Author Topic: Nepal woman is really angry at the Dalai Lama- see her short video here  (Read 9509 times)


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This Nepal woman speaks her mind without any fear. She is really tired of what she says is the Dalai Lama playing politics. She said that his recent comments made many lose confidence in him where once people treated him like a god.


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There are more and more people speaking up against the Dalai Lama with comments he has made including on Jawaharlal Nehru and Partition. He has been proven to be wrong on many occasions and levels where logic was not applied. It just didn't make sense to come from him.

Being a human-god like figure, an icon of peace, it is rather difficult to accept when his words create disharmony. He has segregated the Dorje Shugden people for over two decades. He has caused much chaos for the Karma Kagyu lineage for recognising Tai Situ's candidate - Karmapa Ogyen Trinley, he even ended the life long tradition of the Sakya Trizin role to a term of 4 years and etc. In addition to that, Nechung, the CTA's state oracle has also been giving the Dalai Lama many wrong advice that caused many lives sacrificed such as the defeat of the Tibetans at the hands of the British expedition in 1904.

Prior to 1904, the Tibetans had taken measures to control the growing influence of the British in the Sikkim area. Because of Nechung's advice, the Tibetans forcibly occupied a mountain within the influence of the British without the magical powers emanating from the mountain that was supposed to fend off the advance of the British troops into Tibet as promised. In 1904, after a failed negotiation attempt, the Younghusband Expeditionary Force began to advance into Central Tibet. Nechung told the Tibetans the Tibetan army would be victorious but they were easily defeated because they were poorly equipped. And the list goes on.

With Dalai Lama's wrong remarks and acceptance of Nechung's wrong advice, it is no wonder people are starting to lose faith in him. His image of peace is very much shaken and many Tibetans are no longer view him as a god-king that they used to. This is clearly demonstrated by them adopting the Indian passports and moving on with their lives in their host country of the last 60 years.

With more and more people speaking up against the Dalai Lama, his words will lose influential power and we hope that will result in lifting the illegitimate Dorje Shugden ban soon!


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His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been releasing statements and retracting them back recently. He created a lot of unrest as well as confusion with his speech and many people are getting angry. On top of that, his speech such as condemning Dorje Shugden practice damages the community. His Holiness banned the practice of Dorje Shugden which resulted in the segregation and discrimination of Dorje Shugden people in Tibetan Buddhism community all over the world.

There are a lot of unnecessary suffering caused by the ban and many people started to lose their faith in His Holiness. Other than that, His Holiness also said things like Europe belongs to Europeans that created negative emotions in the targeted population. People all over the world start to lose faith in His Holiness because he had created a lot of negative situations with his action and speech.

It is certainly shocking to see a Nepal woman talk against His Holiness the Dalai Lama openly. It reflects the level of faith of the people has for His Holiness has dropped tremendously. Things like this are unheard of previously. Soon, people will start to fight back and Dorje Shugden ban will no longer be there when everyone loses their faith His Holiness.


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Well, this is a departure from the norm that's for certain. Usually, the Dalai Lama is worshipped like a king or god and yet, in recent times its seemed that rumblings are there in dissatisfaction. What's the lady said is true though, they had so much reverence for the Dalai Lama and yet, he has spoken and instigated so much disharmony and harm upon the people, especially the discrimination against the legitimate and authentic protector practice of Dorje Shugden. Why would that be? And CTA further pushed this further to bring abuse, discrimination and harm to the practitioners who are innocent in their practice. What about the age-old discrimination against people that segregates according to regional differences? I guess preaching on peace and instilling peace is different. Actions belied the words?


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In recent years, the Dalai Lama has been making a lot of offensive comments or he simply says something that is opposite of what was said before. For example, he said if he takes rebirth as a girl, the girl better be pretty and sexy, he was racist towards the refugees in Europe and he always criticises the internal affair of India. His behavior has angered a lot of people.

Not only that, he also changed his view on the Chinese recognised Panchen Lama. His change of tone on the Panchen Lama was shocking to some people. How can a person so highly respected suddenly makes so many mistakes and becomes so insensible?

Perhaps this is part of the bigger picture plan. It is time for the Panchen Lama to shine, it time for the Dorje Shugden to benefit more people. In order to invalidate himself, the Dalai Lama has to manifest in this way so he will lose his credibility and whatever he says about the Panchen Lama and Dorje Shugden will become invalid. That is when the ban will eventually be lifted.


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In recent years, the Dalai Lama has been making a lot of offensive comments or he simply says something that is opposite of what was said before. For example, he said if he takes rebirth as a girl, the girl better be pretty and sexy, he was racist towards the refugees in Europe and he always criticises the internal affair of India. His behavior has angered a lot of people.

Not only that, he also changed his view on the Chinese recognised Panchen Lama. His change of tone on the Panchen Lama was shocking to some people. How can a person so highly respected suddenly makes so many mistakes and becomes so insensible?

Perhaps this is part of the bigger picture plan. It is time for the Panchen Lama to shine, it time for the Dorje Shugden to benefit more people. In order to invalidate himself, the Dalai Lama has to manifest in this way so he will lose his credibility and whatever he says about the Panchen Lama and Dorje Shugden will become invalid. That is when the ban will eventually be lifted.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been making contradictory and controversial comments quite frequently nowadays. Considering that he is an astute politician that rules over Tibet and Tibetans in Exile for so many years. It is unbelievable that he will make such mistakes that is so obvious that it will invite backlash from the community.

He is believed to be the Buddha of Compassion, Chenrezig to the Tibetan communities. An all-knowing Buddha will not make such mistakes and hence they must be intentional. Normal people like us will not be able to know the true intention of the actions and we will not be able to see the ultimate benefit of it.

In this kind of situation, we just have to mind our own business and try not to criticize a holy being. Although the reality is very much unpleasant, we must believe that His Holiness is a Buddha and he will not harm us. What he did will have a greater impact on the welfare of the people and we just focus on not breaking our vows or avoid creating as much negative karma as possible.


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I have been feeling very disappointed with the Dalai Lama in recent years. He made many offensive comments which are very disrespectful to different groups of people. He was very fickle, he can say one thing today and then another tomorrow.

I can understand how frustrated this Nepali woman is because the Dalai Lama makes people lose direction not know which statements of him to follow. People look upon him and need his guidance but his guidance confuses people. For example, the Panchen Lama issue, all of a sudden he is now saying the Chinese Panchen Lama is also real! What are we supposed to do now?

If the Dalai Lama really cares about all sentient beings, he should stop making contradictory statements to confuse his followers and make them lose faith in Buddhism. I really hope the Dalai Lama can stop talking about politics but just promote compassion. This is what the general public needs, not negative comments, not confusions.


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I have been feeling very disappointed with the Dalai Lama in recent years. He made many offensive comments which are very disrespectful to different groups of people. He was very fickle, he can say one thing today and then another tomorrow.

I can understand how frustrated this Nepali woman is because the Dalai Lama makes people lose direction not know which statements of him to follow. People look upon him and need his guidance, but his guidance confuses people. For example, the Panchen Lama issue, all of a sudden he is now saying the Chinese Panchen Lama is also real! What are we supposed to do now?

If the Dalai Lama cares about all sentient beings, he should stop making contradictory statements to confuse his followers and make them lose faith in Buddhism. I really hope the Dalai Lama can stop talking about politics but just promote compassion. This is what the general public needs, not negative comments, not confusions.

Please do not lose faith in His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He did so much for everyone and spread Tibetan Buddhism into western countries. He has always been looking out for fellow Tibetans and everyone one and maintaining world peace.

We should not forget about what he did and pick on the things that he did wrong recently. It will be ungrateful for us to do that. On the other hand, we must also remember that His Holiness the Dalai Lama is Buddha Chenrezig. Buddha does not make mistakes.

There must be something that we do not see here. His Holiness must have done those "wrong" doings to benefit everybody. He can see further into the future than us, and that is why he knows what is best for us even if it does not seems like it in the beginning. We have to have faith in His Holiness.

Tenzin K

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Recently Dalai Lama has been making a lot of comments that upset a lot of people. It’s not about the truth but pretty much about skillful mean and how should you present it to avoid any unnecessary conflict with anyone. Especially Dalai Lama which is so popular, any irrational statement may cause havoc. I strongly believe Dalai Lama knows what and how to say but I’m not sure why lately he’s acting differently and most of the things he said really causes unhappiness and may create a commotion. It touches pretty much the sentiment of the people that created the emotional drive.

The way how he trying to discredit himself is really obvious. Not sure where Dalai Lama trying to lead all this to but definitely not his way of talking.


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You know when Shakyamuni was present on this World, Nepal did not exist. So how could Shakyamuni be Nepalese?

Tenzin K

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It's quite a surprise to see Dalai Lama acting such way to create the fire among the Nepalese. It's not necessary for Dalai Lama to say as such and I believe Dalai Lama can present it in a much skill full way. I can't tell why Dalai Lama act as such but it definitely premeditate. This is really a shock for the world and only Dalai Lama will know what he wants to achieve. If people have faith on him will continue to support his work but if people starting to have doubt due to Dalai Lama unusual act this will be the dangerous part.

No matter what the Dalai Lama has done, he has successfully placed Buddhism in the international platform and benefitted many people around the world.


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You know when Shakyamuni was present on this World, Nepal did not exist. So how could Shakyamuni be Nepalese?

Why do we keep discussing whether Lord Buddha is a Nepalese or not? This discussion is very petty and a waste of time. To me, it does not matter because the teachings have been transmitted for 5,000 years and that information does not matter anymore.

What matters now is that everyone body is helping each other to preserve the precious teachings of Lord Buddha so that the holy Dharma can touch the lives of the generation behind us. If the Buddha's teachings could not survive because of us constantly fighting over petty issues, then that will be a great loss for future generations.

Nepalese should focus on the issue of how to preserve Lord Buddha's teachings and not let it fade away. They should stop Dorje Shugden ban and discrimination in their country because it is harming the Dharma instead of protecting it.

Tenzin K

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It's funny that Dalai Lama would like to make enemy with so many people. His action lately is really questionable. As a noble prize winner and preaches Buddhism around the world I believe that Dalai Lama manifesting this for a reason. No one will jeopardize their reputation in the stage of the world. But why Dalai Lama do so?


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It's funny that Dalai Lama would like to make enemy with so many people. His action lately is really questionable. As a noble prize winner and preaches Buddhism around the world I believe that Dalai Lama manifesting this for a reason. No one will jeopardize their reputation in the stage of the world. But why Dalai Lama do so?

Dalai Lama is not a normal human being. He is a bodhisattva that is willing to sacrifice his own reputation or benefits to benefit more sentient beings. He orchestrates all the issues and events that put himself in the bad light for the sake of Buddhism. Even though it seems like Buddhism is taking a hit from His Holiness's actions, if we look closely, we will find out that Buddhism is actually getting bigger and Dharma is actually proliferating even better now.

Due to our limited wisdom, many of us do not understand what enlightened beings are up to and sometimes we will not able to understand their actions fully and mistaken them as negative. During times like this, it will be better for us to seek the advice of beings that has higher wisdom than us and not stuck with our own perception. What we see might not be true and it will hinder us from seeing the truth.

Hence, our guru is extremely important and their guidance is indispensable. We need their guidance to see what is beyond our perception and not stuck with our old ways that will keep damaging ourselves. We need to let go and accept even though it means that we will have to let go of our attachments.