Author Topic: Oracles, Protectors and enlightened trances  (Read 9401 times)


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Re: Oracles, Protectors and enlightened trances
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2010, 09:20:42 PM »
]The Muses (Ancient Greek hai mo sai
 [1]: perhaps from the o-grade of the Proto-Indo-European root *men- "think"

[2]) in Greek mythology, poetry, and literature are the goddesses or spirits who inspire the creation of literature and the arts. They were considered the source of the knowledge, related orally for centuries in the ancient culture, that was contained in poetic lyrics and myths. Just how many muses there were was a matter of some dispute. In Boeotia, the homeland of Hesiod, a tradition persisted

[3] that the Muses had once been three in number. Diodorus Siculus, quotes Hesiod to the contrary, observing:Writers similarly disagree also concerning the number of the Muses; for some say that they are three, and others that they are nine, but the number nine has prevailed since it rests upon the authority of the most distinguished men, such as Homer and Hesiod and others like them.

[4]Three ancient Muses were also reported in Plutarch's Quaestiones Conviviviales (9.I4.2-4).[

5] The Roman scholar Varro relates that there are only three Muses: one who is born from the movement of water, another who makes sound by striking the air, and a third, who is embodied only in the human voice. However the Classical understanding of the muses tripled their triad, set at nine goddesses, who embody the arts and inspire creation with their graces through remembered and improvised song and stage, writing, traditional music, and dance. In one myth, King Pierus, king of Macedon, had nine daughters he named after the nine Muses, believing that their skills were a great match to the Muses. He thus challenged the Muses to a match, resulting in his daughters, the Pierides, being turned into chattering magpies

[6] for their presumption.Sometimes they are referred to as water nymphs, associated with the springs of Helicon and with Pieris. It was said that the winged horse Pegasus touched his hooves to the ground on Helicon, causing four sacred springs to burst forth, from which the muses were born.

[1] Athena later tamed the horse and presented him to the muses.

The Olympian myths set Apollo as their leader, Apollon Mousaget?s. Not only are the Muses explicitly used in modern English to refer to an artistic inspiration, as when one cites one's own artistic muse, but they also are implicit in words and phrases such as "amuse", "museum" (Latinised from mouseion—a place where the muses were worshipped), "music", and "musing upon".[[/b]7][/b]
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 09:28:22 PM by Lhakpa Gyaltshen »

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Re: Oracles, Protectors and enlightened trances
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2010, 12:46:46 PM »
Did you guys noticed that the Tibetan Buddhist tradition is the only religious/cultural tradition that still has a very strong tradition of propitiating oracles to seek a path of the future. It is so strong that it is institutionalised and followed by many in Tibetan society. In fact, it is so strong that it has influenced people from other cultures to believe in this tradition. The oracle has many foreign followers that led the Dharma to grow in their respective countries.