I applaud you TK for printing and distributing these brochures. I think it's a fantastic way to spread Dorje Shugden. I receive a lot of unsolicited materials in mail all the time. Most I throw away but I'm one of the people who always go through them to see if someone send anything interested at all. I actually enjoy receiving all these junk mails and I believe they are lots of people like me out there too.
It's true many may allow just throw the brochures away but I don't see that as a waste because just by glancing and seeing the image of Buddha, it would have already blessed the person mind stream. The scale of results may be different but at the least the person is blessed. So for me it's thumb up to distribution of the brochure.
My only question is how is it that Buddhism doesn't do this or use this method to spread dharma overall? Because Christianity and other spiritual movements do use this method.