Author Topic: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri  (Read 20602 times)

Harold Musetescu

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Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« on: April 02, 2019, 04:10:37 PM »
I have failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri.

You who were made a Dharmapala and placed in Kache Marpo's retinue by H.E. Domo Geshe Rinpoche in 1902.

The same Domo Geshe Rinpoche who made Namkar Barzin a Dharmapala in Dorje Shugden's retinue in the 1920's"

I have since June 2018 tried to get just one Dorje Shugden Tulku or Geshe to publicly state that you are a member of Dorje Shugden's retinue.

I have contacted Trijang Rinpoche, Zasep Rinpoche, Rabten Rinpoche, Gonsar Rinpoche, Gangchen Rinpoche and even Tsem Rinpoche asking if you were a member of Dorje Shugden's retinue.

They NEVER answered my simple question.

Sorry for failing you Shangmo Dorje Putri.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2019, 08:34:41 PM »
Here are just two examples of my contacting Tsem Tulku and his people about Shangmo Dorje Putri and their total lack of any reply.

" Harold Musetescu on Mar 15, 2019 at 5:37 am

Hello Pastor

The present day Domo Geshe Rinpoche is living at Gaden Sharste Monastery.

This is Tsem Tulku’s home monastery. Rinpoche could contact Domo Geshe Rinpoche and his people about Shangmo Dorje Putri.

They could answer the question “Is Shangmo Dorje Putri and official member of Dorje Shugden’s retinue”. Equal to Kache Marpo, Methar and Namkar Barzin. Please remember that it was Domo Geshe Rinpoche who made Namkar Barzin a member of Dorje Shugden’s retinue.

Rinpoche helped Methar to return to Dorje Shugden’s retinue and I believe he can do the same with Shango Dorje Putri.

Thank you.

Harold Musetescu on Jan 12, 2019 at 9:05 am

Hello Pastor

Is Shangmo Dorje Putri a member of Dorje Shugden’s retinue just like Kache Marpo, Namkar Barzin and Methar? "


Harold Musetescu

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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2019, 08:44:19 PM »
Harold Musetescu on Feb 26, 2019 at 12:27 am

Do any of the present day Dorje Shugden Oracles take trance of the female Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri who is found in Kache Marpo retinue along side of Methar?

No reply

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2019, 09:13:24 PM »
Char on Sep 1, 2018 at 9:52 pm
Shangmo Dorje Putri is a Female Dharmapala at Dungkar Monastery.
Namkar Barzin is a Dharmapala at Dungkar Monastery.
Both were bond by oath by H.E. Domo Geshe Rinpoche to protect Dungkar Monastery.
Shangmo Dorje Putri was placed by Domo Geshe Rinpoche into the retinue of Kache Marpo.
Does this mean that she is also a member of Dorje Shugden’s retinue?
Two Domo Geshe Rinpoche Dharmapalas in Dorje Shugden’s retinue?
If yes this is wonderful.
A Female Dharmapala in Dorje Shugden’s retinue.

Why is there no reply from Rinpoche or his staff on this simple question.


Harold Musetescu

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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2019, 11:37:41 PM »
Harold Musetescu on Apr 1, 2019 at 9:03 pm

Can we use the female Dakini and Dharmapala “Shangmo Dorje Putri” in our daily Dorje Shugden practice? She is found in the retinue of Kache Marpo and was made a Dharmapala in 1902 by H.E. Domo Geshe Rinpoche. H.E. Domo Geshe Rinpoche also made Namkar Barzin a Dharmapala in Dorje Shugden’s retinue.

The the above quote (Comments section) and the next quote are from an article that Tsem Rinpoche wrote on April 1 2019 about the Wrathful dakini Ucchusma.

Here is the link to that article

Thangkas of Dakini Ucchusma
Appreciating how difficult it is to acquire images and statues of this wrathful black Dakini, H.E. Tsem Rinpoche commissioned a number of thangkas to provide sincere practitioners with iconographically accurate, high resolution images of Dakini Ucchusma. Do download the images below for your altar or place of worship

Tsem Rinpoche and his people have created two thangkas (With Dorje Shugden and Ucchusma) and a statue of Ucchusma.

Ucchusma  is not in the Dorje Shugden retinue.

Yet no thangkas or a statue of Shangmo Dorje Putri have been created who IS in Dorje Shugden retinue.

It was Tsem Rinpoche who brought us an article about Shangmo Dorje Putril in March 2016.

He is the link to that article.

I am humbly asking you Your Eminence Tsem Tulku for your help in this most important matter.

You reintroduced the Dorje Shugden Dharmapala, "Methar" to the Dorje Shugden world back in 2016.

Please do the same for the Dorje Shugden Dharmapala, "Shangmo Dorje Putri" in 2019.

May you strike the Dorje Shugden world and his followers with lightning not once but twice in your lifetime.

First with "Methar" and now with "Shangmo Dorje Putri".


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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2019, 12:46:40 AM »
Since Domo Geshe made her to be who she is and put her in the entourage of Shugden, it would be smart and logical to ask Domo Geshe Rinpoche himself. He is old enough to answer and lives in Shar Gaden, send an email to him via Shar Gaden Monastery. Contact Domo Geshe Rinpoche and no one else. Simple.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2019, 08:26:09 AM »
Since Domo Geshe made her to be who she is and put her in the entourage of Shugden, it would be smart and logical to ask Domo Geshe Rinpoche himself. He is old enough to answer and lives in Shar Gaden, send an email to him via Shar Gaden Monastery. Contact Domo Geshe Rinpoche and no one else. Simple.

I sent him two emails with NO reply.


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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2019, 04:17:23 PM »
Well keep trying and keep chasing him. Keep emailing him. Domo Geshe will know when it's the right time to answer you. So keep trying him even if it takes years. If it's important to you.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2019, 04:29:15 PM »
Well keep trying and keep chasing him. Keep emailing him. Domo Geshe will know when it's the right time to answer you. So keep trying him even if it takes years. If it's important to you.

Your email inspired me Thaimonk to send off a new email to Domo Geshe Rinpoche today.

Yes Thaimonk this is very important to me to be able to return Shangmo Dorje Putri to her rightful place in Dorje Shugden's retinue.

A place that she should have been since 1902 when Domo Geshe made her a Dharmapala and placed her into the retinue of Kache Marpo.

Thanks  ;)


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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2019, 04:38:34 PM »
Well keep trying and keep chasing him. Keep emailing him. Domo Geshe will know when it's the right time to answer you. So keep trying him even if it takes years. If it's important to you.

Your email inspired me Thaimonk to send off a new email to Domo Geshe Rinpoche today.

Yes Thaimonk this is very important to me to be able to return Shangmo Dorje Putri to her rightful place in Dorje Shugden's retinue.

A place that she should have been since 1902 when Domo Geshe made her a Dharmapala and placed her into the retinue of Kache Marpo.

Thanks  ;)

I don't quite understand. If you already have asked the "inceptor" then why are you pushing the issue when you receive no reply? Does that mean you do not trust the enlightened Master and need your answer to be known? It should be telling that maybe you are not meant to know or the issue is not relevant at this time. Sorry, somehow I find your messages on the rude side towards those you are addressing and pushing for your own self interest.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2019, 04:45:14 PM »
Well keep trying and keep chasing him. Keep emailing him. Domo Geshe will know when it's the right time to answer you. So keep trying him even if it takes years. If it's important to you.

Your email inspired me Thaimonk to send off a new email to Domo Geshe Rinpoche today.

Yes Thaimonk this is very important to me to be able to return Shangmo Dorje Putri to her rightful place in Dorje Shugden's retinue.

A place that she should have been since 1902 when Domo Geshe made her a Dharmapala and placed her into the retinue of Kache Marpo.

Thanks  ;)

I don't quite understand. If you already have asked the "inceptor" then why are you pushing the issue when you receive no reply? Does that mean you do not trust the enlightened Master and need your answer to be known? It should be telling that maybe you are not meant to know or the issue is not relevant at this time. Sorry, somehow I find your messages on the rude side towards those you are addressing and pushing for your own self interest.

Thank you SabS for you insightful comments. I will give them the importance they are truly due.
 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2019, 06:04:05 PM »
Harold, actually based on your comment and link given, I visited the post in and from there, it was stated quite clearly that Shangmo Dorje Putri is within the entourage of Kache Marpo who is the minister of Dorje Shugden. For me, it is obvious that she is in the entourage of Dorje Shugden like Namkar Barzin. However, there is a warning to not practice unless under instructions from a qualified Guru. I do thank you for I have learned something interesting today.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2019, 06:43:10 PM »
Harold, actually based on your comment and link given, I visited the post in and from there, it was stated quite clearly that Shangmo Dorje Putri is within the entourage of Kache Marpo who is the minister of Dorje Shugden. For me, it is obvious that she is in the entourage of Dorje Shugden like Namkar Barzin. However, there is a warning to not practice unless under instructions from a qualified Guru. I do thank you for I have learned something interesting today.

If "it is obvious that she is in the entourage of Dorje Shugden" why is she not found "Publicly" in his entourage.

You can check all the numerous articles on Tsem Rinpoche's websites about Dorje Shugden's entourage and you will find NOTHING about Shangmo Dorje Shugden.

I contacted the New Kadampa HQ in London England and they have never heard about her.

Do pleasel educate me and all the readers here SabS about how WELL KNOWN Shangmo Dorje Putri is in the Dorje Shugden world.

How "obvious" it is to YOU and the Dorje Shugden world and his followers that she is in his entourage

Shangmo Dorje Putri is all but unknown to the Dorje Shugden world since 1902.

Please "educated" all us with YOUR EVIDENCE of Shangmo Dorje Putri's "Obvious" status.

You CAN'T!!!!!!!

Your answers in this post have "educated" me with all the knowledge I need to know about you.
 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2019, 07:25:15 PM »
Other than Dungkar Monastery in Tibet can anyone tell me were you can find Shangmo Dorje Putri in any Gelugpa temple in the world.

Have any of you  ever personally seen a thangka or statue of Shangmo Dorje Putri.

All we followers of Dorje Shugden heard about was Kache Marpo and Namkar Barzin.

In October 2016 reintroduced "Methar" back into the entourage of Dorje Shugden.

He had been totally forgotten since the 1950's.

Their are now thangkas and a statue to Methar at Kechara Forest Retreat thanks to H.E. Tsem Rinpoche.

But no thangkas or statue of Shangmo Dorje Putri at Kechara or any other Dorje Shugden temple.

In the 1950's  book "Oracles and Demons of Tibet" which Tsem Rinpoche has quote on numerous occasions there are references to Kache Marpo, Namkar Barzin and Methar but none about Shangmo Dorje Putri.

This is evidence to the sad truth about Shangmo Dorje Putri and her statue in Dorje Shugden's entourage.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Sorry I failed you Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2019, 08:19:41 PM »
Is Shangmo Dorje Putri a member of Dorje Shugden's entourage?

Here's an easy tests to she if she is.

Ask a Dorje Shugden Lama, Geshe or Tulku about Shangmo Dorje Putri?

He will look you and say "Shangmo WHO"?

Methar was forgotten for over 60 years until Tsem Rinpoche reintroduced him.

Shangmo Dorje Putri has been forgotten for 117 years.

Time to put Shangmo Dorje Putri back on Dorje Shugden's alter along side of Kache Marpo, Methar and Namkar Barzin.