Author Topic: News from Shar Gaden  (Read 141384 times)


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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #30 on: May 13, 2010, 12:21:31 PM »
dear Tenzin Sungrab,

1. Thank you for doing more than just talking, debating, and reading!!! Thank you for actually going to Shar Gaden to make a difference. It shows what kind of person you are. You have opinions and you do something about it. You inspire me. I offer my prayers. I will send you a money offering for you to remain there for whatever months. I hope my offerings will cover some costs and what not. I'm doing it because I APPRECIATE SO MUCH WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

2.I appreciate you keeping a 'journal' on this thread of what is happening there in Shar Gaden. I will look forward to reading it and many ppl will learn from your journal. Please keep it up and glad to know there is internet there!!

3. This journal should turn into a book to help document and bring light to this issue of Shar Gaden and the surrounding Tibetans that suffer. I hope you turn this into a book. You have to turn your experience there into a greater benefit and knowledge please. I humbly with folded hands beg you to do this.

Much prayers  to you. I will make offerings to Dorje Shugden tonight in form of candles, protector incense for you and that ostracized Tibetan Family.



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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2010, 04:50:19 AM »
Thank you so much TK!!!

Here is a little update:

The young Tendar Tulku Rinpoche (see picture in great masters page) is now here at Shar Gaden to begin his studies. I had the great honor of sharing a few meals with him and his family when they first arived from Mongolia. Tendar Rinpoche is a very sweet boy and he always has a huge smile on his adorable face. He is in great company here among the many scholars and Geshes that will help him with his studies.

Right now I am teaching 5 classes in basic English. The students are very eager to learn and pick up new words very quickly. I look forward to every class and have learned so much in return. What a blessing it is to be here among so many of our dear friends.

Some of the students have also asked for tutoring in basic computer skills. So far this has yet to manifest. The cyber cafe has only one computer right now and the cafe has been closed much of the time. I am making this update from the principal's computer because it has been about a week since the cyber cafe has been open. I am still looking to find an inexpensive, used laptop for the use of providing private lessons to those who are interested. Please contact me if you have any leads.

I have many beautiful pictures so far, but due to the limited computer access I will have to wait for a better time.

Please keep these monks in your thoughts and prayers. They are keeping our precious lineage pure at the cost of their own comfort and ease.

With much love from Shar Gaden,
Tenzin Sungrab
« Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 04:52:17 AM by Tenzin Sungrab »

a friend

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Just an idea for Tenzin Sungrab
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2010, 09:17:42 PM »

Dear TS,

We can see that you are doing great and the monks, same. These are great news.
About the computer, I've been thinking since the other day when you first requested an old laptop. It might be easier for you that you find one there and tell the Forum the price.
One computer plus the mailing it's possibly too much for a single person to handle. But if you give the Forum an idea of how much it would cost to buy it there, then several people could send a little something and before you know it you will have your computer.
Not to mention the good thing of skipping the perils of mail sending and arriving, and the customs obstacles, and whatever customs might want you to pay as taxes for a laptop sent from here.
Just a thought.

Best to you and the monks, thank you for staying in touch.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2010, 02:42:42 AM by a friend »


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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #33 on: May 14, 2010, 10:49:59 PM »
Dear TS,

Thanks so much for the updates, I really appreciate it and rejoice in all your good work!

It's important to understand how things are for the Shugden monks as many people believe that because not much is reported about the ban these days that life is back to normal for them, but how could it be with such emnity and division in the Sangha community?  It's very sad.

Thanks for telling it like it is.

Much love,



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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2010, 03:53:58 AM »
He gave us an address to send money,books,educational tools.
There are computer for 3-$400.00 in the us. He is a long way from a computer store.

a friend

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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2010, 04:45:47 AM »

The main concern is that 1 the computer arrives, 2 that customs allows its entrance, 3 that custom taxes are not exhorbitant.
India has good computers, it's not impossible that he can find one in a close by city.
Since he already requested the laptop some days ago and he didn't have any answer I assume that it's too much right now for a single donor. Whereas several people giving a relatively small amount of money might put a computer in his hands.
Let's wait and see what he says, you might be right, that he does not have any store where to buy one.


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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2010, 01:53:41 PM »
Hello again friends,

Another quick update.

Today the monastery had a Geshe offering ceremony for one of the monks preparing for his final Geshe exams. Offerings were made to the whole Sangha on his behalf. It was a day-long celebration for the whole monastery. It is so beautiful to witness the amazing unity that the monks and staff have here at Shar Gaden.
There are 2 more Geshe offering ceremonies scheduled for this coming week.

Side note about the computer skills...I have made it very clear to the students who have expressed interest in learning computer skills that they must have approval from their primary teacher before beginning lessons. 
99% of the monks here have mobile phones and seem to use this type of technology very responsibly. There are many very helpful Tibetan software programs like Pecha-Maker and Tibetan Document Processor that could be very useful here.
There already is a cyber-cafe here at Shar Gaden. The problem is that it is rarely open. Tonight the cafe is open but the electricity is out (very common here) so we are using a generator. I also think that even when the cyber-cafe is open it is not a very appropriate place to have lessons due to others who are waiting to use the computer.
I have asked around and was told that I could find a fairly inexpensive computer in Hubli not far away. Maybe the idea of starting a small collection from those that would like to contribute towards this goal is a place to start. Please let me know if you are interested. There is even a Western Union office less than a mile away if need be.
I still think that the best way to show support for the monks here is to send donations to the general monastery fund or sponsor a monk directly. Email: [email protected]
The computer lessons are definitely secondary to the religious education the monks receive here.
However, I am only here for 6 months and I am trying to benefit these monks in whatever small way that I can while I am here.
So, in a way, I am asking you to assist me in helping these monks while I am here.

Oh, one more update: The Shar Gaden website is almost finished and should be up and running in a week or two. Much time and care has been put into the developement. So stay tuned!
Until next time friends...

With much love from Shar Gaden,
« Last Edit: May 15, 2010, 05:12:18 PM by Tenzin Sungrab »


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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2010, 11:56:50 PM »

Dear Tenzin Sungrab,

1. Please get the permission of the senior monks in charge for the purchase of a new computer, it's intentions and the lessons to be taught ahead of time. If the Abbot or whoever in charge is ok, then please:

A) Find out the prices of the computers, wiring, specs, programs and whatever is necessary there in the nearby city of Hubli. If you can post the details/prices, I would be honoured and happy to donate/help/what not.

2. The monastery has rules and regulations, and your motivation is admirable and I salute you. I humbly request you to seek permission first.

I am looking forward to your posts as usual in Holy Shar Gaden Monastery.




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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2010, 05:13:43 AM »
Dear Tenzin Sungrab

It really is a joy to read your updates from Holy Shar Gaden and your works there it truly admirable. May all condition arise for you to continue with your Dharma work.

with folded hands


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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2010, 12:21:31 AM »
Dear Tenzin Sungrab,

I enjoy reading your updates. Do let us know how we can help you.


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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #40 on: May 17, 2010, 03:02:53 AM »
Tenzin and TK,
Make My Heart Go Pitty Pat!
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 03:08:44 AM by Lhakpa Gyaltshen »


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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #41 on: May 17, 2010, 06:39:37 AM »
Update: Last night the senior monks held a wrathful fire puja. I was fortuate enough to be able to watch the entire ceremony. It lasted almost 4 hours. All of the Geshes and Rinpoches from the monastery were sitting in the first rows. The entire area reverberated from the sound of the many horns, cymbals and drums. It was a very powerful experience. There were 2 peaceful fire pujas earlier in the week. I have pictures that I will post soon.

Yesterday I had another Idea for the English program here at the monastery. I would like to try a pen-pal program for students who want to practice writting letters. My idea is to match a English student here with a volunteer from an English speaking country who would be willing to make short correspondances with them. The program will be 100% voluntary for the monks and will not be a part of the regular curriculum. I have already spoken with one of the monks in the education department and he thinks it is a good idea. I still have to wait for final aproval from the school principal before I begin the program. This would be a great opportunity for those of you who want to help but lack the resources to sponsor any of the other programs here at Shar Gaden. I will let you all know what the pricipal decides as soon as I am able to speak with him.

I want to thank those of you who have helped with the English books that I have been trying to acquire. We all eagerly wait for their arival. I will let you know as soon as they get here.

Until next time....

Much love from Shar Gaden,
« Last Edit: May 20, 2010, 12:44:51 PM by Tenzin Sungrab »


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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #42 on: May 17, 2010, 04:19:43 PM »
Dear Tenzin Sungrab
I hope you are keeping well over in Shar Gaden. Fantastic idea for the monks to correspond with English speakers. I look forward to the photos of the fire pujas.

best wishes always

a friend

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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #43 on: May 17, 2010, 05:23:07 PM »

Dear Tenzin Sungrab,

I had the opportunity to talk with a friend that knows Shar Ganden and this is the advice both about computers, books, and what not.
Do not try to receive them from abroad. In Hubli they have very nice books in English, you can also find there a computer.
Anything sent from abroad costs sometimes (in the case of books for instance) several times the price of the objects sent, just for the mail postage. Add to this the danger for the packages never arriving, which is very real.
So again, the general advice is to tell the Forum members the money you need for books, computer, etc., and you yourself choose what you need. I was told that the monks go to Hubli very easily when they need it, so you could go with them.

We rejoice in your good deeds!


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Re: News from Shar Gaden
« Reply #44 on: May 20, 2010, 12:43:54 PM »
Hello friends,

Yesterday I had a second meeting with the principal and the general secretary of Shar Gaden about the computer lessons and the pen-pal club. I was given permission to begin both programs and was very thrilled to hear their encouragement.

The monastery has plans for a more comprehensive computer program in the future and completely supports the idea of training select monks in basic computer skills. My plan now is to train a few of the monks so that they will then be able to teach the others who are selected when the bigger computer program starts in the future.

The pen-pal club will begin as soon as I get enough names to start matching some of my students with people from English speaking countries.

Send a message to [email protected] if you are interested.

Check out some of the new photos here:

Until next time....

Much love from Shar Gaden,
« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 02:50:15 PM by Tenzin Sungrab »