Author Topic: promoting goodness  (Read 15683 times)

Zhalmed Pawo

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Re: promoting goodness
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2010, 05:45:14 PM »
..........a Dharma teaching from a video <Guru for Hire, Enlightenment for Sale>, which ignited within me the experience of GOODNESS that still exists in this world. If I made any error in my statement, I sincerely apologize to Spiritual Guide, Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, from whom I was so fortunate to receive this teaching.

Oh yes.  :D That is a wonderful video teaching. Just supreme. It clearly shows the calibre and skill of Tsem Rinpoche. And his true colors, concerning some recent issues in the Gelukpa world - there are no samaya splits between Tsem ad Zong.  ;D

I downloaded the whole thing some years ago when it was still available from Youtube. Maybe I should get the DVDs as well... :blush:

Lee Dhi

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Re: promoting goodness
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2010, 01:23:46 PM »
Hi Zhalmed Pawo! You definitely should get the DVD … and book as well ? They would make really meaningful gifts for yourself and those you love!

Yes, I really admire the clean samaya between Tsem Rinpoche and Zong Rinpoche. If only more Dharma students, including myself, will follow Tsem Rinpoche's foot steps.

I am tremendously enjoying another book (from Kechara Media & Publications, you can check it out online: titled "Call Me Paris" by Ms. Jamie Khoo which depicted "spoilt" Dharma students of modern times who require constant persuasion to embrace Dharma.

I pray that we all overcome our obstacles (mostly from our ego :p ) and practice Dharma as taught by our kind Gurus so that Dharma will continue to be passed on for the benefit of all beings!


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Re: promoting goodness
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2010, 02:48:57 PM »
Lee Dhi,

It is funny that you mention Just Call Me Paris. I just finished reading that last night. Great book. Another great book by one of his students is called No Way But Up. Both share the story of how Tsem Rinpoche has helped them to embrace the dharma while keeping up with the changing times of modern culture.
My favorite book published by Kechara Media & Publications is called Guru For Hire, by Tsem Tulku. He tackles many of the taboos and issues that are very relevant for understanding the complexities of a Guru-student relationship. He also has a chapter about the importance of not bashing other teachers or centers. Excellent book.


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Re: promoting goodness
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2010, 05:39:45 PM »
Search engines like Google produce results based on popularity of sites, frequency of mentions etc.

If we wish information on Dorje Shugden to be at the top, we must post more often on more sites.

At the moment, there are many many posts about the Dalai Lama controversy and the NKT controversy which drown out the positive comments.

So the message is:

Don't just sit there, post something !! :)

Oh, and don't forget to use the name 'Dorje Shugden', or at least 'Shugden' in your posts, as this registers with the search engines.  ;)

A compassionate mind cannot be penetrated by anger or attachment.


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Re: promoting goodness
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2010, 06:02:40 PM »
Dear A Friend
It is true what you said...I did not personally experienced first hand the persecutions and had simplistic/narrow views of the ban and DL. I have a much better understanding now why you and the other senior folks "reacted" to our niceties... I've gotten more than just knowing the truth surrounding our beloved Protector. I've gotten real life Dharma sharing and application of the Dharma in difficult times...

with folded hands


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Re: promoting goodness
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2010, 07:40:26 PM »
Healing the Wounded Healer,
One Day at a Time !
Vows we remember
In Our Everyday Life
The Ones We Forget
As We Pass by an Unhappy Face
Forgetting to Mirror In Our Smiles
The Secret That Buddha Shared
and Je T'Song Khapa Clarified!
The Love We Give
Is Given In That Moment
With Buddha's Smile
The One All Knowing
of Human Possibilities
and Human Frailities
Accepting with Breathing
In and Breathing Out
It is abstract in the describing
So Simple, the Solution
As to evade the Monkey Mind
Never quite satisfied
We approach the Pearl
With Sticks and Stones
Blinded by the Efferverscent Rainbow Lights
True Lama need no Certificates
True Lamas Guide by their Constantly
Practicing the Dharma
Keeping the Light Bright
For us in the Twilight Zone
What we see
Is where we go
Follow the Bright Light
The Warm One
That Surrounds Us!

Lee Dhi

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Re: promoting goodness
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2010, 05:45:17 AM »
Oh!!! What a beautiful and soothing extract! Thank you Lhakpa Gyaltshen.

Yes, too many have been hurt in the last decade as a result of certain harsh decisions made. Too sad and too unnecessary! I hope the healing begins for these “wounded healers” who have sacrificed themselves to ensure the Dorje Shugden’s practice is upheld for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Despite the cruelties shown by the ignorant and disillusioned, may we never loose faith and remain strictly on the path shown to us by true lamas and remain constantly and consistently in pure Dharma practice! I learnt that our efforts and moral discipline will contribute directly to cause of Dorje Shugden practice’s growth.

Yeshe, Thanks for the reminder about posting more “Dorje Shugden” all over the place so that more and more people will come across our Great Protector – Dorje Shugden!

You are also right that we should “don’t just sit there”. Besides posting, we can also contribute to Shar Ganden to cause the practice of DORJE SHUGDEN to flourish: please see thread titled “Reliable methods to send donations to Shar Ganden” for more information.

Lee Dhi

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Re: promoting goodness
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2010, 06:03:05 AM »
Tenzin Sungrab, what a coincidence! I also have that book No Way But Up purchased from the website. I look forward to reading it!

Yes, in <Gurus for Hire, Enlightenment for Sale> Tsem Tulku Rinpoche emphasized and re-emphasized about not bad-mouthing any Dharma master or establishment. He has very valid and logical reason: such action will cause damage to:

1)   The Dharma as a whole
2)   To the individual who did the bashing

* There is a lot more substance in his teaching than I expressed above. Please check out the book if you had not had the opportunity to read it.

This is the appeal of His Eminence’s teachings, he always relates to the Dharma students of today intellectually, emotionally and practically…making it easy to assimilate Dharma into daily life.

It would be wonderful if more young spiritual seekers will be able to experience Tsem Rinpoche’s teachings that are available on his website (, twitter and YouTubes.