Author Topic: China call Tibetans to Return Home  (Read 35610 times)


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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2019, 02:58:12 AM »
With the opportunities that the Tibetans have now in China this is an easy choice.

Why would anyone want to stay under the CTA who is not interested in giving better opportunities to their own people but is much more concerned about their own hidden agendas.

China or Tibet (whatever you want to call it) definite provide better opportunity and prospect to people, not just Tibetans. Look at how strong the economy in China has become. As long as someone is hardworking, they can make a lot of money and improve their lives. In India, the CTA wants the Tibetans to remain as a refugee and be poor because they need to have poor-me story to ask for free money. In China, Tibetans are taken care of like how a mother is taking care of a child; whereas, in India, the CTA is treating the Tibetans like a slave. China is being very generous and open to invite the Tibetans to go back because they want to share the wealth with the Tibetans.


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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2019, 03:00:15 AM »
Obviously, China will be a better place to be in if you want a future. What future can Dharamsala provide? What future can CTA provide? With a PM who cheats his own people and sexually abuse his female employees... what future do you think Tibetans have.

China knew it well, that's why they openly invite Tibetans to go back Tibet. By saying that, we know that China has gathered enough fact check that Tibetans are no longer wanting to leave Tibet, and this indirectly shows that Tibetans nowadays are no longer willing to throw their future into the darkness for the Dalai Lama anymore. It somehow indicates a post-Dalai Lama's era is coming soon.


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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2019, 03:49:29 AM »
This is very good news and all Tibetans in Exile should take this chance to return to Tibet and escape from the clutches of the Tibetan government. There is no use for them to stay in India because they have no future there. China is investing a lot in Tibet and if those Tibetans go back, they will have a second chance in life and I even heard that China will be eradicating poverty in Tibet very soon! Tibetans need not consider anymore and should go back to Tibet immediately for their own good.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 05:55:57 AM by Vajraprotector »

Tenzin K

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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2019, 12:24:44 PM »
More and more Tibetan in Tibet should speak up about the changes in Tibet. They should give the idea of the condition, opportunity and support by China in Tibet. I strongly believe it will not be as worst as in India.

In fact CTA should work his way to be friend with China. They just left this one hurdle which causes them much more tension. CTA should stop irritating China and eventually China can accept the Tibetan.


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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2019, 07:19:49 AM »
More and more Tibetan in Tibet should speak up about the changes in Tibet. They should give the idea of the condition, opportunity and support by China in Tibet. I strongly believe it will not be as worst as in India.

In fact CTA should work his way to be friend with China. They just left this one hurdle which causes them much more tension. CTA should stop irritating China and eventually China can accept the Tibetan.

CTA will never work their way to be friends with China. Just look at their attitude for the past 60 years. They have been extremely arrogant towards China and they believe that whatever they are doing which is talking bad about China and playing the victim card will work forever. However, things have changed since 1959 and their tactic is no longer working.

China is one of the superpower countries in the world now and Tibetans in exile are just nobody when compared with them. China is so powerful right now that there is no way the Tibetans can "force" China to give back Tibet to them. China has invested so much into making Tibet a better place and the Tibetans are expecting China to just hand them back their country that easily?

The Tibetan government is delusional to think like that and they are fooling themselves and also the Tibetans in exile. Tibetans in India now should learn to be smart and go back to China when they actually allows it. There is no hope in the Tibetan settlements anymore.

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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2019, 11:42:17 PM »
Tibetan should take this opportunity to go back Tibet. CTA can't do anything for them and no point to wait. In fact, if China opens the door just go with it because eventually when they go back Tibet, it's under China anyway. For CTA to go back to Tibet still have to go through China. No fast way but only China.


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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2019, 01:29:29 PM »
Tibetan should take this opportunity to go back Tibet. CTA can't do anything for them and no point to wait. In fact, if China opens the door just go with it because eventually when they go back Tibet, it's under China anyway. For CTA to go back to Tibet still have to go through China. No fast way but only China.

That is a good point. Even if the CTA wants to bring the Tibetans back to Tibet, they have to go through China too. I do not think that will be anytime soon because they had been trying for 60 years and until now, there is no result. Since China is opening her arms to Tibetans in Exile to return to Tibet, they should take the opportunity to go back.

CTA is not worth their support and they could not do anything to help their own people. The people, Tibetans in exile should take matters into their own hands and fight for their future since their government won't do it for them. There is no point to wait further since 60 years had passed with no results from CTA.

China has been very compassionate towards the Tibetans by helping them economically and developing Tibet. Tibet is a much better place now and generally, Tibetans have better lives now in Tibet. No more serfdom and more equality now.

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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2019, 07:21:50 PM »
If this is for real then Tibetan in exile should take this opportunity to go back to their homeland. But we will see another group which is the younger generation may not want to as they have lived in India since they were born and get used to the lifestyle already. Actually, after years there is the emotional has changed and the only reason for the Tibetan in exile to leave India is because they want to look for a better opportunity to earn for living and not entirely for Tibet. Now the situation in India is different. Many Tibetan would just leave India to any other country that they can seek for better living and not particularly Tibet. The point is that no more living under CTA which doesn't cause only suffering for the last 60 years.


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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2019, 04:22:22 AM »
Even now, Lobsang Sangay is still going on his tour to various countries to put China down. And he expects China to trust him and CTA to negotiate for the deal of autonomy? Stupid PHD holder! Anyone without intelligence would know that if you make someone angry, you don't expect kindness from that person. So if Sangay really means for his people to go home, then he should be praising China for their tremendous effort and investment into Tibet to help the Tibetan elevate their standards of living, not go round repeating human rights issues which incidentally is being contributed by the CTA.

Here what Phayul reported on Sangay's repetitious poor me speech again (do you see the begging bowl nearby?):


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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2019, 01:07:38 PM »
Even now, Lobsang Sangay is still going on his tour to various countries to put China down. And he expects China to trust him and CTA to negotiate for the deal of autonomy? Stupid PHD holder! Anyone without intelligence would know that if you make someone angry, you don't expect kindness from that person. So if Sangay really means for his people to go home, then he should be praising China for their tremendous effort and investment into Tibet to help the Tibetan elevate their standards of living, not go round repeating human rights issues which incidentally is being contributed by the CTA.

Here what Phayul reported on Sangay's repetitious poor me speech again (do you see the begging bowl nearby?):

President Xi is also busy touring around the world but he is doing something that will benefit everyone, not just China. He has this big initiative called One-Belt-One Road to link China with the rest of the world via railway, road or sea. This would be like the silk road in the old time, the economy of the participating countries will definitely be boosted.

Lobsang Sangay, on the other hand, is busy touring the world to get free money. He does not have the quality of a leader, what has he done ever since he became the leader of the Tibetan community. There is not much of progress and development in the Tibetan community. In fact, more Tibetans are leaving India now and almost no Tibetans are arriving in India from China.

The future for the Tibetans in the exile community is very uncertain. If China is so generous to open its door to allow Tibetans to go back, they should not miss this opportunity. China will rule the word soon, the future is brighter and better in China.


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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #25 on: June 28, 2019, 12:31:01 PM »
China has been generous to the Tibetan for as long as I can remember. As long as the Tibetans are willing to abide by the rules that they have set to avoid any unwanted incidents to occur, they will be fine. Those who intentionally went against the rules will have a hard time and most probably they will face very harsh consequences.

Tibet now is a very nice place to live in with poverty rate is lower than 10%. That is incredible when we take into consideration that 95% of the population in Tibet were living in poverty before the invasion of the Chinese. China invested so much into fighting poverty including aids and classes for the Tibetans to improve themselves for a better future.

Since China is willing to accept the Tibetans back in Tibet, Tibetans should treasure this opportunity and go back to Tibet. Tibetan settlements in India is not doing well at all and it will only deteriorate further when His Holiness the Dalai Lama passes into clear light.

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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #26 on: June 29, 2019, 07:34:28 AM »
Is time to go back home!

After 60 years CTA never fulfills their promises and created much more suffering for the Tibetan with the Dorje Shugden ban, recognized another leader in other lineages, scandals after scandals and etc. Obviously, they are not here to improve Tibetan situation but just taking advantage to gain personal interest. Look at Lobsang Sangay, as the president but holding US citizenship, why? Why not Tibetan and be Tibetan with the rest of Tibetan and fight for Tibetan?

Many more Tibetan leadership are holding foreign citizenship. Why? This is their insurance if anything happens. If this is the case can Tibetan rely on them? If this is the case why Tibetan leadership create so much hardship for Tibetan to take Indian citizenship just like their leaders? Tibetan leadership would not allow that because if Tibetan become Indian they will not have enough number of Tibetan to ask for sponsorship. It's boiling back to dollar and cents for them.

This is the people that leading the Tibetan and we have not seen any improvement but only scandals after scandals. It's time to go back is better to rely on the Chinese as so far we have not seen any downside of it.


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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #27 on: June 30, 2019, 07:39:52 AM »
Is time to go back home!

After 60 years CTA never fulfills their promises and created much more suffering for the Tibetan with the Dorje Shugden ban, recognized another leader in other lineages, scandals after scandals and etc. Obviously, they are not here to improve Tibetan situation but just taking advantage to gain personal interest. Look at Lobsang Sangay, as the president but holding US citizenship, why? Why not Tibetan and be Tibetan with the rest of Tibetan and fight for Tibetan?

Many more Tibetan leadership are holding foreign citizenship. Why? This is their insurance if anything happens. If this is the case can Tibetan rely on them? If this is the case why Tibetan leadership create so much hardship for Tibetan to take Indian citizenship just like their leaders? Tibetan leadership would not allow that because if Tibetan become Indian they will not have enough number of Tibetan to ask for sponsorship. It's boiling back to dollar and cents for them.

This is the people that leading the Tibetan and we have not seen any improvement but only scandals after scandals. It's time to go back is better to rely on the Chinese as so far we have not seen any downside of it.

It is obvious that the CTA cannot handle their own people anymore. They can't do it and never did. That is why Tibet is in the hands of China now. it is obvious that CTA does not want to go back to Tibet and they are just using the name of Tibetan cause to earn donations. If they are very passionate about going back to Tibet, then why almost all of them owns a passport from another country?

They should be like other Tibetans who only has a yellow travel book to show their faith and loyalty to Tibet. The reason why they have another passport is that it is a backup plan for them in case the Tibetan cause failed. It has already failed for 60 years now China is stronger than ever, Tibet's independence is impossible.

China will not return Tibet back to the Tibetans because they have invested so much into it. They improved the lives of the Tibetans by building infrastructures and also social aids. On the other hand, they even manage to reduce the rate of poverty in Tibet to below 10%. This is something CTA will never be able to do and China will definitely not hand everything on a silver platter to CTA.


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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #28 on: July 04, 2019, 03:31:19 PM »
These days more and more Tibetans are actually STAYING BACK in Tibet. This goes to show that they see a better future straying in China than going running away to Dharamsala. Obviously, China will be a better place to be in if you want a future. What future can Dharamsala provide? What future can CTA provide? With a PM who cheats his own people and sexually abuse his female employees... what future do you think Tibetans have.

Now even those in India are giving up their hope of their so-called gov as they are taking up Indian citizenship as we can read from this article

People are basically fed up of hearing lies and deception, and paying a government that does nothing for them, a government that only benefits themselves and on top of that create so much disharmony and disunity amongst their own people.

This is true, no more Tibetans are arriving in India from Tibet. This is not because the border control is tighter but because life in Tibet is so much better in Tibet now. There are so many opportunities especially education. Besides, the Chinese government also implement various programs to help to improve the standard of living of the Tibetans.

If we look at the living condition and situation in India, the Tibetans are still stateless, their future is very uncertain. Even if they are hard-working, there is not much opportunity available because they are refugees. The CTA is actually quite happy with their current situation because they can make use of the Tibetan's plight to get donations without working hard.


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Re: China call Tibetans to Return Home
« Reply #29 on: November 20, 2019, 08:35:08 AM »
The CTA is hopeless. What can they give Tibetans? They create conflicts and cause disharmony and disunity in the Tibetan community. They never attempt to resolve conflicts. After 60 years, Tibetans are still refugees with no future. The CTA and Lobsang Sangay cannot give the Tibetans a more concrete plan on how to free Tibet and what they will do to give Tibetans an identity. If China is happy to accept Tibetans to go back, this will be a better option for Tibetans. Going back to China, Tibetans will not be stateless anymore, they will have the same opportunity as other Chinese citizens, they will be able to own business, property, etc.