Author Topic: setrap  (Read 11430 times)


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« on: January 08, 2008, 01:21:46 PM »
Is Setrap related to Dorje Shugden? Is Kache Marpo same as Setrap? Hope someone can illuminate me.


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Re: setrap
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2008, 05:00:37 AM »
Setrap occupies the second level of Dorje Shugden's mandala mansion as you can read in the Kangso so a special relationship exists between the two.

A few years ago, the was a thanka painter in Dharamsala who asked directly to Duldzin during an invocation if he should paint (he had been commissionned a thanks with both figures) Setrap above Duldzin or Duldzin above Setrap. Duldzin's answer was that both we acceptable because Setrap has been his personal protector (dharmapala) for many of his past incarnations so he could be painted below as a Dharmapala. He also said that since Setrap was Duldzin's elder in Dharmapala ranking (Setrap comes from Bodhgaya and as such is Duldzin's elder in his vow of protecting the Dharma) he could also be painted above.

You can find more info on Setrap on Tsem tulku's website and on Setrap Chen's very own website at:

Setrap and Kache Marpo both belong to the same class of spirits or demons called Tsen. However, I think Setrap might again be of a higher rank (Yaksha) than Kache Marpo.

Dulzin now is the head of the Dra Lha (he is the king of enemy destroying gods and as such leads the wrathfull army). Setrap does not have this responsibility.

I would like to know more about setrap's entourage if someone could illuminate me?
« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 05:03:14 AM by Alexis »

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Re: setrap
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2008, 05:15:41 AM »
If you guys go to the gallery of this website, page 4, first picture, there is a tangka of our Protector from his temple in Lhasa.
If you look above DSh, and below Buddha Amitabha, I think that one is the god Setrap.
I read somewhere, but I don't know if it is true or not because there was not source for the saying, that Setrap is an emanation of Amitabha, and as such, also a supramundane protector. Beggar, please, do you know if this is true?
It's very interesting that our revered King Protector uttered that Setrap had been his Dharmapala in previous lives ... of course, I think Setrap was a Dharmapala with Lord Je Tsongkapa, and our Protector was Je Tsongkapa's disciple, so he was refering to his previous human lives ... Thank you Alexis for this story. Our holy Protector is so close to us, and so real, it's beautiful and amazing how natural it seems that he tells us things about his own previous lives. How fortunate we all here are!


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Re: setrap
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2008, 06:42:37 AM »
A friend,

This is from the website:

-'Dharmapala Setrap Chen or more commonly known as "The Wild Tsen" or "Setrap Protector" is actually an ancient protector who comes from the Holy Land of Bodhgaya where Lord Shakyamuni Buddha was enlightened. Setrap Protector is actually the wrathful form of Buddha Amitabha that sworn to protect the teachings of Buddhism to Lord Sakyamuni Buddha. Setrap Protector is brought to Tibet by the translator called Loden Sherab (Ngog Lotsawa) from India just to spread and make the dharma grow.'

So it seem to confirm what you say that he is an emanation of Buddha Amitabha. I also read in several places that he has a special relationship with Hayagriva.


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Re: setrap
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2008, 12:17:33 PM »
Dear Friend(s),
yes, Setrap Chen in his ultimate supramundane aspect is the Buddha of infinite light, Amithaba. This is what we can learn from many of our great lineage masters such as Zasep Tulku or Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang who, by the way, has created a beautiful huge statue of Amithab Setrap Chen with his own holy hands.
Setrap Chen is deeply connected with Dorje Shugden as he was one of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen's main Protectors; this is why we see him and Amithaba in the thankas of Dharmapalas mansion. I love Alexis's story about Lord Dulzin being asked whether Setrap should be painted below or above - no competition in the enlightened mind, only care and clarity! The same with Lord Setrap - he often recommends propitiation of Dorje Shugden, Kalarupa, etc. I have heard that Setrap unleashed a storm on Sera monastery when the public anti-Dorje Shugden campaign started, and told the Sangha next morning through an oracle that he wasn't amused at all! We can also see many shrines with Lords Setrap and Shugden next to each other in Tibetan monasteries.
The rally cry (to use that much-stressed word..) of the more learned anti -Shugden and Setrap populists is that their supramundane nature of Manjushri/Amithaba is simply fabricated by Gelugpa lamas. Of course, if one would read their prayers, hear their advices or Dharma teachings (yes, Dharma teachings) through oracles or would do their practice with a dharmic motivation, one would soon learn what these holy deities are about. How tremendously sad as they are as close as most of us will get to MEET a Buddha, precisely because they appear with shoes on their feet to walk among us and work within samsara. Kache Marpo, by the way, one of our learned contributors on this forum has kindly informed us, is Hayagriva in nature. It would be very great if someone could share more on the relation between Dorje Sugden/aspects/entourage and the Guyasamaja mandala than we have listed on this website already, and thus go deeper into the wonders of our Protector. Thank you for your sharings to come!

And now, for those who feel their Gurus are slightly more holy than themselves, and
for those who would like to see straight into the heart of Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen, and
for those who like blessings, to add their Guru's name and put in their sadhanas... fortunate indeed we are -
yours, beggar

Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche
Ngawang Gyalten Jigme Choekyi Wangchuk

(a praise to Domo Geshe Rinpoche, spontaneuously spoken
by Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen through the famous oracle of Dunkar Gompa)

O noble, great Master Ngawang Kalsang
In reality Manjushri, you dwell amidst white clouds.
Filled with faith and longing desire, I hold you in my mind:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your immense kindness.

Behold each of us sentient beings with compassion,
And whoever turns to you with deep devotion,
Lead him to the heavenly pure fields of Khachö:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your great kindness.

May I hear your holy name in each and every life
And remember your lineage deep within my heart.
Please emerge and be actually present right here:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your extensive kindness.

O great, kind Master, the fusion of the three refuges,
Gaze upon this and all future lives with compassion.
I invite you by recalling you with body, speech, and mind:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your vast kindness.

Whatever action of yours appears to me as faulty,
My mind will not succumb to any such wrong views.
Having no other source of hope, behold me with compassion:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your pervasive kindness.

When you turn the Dharma wheel of ocean-like fortune,
All sacred pledge-holders and Dharma protectors engage in their activities.
Grant us the two attainments, the common and uncommon:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your amazing kindness.

When you turn the wheel of Dharma goodness,
Illness, gloom, panic, and all conflicts vanish,
My long life, glory, happiness, and joy prevail:
O root Guru, be my refuge and protection!
I entreat you by remembering your immense kindness.

O saffron-robed guide through Buddha’s holy words,
Mighty ruler over doctrine holders and treasure of compassion,
For fortunate disciples, your glorious goodness shines brightly like the sun:
O Ngawang Kalsang, at your holy feet I make requests.
From the noble Master’s speech come the riches of sutra and secret mantra;
Please disseminate completely the great deeds and actions of this mighty treasure
And, to turn the wheel of Dharma’s goodness for the sake of sentient beings,
Abide completely and continuously throughout the eon.
Through the blessings of the non-deceptive and truthful Three Jewels
And by the force of my prayers and aspirations expressed here,
O Dharma protectors and deities of wealth,
Let all things desired, all enjoyments, be obtained like gently falling rain.


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Re: setrap
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2009, 05:46:17 PM »
Dear Alexis or anyone else

In the Kangso translation I use it says in the description of the Mandala:

.. Above the highest part of the palace is Amitabha, the Buddha of infinate light; and in the intermediate space there is the great protector, the powerful pure one, together with his retinue.

Is this refering to Setrap-chen?


« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 06:26:26 PM by mohani »


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Re: setrap
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2009, 06:05:22 PM »
Hello Mohani,

David Molk's translation of the Kangso translates the section your are refering to like this:

/Bar tog tu hla chen tsangpa dragpo kor dang chepa zhug shing/

Translated as:

'In the intermediate space resides the great god Setrapa with his entourage'

Hope this helps...



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Re: setrap
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2009, 06:25:27 PM »
Dear Alexis

yep that helps, thank you.


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Re: setrap
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2009, 07:02:44 PM »
Makes sense about Setrap-chen.
HE Tsem Tulku Rinpoche's root guru was Zong Rinpoche;one of the most influential Shugden Practicing Lamas and i'm sure HE gave the Setrap Practice to him for these dire times,as he speaks only good of us Shugden Practitioners and has never gotten involved in the politics.

More Lamas need to emulate him..
The Effort is the attainment- Kadam Ace Remas


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Re: setrap
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2009, 04:01:32 AM »
Isnt it true that the same Oracle for Dorje Shugden also is an oracle for Setrap?
Can their be separate oracles or are they always together?

The Effort is the attainment- Kadam Ace Remas