The current Kyabje Zemey Tulku Rinpoche is still at his home monastery in Tibet. A geshe friend here was a close student of the prior Zemey Rinpoche and just returned from visiting the young tulku in Tibet.
He may reside at Shar Gaden someday though. Many of the prior Zemey Rinpoche's students are now senior monks here at Shar Gaden, and it was these students, as well as a few Rinpoches here, that helped locate the present tulku.
I was told that Thupten Jimpa, the Dalai Lama's English translator and student of the late Zemey Rinpoche, tried to interfere with the process and promote his own choice as the true tulku. In the end, he backed down when he realized that the people from Zemey Rinpoche's home monastery in Tibet, as well as all almost all of Zemey Rinpoche's prior students, would only accept the choice of our lineage Lamas here at Shar Gaden.
RIght now there are over 20 monks living in Zemey labrang. I will try to get more pictures if I get time.