Author Topic: Buddhism & DS Growing BIG in China - Thanks to Dalai Lama & Dorje Shugden?  (Read 12693 times)


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Thank you, VajraProtector, for your positive thoughts. The situation in China is changing. Everything is impermanent. It is through the transformation of the minds of the ordinary Chinese that we can make progress. I'd like to quote from an article written by Ben Blanchard (Reuters) on 27.2.2010:

"Tibet's troubled politics may have grabbed headlines for decades, but the relationship between Tibetans and the dominant Han Chinese is far more complex and multifaceted than the bitter public arguments suggest.

The two peoples share a long historical attachment to Buddhism, which years of communist rule has never managed to kill...

The deeply religious Tibetans revere their exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama as a living Buddha. Yet so do some Han, despite Beijing's frequent lambasting of him as a separatist who espouses violence, charges he strongly denies.

These Han do not see that as a contradiction, especially those who visit Tongren, a heavily Tibetan region in the arid, mountainous northwestern province of Qinghai, where the Dalai Lama was born in 1935.

"He is the holiest of them all," said Xiao Li, a Han from the wealthy eastern province of Jiangsu and a fervent Buddhist. "My heart jumps a beat whenever I see his picture. He is the most important of all the living Buddhas."...

Buddhism is an ancient faith in China, dating back more than 1,000 years. The religion was introduced to both China and Tibet from India.

Though there are no hard and fast figures, some Chinese surveys put the number of practising Buddhists in the country today at around 100 million, including Tibetans, Han Chinese, Mongolians and a few other ethnic minorities such as the Dai. ...

During the chaos of the Cultural Revolution, fanatical Red Guards smashed up temples, churches and mosques.

Those policies have mellowed considerably in recent years, with the Communist Party seeing religion as an important force for social stability, even if it continues to exercise control over the appointment of senior religious figures.

One monk, who has faced repeated police questioning for illegally travelling to India to study at a religious college run under the auspices of the Dalai Lama, said he counted many Han Chinese among his students of Buddhism.

"They are looking for meaning in their lives and find that we as Tibetan Buddhists can give it to them," said the monk, .... We help them understand the scriptures," he added, waving a book of the Dalai Lama's teachings printed in the Sanskrit-based Tibetan script.

At lunar new year celebrations last week, monks at one monastery freely carried out a complex ceremony complete with ornate, embroidered silk costumes that culminated in the unfurling of a giant image of the Buddha on a nearby hillside.

It attracted a small, though fascinated, crowd of Han Chinese tourists, who marvelled at the religious devotion shown in a country run by a staunchly atheist Communist Party.

"They have far more complex emotions than we do," said Fan Liqing from the southern province of Guangdong, watching a procession of vermillion-clad monks.

"I think we can learn a lot from our Tibetan compatriots. They must be doing something right," she said.


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Midakpa and Leedhi,
thank you for your postings - it is certainly very heartening to hear of how Buddhism is having a positive impact on people in China and reconnecting them to Dharma.

I have travelled to China and visited several historical Buddhist sites, such as Wu Tai Shan in the north, which have seen enormous and deep influence from Tibetan Buddhism, especially from Gelugpa teachings. How incredibly connected China already is to Dorje Shugden! Now, as Dorje Shugden arises in the world, it perfectly complements their religious history, which many millions still have great reverence and respect for. There were HUNDREDS of Chinese people visiting from all parts of the country in Wu Tai Shan - every temple was packed, and this was almost winter time, which wasn't even peak tourist season. All is so much in place for them to revive and practice anew Tsongkhapa's holy lineage, complimented by the protection of our great Dharmapala.

I am in no way suggesting that this positivity that we are seeing in China replaces, overrides or overshadows the immense suffering, hurt and pain that millions of DS practitioners have experienced from this ban. I cannot even begin to understand the extent of suffering they may have had to go through. But I do also think we cannot sit forever lamenting this pain - is what our Dharmapala would want us to do? In the same way, many great masters had to suffer tremendous amounts of damage and difficulty during the cultural revolution when EVERYTHING was taken away from them. they felt incredible pain, no doubt, but they turn it into light and we can see now how extraordinarily kind they have been to absorb and bear this suffering for the sake of dharma spreading far out into the world. I have met monks who went to political prison and told us of the 20+ years he had to suffer physical and emotional abuse. But it has never stopped him from practising and by that, he has brought so much more inspiration to others to practice. Something similar (though not exactly the same) can be seen in this situation perhaps?? Perhaps the first little step in healing and finding some peace would be to rejoice sincerely in the many millions that have since been connected to Dorje Shugden and Je Tsongkhapa's lineage.

a friend

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Honeydakini and all the ... former Noobs.
You don´t imagine how much I share in your wishes of a huge expansion of the practice among everybody, including of course the largest population in the world, our Chinese brothers and sisters.
I think that, since it´s so important to have good wishes, you might try to perfect them, separating them from two political issues: the Dalai Lama issue and the arising of China as a superpower.
Just wish for the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa to grow in the world. This is amply enough. A complete Ganden Mountain practice will include the practice of our Protector because he is the specific Dharmaprotector for these teachings.

Try not to mix with those two issues, because beyond many things that have already been mentioned in this website, there is one that you seem to ignore or to forget: that anything, I repeat, anything based on politics has the powerful potential of being destroyed at any moment because even a slight change in the roll of bureaucrats, imagine a change of system ... Let´s imagine that all of a sudden a powerful democratic movement ends the power of the Chinese Communist Party. It seems unlikely, but it seemed unlikely in the Soviet Union and see what happened there. Then, if that were to happen, you could find yourself with a bunch of new political characters that --because the Communist Party had this decades long problem with the Dalai Lama-- will restore the Tibetan leader in the Potala, at least in a religious capacity. And what will happen then to the practice of the Protector? The persecution of our people would become incredibly powerful.
And see how that veneer of holiness that comes from politics and fame works already, you yourselves mention the Chinese citizen that talks of the DL as "the most important of all the living Buddhas" ... as if living Buddhas had in their repertoire the "feats" that we know and we don´t want to go on repeating, do we?

So you see, it´s never good to rejoice in anything political, politics is always a treacherous path to walk.

Please let´s pray that, for the benefit of all sentient beings, Lord Tsongkhapa´s teaching will be practiced in a pure way and disseminated in a pure way. Only this could properly expand and increase a meaningful Protector´s practice.

Is it possible that we stop putting our hopes in politics?


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Dear A Friend,

Thank you for your comments. I understand the suffering of those who have been affected by the ban.

H.H. the Dalai Lama is working very hard to make dharma grow and to spread Buddhism worldwide. He is popular in China and most ordinary Chinese inside and outside China respect His Holiness and refer to him (and other High Lamas) as "living Buddhas". It is something they instinctively understand and accept. After all, their ancestors have been practising Buddhism for centuries. Traditionally, the Chinese believe in reincarnation and that Buddhas emanate for the benefit of mankind. 

This has nothing to do with politics. Ultimately, it has to do with the individual's quest for liberation from samsara and we look to the "living Buddhas" for help. They are here for this purpose anyway. And we all know that these enlightened beings have developed skillful means as a result of aeons of practising virtue. 

Unfortunately, somehow, politics do get in the way due to our collective karma. I think that whether there's a change of system or not in China also depends on our collective karma. Personally, I don't think the restoration of the Dalai Lama in the Potala will lead to the eradication of the practice of the Protector.

We are ordinary beings, lacking in clairvoyance. How do we know that if the Dalai Lama were to be reinstalled in the Potala, "the persecution of our people would become incredibly powerful"? This is only a hypothesis. We all hold views, some are right views, some wrong. I can't agree with you more that "Lord Tsongkhapa's teaching should be practised in a pure way and disseminated in a pure way". I have no doubt that the Gelug lamas in China are doing just that.

As practitioners, we should LIVE the Lamrim, as taught by Lama Tsongkhapa, Pabongka Rinpoche, our lineage gurus and our own spiritual guide. It is said in the "Summary of Precious Qualities" (in Pabongka Rinpoche, Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand, 1991, 2006:84):

Thus, the wise who strongly wish to seek
Holy enlightenment should completely subjugate their pride.
Just as patients in order to be cured depend on doctors,
So should the seeker depend steadfastly on a spiritual guide.

Our spiritual guide, if he/she is a real one, would never teach us to be disrespectful to our lineage masters. Because of our delusions, we see holy beings as ordinary beings with all the faults of ordinary beings, such as attachment to power and fame. Therefore, because of our delusions, we also cannot see what enlightened beings (living Buddhas) see. If we cannot see Buddhas directly, whose fault is it? If we cannot see Dorje Shugden directly, whose fault is it? Do you think the holy ones will reveal their powers and demonstrate their "feats"? If so, then they are no different than you and me.

Is it possible that high lamas, like the Dalai Lama, can actually see and talk to Buddhas, and therefore, Dorje Shugden, too? If we can realise this, all our previous negative views vis-a-vis the Dalai Lama will disappear.

With my deepest respect,


Lee Dhi

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Hi a friend, thanks for your reminder about not having high hopes in politics. You are very right about that. Politics is dangerous in pure politics itself (i.e. governmental), commercial politics, social politics and off course religious politics. However, as Midakpa points out, politics do get in the way of too many things. Therefore, I believe that we need to make a clear distinction between havings hopes in politics for spiritual prosperity and "using" politics as the vehicle to have Dharma get where we want it to go faster while keeping boths eyes open so that Dharma remains the motivation and focus.

There is conversation that the spiritual growth in China is “controlled” and interpreted by the government. There is probably a lot of validity in such claims. However, the introduction by the government is simply a “seed” for Dharma to grow. The boundless and kind power of our Great King with the sincere efforts of Dorje Shugden & Dharma practitioners will be the nurturing ingredients required to have pure Dharma understanding, practice and growth flourish.

Nevertheless, it is simply wonderful to see worship of Dorje Shugden flourish in one of our world’s most influential nation – China! As a nation that had its culture, tradition and spiritual practice taken away for so many decades, the Chinese people are very thirsty for the revival of these aspects in their lives. I pray that Dorje Shugden will swiftly quench this thirst and enrich the Chinese people minds with compassion, wisdom and sense of being in contribution to others.

In a Dharma teaching on Genzey, I learnt that Genzey (the increasing form of Dorje Shugden’s 4 immediate emanations) is “based” in China’s Wu Tai Shan, one of China’s primary pilgrimage lands. This means that Genzey has very close link to China and her people. The Chinese who worship him with sincere motivation will experience swift result because of this natural strong affinity.

•   Genzey rides on a golden horse, which represents swiftness and speed.
•   Genzey is gold as he represents wealth (internal and external), increase in merits, health Dharma
•   It is stated that the sincere practice of Genzhe will bless our minds against negative elements (ability to resist negatives actions) and draw us the positive. This is very important as it can reduce the impact of negative karma and enable accumulation of positive karma, which will support spiritual development.
•   VIP!!! As Genzey will bestow us with a lot of blessings (internal and external), it is necessary that we develop a stable and strong mind so that we will continuously and consistently use these blessings for the benefit of others.
•   The name “Genzey” can be literally translated into i) growth (Gen) and ii) all aspect that we require growth in (zhe).

Buddhism and Buddha are established for the whole world…for all sentient beings. Those who have been so fortunate to be touched by our kindest Guru(s) and the Dharma must return this kindness by having the open heart and mind to share all that we have learnt with everyone!

With this sharing, I pray that our Chinese friends will have the merits to have Genzey in their lives and may Genzey open theirs minds to being of benefit to all sentient beings!

Ps: With the kind advise from Dharma friends, I visited the Chinese Dorje Shugden website:


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Lee Dhi
Nice sharing about Gyenze. Thank you.

I've had the good fortune to visit Wu Tai Shan, Manjushri's abode and home, historically, to hundreds of Gelugpa monasteries - there are still many temples there with very beautiful prominent images of Manjushri and Tsongkhapa. And what is most remarkable are the many, many people you see there - from around China and around the world - who make the long journey there to pay their respects and make prayers.

What LeeDhi said is true in that the Chinese do have a very strong and beautiful connection with Buddhism. I don't mean this to be about anything political, but about the very simple fact that many people are (re)connecting to Dharma, practice and the blessings of the Buddha.

I agree with you A Friend that the best wish is for the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa to grow in the world. And there seems to be a beautiful sort of rennaissance of Buddhism - if slowly, and perhaps discreetly? - in China.

Apart from the obvious fact that it is a large country with a large population, it is also a place that really does need Dharma more than ever now, what with their huge, rapid external development and large spiritual vacuum of previous decades. I'm happy that even if it may seem contrived, or politically motivated at first, more and more people (within China or elsewhere), are being connected to the blessings of Tsongkhapa and his great protector Dorje Shugden, and all the great Lamas.

Lee Dhi

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Hi Honeydakini, I agree with you on the very fact that the Chinese people are “reconnecting” with Buddhadharma is worth rejoicing for this moment.

Because the ignition is political and there is still substantial governmental control and filtration of the Dharma content taught, I dare state that many spiritual seekers in China do not have good fortune to receive complete and clear explanations of the very logical and profound teachings of Lord Buddha.

However, the good news is, as learnt from my kind Guru, the simple act of looking at Buddha images, reading Dharma texts, saying mantras as well as making offerings will open up good karma and generate the cause to have pure Dharma seeds grow. Therefore, although Dharma practice is done superficially and lack pure motivation (for the benefit of all sentient beings) at this point in time, it is a powerful start.

As an influential nation, China is imposing its pressure economically, politically as well as socially on other nations. It is unfortunate to admit that the influence used currently has a negative connotation (i.e. bullying). However, as Dharma with the “right” motivation develops in China, I believe this influence will become beneficial and inspire the rest of the world to open their minds and hearts to Dharma. May this happen swiftly during these degenerate times!

a friend

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Is it possible that high lamas, like the Dalai Lama, can actually see and talk to Buddhas, and therefore, Dorje Shugden, too? If we can realise this, all our previous negative views vis-a-vis the Dalai Lama will disappear.

Dear friend, this is a matter of imputation. As I said a thousand times, it´s not correct to impute as a Buddha somebody that presents himself as such and does not act as such.
It is not correct because even though a Buddha can manifest deeds against Dharma he/she will never do it when appearing as Buddha; he/she will appear as a crazy person etc.
Buddhas have as main and foremost enlightened action the teaching of what it is that we sentient beings have to adopt and what we have to abandon. That is why their conduct is pure both in their purpose and their appearance. Look at Lord Shakyamuni´s actions, look at Lord Atisha´s actions, look at Lord Tsongkhapa´s actions. Theirs is the behaviour of a Buddha. One can follow their words and imitate their behaviour. It is correct to impute them as Buddhas.


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Dear A Friend,

Thank you for your comments. I understand the suffering of those who have been affected by the ban.

H.H. the Dalai Lama is working very hard to make dharma grow and to spread Buddhism worldwide. He is popular in China and most ordinary Chinese inside and outside China respect His Holiness and refer to him (and other High Lamas) as "living Buddhas". It is something they instinctively understand and accept. After all, their ancestors have been practising Buddhism for centuries. Traditionally, the Chinese believe in reincarnation and that Buddhas emanate for the benefit of mankind. 

This has nothing to do with politics. Ultimately, it has to do with the individual's quest for liberation from samsara and we look to the "living Buddhas" for help. They are here for this purpose anyway. And we all know that these enlightened beings have developed skillful means as a result of aeons of practising virtue. 

Unfortunately, somehow, politics do get in the way due to our collective karma. I think that whether there's a change of system or not in China also depends on our collective karma. Personally, I don't think the restoration of the Dalai Lama in the Potala will lead to the eradication of the practice of the Protector.

We are ordinary beings, lacking in clairvoyance. How do we know that if the Dalai Lama were to be reinstalled in the Potala, "the persecution of our people would become incredibly powerful"? This is only a hypothesis. We all hold views, some are right views, some wrong. I can't agree with you more that "Lord Tsongkhapa's teaching should be practised in a pure way and disseminated in a pure way". I have no doubt that the Gelug lamas in China are doing just that.

As practitioners, we should LIVE the Lamrim, as taught by Lama Tsongkhapa, Pabongka Rinpoche, our lineage gurus and our own spiritual guide. It is said in the "Summary of Precious Qualities" (in Pabongka Rinpoche, Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand, 1991, 2006:84):

Thus, the wise who strongly wish to seek
Holy enlightenment should completely subjugate their pride.
Just as patients in order to be cured depend on doctors,
So should the seeker depend steadfastly on a spiritual guide.

Our spiritual guide, if he/she is a real one, would never teach us to be disrespectful to our lineage masters. Because of our delusions, we see holy beings as ordinary beings with all the faults of ordinary beings, such as attachment to power and fame. Therefore, because of our delusions, we also cannot see what enlightened beings (living Buddhas) see. If we cannot see Buddhas directly, whose fault is it? If we cannot see Dorje Shugden directly, whose fault is it? Do you think the holy ones will reveal their powers and demonstrate their "feats"? If so, then they are no different than you and me.

Is it possible that high lamas, like the Dalai Lama, can actually see and talk to Buddhas, and therefore, Dorje Shugden, too? If we can realise this, all our previous negative views vis-a-vis the Dalai Lama will disappear.

With my deepest respect,


Dear Midakpa,

I really liked what you've said because it makes a lot of sense, gives faith and hope. As my spiritual guide also advice us the same over and over again - "never be disrespectful to our lineage masters". Like it or not, the Dalai Lama is a part of the lineage Lamas. And yes due to our own delusions, we see holy beings as ordinary beings with all the faults of ordinary beings.

If we start criticizing one Lama, the seed for seeing fault will start to grow and manifest more. Soon it will be difficult to stop if we continue with this view and slowly we could start judging and seeing fault in many more Lamas, even our own when what they do, DO NOT FIT our PROJECTIONS we impute on them.

Lamas, or high Lamas definitely did not become a Lama overnight. The Dalai Lama himself has been incarnated for 14th lifetimes, so if he was really a Fraud, then why would he still be able to incarnate back in to this world to spread the Dharma? He would be in the 3 lower realms already according to Dharma. So as silly and naive as I may sound, I still do think the Dalai Lama is no ordinary being, and has achieved far more then you and me put together in this lifetime, not counting the past. There is no point in saying He is not an attained being, because proven track record shows clearly He is.

I understand that it is now a very difficult time for many of us, and What we see now is someone lying, persecuting innocent people etc etc. We are unfortunately unable to see what is really the True reasons for shunning Dorje Shugden but we also cannot start defaming for what IF what is being DONE has a greater purpose that we just cannot see yet but would change the course of future? Possible? Anything is possible. Otherwise the existence of Buddhas would not be possible, the believe that we are all potential Buddhas too are not possible. If we become too cynical then why do we even pray for blassings from the Buddhas & lineage masters and have Guru Devotion? Our Guru is a "living Buddha" and so will be other Gurus to other students. Just cause we don't view another person's Guru as "living Buddha" does not mean He is not and we don't expect everyone to view our Guru as a "living Buddha". I surely did not view see my Guru as a "living Buddha" at first sight. 

So I do think with all the many reasons debated here on this forum, and like what you mentioned, we cannot judge now. If we see something we don't like, yes it is fine to SAY IT, ASK IT, but I would not try to impute what I project a Dalai Lama, Lama, monk or nun should be like, Sorry.

Thank you again Midakpa. 


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Hi a friend, thanks for your reminder about not having high hopes in politics. You are very right about that. Politics is dangerous in pure politics itself (i.e. governmental), commercial politics, social politics and off course religious politics. However, as Midakpa points out, politics do get in the way of too many things. Therefore, I believe that we need to make a clear distinction between havings hopes in politics for spiritual prosperity and "using" politics as the vehicle to have Dharma get where we want it to go faster while keeping boths eyes open so that Dharma remains the motivation and focus.

There is conversation that the spiritual growth in China is “controlled” and interpreted by the government. There is probably a lot of validity in such claims. However, the introduction by the government is simply a “seed” for Dharma to grow. The boundless and kind power of our Great King with the sincere efforts of Dorje Shugden & Dharma practitioners will be the nurturing ingredients required to have pure Dharma understanding, practice and growth flourish.

Nevertheless, it is simply wonderful to see worship of Dorje Shugden flourish in one of our world’s most influential nation – China! As a nation that had its culture, tradition and spiritual practice taken away for so many decades, the Chinese people are very thirsty for the revival of these aspects in their lives. I pray that Dorje Shugden will swiftly quench this thirst and enrich the Chinese people minds with compassion, wisdom and sense of being in contribution to others.

In a Dharma teaching on Genzey, I learnt that Genzey (the increasing form of Dorje Shugden’s 4 immediate emanations) is “based” in China’s Wu Tai Shan, one of China’s primary pilgrimage lands. This means that Genzey has very close link to China and her people. The Chinese who worship him with sincere motivation will experience swift result because of this natural strong affinity.

•   Genzey rides on a golden horse, which represents swiftness and speed.
•   Genzey is gold as he represents wealth (internal and external), increase in merits, health Dharma
•   It is stated that the sincere practice of Genzhe will bless our minds against negative elements (ability to resist negatives actions) and draw us the positive. This is very important as it can reduce the impact of negative karma and enable accumulation of positive karma, which will support spiritual development.
•   VIP!!! As Genzey will bestow us with a lot of blessings (internal and external), it is necessary that we develop a stable and strong mind so that we will continuously and consistently use these blessings for the benefit of others.
•   The name “Genzey” can be literally translated into i) growth (Gen) and ii) all aspect that we require growth in (zhe).

Buddhism and Buddha are established for the whole world…for all sentient beings. Those who have been so fortunate to be touched by our kindest Guru(s) and the Dharma must return this kindness by having the open heart and mind to share all that we have learnt with everyone!

With this sharing, I pray that our Chinese friends will have the merits to have Genzey in their lives and may Genzey open theirs minds to being of benefit to all sentient beings!

Ps: With the kind advise from Dharma friends, I visited the Chinese Dorje Shugden website:

Thank you Lee Dhi on the explanation on Gyenze. Yes I do agree that China does need the Dharma. China was once steep in spirituality and wisdom. Buddhism was a major religion and it was from China that Buddhism spread to south east Asia. Now the reconnection to their spiritual roots is starting again. Thanks for showing us the blog site of a Chinese Dorje Shugden site ... amazing! Imagine 5 years from now, what will it be like? Not Dorje Shugden blogs but WEBSITES and more ...

Isn't it funny how after the Dalai Lama opened his mouth to firmly Ban Dorje Shugden, everything about Dorje Shugden seems to be growing even faster and getting to mainstream media, and making head waves in to different channels that reaches out to the masses!!!

All the TGIE's hard work seems to be creating an opposite result to what they want. One thing's for sure with HH Gaden Trisur going to Shar Gaden to teach soon, Oh my, I think they would best just shut up about the Evil Dorje Shugden already. hehe


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It does take FAITH that there is a bigger picture in what Dalai Lama because of what we can observe and experience ie., ban, persecution, monasteries separating etc ... So what if Dalai Lama is doing a holy tango with Dorje Shugden while the chinese government plays the music?!

Perhaps considering this view that Dalai Lama, despite his OUTER actions are contributing towards Buddhism & Dorje Shugden's growth will help some to reconcile and accept these actions because of faith and trust for a higher reason. What if this view is correct and our perception is limited to our delusions? (armor in place for flying bullets)

On the other side of the coin, there is no logical justification for this view and may only serve to anger and frustrate many. Especially, how there were no issues to start with in practicing Dorje Shugden except that the controversies seems to be surrounding the Dalai Lama, starting with the Great 5th!

And I do take to heart what A Friend, Trinley Kelsang, TK, Lhakpa Gyeltsen and other seniors have shared. Somehow, this thread took me back to reading TK's post "Only Dorje Shugden CAN HANDLE SUCH A BURDEN! Why Shugden has to be the bad guy!" (

Can we find another way of phrasing our well intentioned view of Dalai Lama which takes into consideration the practical and sensitive issues?


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Dear Snowlion and DSFriend,

Thank you for your comments. They are also my thoughts. I believe in what Tk said that "Only Dorje Shugden can handle such a burden!" If we can look beyond politics and believe in the holy lamas, believe in Dorje Shugden, I'm sure the outcome will be positive. The actions of holy beings, however controversial, must be seen as pure. Only then will we receive their blessings.

a friend

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On the other side of the coin, there is no logical justification for this view and may only serve to anger and frustrate many. Especially, how there were no issues to start with in practicing Dorje Shugden except that the controversies seems to be surrounding the Dalai Lama, starting with the Great 5th!
And I do take to heart what A Friend, Trinley Kelsang, TK, Lhakpa Gyeltsen and other seniors have shared. Somehow, this thread took me back to reading TK's post "Only Dorje Shugden CAN HANDLE SUCH A BURDEN! Why Shugden has to be the bad guy!" (
Can we find another way of phrasing our well intentioned view of Dalai Lama which takes into consideration the practical and sensitive issues?

Dear DSh friend,
Very interesting that you try to armonize your view with the senior´s. It´s touching. Nevertheless quite an impossible enterprise. It´s not the phrasing, it´s the concept. It´s a view so harmful --as far as it is a public one-- that I don´t imagine any way of ever being able to agree with it no matter the way it is phrased. It´s  a view that destroys the actions of the Buddhas in the eye of the public. It´s a view that destroys Dharma for others. Very sad that such well intentioned people can be so blind to the harm they can inflict with their niceties.
A couple of days ago a protestant Christian that had had some dealings with Buddhism started talking about the bad things that Buddhists do and about their bad pride for not being able to recognize them publicly. And he mentioned the books burned because of the Dalai Lama ... (just a fraction of what the persecution that he started against our people produced btw...).  Happily he was quite talkative so I didn´t have to answer. But imagine to tell him: "the DL is a Buddha, he did that for a good reason that only he knows"! Imagine the damage for his mind, how many life times he would have with a bad opinion about Dharma and the Buddha, with the thought: "I will never follow the teachings of people who behave wrongly and justify what they do based on their status".
It´s bad enough what the DL did. We don´t need to make things still more harmful by covering them with sugar.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 10:00:12 PM by a friend »