Author Topic: Look What Glenn Mullin Says  (Read 16392 times)


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Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« on: March 09, 2010, 12:32:14 AM »
Extract from Pg 208 of
The Fourteen Dalai Lamas:
A Sacred Legacy of Reincarnation by Glenn H. Mullin

Another controversy surrounding the Great Fifth concerns the details of the death of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, a famous Gelugpa lama of the period. He was one of the most prominent lamas of his day, and in fact in some circles was held in even higher regard than was the Great Fifth, for the Fifth at the time was still in his youth.

One day Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was mysteriously murdered. His followers claimed that the culprits were followers of the Fifth Dalai Lama, although there was no suggestion that the Great Fifth was personally even aware of the plan.

The theory was that the Great Fifth was being eclipsed by the towering stature of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, and thus would greatly benefit from the death. As long as Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was alive the Fifth Dalai Lama would be number two in the Gelugpa School; his death allowed the Great Fifth to rise to the position of number one.

Whether or not the followers of the Great Fifth were involved in Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s murder was never proved, but the rumours persisted.

The tale, already somewhat bizarre, now takes an even more exotic twist. It is said that the soul of the murdered monk wandered in the hereafter for some time as a disturbed spirit, creating havoc for the people of Lhasa. Eventually the Great Fifth contracted a group of Nyingmapa shamans to exorcise and pacify it, but they failed. He then contracted a group of Gelugpa shaman monks.

As a result of the rituals of this second group the spirit of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was eventually pacified and transformed into the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden.

This spirit was later adopted as a guardian angel by numerous Gelugpa monks who disapproved of the Fifth Dalai Lama’s manner of combining the Gelugpa and Nyingmapa doctrines.

Although the Great Fifth tried to discourage the practice of worshipping this deity, it caught on with many monasteries. The practice continued over the generations to follow, and eventually became one of the most popular Protector Deity practices within the Gelugpa School. In particular, during the late 1800s, when four Dalai Lamas died young, it became an all-pervasive monthly practice within almost all provincial Gelugpa monasteries, and was especially popular with Gelugpa aristocratic families.

The controversy surrounding the murder of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen and the deity that emerged from his disturbed spirit has shadowed the Dalai Lama office until the present day. By the time the Tibetans came into exile in 1959, worshipping Dorje Shugden was still a common monthly practice of most Gelugpas.

In recent decades the present Dalai Lama has attempted to discourage the practice, but with little success. It is as strong today as ever, if not stronger; for with the Dalai Lama discouraging it in India, the Chinese are fully promoting it in Tibet.

Tibet watchers will be aware of this bizarre controversy, as it has even found its way onto the pages of Times and Newsweek, and has dozens of web pages dedicated to it.

(The above was extracted from Guestbook posted by Thomas David Canada. He always has interesting posts. Thanks Thom!)

Glenn Mullin is a leading Biographer of all the fourteen Dalai Lamas. He has dedicated his works to the line of Dalai lamas, background and history.

Dalai lama once commented that Glenn Mullin knew more of his predecessors than he himself. Mullin continues to be the Dalai lama's good friend.

But the incredible thing is that Mullin writes a few very strong points that contradicts what the Dalai Lama says always re Shugden's practice in Tibet.

1. The Shugden practice was within a small minority in Tibet. Not true according to Mullin.
2. Mullin also says that it became the MOST POPULAR protector practice within the Gelug. That contradicts the Dalai Lama saying it is relatively small.

Interesting that Mullin also mentions the practice is strong if not getting stronger today. Interestingly, the book has been FORWARDED BY THE DALAI LAMA HIMSELF. I guess Dalai lama nor his assistants were able to read the book before issuing the forward.


« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 12:34:58 AM by tk »

Lee Dhi

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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2010, 05:49:58 PM »
Again, I would like to thank the sincere and constructive efforts of this forum's participants (with special thanks to Thomas David Canada and tk in this particular posting) for the well supported information you make available.

This posting is especially exciting because it is an extract of writings by the 14th Dalai Lama's leading biographer who is recognized and acknowledged by H.H himself. To top this sundae with a cherry, the content was endorsed by the 14th Dalai Lama in his forward for the book. Adding 2 and 2 together, one should scientifically conclude that the content of the book is credible.

From analyzing the posting, I developed the following point of view:

To avoid any risk of a short lifespan (based on the lives of the 1800s' Dalai Lamas), H.H banned the practice of DS to extend his life as the 14th Dalai Lama because he has a big mission this lifetime to bring Dharma mainstream onto the international arena.

As H.H reaches the end of this life, the Dharma world faces the uncertainty related to his succession: Karmapa Lama who is supported by the Dalai Lama or Panchen Lama who is the "official" successor through the history of Tibetan leadership and also supported by the Chinese government.

To overcome this trial for the "survival" of pure Dharma, H.H may recognize that Dharma practitioners require the protection of The Great King - Dorje Shugden because he has the strongest karmic link to sentient beings during this period.

In his ban of DS, HH never stated that DS practice causes harm to the Dharma or all sentient beings. HH was specific that the harm was on his own life and the sovereignty of Tibet. Perhaps, now in his 70s, H.H believes it will bring greater long term benefit to bring DS back to mainstream practice. Based on results of the past year to year and a half, this is what is happening. Similarly, with the threat of conflict that could arise in the election of the next Tibetan Political & Spiritual Leader which can cause greater threat to Tibet, having DS' presence and protection may bring more benefit than harm. In the law of impermanence, this theory stands a chance of being valid.

Based on the law of Karma, the "poor" relations between DS and DL is caused by karmic link between them. As a highly attained being, I believe that HH accepts the law of karma and its consequence. However, in this lifetime, H.H made efforts to "get around" the consequence of his karma because it was more beneficial for more sentient beings that he lives long enough to turn the wheel of Dharma outside Tibet. In his direct efforts, H.H brought Dharma to the West and, in an indirect way, he has caused Dharma to strengthen in China as this influential nation propagates Dorje Shugden as a direct result of H.H's ban.

Perhaps there is more harmony between DL and DS than our ignorant eyes permit us to see. As ignorance still cloud our minds, our best option is to place trust in our enlightened Guru and Buddhas who will never wish harm upon any sentient being.

I wish for more and more credible information like this arise. I hope eyes will open and bring an end to the controversy and suffering as a result of this misunderstanding of Dharma.

I apologize in advance if I sound presumptuous in my sharing above.


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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2010, 07:31:40 PM »
Dalai Lama Slaves
Dalai Lama -

The Slaves and the CIA
Penn and Teller tell it like it is in this satirical examination of life under the Dalai Lama's rule. While the Dalai Lama lived a priviledged life in his luxurious palace, the majority of Tibetans were exploited as a serf underclass. They lived in squalor and regularly faced the threat of torture and punishment. They also debunk the myth of the Dalai Lama leading a non-violent resistence to the Chinese... unless, of course, the CIA sponsored Tibetan resistence were actually non-violent covert guerillas...

Western Shugden Society


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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2010, 08:44:41 PM »
Although the Great Fifth tried to discourage the practice of worshipping this deity, it caught on with many monasteries. The practice continued over the generations to follow, and eventually became one of the most popular Protector Deity practices within the Gelugpa School. In particular, during the late 1800s, when four Dalai Lamas died young, it became an all-pervasive monthly practice within almost all provincial Gelugpa monasteries, and was especially popular with Gelugpa aristocratic families.

The controversy surrounding the murder of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen and the deity that emerged from his disturbed spirit has shadowed the Dalai Lama office until the present day. By the time the Tibetans came into exile in 1959, worshipping Dorje Shugden was still a common monthly practice of most Gelugpas.

In recent decades the present Dalai Lama has attempted to discourage the practice, but with little success. It is as strong today as ever, if not stronger; for with the Dalai Lama discouraging it in India, the Chinese are fully promoting it in Tibet.

Tibet watchers will be aware of this bizarre controversy, as it has even found its way onto the pages of Times and Newsweek, and has dozens of web pages dedicated to it.

(The above was extracted from Guestbook posted by Thomas David Canada. He always has interesting posts. Thanks Thom!)

Glenn Mullin is a leading Biographer of all the fourteen Dalai Lamas. He has dedicated his works to the line of Dalai lamas, background and history.

Dalai lama once commented that Glenn Mullin knew more of his predecessors than he himself. Mullin continues to be the Dalai lama's good friend.

But the incredible thing is that Mullin writes a few very strong points that contradicts what the Dalai Lama says always re Shugden's practice in Tibet.

1. The Shugden practice was within a small minority in Tibet. Not true according to Mullin.
2. Mullin also says that it became the MOST POPULAR protector practice within the Gelug. That contradicts the Dalai Lama saying it is relatively small.

Interesting that Mullin also mentions the practice is strong if not getting stronger today. Interestingly, the book has been FORWARDED BY THE DALAI LAMA HIMSELF. I guess Dalai lama nor his assistants were able to read the book before issuing the forward.


Now why would Glen Mulin write something in contradiction to HH the Dalai Lama's reasons for the BAN especially since he has such a close relationship with the Dalai Lama. Mulin himself must have noticed the contradiction and he is just merely being objective in presenting the facts. Yes it is very funny that the Dalai Lama himself actually gave a Foreward to this book as well as many other books out there ( e.g. The Lawudo Lama) that proves the opposite info of what He is claiming about DS.

It quite amazing that because of this whole Ban drama, a lot more information are being churned out, researched about Dorje Shugden. A lot of info are being presented and shared now, not just to clear people's doubts but it also inspire those who are practicing, and educate those who have no clue about Dorje Shugden. In the past, I think if anyone wanted to know anything about Dorje Shugden, you will need to go to a Lama "secretly" who practice and ask for teachings. Now with the wonders of the internet and this wonderful site we can share many valuable information and teachings to literally anyone in the world! Isn't it IRONIC

Thank you Thom and TK for always providing valuable information! 

Isn't it IRONIC "this bizarre controversy, as it has even found its way onto the pages of Times and Newsweek, and has dozens of web pages dedicated to it".


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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2011, 08:58:30 AM »
Read what Glenn Mullin, leading Biographer of all the fourteen Dalai Lamas who has dedicated his works to the line of Dalai lamas, background and history has to say about Dorje Shugden. Very interesting that Dalai Lama wrote the forward for this book!!

Extract from Pg 208 of
The Fourteen Dalai Lamas:
A Sacred Legacy of Reincarnation by Glenn H. Mullin

Another controversy surrounding the Great Fifth concerns the details of the death of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, a famous Gelugpa lama of the period. He was one of the most prominent lamas of his day, and in fact in some circles was held in even higher regard than was the Great Fifth, for the Fifth at the time was still in his youth.

One day Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was mysteriously murdered. His followers claimed that the culprits were followers of the Fifth Dalai Lama, although there was no suggestion that the Great Fifth was personally even aware of the plan.

The theory was that the Great Fifth was being eclipsed by the towering stature of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, and thus would greatly benefit from the death. As long as Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was alive the Fifth Dalai Lama would be number two in the Gelugpa School; his death allowed the Great Fifth to rise to the position of number one.

Whether or not the followers of the Great Fifth were involved in Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s murder was never proved, but the rumours persisted.

The tale, already somewhat bizarre, now takes an even more exotic twist. It is said that the soul of the murdered monk wandered in the hereafter for some time as a disturbed spirit, creating havoc for the people of Lhasa. Eventually the Great Fifth contracted a group of Nyingmapa shamans to exorcise and pacify it, but they failed. He then contracted a group of Gelugpa shaman monks.

As a result of the rituals of this second group the spirit of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was eventually pacified and transformed into the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden.

This spirit was later adopted as a guardian angel by numerous Gelugpa monks who disapproved of the Fifth Dalai Lama’s manner of combining the Gelugpa and Nyingmapa doctrines.

Although the Great Fifth tried to discourage the practice of worshipping this deity, it caught on with many monasteries. The practice continued over the generations to follow, and eventually became one of the most popular Protector Deity practices within the Gelugpa School. In particular, during the late 1800s, when four Dalai Lamas died young, it became an all-pervasive monthly practice within almost all provincial Gelugpa monasteries, and was especially popular with Gelugpa aristocratic families.

The controversy surrounding the murder of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen and the deity that emerged from his disturbed spirit has shadowed the Dalai Lama office until the present day. By the time the Tibetans came into exile in 1959, worshipping Dorje Shugden was still a common monthly practice of most Gelugpas.

In recent decades the present Dalai Lama has attempted to discourage the practice, but with little success. It is as strong today as ever, if not stronger; for with the Dalai Lama discouraging it in India, the Chinese are fully promoting it in Tibet.

Tibet watchers will be aware of this bizarre controversy, as it has even found its way onto the pages of Times and Newsweek, and has dozens of web pages dedicated to it.

(The above was extracted from Guestbook posted by Thomas David Canada. He always has interesting posts. Thanks Thom!)

Glenn Mullin is a leading Biographer of all the fourteen Dalai Lamas. He has dedicated his works to the line of Dalai lamas, background and history.

Dalai lama once commented that Glenn Mullin knew more of his predecessors than he himself. Mullin continues to be the Dalai lama's good friend.

But the incredible thing is that Mullin writes a few very strong points that contradicts what the Dalai Lama says always re Shugden's practice in Tibet.

1. The Shugden practice was within a small minority in Tibet. Not true according to Mullin.
2. Mullin also says that it became the MOST POPULAR protector practice within the Gelug. That contradicts the Dalai Lama saying it is relatively small.

Interesting that Mullin also mentions the practice is strong if not getting stronger today. Interestingly, the book has been FORWARDED BY THE DALAI LAMA HIMSELF. I guess Dalai lama nor his assistants were able to read the book before issuing the forward.



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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2011, 06:51:15 PM »
Weren't 90% of Tibetans were Gelug practitioners before Tibet was lost to China.

Glenn Mullin like most western intellectuals he only reported whatever facts he found. When was the book first published?


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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2011, 02:55:26 AM »
The tale, already somewhat bizarre, now takes an even more exotic twist. It is said that the soul of the murdered monk wandered in the hereafter for some time as a disturbed spirit, creating havoc for the people of Lhasa. Eventually the Great Fifth contracted a group of Nyingmapa shamans to exorcise and pacify it, but they failed. He then contracted a group of Gelugpa shaman monks.

As a result of the rituals of this second group the spirit of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was eventually pacified and transformed into the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden.

This spirit was later adopted as a guardian angel by numerous Gelugpa monks who disapproved of the Fifth Dalai Lama’s manner of combining the Gelugpa and Nyingmapa doctrines.

How true is this part of the story? I have not heard this version - re the Gelugpa shaman monks pacifying TDG's spirit and transforming him into Dorje Shugden.

There's no mention of the time DS spent with the Sakyas too.

Does anyone know more about this?

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2011, 05:48:38 AM »
The tale, already somewhat bizarre, now takes an even more exotic twist. It is said that the soul of the murdered monk wandered in the hereafter for some time as a disturbed spirit, creating havoc for the people of Lhasa. Eventually the Great Fifth contracted a group of Nyingmapa shamans to exorcise and pacify it, but they failed. He then contracted a group of Gelugpa shaman monks.

As a result of the rituals of this second group the spirit of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was eventually pacified and transformed into the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden.

This spirit was later adopted as a guardian angel by numerous Gelugpa monks who disapproved of the Fifth Dalai Lama’s manner of combining the Gelugpa and Nyingmapa doctrines.

How true is this part of the story? I have not heard this version - re the Gelugpa shaman monks pacifying TDG's spirit and transforming him into Dorje Shugden.

There's no mention of the time DS spent with the Sakyas too.

Does anyone know more about this?


Dear WisdomBeing,

The account given by Glenn Mullin defers greatly with what the Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche talks about. Here is the link to a previous thread ( It says that rituals done by Nyingma Lamas were unsuccessful and the rituals done were to destroy Dorje Shugden and not to convert him to a Dharma Protector. Between the two, I would believe Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Glenn Mullin's explanations doesn't seem very sure anyway.


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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2011, 01:29:14 PM »
The tale, already somewhat bizarre, now takes an even more exotic twist. It is said that the soul of the murdered monk wandered in the hereafter for some time as a disturbed spirit, creating havoc for the people of Lhasa. Eventually the Great Fifth contracted a group of Nyingmapa shamans to exorcise and pacify it, but they failed. He then contracted a group of Gelugpa shaman monks.

As a result of the rituals of this second group the spirit of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was eventually pacified and transformed into the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden.

This spirit was later adopted as a guardian angel by numerous Gelugpa monks who disapproved of the Fifth Dalai Lama’s manner of combining the Gelugpa and Nyingmapa doctrines.

How true is this part of the story? I have not heard this version - re the Gelugpa shaman monks pacifying TDG's spirit and transforming him into Dorje Shugden.

There's no mention of the time DS spent with the Sakyas too.

Does anyone know more about this?


Dear WisdomBeing,

The account given by Glenn Mullin defers greatly with what the Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche talks about. Here is the link to a previous thread ( It says that rituals done by Nyingma Lamas were unsuccessful and the rituals done were to destroy Dorje Shugden and not to convert him to a Dharma Protector. Between the two, I would believe Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Glenn Mullin's explanations doesn't seem very sure anyway.

Dear Big Uncle, Excellent reference to support this point.  Yes, as far as I understand the ritual by the Nyingma Lamas is to destroy DS and not to convert him.  After repeatedly failing to do so, the DL in end had no choice but to be convinced that DS is not an evil spirit and recognize DS as the direct emanation of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen and a Dharma protector. The Great Fifth Dalai Lama himself authorize the recognition of DS as a Dharma Protector and wrote an official praise to DS which is available even up to today. 


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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2012, 04:56:21 AM »
If the CTA allows articles with incorrect information to be published on their websites, it is most certainly that they are sloppy enough to leave such things in a book. Or, it could be that some of HHDL's assistants are pro Dorje Shudgen and left that part intentionally in the book as a hint to Shugden practitioners that HHDL is not really against Dorje Shugden and it is all just an act.

What is very interesting to note that Dorje Shugden's practice was popular ever since the 5th Dalai Lama's time which contradicts the claim by some "scholars" that Dorje Shugden's practice was an unpopular until Pabongkha Rinpoche taught it to the masses. The reason why this is interesting is because it shows the depth of historical alterations that CTA has been doing to serve their agendas.

History serves to teach us lessons so that we do not make past mistakes. That is why Chinese history is not really that biased, and neither are the historians of Japan, Korea, Greece, Rome etc because they want to learn. Tibetan history however is heavily altered to make the current government look good, or historical facts are not presented correctly and to cover up unexplainable events…

For example, the first time where Dharma texts and Buddhist statues appeared in Tibet, they were said to have "fallen" from the sky when in reality someone bought it for them. Okay…so why is there a need to use such methods/distortions to describe something? If I am not mistaken, in the same book Glenn Mullin also mentioned that the series of Dalai Lamas who died young might have been poisoned, but Tibetan history said "they decided to leave early…"

And, they are repeating the same pattern with CTA and distorting and contorting history to serve their own means.  What's the use when the next generation cannot learn from history which has degraded into nothing but a bunch of lies? No wonder Tibet is unable to be liberated, because they never learn from history.


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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2012, 04:02:51 PM »
"Although the Great Fifth tried to discourage the practice of worshipping this deity, it caught on with many monasteries. The practice continued over the generations to follow, and eventually became one of the most popular Protector Deity practices within the Gelugpa School. In particular, during the late 1800s, when four Dalai Lamas died young, it became an all-pervasive monthly practice within almost all provincial Gelugpa monasteries, and was especially popular with Gelugpa aristocratic families.

The controversy surrounding the murder of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen and the deity that emerged from his disturbed spirit has shadowed the Dalai Lama office until the present day. By the time the Tibetans came into exile in 1959, worshipping Dorje Shugden was still a common monthly practice of most Gelugpas.

In recent decades the present Dalai Lama has attempted to discourage the practice, but with little success. It is as strong today as ever, if not stronger; for with the Dalai Lama discouraging it in India, the Chinese are fully promoting it in Tibet.

Tibet watchers will be aware of this bizarre controversy, as it has even found its way onto the pages of Times and Newsweek, and has dozens of web pages dedicated to it."

Glenn Mullin pretty much sums up HHDL's plot in creating the controversy of banning the practice of Dorje Shugden. HHDL's foreword is an endorsement to Mr. Mullin's writings and a clear indication of the bigger picture of the controversy.

Because of the ban, the practice is now stronger than ever. The Chinese Government is promoting it in Tibet. Furthermore, it's making international headlines in Times and Newsweek magazine. The publicity for the practice has gone international.

HHDL is the greatest Publicist for Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2012, 04:29:04 PM »
Such a surprise post, from such close associate of HHDL written with sincerity and clarify.  He pretty much summed up the whole story of the ban.  He mentioned a few great points, that Dorje Shugden practice was actually one of the main practice of the Gelugpas.  Even with the ban, the practice has not lessen but growing.  He himself agreed that the ban has less effect on stop people from practicing.  In fact, it means that Gelug practitioners have been practicing Dorje Shugden way before, it does not limit to Tibetans only.  As for the growth, I can only say the compassionate HHDL has put on a great mask for dharma to spread to a bigger level.  If not, why would he allow Glenn Mullin to write such info if it directly contradicts what His Holiness had said?


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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2012, 02:37:33 PM »

Glenn Mullin pretty much sums up HHDL's plot in creating the controversy of banning the practice of Dorje Shugden. HHDL's foreword is an endorsement to Mr. Mullin's writings and a clear indication of the bigger picture of the controversy.

Because of the ban, the practice is now stronger than ever. The Chinese Government is promoting it in Tibet. Furthermore, it's making international headlines in Times and Newsweek magazine. The publicity for the practice has gone international.

HHDL is the greatest Publicist for Dorje Shugden.

There is so much inconsistencies in what HHDL says and does about the Dorje Shhugden issue. However if we were to "study" HHDL we will see that he has achieved tremendous results for the spread of Buddhism and the also the growth of Dorje Shugden's practice. The results of the growth of both are undeniable and all this progress can be traced to the act of genius of one person, HHDL.

Many have said that HHDL utterly failed in returning Tibet to the government by Tibetans. Perhaps HHDL has a much bigger objective than the political status on one country. Which of the following 2, do you think is more important to Chenrezig?  (A) the pervasive spread of the Buddha dharma all over the world or (B) Returning an impermanent piece of real estate to the impermanent government of people with impermanent lives?

HHDL forwarded Glen Mullin's book which presented facts that contradicts information offered by HHDL. I cannot accept that HHDL and his people merely overlooked this. As Klein pointed out, the more controversial HHDL makes the Shugden affair, the m ore attention he gives it.

One day, the world will come to know the truth behind HHDL's moves. For now, he may be the most ardent practitioner of Dorje Shugden, and also the loneliest.


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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2012, 04:21:01 PM »

Glenn Mullin pretty much sums up HHDL's plot in creating the controversy of banning the practice of Dorje Shugden. HHDL's foreword is an endorsement to Mr. Mullin's writings and a clear indication of the bigger picture of the controversy.

Because of the ban, the practice is now stronger than ever. The Chinese Government is promoting it in Tibet. Furthermore, it's making international headlines in Times and Newsweek magazine. The publicity for the practice has gone international.

HHDL is the greatest Publicist for Dorje Shugden.

There is so much inconsistencies in what HHDL says and does about the Dorje Shhugden issue. However if we were to "study" HHDL we will see that he has achieved tremendous results for the spread of Buddhism and the also the growth of Dorje Shugden's practice. The results of the growth of both are undeniable and all this progress can be traced to the act of genius of one person, HHDL.

Many have said that HHDL utterly failed in returning Tibet to the government by Tibetans. Perhaps HHDL has a much bigger objective than the political status on one country. Which of the following 2, do you think is more important to Chenrezig?  (A) the pervasive spread of the Buddha dharma all over the world or (B) Returning an impermanent piece of real estate to the impermanent government of people with impermanent lives?

HHDL forwarded Glen Mullin's book which presented facts that contradicts information offered by HHDL. I cannot accept that HHDL and his people merely overlooked this. As Klein pointed out, the more controversial HHDL makes the Shugden affair, the m ore attention he gives it.

One day, the world will come to know the truth behind HHDL's moves. For now, he may be the most ardent practitioner of Dorje Shugden, and also the loneliest.

That is a point that we have to consider as well. Anyone who understands the way people work would have known that making a big deal about something only increases awareness about it and brings on the opposite effect of making it well known instead of suppressing it. HHDL always brings up Dorje Shugden whenever he gives public teachings, which piques interest in the people and they want find out more about him, and then they bump into this site…

If you observe, the Sakya has been trying to get rid of Dorje Shugden ever since that ban in a very quiet and secretive manner. They erased his name and status from all of their puja texts in their main monasteries quietly and secretly without many people knowing. The hagiographies of masters who happen to be Dorje Shugden's incarnation was removed and/or secretly altered so that it no longer refers to Dorje Shugden.

Now, lets compare this to what HHDL is saying -- he has been talking about it publicly, and does not make an attempt to edit history but merely take things out of context or make a distorted interpretation of it while leaving the original text and information intact. There is a big difference. The first example shows a deliberate and planned attempt to erase Shugden from their lineage, while the latter shows that HHDL is trying to spread awareness.

Else, the ban would just be a ban and Dorje Shugden would have been secretly erased from history, from all the text books and puja books, the yellow book destroyed and all traces of its existence secretly removed like what sakya did. Sad for the sakyas is that some people do have in their possession the unmodified history. It just goes to show what they would have done if they were serious about it.


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Re: Look What Glenn Mullin Says
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2012, 11:02:17 PM »
Glenn said last spring that a New Branch Of Mahayanna Buddhism has Sprouted~ We've pruned the tree, cut off the dead branches and keep the essence~ Our New Monasteries in India attest to the fact that we have definitely split away from the Dalia Lama cult, and strive to Preserve the Pure Teachings of Je t' Song Khapa Gadan Traditions. Which means for me, to pay no more attention to his activites anymore than I would intervene in Niger's affairs. Seperate is Liberating~