My flight will be leaving for India on Friday and I will arrive at Shar Gaden on Sunday to help with the English training program. I will keep in touch as much as possible, but I have been warned that the internet cafe in town will deny me service if they know I am with Shar Gaden. Pretty sad.
I will be there for about six months, so I am sure that I will have news to share as time goes by. Classes start again May 1st, so I will have a couple of weeks to acclimate before the English classes start.
These monks are incredible for keeping so strong under such difficult circumstances. I am going there under the guise of 'helping the monks', but I have known all along that it is really me who will receive the greatest benefit. Being able to be there, standing in solidarity with our dear monks, is an opportunity for me to show support in my own limited way. This is one way for people to directly oppose the ban: cross the line, help the monks, talk to them, support them, encourage them, feed them, share with them...everything the ban says not to do. I am not big on public protests, but I will cross the line to help these monks at every chance that presented itself.
I will be in touch....