Author Topic: Dorje Shugden vs Dalai Lama or Dorje Shugden AND Dalai Lama? A new choice  (Read 17758 times)

a friend

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From Lee Dhi:
You claim that the Dalai Lama has destroyed “the Dharma his Lama gave him…” (I assume you are referring to the practice of Dorje Shugden).
No, I´m referring to Je Tsongkapa´s teachings. He´s tried to impose an only school of Tibetan Buddhism, as opposed to the respect of every school in its integrity, and in particular, as opposed to the integrity of the unique teachings of Lord Tsongkapa.

You claim as many others that the Protector´s practice has spread in the world because of the ban, and this is not true. You have to give some proof of your assertion, to begin with. Numbers. But even if you had to mention ten million new practitioners, it´s mistaken to assert that this is due to the ban. It´s a lack of respect for people and for Lamas. What! Are you saying that people become Protector´s practitioners because the Dalai Lama issued a ban? Lamas do not give practices in order to counter a ban, they give them according to the needs of practitioners. Practitioners do not adopt practices just to oppose the Dalai Lama, they follow the advice of their Guru. On the other hand, you forget to mention the important number of practitioners that have been lost for the practice because of the ban and their personal helplessness.
So believe me, there is no need to resort to this argument of the ban being good because publicizing Dorje Shugden. It´s not a good reason for the reasons just mentioned and it´s not a good reason because reality does not conform to it.

"To offend a Buddha" is a traditional Dharma expression. Bad deeds offend the Buddhas, if you read attentively our Protector´s sadhanas, for instance, you will find it there. But if you don´t like the expression that you offend the Buddhas by praising the Dalai Lama´s wrong actions, fine. What is important is that to praise the Dalai Lama for his wrong actions is another blow to Dharma, by showing people as model the opposite of what the Buddhas teach. I repeat: the first and main enlightened action of a Buddha is to show beings what to adopt and what to abandon. If you don´t understand this today, it doesn´t matter, since you seem to have good intentions, one day in the future you are going to understand.

You say that I focus on the wrong actions of the Dalai Lama. But it´s all the way round, it´s you that focus on them my attention. It´s the people who for some good intention but mistaken judgement praise what is not to be praised who force me again and again to state his wrong actions. I would rather focus the Forum on the practice of Je Tsongkhapa´s teachings and I was trying to do that before the Noobs made their cute invasion last January. So it´s up to you all. You stop praising what is wrong and I stop mentioning it ... unless he himself starts again to attack our people, that is.

You and many among the "new" people keep mentioning the suffering of Dorje Shugden practitioners. It´s very commendable that you think of their suffering, but this is not the focus of our attention. Our focus is the Dharma of Lord Buddha and of our King of the Dharma Je Tsongkhapa. Practitioners are having their own personal experiences and hopefully they know how to deal with their pain. But 3 decades of the DL's actions have been a tremendous blow to Dharma. Many people fail to realize this. You mention that he favored Dharma, are you sure? I hope you are right, but unfortunately in the case of Dharma, mixed signs: some good, some very bad, can be a curse in the end. You see, when a being comes to the world and performs very negative deeds and that is his mark, it´s not so bad for sentient beings, because the wrong is easily identifiable. It´s not difficult to spot what it is to be abandoned, or not followed, from his example. That is why when Buddhas act in strange ways for a good reason they don't appear as Buddhas, they appear as crazy people entirely, they don´t mix their roles in front of sentient beings. If they did, imagine the confusion. Imagine the destruction of Dharma in the mind of people. Well ... do I need to go on? Think about this.

You apologize to me ... for what? We are talking, I´m giving some advice because I´m way older than you all, what do you have to apologize for? (I don´t remember pitying you btw). I love you Lee, you don´t offend me in any way. As usual, best to you, and yes, let´s pray for the Dalai Lama ... without praising what should not be praised.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2010, 08:29:42 PM by a friend »


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Please excuse any abruptness - time is limited...

"At our level, there is no way we can tell if someone is a Buddha, even if Buddha himself manifested right in front of us and is talking directly to us."
No, but we can & must find a valid basis of imputation to impure Buddha on.

"it can be dangerous for us to criticise beings - especially those which are clearly within the 3 jewels,"
Depends if we have a worldly motivation or not, but you're right, we have to be scrupulous in checking that. & is the DL 'clearly within the 3 Jewels'?

" careful that it doesn't cross over to becoming criticism against DL himself."
Pretty difficult that.  We call him a liar because those are the actions he's engaging in.  We may understand that "the DL is not his faults", but we can't not call him a liar because some other people may not be able to make that distinction & therefore see us as having a personal vendetta on him.  If this was just a debate amongst Buddhists who were all acting like Buddhists then we'd be ok - but it's not.  We're trying to stop the actions of an unreasonable person, who won't debate directly, by bringing attention to his unreasonableness to the poulation of the World - most of whom are not Buddhists.  We need to show in effect that by the standards & discriminations of most people he is in fact a liar & a hypocrite who is engaged in evil actions.

"Ultimately, the karma of speaking ill against a being that could possibly be enlightened can come back to us in a way we can never foretell. "
Well yeah - that could be anyone which is why we need to check our motivation & be VERY careful ALL the time.  So agreed.

"I think the message by our lineage Lama is pretty straight-forward"
I'm not so sure.  See AFriend's comments about 'secret view' at the start of the thread - I agree with him (her?).

"But I am pretty sure that many will be able to with enough information and interpretation of these plus the eager propagation of the benefits of our Protector. "
Hmm.  Not if DL's speech is more powerful than ours & everyone thinks we're devil worshippers cos he said so.

Lee Dhi:

"In my point of view, it is more beneficial to fight for point i) above compared to point ii). "
Sorry - I think without weakening the DL's speech by exposing him as a liar you've got no chance.

"I agree with Honeydakini that we should always respect the teachings of H.H because those are the teachings of Lord Buddha Shyakamuni."
Fine - if you've got the wisdom to discriminate his lies from his truths then go ahead - but we can deffinitely say much of what comes out of his mouth contradicts Buddha Shakyamuni.

"However, in making the choice that H.H is not one’s Guru does not mean that one should criticize or attack him on a personal level (with accusations directed to him as a being)."
Can't say I'm happy about doing it, but how can I point out he's a liar without referring to him? Anyway, I'm not crticising him because he's not my Guru - I'm criticising him because he's destroying the lineage.

"On a similar note, I was once taught that we must always show respect to persons wearing monk/nun’s robes, not because we respect that person per se but because we respect his/her representation of the 3 Jewels."
This sounds like giving someone robes grants them 'diplomatic immunity' - do what you like cos no one should point out faults in a monk.

Nice quote from Geshe-la.  You'll be aware also then, that Geshe-la makes it clear that accepting defeat etc. is an inner practice and does not necessarily mean allowing people to harm us.  It just means weighing up what's of most benefit to everyone with a mind of love, selflessness, humility & service, then acting - which may mean defending ourself, locking people up etc. Of course we should always maintain deepest respect even for persons who are acting abysmally & whom we have to try & stop through forceful methods.

"it seems like the practice and worship of our Great King – Dorje Shugden have flourished all over the world as a result of the ban. "
Please see the various points earlier in this thread to find out why it is completely contrary to the Dharma to state that a ban is a cause of the banned thing flourishing.  This needs also to be viewed in light of A Friend's arguments against openly expressing secret view, as it is true that 'evil' actions done with bodhichitta motivation do not produce evil, but if we hold the view that the intention behind evil actions is pure, we keep that to ourself and still act in accordance with convention.

"I read your arguments and thank you for your insight while maintaining my view."
...Because? In a debate you need to provide reasons otherwise you should exit the debate.

"in my belief, that all Dharma practitioners should (choose to) see a clear reason to move away from criticizing the Dalai Lama (because, in my point of view, the time for that is over)"

"To cause the choice above and create a new focus on pure Dharma, I understand that more efforts and supporting arguments are required. I will continue to work on it!"
Working on reasons to support a belief is the wrong way around! You should examine a belief to find out if it is valid then change your view to suit! Is this a very revealing statement?!? If you've got this basic thing wrong then this is going to be a very long thread where your view gets refuted again & again without ever learning - you'll just go away & find more reasons to believe what you want.  Worse - people will give up on you.  Worse still - people will give up on you & you'll create negative karma by spreading a wrong view which you've held on to out of attachment. Please please consider - you've got a good heart, don't make this mistake.

"Lastly, I thank you for your posts, which are always kind but challenging ?"
And thank you for your good heart which I try to emulate even though it might not be obvious...

Wisdom Being:

"In the meantime, like Lee Dhi says, let's focus on our Dharma practice to represent our Protector Dorje Shugden well. This will create the causes for the world to take a different view of Dorje Shugden in the near future. "
Did anyone ever lose sight of that?

Great post! So just how old are you then ;)


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Quoting myself: "I'm not so sure.  See AFriend's comments about 'secret view' at the start of the thread - I agree with him (her?)."

Sorry - the thread with those points from A Friend is: 'KYABJE TRIJANG RINPOCHE'S ADVICE REGARDING DORJE SHUGDEN AND DALAI LAMA...'

Also - the points about bans & banned things is in: 'Are the Buddhas, DalaiLama & Dorje Shugden insane? Or is it divine crazy wisdom?' not earlier in this thread.

& again - I missed commenting on the following:

"None of us are free from the law of cause and effect and H.H is also subject to the karma that arises as a result of his actions. Therefore, it is unlikely that the Dalai Lama "does not believe in karma and future lives".
Being subject to cause & effect, & even understanding it, is not the same as believing it.


"However, I believe that the Dalai Lama is an enlightened being and aware of his decisions and actions as well as their consequential karma. "
Propogating this view (not holding it genuinely, but PROPOGATING it) is dangerous for reasons outlined in various threads such as, I think, 'KYABJE TRIJANG RINPOCHE'S ADVICE REGARDING DORJE SHUGDEN AND DALAI LAMA...' & 'all this why can't we just get along stuff'.



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Question: Does karma apply to enlightened beings?

If enlightened beings or Buddhas have no more karma, the law of cause and effect does not apply to them. Only ordinary beings who have not overcome ignorance are subject to karma because, as the Buddha said "On ignorance depends karma" (Samyutta-Nikaya, xxii.90). (Refer to the 12 links)

Earlier, I had mentioned that "the law of karma applies to all as long as we are in samsara." This means that as long as we are not liberated from samsara, we are still not free from karma. But enlightened beings are different. The tulkus return to samsara to liberate sentient beings. They may be living in samsara but they are not "of samsara".

If you believe that the Dalai Lama is an enlightened being, then HH is not subject to karma.


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If you believe that the Dalai Lama is an enlightened being, then HH is not subject to karma.

I agree with Trinley Kalsang, simply believing that the DL is an enlightened being doesn't mean he's not subject to karma.

Secondly, I disagree with the assertion that enlightened beings are not subject to karma.  They are not subject to contaminated karma such as that explained by the 12 dependent-related links, but since intention creates karma and Buddhas have intention because it's one of the five all-accompanying mental factors, surely they create and are subject to karma but it's positive karma.  This is also borne out by the fact that feeling is the mental factor that experiences the ripening of karma and Buddhas experience bliss which is the ripening of their positive karma.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2010, 06:24:27 AM by Lineageholder »


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Dear Trinley Kalsang and Lineageholder,

Thank you for sharing and enabling me to see a new perspective. Appreciate it. I'm here to learn and I do hate the arguments.

Lee Dhi

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Dear friends, thank you all so very much for your sincere and effortful posts (in this particular discussion as well as all other forum subjects). After reading them through several times, I have the following to share:

I gratefully experience that everyone participating in the forum cares deeply for pure Dharma to spread far and wide. Despite the difference in points of view and methods, you dedicate time, thoughts and actions to spread the Dharma for the benefits of all sentient beings.

I would like to humbly include the “Melody of the Unceasing Vajra” by the 14th Dalai Lama (from www.dorjeshugden(dot)com) and dedicate it to all the efforts to having pure Dharma flourish.

Glory o the wisdom, compassion and power of infinite Buddhas
Miraculously powerful Protector of Manjushri Tsongkapa’s teachings
Arisen as a lord of all wrathful worldly hosts
Come from the abodes of Tushita, Kechara and so forth!

Prostrating with devotion of body, speech and mind
I confess all mistakes and faults in which
Out of delusion, I have contradicted your holy mind:
Accept with forbearance and show your smiling face!

Arising from the sport of no-dual bliss and void
Are offerings and torma of flesh and blood heaped like a mountain
First portions of milk, yoghurt, beer and tea swirling like the ocean

Auspicious sings and substances and various animals
Peaceful and wrathful ornaments, enemy-destroying weapons and armor
Amassed samaya substances, outer, inner, and secret, without exception!

Having fulfilled your heart commitment and purified degeneration
By making these actually arranged and visualized offerings
Increase Lozang the Victorious One’s Teachings
And the lifespan of the Teaching’s upholders!
Further the happiness of beings in the Ganden dominion!

Especially pacify all harms to us, the yogis and entourages
That arises because of previous karma and immediate conditions
And spontaneously accomplish, just as we wish
All good things, both spiritual and temporal!

Grind to dust without remainder
Enemy hordes that think and act perversely
Towards the teachings and lay and ordained people
With potent, accurate, powerful great vajra fire!

Especially, cause the saffron-clad community of Dungkar Monastery
Brightly beautiful in bonds of pure morality
To soar the path of immortal liberation
On unified wings of Sutra and Tantra!

In brief, we enthrone you, O Deity, as the supreme
Collected nature of all Gurus and Protective Deities!
From densely gathered clouds of the four activities
Pour down a cool rain of the two siddhis!