Author Topic: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!  (Read 32978 times)


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Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« on: June 04, 2010, 09:56:37 PM »
"I doubt however that this campaign will stop there.

If you didn’t know, they have already “CLEANED UP” the LAM RIM lineage prayer and REMOVED "Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang’s name from that lineage.

Sherig Pharkhang, the official printer for the Department of Religion and Culture, has even removed Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang’s name mantra from the consecration mantras that they print.

This means that if one were to order the collection of mantras that are used to fill statues, stupas and many holy objects they WILL NOT INCLUDE Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang."

Some may wonder why we fight? Look back at the photo of young Kyabje Choktrul Rinpoche arm being held by the Dalia Lama and then think of this fact and look again into the eyes of the Dalia Lama and you see as we have said, an Imposter!

(extracted from Thomas David Canada in the Guestbook: )


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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2010, 02:44:24 AM »
What sad news... and I thought the Dalai Lama said that Trijang Rinpoche was a great Master?

Isn't this like the ancient Chinese Emperors who would arbitrarily delete names of their predecessors/rivals and change history to make themselves look good.

Om Mani Peme Hung.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2010, 04:20:50 AM »

Looks like history is repeating name two prominent figures, Pabongkha Rinpoche's (previous incarnations) and Tulku Drapga Gyelsen's and whose line of incarnation got "deleted"? What I find "hopeful" (if that's the right word to use) is that the name can be deleted and changed, but NOBODY can stop these incarnations from returning and continuing their work to benefit others!

The question is, will this affect our lineage if this continues and more names are being deleted?!


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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2010, 07:19:39 AM »
All those who are following the Dalai lama are pretty much now killing the pure lineage of the Gaden tradition...I suppose it just goes to show the degenerate times we live in.
Looking back upon this perhapes this movement is a much needed step at least the monks who have been expelled are perserving the purity of the doctrine.  :)


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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2010, 12:27:31 PM »
Is this really true, or just something said to incite people?  For example, was the name removed or it wasn't there in the first place (in the consecration rollups)?

His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang's name mantra was DEFINITELY in shiri parkhang Dharamsala. In fact both tutors including Ling Rinpoche's name mantra was definitely available also. It was a part of the established mainstream group of mantras that would be purchased by the public to insert into one's statues and very sought after in fact by the Gelug community and general lay communities throughout India.

 I was in Dharamsala many times and have purchased it myself. Have requested monks to purchase for me a few times also in the past for statues.


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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2010, 03:47:33 AM »
The question is, will this affect our lineage if this continues and more names are being deleted?!

Dear DSFriend,

In a general way the teachings of Lord Buddha will follow the universal law and will disappear from this world in a relatively short time.
I don´t know if the teachings of our second Buddha Lord Tsongkapa will disappear before or not, but they will disappear too, like the teachings of the Buddhas of old.
One thing is sure: we can prolong the time that this teachings will last in Jambudvipa with our own actions. If we practice purely, following the advice of Je Tsongkapa, studying, analyzing, contemplating, meditating, then his teachings, the churned cream of Lord Buddha's teachings, will stay for a longer time. If we don´t do that, or if we only focus in pernicious politics, then we are hastening their end.

About our lineage and the destructive actions of the Dalai Lama: I don´t think these will end the lineage. He can erase as many names as he wishes, if we still have heroic practitioners, both monastic and lay people, believe me, the holy names of our Lamas will continue to shine with glory for the sake of our mother beings. Happily we still have those practitioners, and we can try to help the new ones to gradually focus on the Lamrim and forget about this unfortunate Dharma tragedy.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 04:03:09 AM by a friend »


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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2010, 06:53:09 AM »
Re HH Trijang Rinpoche, I have just read this which Lama Zopa said about him:

"The incarnation of Kyabje Dorje Chang, His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche, is His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s guru and the lama of all the Tibetan people, so it’s terrible if he’s hidden away in some corner as if there’s something wrong with him. That’s absolutely shameful. Therefore, the people around him have to think very extensively. In his previous life he performed incredibly holy actions; therefore, his present incarnation has the potential to spread Dharma in both the East and the West like the rising sun spreads light."

Even though Lama Zopa's stance is against Shugden, he still saw HH Trijang Rinpoche as such. If only others can see it too.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2010, 09:57:50 AM »
someone told me that the dalai lama said nobody can practice dorje shugden except trijang rinpoche. is that true? why so biase????


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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2010, 07:53:24 PM »
this is a stupid question but - does this mean it would be ILLEGAL to recite his name? Even if it's removed from the lamrim, can't monks and practitioners just continue to recite it anyway? And continue to print his name mantra for consecration mantras? I mean the government doesn't really have any right to just cut off a lineage does it. These things are generally voted upon and decided by the sangha, no? so what happens if they continue to recite his name as if it wasn't removed?

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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2010, 05:14:42 AM »

 :D Illegal? Honeydakini, the only one doing "illegal" things here is the Dalai Lama. By "illegal" I assume you mean "against the Dharma" or "against our vows".
You can repeat, and for your own good fortune I wish you did, you can repeat the name of Trijang Dorjechang as many times as you wish, the more the better. You can write it and fill your statues with it.  He is our Lama, we received everything we have from Kyabje Pabongkapa and him, his main disciple.
We owe these two Lamas everything, much more than our lives. We owe them the possibility of liberation, of enlightenment. How the usage of their salvific holy names could ever be illegal? Those who broke samaya with them are lost in some very sad space, and transmitting what? What can you give to others when you have cut yourself from the source?


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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2010, 03:18:21 PM »
someone told me that the dalai lama said nobody can practice dorje shugden except trijang rinpoche. is that true? why so biase????

Hi Bouncy,

Yes, it's true (he is on youtube saying it!) and it is very illogical isn't it? If Dorje Shugden is such a terrible demon who threatens the Dalai Lama's own life, like the Dalai Lama professes, then no one should be allowed to do his practice, so by saying Trijang Rinpoche can practice, he contradicts himself.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2010, 10:05:56 PM »
This is so ridiculous  ::).  How can removing the name of “Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang” from the Lamrim Lineage prayer just because he is a Dorje Shugden practitioner can change the fact that Trijang Rinpoche was one of the greatest Lamrim lineage holder of all times and the guru of almost all the High Lamas of the Gelukpa tradition. 

However, even if it is true that Dharamsala has removed it, supporters of Trijang Rinpoche can always maintain it.  What can Dharamsala do as not all Dorje Shugden practioners are under their jurisdiction.  Therefore, the responsibility of preserving the Lamrim lineage prayer in its entirety will fall in the hands of gelukpa practitioners who are non Dharamsala supporters.

To disregard Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche who has transmitted all the Lamrim teachings to our guru or our guru’s guru so that we can receive these precious teachings that can lead us out of samsara and all types of sufferings would be truly ungrateful to say the least.  But what’s worse is that it will destroy your samaya with this holy being who is a great source of all holy teachings within the gelukpa tradition and your chances of receiving the Dharma from him or any Lamas connected to him in the future.   

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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2010, 10:23:11 PM »

Welcome Wosel Tenzin.
Clear thinking, l can see. Very useful.


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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2010, 02:25:17 PM »

Yes, it's true (he is on youtube saying it!) and it is very illogical isn't it? If Dorje Shugden is such a terrible demon who threatens the Dalai Lama's own life, like the Dalai Lama professes, then no one should be allowed to do his practice, so by saying Trijang Rinpoche can practice, he contradicts himself.

How come DL can be harm by dorje shugden and DL is the person who make dorje shugden more famous then buddha , there is something behind he want to do .


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Re: Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's Name mantra removed!!
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2010, 06:30:07 PM »
This is so ridiculous  ::).  How can removing the name of “Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang” from the Lamrim Lineage prayer just because he is a Dorje Shugden practitioner can change the fact that Trijang Rinpoche was one of the greatest Lamrim lineage holder of all times and the guru of almost all the High Lamas of the Gelukpa tradition. 

However, even if it is true that Dharamsala has removed it, supporters of Trijang Rinpoche can always maintain it.  What can Dharamsala do as not all Dorje Shugden practioners are under their jurisdiction.  Therefore, the responsibility of preserving the Lamrim lineage prayer in its entirety will fall in the hands of gelukpa practitioners who are non Dharamsala supporters.

To disregard Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche who has transmitted all the Lamrim teachings to our guru or our guru’s guru so that we can receive these precious teachings that can lead us out of samsara and all types of sufferings would be truly ungrateful to say the least.  But what’s worse is that it will destroy your samaya with this holy being who is a great source of all holy teachings within the gelukpa tradition and your chances of receiving the Dharma from him or any Lamas connected to him in the future.   


I like what you said, especially "the responsibility of preserving the Lamrim lineage prayer in its entirety will fall in the hands of gelukpa practitioners" - so it's up to us, which is the Buddhist philosophy of taking responsibility for what happens in the future. I guess this is what we are doing now - raising awareness so that people will not forget who our lineage Lamas are, despite others' wishes to eradicate them. Removing the name will not remove the fact that he existed and all his great works which will benefit others for generations to come.

Thank you Wosel :)
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being