Author Topic: 1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious  (Read 9122 times)


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1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
« on: April 27, 2019, 05:34:58 AM »
1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious

In the past it is customary to cover up the Dalai Lama's illnesses. It could be to not worry his flock. It could also be to not show the world he is just another vulnerable human being. Or it could be he does not want to disappoint people to show he is not a god? Whatever the reasons, the Dalai Lama and regime are well known for covering up his serious illnesses. In the past few years he had cancer of the prostate and that was covered up till the press dug it up. Now with this new video just out April 2019, Dalai Lama admits he was recently very ill. It was serious.

Unfortunately the Tibetan cause will die with the Dalai Lama when he passes. He did nothing to groom up a new leader as he is a dictator. A ruler for life. He has been in power for over 60 years. He will never groom up another person to replace him because he is touted as a god.

Tenzin K

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Re: 1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2019, 06:10:14 AM »
This is the scariest part that if Dalai Lama passes away. There is no successor and CTA is not capable in managing nor capable of getting funding. The majority of the donation is purely just because of Dalai Lama. CTA is just milking cash cow daily. Once the negative spread, what will CTA do? CTA should really work hard with the Chinese so Dalai Lama and the Tibetans can go back to their homeland. Time is ticking, if CTA doesn’t buck up it will all go with the wind.


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Re: 1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2019, 10:26:49 AM »
This is so sad to see the Dalai Lama in pain even though he had done so much damage to his people with the ban on the Dorje Shugden practice. Although I wish for him to lift the ban, I do feel for him to see him in pain, especially when he needed such assistance even getting into the car. He had been so stoic in walking out of the airport on his feet rather than in a wheelchair. Over the years, his stern control over his people had not allowed people of competence to be cultivated. Now the Tibetans in exile are only left with the likes of Lobsang Sangay who takes advantage of his position anyway he can, even daring to defy the Dalai Lama as in the case of canceling the Buddhist council that was to take place in November 2018 without the Dalai Lama's knowledge. Daring huh! Bet he got an earful after the Dalai Lama got hold of him. Anyway, CTA is really not ready for the Dalai Lama's eventual passing and all the Tibetans will be left stranded and stateless if they don't take responsibility for their lives in removing the useless Sikyong. They better act soon as with the rate it's going, the Dalai Lama may cede soon.


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Re: 1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2019, 03:42:23 PM »
Whenever there is news about the Dalai Lama falling sick, the CTA will deny it very quickly. The CTA does not want people to know the Dalai Lama is sick because it will affect them negatively. It will create uncertainty among the Tibetans and the sponsors and the CTA is not ready to answer them.

On its own, the CTA will not be able to attract sponsors or command the Tibetans. The majority of the Tibetans listen to the Dalai but they don't necessarily listen to the CTA. It is the same for the sponsors. The sponsors like the man of peace image of the Dalai Lama. To them, the CTA is only like an agent but no one of significance.

In the past the Dalai Lama is very cooperative with the CTA, he would go along with what the CTA says or what they want him to do. I guess the Dalai Lama is also getting very fed up with the CTA now because they have not been doing their job, they say they want to follow the Dalai Lama's Middle Way approach but they are not doing anything to get in touch with China. 


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Re: 1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2019, 10:52:36 AM »
This is so sad to see the Dalai Lama in pain even though he had done so much damage to his people with the ban on the Dorje Shugden practice. Although I wish for him to lift the ban, I do feel for him to see him in pain, especially when he needed such assistance even getting into the car. He had been so stoic in walking out of the airport on his feet rather than in a wheelchair. Over the years, his stern control over his people had not allowed people of competence to be cultivated. Now the Tibetans in exile are only left with the likes of Lobsang Sangay who takes advantage of his position anyway he can, even daring to defy the Dalai Lama as in the case of canceling the Buddhist council that was to take place in November 2018 without the Dalai Lama's knowledge. Daring huh! Bet he got an earful after the Dalai Lama got hold of him. Anyway, CTA is really not ready for the Dalai Lama's eventual passing and all the Tibetans will be left stranded and stateless if they don't take responsibility for their lives in removing the useless Sikyong. They better act soon as with the rate it's going, the Dalai Lama may cede soon.

The CTA is certainly not ready for the post-Dalai Lama era. They have not found anyone suitable to take over His Holiness's power and throne that can be of use for them. They tried getting their Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley to do it but he ran away as a result of the heavy pressure.

His Holiness had done so much for Tibetans in exile and also Buddhist around the world. It is sad to see his holy body had started to manifest illnesses which means that he is telling the world that he is leaving soon. I think he is doing this because he did not get any compliance from the CTA and his wishes are not carried out.

His Holiness has been talking about Umaylam for quite a while now, and CTA does not seem to like the idea or working towards it. The Rangzen movement is still active, and that is direct defiance against the Dalai Lama's wishes. His Holiness does not get the support of the CTA, and he will go into clear light since they are not willing to cooperate with him. That is the result of their broken samaya with His Holiness.


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Re: 1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2019, 11:38:31 AM »
The Dalai Lama could have easily covered up about what has happened since he has been discharged from the hospital and he can still walk and talk like normal. If in the past he covered up the news about having cancer, why would he want to mention about the seriousness of his illness this time? And if you watched carefully, his facial expression is serious and he seemed like wanting to highlight the fact that his condition used to be serious and he wants people to know that.

Now the question is why he wanted to do that? What is he trying to achieve by telling the whole world that he used to be quite sick? To me, he sounds like those old parents who warn their kids not to rely on them too much and must learn how to be independent and survive. He was reminding the Tibetans that he too can become quite sick and die one day.

Poor Dalai Lama, he must be worried about the future of the Tibetans since China now showed no sign of accepting him back to Tibet. I feel bad for him but this is the result of what he did for the past 60 years. From Tibet to India, he is still the king, and the whole Tibetan community are depending on him for every major decision they make, from spiritual to secular. Even the kanshag now are like puppet, know nothing about leading a small Tibetan community, the only thing they know is to get as much money as they can from their power and positions.

It is quite hopeless for the future of Tibetans in exile under the leadership of CTA in the post -Dalai era.


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Re: 1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2019, 12:25:48 PM »
It is indeed a valid question to ask, why did the Dalai Lama hide his illness in the past and only lately he admitted he was very sick? Whenever there was news about the Dalai Lama being sick, he and the CTA would deny the news and brush people off. No one really knows how is the Dalai Lama and if he is ok.

The recent admission of the Dalai Lama in the hospital did not come as a piece of shocking news because there has been speculation about his health condition. Besides, he is already very old, it is normal that sickness will manifest as we get older. The confirmation of the Dalai Lama on his health condition is his way of telling the Tibetans and the world to prepare for his passing. No one is immortal, including the living Buddha.

The Dalai Lama must have been very disappointing with the CTA. He retired from his political role and passed it on to the CTA in the hope that the CTA can change the culture and the mentality of the Tibetans. He hopes that the Tibetans can really practice democracy and not rely on a spiritual head to lead the country. In the past, it might have been ok to have a spiritual head leading a country because religion was used as a tool to take control of territory like during the Yuan and Qing Dynasty in China. But now, the time has changed, religion should not be mixed with politics. Perhaps this is the way the Dalai Lama is telling the CTA to stop using him for political agenda anymore. 


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Re: 1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2019, 02:02:24 PM »
This is so sad to see the Dalai Lama in pain even though he had done so much damage to his people with the ban on the Dorje Shugden practice. Although I wish for him to lift the ban, I do feel for him to see him in pain, especially when he needed such assistance even getting into the car. He had been so stoic in walking out of the airport on his feet rather than in a wheelchair. Over the years, his stern control over his people had not allowed people of competence to be cultivated. Now the Tibetans in exile are only left with the likes of Lobsang Sangay who takes advantage of his position anyway he can, even daring to defy the Dalai Lama as in the case of canceling the Buddhist council that was to take place in November 2018 without the Dalai Lama's knowledge. Daring huh! Bet he got an earful after the Dalai Lama got hold of him. Anyway, CTA is really not ready for the Dalai Lama's eventual passing and all the Tibetans will be left stranded and stateless if they don't take responsibility for their lives in removing the useless Sikyong. They better act soon as with the rate it's going, the Dalai Lama may cede soon.

Why didn't the Dalai Lama admit he was sick before? We love him very much, we will definitely do prayers for him to wish him well. Why doesn't he want to let us know until now? This is very worrying, the Dalai Lama is already very old, the CTA should take very good care of him because His Holiness has done so much for us.

What has the CTA done to help His Holiness to recover? I didn't see the CTA doing anything for His Holiness and yet they always arrange His Holiness to travel around the world to give teachings. Don't they know it is tiring to travel long distance? Don't they have compassion for His Holiness?

Now that everyone knows His Holiness is not well, the CTA cannot force him to travel anymore. All of us will be very upset if the CTA does that. His Holiness is not their money making tool, please let His Holiness retires in peace. He has worked so hard for the past 50 over years, he deserves to have a peaceful and quiet life now.

Tenzin K

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Re: 1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2019, 11:14:42 AM »
It's really sad to know that Dalai Lama is ill. Really hope he will recover soon from his illness. It's alarming that Dalai Lama sick especially at this age. A lot of people still holding their hope with Dalai Lama to make a different for their future in India. Tibetans already lose hope for CTA and we can see that many would want to be Indian and if they can't due to whatever reason they would rather move away from India. This is how bad that CTA treated their people.

For Dalai Lama it will be very worrying if he passes away and many people will lose hope. CTA will not able to stand by themselves and what will be happening to the Tibetans? Who will be the successor after Dalai Lama?


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Re: 1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2019, 01:19:00 PM »
It's really sad to know that Dalai Lama is ill. Really hope he will recover soon from his illness. It's alarming that Dalai Lama sick especially at this age. A lot of people still holding their hope with Dalai Lama to make a different for their future in India. Tibetans already lose hope for CTA and we can see that many would want to be Indian and if they can't due to whatever reason they would rather move away from India. This is how bad that CTA treated their people.

For Dalai Lama it will be very worrying if he passes away and many people will lose hope. CTA will not able to stand by themselves and what will be happening to the Tibetans? Who will be the successor after Dalai Lama?

The Dalai Lama and the CTA were trying to groom the Karmapa as the successor of the Dalai Lama but they failed. The Karmapa was fed up with how selfish and irresponsible the Tibetan leadership is that is why he ran away. He didn't want to become the puppet. Besides, it has never been his wish to be a secular leader.

Maybe the Dalai Lama also realised that the current model of how the CTA runs the Tibetan community will not work in the long run that is why he chooses not to have a successor and keep confusing people? Perhaps he does not want the CTA to make use of high lamas for their personal interest anymore.

The CTA claims they are a democratic government but yet they continue to run government like a dictatorship. No one can challenge people in the CTA. For example, Lobsang Sangay didn't address his money and sex scandal, he just pretends nothing has happened. He continues his role as the president of the Tibetan in the exile community without shame.


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Re: 1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2019, 01:28:25 PM »
It's really sad to know that Dalai Lama is ill. Really hope he will recover soon from his illness. It's alarming that Dalai Lama sick especially at this age. A lot of people still holding their hope with Dalai Lama to make a different for their future in India. Tibetans already lose hope for CTA and we can see that many would want to be Indian and if they can't due to whatever reason they would rather move away from India. This is how bad that CTA treated their people.

For Dalai Lama it will be very worrying if he passes away and many people will lose hope. CTA will not able to stand by themselves and what will be happening to the Tibetans? Who will be the successor after Dalai Lama?

The Dalai Lama and the CTA were trying to groom the Karmapa as the successor of the Dalai Lama but they failed. The Karmapa was fed up with how selfish and irresponsible the Tibetan leadership is that is why he ran away. He didn't want to become the puppet. Besides, it has never been his wish to be a secular leader.

Maybe the Dalai Lama also realised that the current model of how the CTA runs the Tibetan community will not work in the long run that is why he chooses not to have a successor and keep confusing people? Perhaps he does not want the CTA to make use of high lamas for their personal interest anymore.

The CTA claims they are a democratic government but yet they continue to run government like a dictatorship. No one can challenge people in the CTA. For example, Lobsang Sangay didn't address his money and sex scandal, he just pretends nothing has happened. He continues his role as the president of the Tibetan in the exile community without shame.

Karmapa Ogyen Trinley made the right choice for leaving the CTA. He was being recognized by the CTA many years ago and he has been controlled by the CTA to do their biddings since then. When he successfully escaped overseas, he released a video and talked about his difficulties with the CTA. He did not have any freedom and was constantly under the surveillance of CTA. He also did not receive good education which traditionally provided for the Karmapas to groom then into capable dharma leaders.

Now that Karmapa Ogyen Trinley ran away, CTA is just like ants on fire and they are frantically looking for a high lama to replace him so that they will have some sort of control over the Tibetans when His Holiness the Dalai Lama passes into the clear light.

CTA always think about themselves and they will only do things that will benefit themselves. Hence, CTA will only cover their own ass when His Holiness the Dalai Lama passes into the clear light. Tibetans should be cleaver and not put their hope on CTA and create their future in their own hands.