he could take the blame and the Dalai Lama would appear to be the innocent party.

The Dalai Lama did try to appease China but that was some time ago with zero results.

I believe the CTA considers the Dalai Lama their enemy in their bid for total control.

They will wait for his death then we will all see the true nature of the CTA.

We will all see how the "Puppet" acts without it's "Puppet Master" controlling it's every move.

The unchained CTA will show it's true evil, cruel nature starting with it's own people.


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Why the Tibetan leadership still refuses to come out and make a stand for their chosen candidate of Karmapa? Since they have recognized Ogyen Trinley Dorje as the real Karmapa, they should defend him all the way and announce that he is the REAL Karmapa and the other is the fake one. There is no need for them to be afraid and just make the statement.

Why are they delaying the announcement at this crucial time? Are they regretting in recognizing the Karmapa that is causing alot of troubles for them now? Even before the scandal is exposed, the Karmapa already ran off to the west for a year and refused to come back. The relationship between the Karmapa and CTA is already not good.

Whatever it is, CTA needs to come out of hiding and let us know who is the real Karmapa already. Many CTA followers are asking and they have the responsibility to clear the doubt since they are the one who created the 2 Karmapa situation. Please Tibetan leadership, please let us know who is the real Karmapa so we don't practice the wrong teaching and go to hell.

Harold Musetescu

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Why the Tibetan leadership still refuses to come out and make a stand for their chosen candidate of Karmapa? Since they have recognized Ogyen Trinley Dorje as the real Karmapa,

As  you have stated the Dalai Lama and the CTA  have stated publicly since 1992 that Ogyen Trinley Dorje is the real Karmapa.

Do they REALLY need to do it again and again and again and again???

End of story and time to move on to something a little more important.

Harold Musetescu

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The question is not if the CTA still recognizes Ogyen Trinley Dorje as the Karmapa.

The question is does the 14th Dalai Lama still recognize him.

The CTA does not have the power to recognize anyone as a Tulku.


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Now that there are 2 Karmapas, when is the CTA going to tell us who is the real Karmapa? They cannot let the fake Karmapa destroy the lineage. If the followers follow the fake Karmapa, they will go to hell, this is very serious.

The CTA has so much experience in recognising the real reincarnate lamas, they sure will have the capability to identify the real and the fake Karmapa. They did recognise the real Panchen Lama, didn't they? They are so concerned about people following the fake Panchen Lama, why are they not doing the same for the Karmapa?

Many Karmapa followers are very confused now.  They are not sure who is the real Karmapa. For the beginners, it is even worse, they might just decide not to practice Vajrayana anymore, this will damage their spiritual path. The CTA has to protect the welfare of the spiritual practitioners, they have to make an announcement of who the real Karmapa is!


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Sad to say the truth loud out - The Dharamsala office (Dalai Lama's office) is just using these high lamas to gain money, fame and support. Like for example, one of the two Karmapas must be the fake one. IF the fake one is going to be Ugyen Thrinley, obviously he was Dharamsala's puppet and I am glad he is out from India and Dharamsala office's control now.

Dharamsala office couldn't care less about what is happening with the Karma Kagyu's lineage. I guess they are now scratching head thinking how to deal with the incarnation of Sharmapa. Maybe the Dharamsala office is going to recognise their own Sharmapa?

Oh dear, please, not again! 3 Karmapas, 2 Sharmapas, 2 Panchens, 2 Dromo Geshes, 2 Kundelings...

Dharamsala office is annoying

LOL LOL LOL Next there will be 4 Karmapas! Oh my goodness... you said it! CTA is just using them and that is why the KARMAPAS are avoiding them, BOTH of them... the one Dalai Lama recognised doesn't even wanna come home and crying abuse and depression and now has this girlfriend(s) scandal

The Thaye Dorje runs away and avoids bumping into the Dalai Lama who tried to get a picture with him? Why did Dalai Lama do that if the Dalai Lama does not recognise him as the Karmapa unless he knew it all along and could not retract his recognition due to face, and because of this created a split in the Karma Kagyu lineage.... so sad. 

Looks like CTA cannot even recognise good tulku from fake/bad ones. Hmmm, maybe it is time for them to just close shop since they cannot seem to get anything right and all they do is create more problems for their own people. What have they actually done for Tibetans is Tibet seriously?