A few years back, I was going through a really tough patch in my life. I have experienced many highs and many lows, but this was really something. I was having trouble at work, with friends, with family, with investments, basically in everything. I tried everything in my wits to sort it out but it just got worse until I eventually consulted a medium/bomoh/voodoo artist, this medium was highly regarded for his supernatural abilities. This was a big step to me, I never really believed in the super natural. Anyhow, the medium told me that I had be hexed and he also described the problems i was facing. Being desperate, I did everything he prescribed. Things got better for a while and again started to deteriorate. This time for the worse, I was in a even bigger pile of dump. Having no remedy, I again looked for the medium. He gave me another set of things to do and i did it. Again, things got better for a while and eventually got worse. At this point in time, I thought to myself that things aren't working out and I am going in circles.
It was then that I met Lord Dorje Shugden. His image was on my mother's altar and I have never noticed it there before ( I never had the habit of praying). Losing faith in the medium, I decided to take refuge in the Buddhas instead. I found some Dorje Shugden sadhanas from the net and decided to do the practice. In the matter of months, things got significantly better. My problems were slowly going away. It took a longer period compared to the methods of the medium, but the results were more consistent and most importantly, i was feeling happier. In time, I found a dharma center where i could do some dharma work. With my problems subsiding (but not completely gone), I had the opportunity to do some dharma work. Surprisingly, this brought me much joy and I started to get more involved in my dharma center. Today, I would consider my problems completely gone and I have the opportunity to start again. But the good thing is, I got the dharma with me this time.
I may not know much dharma text, but I am very certain that if we have faith in the protector and we are able to take that leap of faith, the protector will help us. I do not mean by having faith of his existence, that may be a lot to ask at the start, but to have faith in the teachings. Practicing the buddhas teachings is the best way to ward of black magic and spirit harm. I see the protector as a buddha that guides us to a better way of life. For me, that protector is Dorje Shugden.
I hope my sharing is of benefit to you guys.