Author Topic: Removing curses and negativity  (Read 201433 times)


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #60 on: September 14, 2011, 12:19:14 PM »
I've always been interested and enchanted by this topic. I only had 2 encounters of negativities. A friend of mine had black magic on his sister. She would have very high fever and she would see many spirits disturbing her. Even the doctors couldn't explain her erratic change in body temperature. Another friend would be possessed by spirits. He went to many local shaman gurus to remove the spirits but it didn't work. We were all very helpless.

I know that all these supernatural things exist. It's very helpful that TK shared with us the precious info on solving them. Is there a way that we can promote it so that more people can have access to this precious info?


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #61 on: November 28, 2011, 04:36:44 PM »
A big thank you to Tk for posting such comprehensive and informative answers. It clears many people's doubts and worries. I do believe that there are a lot of people out there still seeking the best method to get rid of the "disturbing/ unwanted" things around them..i think by following the methods which prescribed by Tk's lama with strong faith and positive mindset, we can see positive result.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #62 on: January 01, 2012, 02:27:23 PM »
Thank you for sharing those precious teaching to us. It not only can help us far away from spirit, black magic, negative energy, the teaching TK post out also a lesson for us how to practice a more compassion person in our daily life. TK is very good, the post he was posted out not only the effective method to teach us dispel from spirt, black magic, negative energy and so forth, also remind us not to harm the "thing" which disturb us.

When you went to seek for help in non-religion method, normally they will destroy or "killed" the thing which disturb you.

But in Buddhism point of view, TK teach used compassion way to help ourself and also the "thing" which disturb us. I think this is a good way to go along. The reason is very simple, the Buddha teaching always showed us how to show respect and care to all sentient beings included spirit and even people who harm us. As a normally selfish person, i really don't think about this point, after I had read through this post I really open my view more widely. Thank you always.   


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #63 on: January 03, 2012, 06:50:41 AM »
Thank you happysun for the last post as this makes this topic pop up to the top of the list. This topic is really interesting and useful and thank TK for this very useful answer. TK, you really know your stuff.
For me, I am fortunate enough to have a Guru that I can ask if there are such needs.

 However, on a daily basis, I do my sadhana of the Yidam and protector with good motivations. As per TK's advise, it is best to do all that is recommended with good motivations to ie boddhicitta, to bless the environment and our friends, enemy etc. For me this provide the best defense against any black magic, spirits etc.

The advise and formula is very useful however for people that we know or come across that is not as fortunate as us who re able to get a daily dose of protection.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #64 on: February 06, 2012, 07:10:32 PM »
Thank you so much TK for sharing this precious information.
I usually heard about dealing with Spirit is through chasing them away or 'harm' the spirits in return. However, from TK's sharing, it is so compassionate i.e. dispelling the spirit but yet still respecting them.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #65 on: February 16, 2012, 07:05:26 PM »
How wonderful! TK explained it so well. All these while, I thought only DS, Setrab, Sindonma and Dukkar can help in removing curses and negativities. Thank RS for the questions. I have a few friends who had the karma to receive curses either from their ex partner or business rivals. I just show them this website and ask them to read through and of coz guide them to do the prayers. Some do it but some just take it for granted hence their problems continue. I pray that they can be connected again soon so they can be protected.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #66 on: February 24, 2012, 05:30:15 AM »
Thank you TK for the explanation,
I have a friend who will continuously to have the same dream over and over again for few days in a row, recently while having a nap she dreamt of the spirit in a form of an old lady sitting down on a chair looking at her at the same spot when she fell asleep. Then she tries to get up and go to the room, but was struggling...finally she managed to get to the door. Once she touches the knob there's hair coming out from the knob and starts grabbing her hand...

Then later that night, she had a similar dream as it was a continual version of the earlier dream. She dreamt of hairs coming out from her mouth and hundred or thousands of nails coming out thru her entire body. Luckily there's no real life physical injury involve. 

So i told her to chant Setrap Mantra whenever she can and so far so good. Told her it could be her karma hence this is happening and practise compassion and pray for the spirits as well.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #67 on: March 03, 2012, 05:11:02 PM »
Dear TK,
Thank you for your detailed explanations on how one can remove curses and negativity. Even in this modern time and era, there are still people using black magic and the likes. It really makes one believe there really exist other beings among us which we can't see with our eyes. I have heard from my friend who is using the service of a medium to 'clean' his house. And there is a long waiting list to his service. After reading your forum, I realised we should not chase away spirits. Instead we should have compassion and make prayers for them.
I have a blessed rosary from a High Lama. If someone with a broken samaya/negative intent touches it, will the rosary lose its power? I have read that blessed rosary beads are very powerful to keep spirits from disturbing. Does that mean I should not loan my rosary beads to others because I would not know if the person has a broken samaya or not?


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #68 on: April 15, 2012, 05:09:57 AM »
Thank you TK, for educating us on effective methods on how to lessen negative disturbances and black magic that we karmically have to experience. It is sad that people still use black magic to "get back" at other people, because they have run out of ideas how to harm/control the other party. But lucky for us, with everything there is a solution, and in this case, the solution = powerful pujas and mantra recitations. The enlightened speeh of the Buddhas in the form of sound energy. Like what's been said, the best antidote is not to counter it with hatred or anger, but to avert it, and send the correct energy directly opposing anger/hatred - i.e. loving kindness, compassion.

I've heard the most powerful black magic comes from a mountain.. I don't remember the name. Anyone knows? But I know that black magic is very common in South East Asia. I have a friend I met whilst in the States, she's from Indonesia, and her dad was killed by black magic. Apparently when he died, alot of needles and pins were found in his body...Can you imagine.. How can someone send black magic to someone else and pins start growing in them?? Bizarre, but true!

Ratna Shugden

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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #69 on: May 01, 2012, 05:58:45 AM »


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #70 on: June 13, 2012, 07:46:54 PM »
Thanks Ratna Shugden for that interesting link... I like the information. It makes us think and remember the very basic and fundimental like so... Anyway if we don't have the karma to receive black magic... it defintely will not happened to us but here's how to identify it if it happens...

Lord Buddha never taught any magic or methods to harm others. So, if you come across a so called a monk or a Buddhist casting magic on others, chances are it is not a real monk or Buddhist. Buddhist scriptures have no methods to harm others. Everything Lord Buddha taught was strictly to benefit. If we practice magic to fulfill our temporal wishes, it will definitely have backlashes and repercussions. So we may fulfill our immediate problems but it will only invite more problems later.

Some signs that someone has been charmed are:

  • disorientation
    sudden change in personality
    unnatural behaviour
    unexplained accidents
    not acting to the benefit of loved ones but following an outsider for no reason
    having a intense attraction toward someone they just met but not knowing why (love charm).
    These are some of the signs. Other signs include spirits following us and materializing, a feeling like someone is watching us, or a certain area in the house feels uncomfortable. This can be the result if someone sent something to us, we have offended a spirit in a certain location, a local regional deity of a locale is displeased with us, or we have practiced a spirit and it is now exacting its pay.

christine V

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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #71 on: November 12, 2012, 01:38:10 AM »
To: Ratna Shugden This is a very good Question. More fabulous, thanks TK for the detail yet simple methods to solve these problems. From the answers, the methods are very Dharmic.
Normally when we faced spirit disturbance, the first thing in mind are- "scared, do everything to get rid of it". But, in TK answer "If you have offended a spirit, you may generate loving compassion or think good thoughts and apologize. " to me is something fresh and amazing, generate love to the being. It is very true that, sometimes the spirits are offended by us, but because of our ignorance and selfishness, we choose to think that we are the "owner" and thus finding anyway to vanish the beings. Buddhism is a religion of true love, the love are so great that Buddha views all beings are equal.

Once again, thanks for the good questions and answers.



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Hello known for many years but no more lamas cut a witchcraft that I have more than 15 years ago. Nothing goes well, I have not accomplished anything in 50 years of life I have, and I'm alone, I could not find a pair Buddhist, and I hate all this I can not bring myself: I want to know if leaving my name and personal data, and / or any photos, some lamas as Shar Gaden monastery or another, could help me be happy. Thank you very much and I hope you can help me


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #73 on: March 12, 2013, 10:28:19 PM »
Dear blacksmith,

Happiness comes from within - the fact that different people are happy and miserable about the same things show that it's not about the object but our reaction to it. And of course, if you are Buddhist, you would know that everything that happens to us is because of our karma, so if our life has been a certain way, whether good or bad, it is because of our karma so we should accept it but also use each day to create new karma for tomorrow.

The Dharma will bring an end to suffering - that is what the Buddha says. And even the Buddha cannot remove our negative karma, only we ourselves can. So i would suggest you find a Buddhist centre near wherever you are and join some classes. In the meantime, do try Dorje Shugden's prayers which are on this website. i find it helps bring me peace of mind when i am most in need of it.

Best of luck with it!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #74 on: March 13, 2013, 07:28:16 AM »
It is always wonderful to know what we can do ourselves before we have to trouble a lama to help us with our own problems. I believe that the lama can help you only to certain extend due to your faith and guru devotion, but we will benefit most if we are also playing a part to help ourselves. Thank you all for sharing these valuable information. Allowing me to understand and know better on what I should do, or even advice a friend when they faced such a situation with my three cents worth of knowledge.