Author Topic: Online petition for investigation Dagri rinpoches sexual misconduct  (Read 19840 times)


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Even FPMT nun teachers have set up and signed this petition  ! See below article.


Dear friends in the Dharma:

We are a group of senior nuns who are deeply concerned by the recent allegations of sexual misconduct by Dagri Rinpoche, who has been teaching for many years in FPMT centers and elsewhere. An Indian woman has filed a report testifying that she was molested by him on a flight from Delhi to Kangra on May 3, and has reported this incident to the police, resulting in his arrest. Another woman—Jakaira Perez Valdivia—posted a video on Youtube in which she reports that Dagri Rinpoche molested her 10 years ago when she was a nun living in Dharmasala. Ms. Valdivia asserts that there are other victims, some of whom have so far remained silent. Recently a woman in Korea posted on Facebook an account of Dagri Rinpoche molesting her in Dharamsala:…. Some of us personally know other western nuns who have reported that they were molested by Dagri Rinpoche.

These stories have been widely disseminated over the past week on the internet, news sites, and social media, in many countries around the world. Sexual misconduct by teachers, especially teachers wearing Buddhist robes, can cause lasting trauma and other harmful consequences. Apart from the harm done to the victims of abuse, there is serious additional harm and breach of trust when Buddhist institutions appear to protect the abusers rather than the victims, and fail to offer help and protection to the victims. Such allegations have a harmful effect on the image of Buddhism, and can lead people to lose respect for Buddhism and Buddhist teachers in general. For these reasons, the recent allegations of sexual impropriety are a cause of great concern.

Therefore, we urge the FPMT to commission an independent, third-party investigation into these allegations, and to make the conclusions of this investigation public. This investigation should be conducted in such a way that plaintiffs and/or witnesses feel safe to come forward and tell their stories confidentially—and anonymously, if they so wish—and be listened to in an open, impartial, and sensitive way. They need assurance that they will not face denial, blame, criticism, and ostracism, as Ms. Valdivia experienced.

We know that Dagri Rinpoche has released a letter saying he is innocent of two of the allegations. However, multiple allegations have emerged, so an objective and impartial investigation of the charges is the only way to verify the facts of the matter in order that the truth can come to light and that trust can be fully restored, even if not in the individual teacher, at least in Buddhist institutions and the integrity of the Dharma. Without an independent investigation that confirms that sexual assault occurred, it is difficult to take decisive measures to hold perpetrators responsible and to prevent them from continuing to harm. In the meantime, holding an independent investigation sends a clear message that this behavior will not be tolerated and there will be repercussions for perpetrators. This is crucial in order to ensure an environment in which students’ trust can be rebuilt.

The FPMT has done wonderful work in educating thousands of people all over the world in Dharma teachings and practices for many decades, and we truly hope that it will continue to do so far into the future, but this work needs to be done in accordance with Buddhist ethics, compassion, and non-harmfulness towards all beings.

Thank you for your kind attention

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo
founder of Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery, India

Geshema Kelsang Wangmo

Bhiksuni Jampa Tsedroen
PhD University of Hamburg, Germany

Bhikshuni Karma Lekshe Tsomo, PhD
Professor at the University of San Diego, USA, and founder of Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women

Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron
Abbess of Sravasti Abbey, USA

Bhikshuni Sangye Khadro
FPMT teacher, USA

Bhikshuni Tenzin Tsepal
FPMT teacher, USA

Venerable Tenzin Chogkyi
FPMT teacher, USA

Ghetzulma Carla Tzultrim Pemo Freccero, Italy

Ghetzulma Lucia Tenzin Ciotzo Bani, Italy

Venerable Tenzin Nordron, USA

Venerable Tenzin Yangchen, India

If you wish to add your name, you can do so through

The petition at is run by TARA-SOS: Taskforce for Acknowledging and Reporting Sexual Abuse by Buddhist Teachers—A Space of Safety.


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Lion's Roar

Prominent Buddhist nuns urge investigation of Dagri Rinpoche

A group of prominent Buddhist nuns has asked the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) to launch an independent, third-party investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct against Tibetan Buddhist teacher Dagri Rinpoche.

Signatories include well-known Western Buddhist nuns such as Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, Bhikshuni Karma Lekshe Tsomo, and Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron.

Dagri Rinpoche, a teacher in the Geulgpa tradition, based in Dharamsala, India, has played an important role in the FPMT. The FPMT has already suspended him from teaching following multiple allegations. The group of Western nuns has now asked for an “objective and impartial investigation of the charges.


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This is what FPMT has to do, to engage in a third party investigation on this matter. If Dagri Rinpoche is really innocent, this is even more important for FPMT to do it, to prove to the world who is the liar. Will FPMT do that? I doubt so.

FPMT knows very well that Dagri Rinpoche did molest many women including nuns for the past 10 years or more. If FPMT the report from the third party investigation shows that Dagri Rinpoche is guilty of molestation, it will make FPMT look worse. If they are clever, they will apologise what they have not done right before and make Dagri Rinpoche take the responsibility of his wrongdoing.

As of now, FPMT is still siding Dagri Rinpoche. This is so ridiculous, with so many women stepping forward to expose Dagri Rinpoche, FPMT still wants to cover him up. Why? If FPMT is truly set up to preserve and spread Dharma, they should just make Dagri Rinpoche pay for the crimes he has committed and apologise to the victims. If FPMT continues to cover Dagri Rinpoche up, more people will lose faith in FPMT and they will go downhill very fast.

Tenzin K

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This investigation is important especially don't by a 3rd party to make sure it been to carry out without bias. Many people would like to know the result and this is the way we should carry out to handle the situation. Can't keep silent as it's a serious offense and that affect the victim's faith, trust, and their spiritual path.

FPMT has been keeping quiet for the past 10 years and believe that many people have been affected. This is not just about Dagri Rinpoche but also why FPMT keeping quiet for so long.


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Is there a need to have a petition for someone to start the investigation on Dagri Rinpoche? What he did is a crime and the evidence is clearly presented. Just because he is close to His Holiness the Dalai Lama does not mean he has the power to be above the rule. Even a king who did wrong will have to be answerable to the law of the country.

Hence, is it not fair to give Dagri Rinpoche some privileges just because he is some high monk and close to His Holiness. He should be punished with even more severe consequences because of the damage that he inflicts is much more than an average human being due to his position and closeness to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. His crime will deter many people away from Buddha's teachings, and they will lose faith in His Holiness. When they go down that road, their spiritual life will be gone.

The Tibetan leadership and Buddhist centres around the world should not have tolerated his behaviour for so many years. They had indirectly encouraged him to perform those heinous crimes, which caused a lot of damage to those unfortunate victims. Many of them suffered silently, and Dagri Rinpoche got away with it. The public will be smarter now after Sogyal's case, and they will be more careful with Dagri Rinpoche trying to get away with the same tactic which is using His Holiness as a shield.

Tenzin K

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It's good to see such a petition to give awareness and set a fight against sex abuse especially in a spiritual organization where people seek hope, solace, and faith for their spiritual journey. Such a petition is really heartwarming. This shows that a group of dedicated nuns, they care for you and would give their best to help you through a spiritual way circular method to protect any future victim.

I deeply respect these group nuns that work tirelessly to bring benefit to others.


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Seriously, how come the whole issue seems to have died down? There is no new victim and no further information from Jakaira Perez Valdivia. I don't think the FPMT will do anything or Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo's and etc. online petition can help.

The CTA has been dead quiet and utter no single word about Dagri. If they shut up about Kagyu, Nyingma and Sakya matter, it is obvious they have no balls to interfere knowing they have zero influence on them. However, this is a Gelug matter, how come they say and do nothing at all? Isn't this important enough where hundreds and thousands of women safety are at risk?

I have pretty much given up to hear anything positive from the CTA. The CTA is basically useless and unnecessary. They have proven to be ineffective and this is just another case to strengthen this view.

Harold Musetescu

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This entire matter is in the hands of the Police and the Courts.

This is the right place for it to be in.

They will not give Dagri Rinpoche a free break and drop the charges.

Remember the results of the India election and how P.M. Modi feels about the Dalai Lama and his CTA.

Dagri Rinpoche will never cooperate with a so called third party investigation.


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Sexual abuse is a serious problem in religious communities such as Catholic and Buddhist. In the past, people are trying to cover up because it is a big disgrace to the religious community. However, covering up does not help with the issue, it makes things worse.

Many young monks including young Rinpoches are molested by their own community. Kalu Rinpoche has made a video on this and told the world how he was abused. Sexual abuse cannot be tolerated especially in a religious community, this has to be stopped.

It is good to know reputable and highly respected nuns are voicing out and taking actions. These sex predators have to know they are don't have special rights or privileges to get away from the crime they have committed. They have to pay the price too!


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Everything seems to be on the quiet side. I wonder if FPMT is going to ignore the powerful group of senior nuns... Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, Geshema Kelsang Wangmo, Bhiksuni Jampa Tsedroen, Bhikshuni Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron, Bhikshuni Sangye Khadro, Bhikshuni Tenzin Tsepal, Venerable Tenzin Chogkyi and so on. The petition is also slowing down to 1,763 have signed.

Or maybe it is because Dagri's is already being charged? I saw it in
Any more news and updates can be obtained on the above website I believe. Wonder what will the outcome be? I truly hope such incidences would stop as it brings great shame and creates doubts in so many people's minds.

I do not know if Dagri Rinpoche is an attained being or not but I can only judge based on today's law and constitution and I think the Vajrayana Buddhism will need to adapt with the times. Not everyone can and will accept the Mahasiddha version of things!


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Re: Online petition for investigation Dagri rinpoches sexual misconduct
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2019, 06:08:04 AM »
Everything seems to be on the quiet side. I wonder if FPMT is going to ignore the powerful group of senior nuns... Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, Geshema Kelsang Wangmo, Bhiksuni Jampa Tsedroen, Bhikshuni Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron, Bhikshuni Sangye Khadro, Bhikshuni Tenzin Tsepal, Venerable Tenzin Chogkyi and so on. The petition is also slowing down to 1,763 have signed.

Or maybe it is because Dagri's is already being charged? I saw it in
Any more news and updates can be obtained on the above website I believe. Wonder what will the outcome be? I truly hope such incidences would stop as it brings great shame and creates doubts in so many people's minds.

I do not know if Dagri Rinpoche is an attained being or not but I can only judge based on today's law and constitution and I think the Vajrayana Buddhism will need to adapt with the times. Not everyone can and will accept the Mahasiddha version of things!

FPMT must say something. They cannot be so disrespectful of the powerful senior nuns. I was so surprised to come across so much information on Facebook and other online sources that there were many vicitims, and some of them nuns and monks  :o


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Re: Online petition for investigation Dagri rinpoches sexual misconduct
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2019, 11:45:16 PM »
Dagri‘s incidence should never be forgotten. I don't really care if he is an extraordinary being wanting to bless the girls, this is not acceptable. Even if he is, what if other fake lamas use him as an example to do it on other women? We have too many sex scandals revolving Tibetan lamas already. I really don't think they make Tibetan Buddhism more famous on a good side. People won't see this as Bodhisattava's act whether it's real, they will only see Tibetan Buddhism as cultish religion.


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Re: Online petition for investigation Dagri rinpoches sexual misconduct
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2019, 07:58:14 PM »
It is encouraging to see the nuns taking actions in requesting an inquiry into the sexual molestations accusations of Dagri Rinpoche. This matter should not be swept under the carpet and just ignored. Harm has been done to many women and children, if there are truth into the claims and people should be given their faith in the governance against such crimes. People have placed their sacred trusts in their gurus and in practice, these trusts should not be broken or be taken advantage of. Even if in tantric practice, there should be consent and clearly in these cases against Dagri Rinpoche, there were none given. It will do the Tibetan Leaders and Lama Zopa of FPMT center to do a thorough inquiry and give people their peace of mind in truth and trust.


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Re: Online petition for investigation Dagri rinpoches sexual misconduct
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2019, 09:21:06 PM »
Dagri‘s incidence should never be forgotten. I don't really care if he is an extraordinary being wanting to bless the girls, this is not acceptable. Even if he is, what if other fake lamas use him as an example to do it on other women? We have too many sex scandals revolving Tibetan lamas already. I really don't think they make Tibetan Buddhism more famous on a good side. People won't see this as Bodhisattava's act whether it's real, they will only see Tibetan Buddhism as cultish religion.

Dagri‘s incidence should never be forgotten. I don't really care if he is an extraordinary being wanting to bless the girls, this is not acceptable. Even if he is, what if other fake lamas use him as an example to do it on other women? We have too many sex scandals revolving Tibetan lamas already. I really don't think they make Tibetan Buddhism more famous on a good side. People won't see this as Bodhisattava's act whether it's real, they will only see Tibetan Buddhism as cultish religion.

I agree with you, why risk to damage the reputation of his own, the lineage and the whole Tibetan Buddhism by using such a sensitive method to purify or bless the students? Most of the people will not accept this method. A teacher with enough wisdom and intelligence will also not do that.

If Dagri Rinpoche is really a high lama like what Lama Zopa said, he would definitely have the clairvoyance to see what will be coming at him, wouldn't he? And if he sees this is coming at him, he would also have a way to deal with it. Why did he postpone the court case? Why is he hiding?

So Dagri Rinpoche is not a high lama like what Lama Zopa said about him. Lama Zopa is making Dagri Rinpoche sounds like a high lama so he can protect FPMT's reputation. This is so unfair, reputation is more important than the safety of the women. This shows they don't respect women at all.


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Re: Online petition for investigation Dagri rinpoches sexual misconduct
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2019, 12:11:47 AM »
I really do hope that the nuns will not relent in their push for the investigation into the Dagri Rinpoche's sexual assault cases. Even now, Dagri Rinpoche is playing the Indian courts by having the case postponed to the 18th June. Says he needs an Indian translator. As if the court's translator is not good enough or that he can't understand Hindi. Having been in India for so many years, Dagri Rinpoche is fluent in Hindi. Let's see what other excuses does he come out with on the 18th of June. For one who proclaims his innocence, Dagri Rinpoche sure don't seem to want his case resolved swiftly. Too bad. The waning support for the Tibetans in exile is seeing India not allowing cases like this being swept under the carpet anymore. Sorry, Dagri Rinpoche! You are a little too late. Just not your luck cos people like Sogyal Rinpoche got away with his cases. Now people are crying for blood and not about to let you go!