Author Topic: Removing curses and negativity  (Read 213943 times)


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #30 on: August 01, 2010, 10:28:09 AM »
Thanks TK for an educational write up. This information will be very useful that I can share with my friends especially in this region where I lived as  black magic, curses and spells are very common.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2010, 04:41:05 PM »
Thank you very much TK for the precious info provided. I've seen how my relative's friend being 'disturbed' by spirits and she was at wits end and doesn't know what to do. They have gone to many mediums yet no positive results was ever achieved.

Now, armed with this info, i can inform my relative for her friend to do and their family can have peace of mind.

Thank you very much once again, TK!

« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 04:43:07 PM by VS »


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #32 on: August 02, 2010, 05:45:00 AM »
Thank you very much TK for the precious info provided. I've seen how my relative's friend being 'disturbed' by spirits and she was at wits end and doesn't know what to do. They have gone to many mediums yet no positive results was ever achieved.

Now, armed with this info, i can inform my relative for her friend to do and their family can have peace of mind.

Thank you very much once again, TK!

You may want to seek for professional help from renowned Lamas, sometimes it could be the karmic debtors come knocking on the door, which could be harder to deal with.

diamond girl

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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2010, 05:24:30 PM »
I totally agree with many of you that in most Asian countries, witches, wizards and powerful mediums are sought after when people are faced with spirit difficulties and hardship pertaining to karma. Come to think of it, there has always been a demon-at-large with such dabblings whether in public or underground.

I know this for a fact in my trips to Bangkok whereby Buddhist teachings are mixed with local belief and magic which will 'appease' the minds of people and spirits abiding there. Even in commercialized countries such as Singapore, there are many stories of the local folk using black magic in order to secure a business or to make another business fall.

It is sad that even though Buddhism has entered these countries, such shamanistic practices are still prevaillant.

From TK's brief but concise explanation to what can be done, I am very relieved to know that there's a way out of this and it should be promoted by all of us Shugdenites in order to cause the teachings of Lama Je Tsongkhapa to flourish. It will help our minds and at the same time it will help people inflicted by these spirits, curses and harm.

I know for sure Shar Gaden and Serpom monasteries does such pujas and rituals for people. TK, if there's a channel for us to refer to the monastery regarding this, would u please share on who we can consult in the event there's no high lama around and how can we go about doing the pujas in the monasteries?

I also thought for a second if there is a possibility that Protector Dorje Shugden can be the central figure in all these and I am sure our daily protector practice can help avert such things from happening against us right?

please shed light.


It is true that there are many lower level deities which are unenlightened that can cause more harm than good. But at the end of it, it is the motivation that drives the direction. I have friends who go all the way to Bangkok to dispel the black magic they have contracted (if that could be the right term). They were "cured" but they had to perform some rituals which baffled me. Plus, they had to return to the "healer" annually to make offerings, failure to do so the black magic will reverse and return with double damage. I did not comment, but from this I thought it felt like bondage or blackmail. I kept my comment to myself as it would not have helped my friends as they were happy to be doing this annual "commitment". I guess it's different spice for different folks. The irony of Bangkok is that many also go there to perform black magic onto others... I guess the cure is where the poison is.

I do not mean any offense about Bangkok, I have gone several times myself for vacation and loved it!

I have a question, why is it no one mentioned to pray to Trakze, the wrathful emanation of Dorje Shugden? I read in the Starter Kit of this website that Trakze is powerful against black magic and dangerous situations? 


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2010, 10:18:58 AM »
Yes, definitely trakze is known for clearing many very difficult, harmful obstacles that cannot be cleared by other methods. I personally do not know what his practice would entail or what his mantra is – I believe that we would need to get permission and some level of transmission from our Lamas to be able to do this practice. However, in the meantime, I am certain we can still keep an image of him on our altar, make offering and pray to him sincerely from our heart for his help.

Actually, we can just do our usual prayers, serkym offerings and mantras to Dorje Shugden, think strongly that whatever obstacles we are facing is cleared by his compassion. I believe we can do this (or the practice of any aspect of DS that we usually do), with an image of Trakze on our altar. They are one the same, after all.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #35 on: August 04, 2010, 10:27:13 AM »
It is true that there are many lower level deities which are unenlightened that can cause more harm than good. But at the end of it, it is the motivation that drives the direction. I have friends who go all the way to Bangkok to dispel the black magic they have contracted (if that could be the right term). They were "cured" but they had to perform some rituals which baffled me. Plus, they had to return to the "healer" annually to make offerings, failure to do so the black magic will reverse and return with double damage. I did not comment, but from this I thought it felt like bondage or blackmail. I kept my comment to myself as it would not have helped my friends as they were happy to be doing this annual "commitment". I guess it's different spice for different folks. The irony of Bangkok is that many also go there to perform black magic onto others... I guess the cure is where the poison is.

Yes, going to witch doctors or resorting to methods like voodoo, black magic, spells etc are not encouraged because of the potential harm that they can bring onto the person. By relying on methods like this, we cannot be sure who we are really asking for help. If this being is no enlightened, and still subject to the same kind of delusions – anger, hatred, ignorance, pride – then it can be very dangerous for us. They can extract revenge on us, or want something else in exchange, or harm us later on if we don’t fulfil our promises to them.

Another danger of these methods is that we open a portal to a lot of other things – any being can then “enter” to cause disturbances or problems to our lives and practice.

It is definitely much safer to rely on enlightened beings, who we know will never hurt us in any way and that everything that they do for us is entirely out of compassion and for our benefit. At the same time, we make a strong connection to the Three Jewels, which benefits us and our spiritual path in the long term.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #36 on: August 21, 2010, 02:38:34 PM »
Yes, going to witch doctors or resorting to methods like voodoo, black magic, spells etc are not encouraged because of the potential harm that they can bring onto the person. By relying on methods like this, we cannot be sure who we are really asking for help. If this being is no enlightened, and still subject to the same kind of delusions – anger, hatred, ignorance, pride – then it can be very dangerous for us. They can extract revenge on us, or want something else in exchange, or harm us later on if we don’t fulfil our promises to them.

Another danger of these methods is that we open a portal to a lot of other things – any being can then “enter” to cause disturbances or problems to our lives and practice.

It is definitely much safer to rely on enlightened beings, who we know will never hurt us in any way and that everything that they do for us is entirely out of compassion and for our benefit. At the same time, we make a strong connection to the Three Jewels, which benefits us and our spiritual path in the long term.

I think it goes back to people wanting the easy way out, and wanting success without working for it. So it goes back down to the intrinsic character of the person - if you have the qualities to be a success, you wouldn't need to rely on beings who have the same kind of delusions as us. And if you have the right motivation to be a success, that would surely give you enough drive to achieve such successes on your own merit.

Plus, surely in using them and the 'powers' of their rebirth, we also help them create more karma for themselves, to continue taking rebirths in the lower realms.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #37 on: September 20, 2010, 11:29:13 AM »
This is really life saving teaching and instructions! Thank you TK.

I've searched online for the Sutra Miga Tramdo but was not able to locate it. I'd be most grateful if anyone has a copy and could upload to this site.

Thank you so much.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #38 on: January 11, 2011, 08:22:20 PM »
Thank You everyone for sharing so many methods to remove curses and negativities.

I think a practitioner who practise purely and sincerely the Dharma with a mind of bodhichitta, could dedicate the merits gained to the elimination of all forms of sufferings caused by curses and negativities.  And pray that those sentient beings who gave rise to these sufferings will stop doing so through these merits. 


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #39 on: January 12, 2011, 07:32:10 AM »
I agree with what WisdomBeing said, that we shouldn't bounce back any spells or curses that has been inflicted upon us.

I remember reading that Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen (not sure if it's the right lineage lama, that this occurred to - do correct me if I'm wrong) was traveling with his entourage from one area to another. When they arrived at their destination, Tulku Dragpa Gyelten (TDG) went into his tent and asked everyone not to enter. From the outside of his tent, his students and followers could see bolts of lightning hitting the tent continuously, and when TDG walked out, he passed a box to one of his students and asked him to throw it away as far as possible. When his student threw it, the box landed and there was a huge explosion from all the energy from the lightening.

From TDG actions and practice, I think that it goes to show that Dorje Shugden's prayer would not bounce back any curses or black magic, but instead absorbed and removed.

That's my take of the story anyways.

Was just reading back the old posts and wanted to clarify that it was Pabongkha, not TDG who was the person in the story above (

Dondrup - yes it is true that if a practitioner practises pure Dharma with a mind of Bodhicitta, he/she can eliminate these sufferings. However, it is very rare that a practitioner is at the level of being able to practise sincerely, let alone with Bodhicitta unless you are an attained being such as a tulku.

That is why it is always recommended that we seek a qualified Guru if we do not yet have one so that we have the right guidance because we do not have the attainments *yet* :)
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2011, 11:03:28 PM »
« Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 10:04:37 AM by DSFriend »


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #41 on: April 08, 2011, 10:10:45 AM »
Dear Blacksmith

Welcome to this forum. You can find Dorje Shugden's prayers here
It is not long at all. Dorje Shugden have helped many. He is the wrathful form of Lord Manjushri, an enlightened Buddha. At such, you can have full confidence in his blessings and power to assist you.

Wishing you all the best


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #42 on: April 23, 2011, 08:31:40 PM »
A few years back, I was going through a really tough patch in my life. I have experienced many highs and many lows, but this was really something. I was having trouble at work, with friends, with family, with investments, basically in everything. I tried everything in my wits to sort it out but it just got worse until I eventually consulted a medium/bomoh/voodoo artist, this medium was highly regarded for his supernatural abilities. This was a big step to me, I never really believed in the super natural. Anyhow, the medium told me that I had be hexed and he also described the problems i was facing. Being desperate, I did everything he prescribed. Things got better for a while and again started to deteriorate. This time for the worse, I was in a even bigger pile of dump. Having no remedy, I again looked for the medium. He gave me another set of things to do and i did it. Again, things got better for a while and eventually got worse. At this point in time, I thought to myself that things aren't working out and I am going in circles.

It was then that I met Lord Dorje Shugden. His image was on my mother's altar and I have never noticed it there before ( I never had the habit of praying). Losing faith in the medium, I decided to take refuge in the Buddhas instead. I found some Dorje Shugden sadhanas from the net and decided to do the practice. In the matter of months, things got significantly better. My problems were slowly going away. It took a longer period compared to the methods of the medium, but the results were more consistent and most importantly, i was feeling happier. In time, I found a dharma center where i could do some dharma work. With my problems subsiding (but not completely gone), I had the opportunity to do some dharma work. Surprisingly, this brought me much joy and I started to get more involved in my dharma center. Today, I would consider my problems completely gone and I have the opportunity to start again. But the good thing is, I got the dharma with me this time.

I may not know much dharma text, but I am very certain that if we have faith in the protector and we are able to take that leap of faith, the protector will help us. I do not mean by having faith of his existence, that may be a lot to ask at the start, but to have faith in the teachings. Practicing the buddhas teachings is the best way to ward of black magic and spirit harm. I see the protector as a buddha that guides us to a better way of life. For me, that protector is Dorje Shugden.

I hope my sharing is of benefit to you guys.  ;D


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #43 on: April 29, 2011, 03:59:15 AM »
Hi Shugdentruth,

I see you are new. Welcome to the site and Forum.

Hope that you find it useful and beneficial as I have. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story. I am sure it was a troubling time that you went through. I am just unfamiliar with a term that you used in your post. What's bomoh? Is it a thing or a person or something completely different? You put three words in one sentence - medium/bomoh/voodoo. I know voodoo and medium. But not familiar with bomoh. If it's not too much trouble, would appreciate your explanation.

I appreciate Dorje Shugden immensely. He has helped me through the most difficult times in my life. So, I do understand what you mean when you shared that the results took longer but you are happier.

I wish you the best of luck. And thanks again for sharing. It is always very lovely to hear about how Dorje Shugden has helped so many. It makes the allegations against Dorje Shugden look so ridiculous.



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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #44 on: April 29, 2011, 09:23:58 PM »
Dear Helena,

Yes I am new, in fact, its the first time I am posting on any of the Dorje Shugden sites. I found this site to be very interesting. Most sites frequently talk of politics which I am not too interested in. Perhaps its because I am not a Tibetan and I am very new to buddhism.

Bomoh is a term they use for mediums in east asia where black magic is believed to happen frequently. I have read a little bit here and there about these sort of things. Being tangled up with it made me do some research on the internet. The bomoh practice from what i read originated from the forests of east asia, these practitioners are able to communicate and deal with spirits in the forest. In Hong Kong, some say feng sui sifus can hex people and has foresight as well. Feng sui sifus are people who understands the energies of the elements in our universe. They use this knowledge to channel good luck to their clients. But from where i come from, there aren't many choices. All i could find was a medium. He wasn't of much help. Its not he wasn't any good. But perhaps it was fate i met Lord Dorje Shugden and the dharma.