wonderful explanation given ny TK. I've always thought that worldly beings prior to the advent of Buddhism were not allowed to be propitiated by Buddhists simply because they have not attained the highest form of attainments - enlightenment. When propitiated and boons and favours granted, these deities seek offerings, praise and other rituals to further pacify their ego.Otherwise, when offended, many repercussions may follow.
I am happy to know that the Lord of the world, the great saint Arya Lokeshvara actually emanated as Ganapati in order to assist sentient beings with the things that they need. It is important to receive correct teachings as these deities I would consider as borderline cases whereby they poses the same appearances as a worldly being but in actual fact enlightened or vice versa.
Regarding DS being born off Ganesha as a protector.......Hmmmm..... does Ganesha have a consort in order for it to be in union with and produce DS?
? I doubt it.
Results resemble the cause, DS is such a holy and powerful being capable of both worldly and Dharmic activities assisting sentient beings in whatever needs and wishes they pray for without agenda but the worldly form of Ganapati still have worldly views and defilements, how can an enlightened being be born off an unenlightened being?
I also do not think that the emanations of Lokeshwara as Ganapati will have the circumstances to be able to give birth to DS as their functions are specific and not for the Dharma as a whole.
I'm reasoning this out as a matter of fact.
DD, u might wanna check your resources thoroughly before posting such a claim on DS.