Author Topic: H.E. Denma Locho Rinpoche Found out!!!  (Read 17830 times)


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Re: H.E. Denma Locho Rinpoche Found out!!!
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2010, 04:16:20 PM »
Dear All,

I wanna share my personal experience which I had just by seeing HE Denma Locho Rinpoche's picture. He's one of the high esteemed Lamas which brought tears into my eyes upon sight. When I got to read his biography of how he served his Guru and how he fled with HHDL and his guru to India. It inspired me further that Enlightenment is possible with effort.

When I found out news that HE Serkong Tritul RInpoche invited Denma Locho Rinpoche to teach in Taiwan and all the nasty politics that followed with it. It saddens me of how the TGIE twists things and make up stories to make things picture perfect that they're abiding by the 'Law'. it makes no sense!!!!!!

Furthermore during the teachings of HHDL in Namgyal monastery, no seat was given to this illustrious master! how can this be? a monk who has solely given his life to his monkhood and its cause be treated like this. And mind you, he's not a nobody but a senior monk and a High Lama, fit to be the next Gaden Tripa!

How can TGIE be such fools not to abide by the book of enlightenment? aren't these acts worse off than that of the 'evil'(so u guys claim) DORJE SHUGDEN????

Harry Nephew

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Re: H.E. Denma Locho Rinpoche Found out!!!
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2010, 11:53:41 AM »

Indeed, Denma Locho Rinpoche is more than fit to be a Gaden Tripa Throneholder. No doubt about that.

May Denma Locho Rinpoche continue to live long, healthy and turn the wheel of dharma.


Lee Dhi

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Re: H.E. Denma Locho Rinpoche Found out!!!
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2010, 05:43:18 PM »
What strike me most about the situation with Denma Locho Rinpoche is he is being punished for being a true Dharma upholder and practitioner:

1) He respects HH's request by not practicing Dorje Shugden 
2) At the same time, he does not conduct non-virtuous acts towards DS and those who practice him (i.e. offering religious freedom)
3) He dedicates his life to spreading the Dharma
4) Despite the shocking treatment he has to ensure now, he remains silent, which I see as a respect for the Dharma because contradicting the Dalai Lama in public is like contradicting the 3 jewels
When I experienced this, my first thought was: Maybe Denma Locho Rinpoche should follow the other great Gurus like Trijang Chokrul Rinpoche and the last Ganden Tripa by joining Shar Ganden Monastery and receiving DS in his practice. I do not believe DS will "dump" anyone for practicing pure Dharma and dedicating his life for the benefit of all sentient beings. It would be such a waste if a highly attained Guru like Denma Locho Rinpoche is left on the sideline when he can still do so much for the spread of pure Dharma and sentient beings!
(I apologize in advance if I spoke too bluntly and offended anyone)


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Re: H.E. Denma Locho Rinpoche Found out!!!
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2010, 06:08:36 PM »
Just a thought

there are no evidence that Denma Locho Rinpoche is practicing Dorje Shugden within his own community(yet). The TGIE is just nailing him down regarding his association with Serkong Tritul Rinpoche. Why cant people within the Tibetan community just see that and say something???

Harry Nephew

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Re: H.E. Denma Locho Rinpoche Found out!!!
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2010, 04:24:50 PM »
Denma Locho Rinpoche is a direct disciple of Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche. He is from Denma Khangtsen of Drepung Loseling Monastery. He is highly esteemed for his learning and being one of the last great Gelugpa Masters from Tibet. He has many lineages, transmissions and empowerments. He was also personally chosen by the Dalai Lama to be the Abbot of Namgyal Monastery. He is now the retired abbot of Namgyal Monastery. He resides part time in Dharamsala and part time in Drepung, South India. He has been sent down to Drepung by HH personally to give many precious rare empowerments and teachings in Drepung Loseling Prayer Hall in the past. All Drepung Loseling monks are his disciples.

Rinpoche had travelled to Taiwan at the request of Serkong Tritul Rinpoche to give teachings and empowerments last year 2007. It is said that Serkong Tritul offered Indian Rupees 20 million to Rinpoche. Denma Locho Rinpoche in turned offered the amount to the building of Drepung Loseling's new prayer hall as they were short on money. The Drepung Loseling Admin accepted the money, then later questioned how did Denma Locho get so much. Letters are posted all over Drepung now during the visit of HH, questioning and accusing that the money came from Serkong Tritul. The amazing part is that Drepung monks accuse Denma Locho Rinpoche (their own guru), of this, and ask him to speak up, but they dont refund the money in question!!!!  Denma Locho Rinpoche has chosen to  remain silent on this subject.

It has been recently observed that HH during teachings at Drepung do not acknowledge this great teacher anymore neither with a smile or  traditional touching of foreheads. Also Rinpoche is left at the teaching hall to sit where he likes with no special seating for him as in the past.  No seat of honour is accorded to him being the ex-abbot of Namgyal Monastery any more whether at teachings of HH in Dharamsala or Drepung. He is 'offically' sidelined and will be further question by Drepung Administration Monks and of course reported to HH after the visit of HH departure on the 16th.

Denma Locho Rinpoche like his root guru Kyabje Ling Rinpoche does not practice Dorje Shugden but is not adverse to it either. He has never spoken against Dorje Shugden. He is a real lama where he engages in Dharma and Dharma only. But even having any connections with Dorje Shugden devotees can endanger your reputation no matter who you are, how old you are, how you have served HH in the past and even if you are the guru of so many monks. In the end politics, and looking politically correct seem more important than guru-disciple bonds. 

It must not have been easy for all the students of this great lama to see his 'downfall' for such reasons that serve no purpose.


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Re: H.E. Denma Locho Rinpoche Found out!!!
« Reply #20 on: November 14, 2010, 10:39:48 AM »
It is very sad to read about the poor treatment a dedicated being like H.E Denma Locho Rinpoche is exposed to simply because H.E received contributions from a Dorje Shugden practitioner. This is especially so when all the money is given completely for the spread of pure Dharma and the improvement of the well being of the Sangha community.

This reflects badly on Dharma teachings in general as, in the ignorant mind set of most people, the Sangha community should be the purest vessel embracing, practicing and teaching Lord Buddha's profound teachings. If the Sangha themselves can commit non-virtuous acts like: treat a highly attained being who had benefited so many people and the BuddhaDharma poorly, it is natural for people to loose faith in the Dharma.

One scary thought that came to mind is the impact this will have on how the Sangha community will interact with each other in the future: they will be more concerned about the impact an interaction with another Lama will have on THEMSELVES than the benefit an interaction (of Dharma sharing) will have on all sentient beings. In other words, the focus will be on self (enhancing the self-cherishing mind) which is totally in contraction to the practice of Boddhicitta where we are taught to focus on others and benefiting others before self. Imagine: a Lama is afraid to interact with another "just in case' he is a DS practitioner". This will limit the richness of the spread of the precious Dharma because, in history, Dharma teachings is not limited to exchange between Guru and student only. On the contrary a lot of valuable teachings are exchanged between peers from various teachers through debate, sharing and giving on initiations as illustrated in the Autobiography of Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang - The Illusory Play.

The impact of ill treatment to H.E Denma Locho Rinpoche is much deeper than how badly He is treated will impact the growth of Dharma on the whole in the long run. I hope those who have made this "wrong" choice would review and reconsider so that this Great Lama (and all sentient beings for that matter) will receive the treatment deserved.


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Re: H.E. Denma Locho Rinpoche Found out!!!
« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2010, 08:38:49 PM »
One scary thought that came to mind is the impact this will have on how the Sangha community will interact with each other in the future: they will be more concerned about the impact an interaction with another Lama will have on THEMSELVES than the benefit an interaction (of Dharma sharing) will have on all sentient beings.

In other words, the focus will be on self (enhancing the self-cherishing mind) which is totally in contraction to the practice of Boddhicitta where we are taught to focus on others and benefiting others before self. Imagine: a Lama is afraid to interact with another "just in case' he is a DS practitioner".

It is indeed sad that this would happen, but I think it is not so much the focus on self or self-cherishing mind, but I reckon it is because most Lamas are attached to a centre/ monastery, and hence it is the interest of these students that the Lama think about. I do know that some centres (usually managed by students, instead of monks) have been very careful and has 'censored' lamas who are Shugden practitioners or 'suspects' from visiting their centres  :(

Nevertheless, I am glad that monastery like Shar Ganden and Serpom are around with qualified teachers and masters, producing the next generation of Shugden lamas & teachers. I am also glad that the centres around the world that are practising Shugdens are also still around and growing, hence the practice will continue to grow despite the challenges.


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Re: H.E. Denma Locho Rinpoche Found out!!!
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2010, 12:31:40 AM »
One scary thought that came to mind is the impact this will have on how the Sangha community will interact with each other in the future: they will be more concerned about the impact an interaction with another Lama will have on THEMSELVES than the benefit an interaction (of Dharma sharing) will have on all sentient beings.

In other words, the focus will be on self (enhancing the self-cherishing mind) which is totally in contraction to the practice of Boddhicitta where we are taught to focus on others and benefiting others before self. Imagine: a Lama is afraid to interact with another "just in case' he is a DS practitioner".

It is indeed sad that this would happen, but I think it is not so much the focus on self or self-cherishing mind, but I reckon it is because most Lamas are attached to a centre/ monastery, and hence it is the interest of these students that the Lama think about. I do know that some centres (usually managed by students, instead of monks) have been very careful and has 'censored' lamas who are Shugden practitioners or 'suspects' from visiting their centres  :(

Nevertheless, I am glad that monastery like Shar Ganden and Serpom are around with qualified teachers and masters, producing the next generation of Shugden lamas & teachers. I am also glad that the centres around the world that are practising Shugdens are also still around and growing, hence the practice will continue to grow despite the challenges.

Such is the time when degeneration is so prominent that even sangha members holding vinaya vows can criticise their own Guru because they are under "peer group" pressure from the TGIE and HHDL.

It further shows even in such a holy sangha environment and community like the monastery, one finds it hard not to mix politics with spirituality.

It will be a good reflection of the minds of the sangha and the students of Denma Locho Rinpoche........are they more afraid to offend the one with power, in this case, the TGIE and HHDL or are they willing to defend what they belief in and face any consequences there after.

In most cases, the weakness of the human minds prevail (whether you are a monk or a lay person), their own security and wellbeings come first to any practices they are "so-called" practicing and become a true hyprocrite of themselves and the Dharma.

Situations will always be created by enlightened beings for students or followers to check our own minds, whatever we say or do, is totally a reflection of our own delusions and not the acts of these enlightened masters.

Most of the time, are we behaving like a hyporcrite or are we practicing true Dharma?


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Re: H.E. Denma Locho Rinpoche Found out!!!
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2010, 03:02:29 PM »

Situations will always be created by enlightened beings for students or followers to check our own minds, whatever we say or do, is totally a reflection of our own delusions and not the acts of these enlightened masters.

I do think this is the most beneficial way of looking at our experiences with high lamas or our Gurus as they exists purely to benefit....that the experiences itself is either a teaching or a test. How else would it be if not for these reasons since they do not exists for themselves.

Most of the time, are we behaving like a hyporcrite or are we practicing true Dharma?

I'd a delusional state!


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Re: H.E. Denma Locho Rinpoche Found out!!!
« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2011, 03:34:07 PM »
I came across this article amongst others and it has set a very strong and disturbing thought in my mind.

My teacher tells me that HE Denma Locho Rinpoche is the heart son of Yongzin Ling Rinpoche and also the Kensur of Namgyal monastery amongst other big titles given to this great master. He is also a vessel of many sacred teachings and lineages within the Gaden tradition.

I am very much in awe whenever I see the pictures of this great master. He is such a soft and kind person with the little knowledge that I have about the Dharma and this tradition, I feel that HE Denma Locho Rinpoche does not deserve all this hospitality.

Can someone shed some light on this issue for me?

I need to know


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Re: H.E. Denma Locho Rinpoche Found out!!!
« Reply #25 on: December 04, 2011, 09:14:02 PM »
It's very sad that to see such a great lama being badly treated like this. TGIE and some of the monks never think all the benefit they have received from this great Lama, HE Denma Locho Rinpoche.
Denma Locho Rinpoche have given Dharma support or material support, how can people take and take without feeling a tint of grateful ? 
A lot of of monks that "belong" to CTA side always wanted to be clean and do not want to have any relationship with anyone who practice DS, but they want their money and want their help. Is this consider double standard ? Or is this consider greedy and selfish ?
Monastery want others to support them when in need, but after received whatever they are seeking for, they will turn around and said: DS is wrong, we shouldn't practice an evil spirit that will shorten HH's life.
If they willing to send back whatever that received from the dark side, and really do not need any help from the dark side in the future, then you claim you are clean.