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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #45 on: April 30, 2011, 04:11:20 PM »
Thank you for your kind reply and explanation, Shugden Truth.

I sincerely appreciate it.

I am very glad that you have found our great Protector. We all have found Dorje Shugden through different ways. What matters most is that we found our great Protector, or HE found us.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #46 on: April 30, 2011, 09:53:12 PM »
Dear Helena,

No problem.
It is also great to find a place I can share my experiences.  :)


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #47 on: May 03, 2011, 05:53:16 PM »
Dear Helena,

Yes I am new, in fact, its the first time I am posting on any of the Dorje Shugden sites. I found this site to be very interesting. Most sites frequently talk of politics which I am not too interested in. Perhaps its because I am not a Tibetan and I am very new to buddhism.

Bomoh is a term they use for mediums in east asia where black magic is believed to happen frequently. I have read a little bit here and there about these sort of things. Being tangled up with it made me do some research on the internet. The bomoh practice from what i read originated from the forests of east asia, these practitioners are able to communicate and deal with spirits in the forest. In Hong Kong, some say feng sui sifus can hex people and has foresight as well. Feng sui sifus are people who understands the energies of the elements in our universe. They use this knowledge to channel good luck to their clients. But from where i come from, there aren't many choices. All i could find was a medium. He wasn't of much help. Its not he wasn't any good. But perhaps it was fate i met Lord Dorje Shugden and the dharma.

Thanks for the sharing Shugdentruth. Perhaps one day, I will have the opportunity to visit east asia.

I have a few friends in east asia and they have shared their experiences, growing up being exposed to mediums. I may be over generalizing it, but my impression is that the culture is infused with such supernatural activities. Mediums are consulted for financial, health and relationship problems.

I do pray that Dorje Shugden's practice will take root in these countries. It would not take much for people there to have faith and rely on Dorje Shugden.

Just like what Shugdentruth have experienced, people will not feel that they are going in circles but receives help from an enlightened Buddha.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #48 on: May 05, 2011, 12:34:18 PM »
A few years back, I was going through a really tough patch in my life. I have experienced many highs and many lows, but this was really something. I was having trouble at work, with friends, with family, with investments, basically in everything. I tried everything in my wits to sort it out but it just got worse until I eventually consulted a medium/bomoh/voodoo artist, this medium was highly regarded for his supernatural abilities. This was a big step to me, I never really believed in the super natural. Anyhow, the medium told me that I had be hexed and he also described the problems i was facing. Being desperate, I did everything he prescribed. Things got better for a while and again started to deteriorate. This time for the worse, I was in a even bigger pile of dump. Having no remedy, I again looked for the medium. He gave me another set of things to do and i did it. Again, things got better for a while and eventually got worse. At this point in time, I thought to myself that things aren't working out and I am going in circles.

It was then that I met Lord Dorje Shugden. His image was on my mother's altar and I have never noticed it there before ( I never had the habit of praying). Losing faith in the medium, I decided to take refuge in the Buddhas instead. I found some Dorje Shugden sadhanas from the net and decided to do the practice. In the matter of months, things got significantly better. My problems were slowly going away. It took a longer period compared to the methods of the medium, but the results were more consistent and most importantly, i was feeling happier. In time, I found a dharma center where i could do some dharma work. With my problems subsiding (but not completely gone), I had the opportunity to do some dharma work. Surprisingly, this brought me much joy and I started to get more involved in my dharma center. Today, I would consider my problems completely gone and I have the opportunity to start again. But the good thing is, I got the dharma with me this time.

Welcome to the forum. I enjoyed reading your sharing, and it has inspired me to share mine. I have lived my home for more than 45 years. It belonged to my father, and his father before him. It has been the only home I know, and my place of refuge and solace, up till about 8 years ago. Gradually, over time, the energy of my house began to change. I started to feel edgy, cold, and the hairs on the back of my neck would rise. My dog (i have an incorrigible beagle) would sit facing odd corners of the room and stare. The candles I lit on my altar started going out  for no apparent reason and from time to time, a sweet smell seemed to travel from room to room. My family members also started falling ill, and my niece started to have fainting spells.

I was at a loss, and a friend of mine from another dharma center introduced me to Dorje Shugden. I was given some blessed rice, and told to burn it with some incense, and to ensure the smoke permeated my home. I was also told to chant his mantra. I was doubtful how effective a small grain of rice would be, and with much misgivings i set a few grains alight on a bed of smoldering incense. I walking thru my home, including the attic and the basement, and after i had covered all corners of the house, I sat in my bed, wondering what difference it had made. Everything felt the same and I went to sleep, thinking that it had been a waste of time.

The next few days passed, and after about a week, I realised that the frequency of candles going out on my altar had started to reduce. My family's health improved. and my house no longer felt like the dark hole it was starting to be. Things started getting better, gradually, and I continued to chant the mantra daily. I was not a believer then, but looking back, the little grain of rice was the turning point for me and my family.

I will always be grateful to dorje shugden, and if anyone is experiencing similar problems, you could try this method. It worked for me.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #49 on: May 06, 2011, 07:09:12 PM »
Wow...that's some story, Thor!

It never fails to amaze me how many different ways people can meet with Dorje Shugden.

Incredible! Thank you for your sharing.



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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #50 on: May 06, 2011, 08:42:12 PM »
Hi Thor,

Thank you for your sharing. I can really relate to your story, I was having problems with light bulbs blowing whenever I switch the light switches.

Perhaps it was my negative karma coming back. The protector really came just at the right time and I had enough merits to have the chance for him to help me. Now when I look back, I am not happy about the bad situation I was in, but I am somewhat glad it happened because it was an opportunity for me to learn from and more importantly for me to meet the dharma. The whole scenario has changed the way I look at life and the motivations behind my actions. I pretty much operate the same way, but with a new motivation that is more selfless, the results are so different and much more fulfilling. I believe if I have faith in the Protector and practice the dharmic way of life, it is a sure way to allow the protector to help me from my negative karma. The protectors will help all sentient being only if we allow them to.

So..... was my negativity my positivity or was my positivity my negativity?? haha.
I heard this 'when s**t happens' joke that was really funny and it made sense to me. It goes like this.....

Buddhism: when s**t happens, is it really shit?  :o


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #51 on: June 07, 2011, 09:24:25 PM »
Hi all..
I will share my story as well, with a thought provoking question.. why do spirits and sentient beings feel the need to curse and bring damnation to those they despise?

Funny reference made to buddhism

shugdentruth.. I had the same thing going on too.. a sweet smell in my house.. And trouble would start..consequently,
 My father got sick and almost deathly ill he fell off a ladder, and got sick.. but the good news is he recovered.. I couldnt and still cannot find a job. and i argue with my friends and girlfriend a lot when it happened. and it seemed what ever was cursing me want me to become physically ugly inside and out.. Not to ever brag, but i do get a lot of attention from the opposite sex.. Once that sweet smell and the dead birds were found every morning on the front porch.. I began to get less, and less attention from the opposite sex.. Everyone thought I lost charisma, and many people gossipped and said harsh things.. I began to put on much weight, like 75 pounds heavier, and the aura of gold and purple and white was leaving me for good... According to my girlfriend.
I went to a voodoo practicioner who was into Palo, Mayombe, and Vodoo. He said, my ex girlfriend, Jami, cursed me with a karmic curse, "the law of karma." in his exact words.  this was in 2006.  he said he would fix it for $500 dollars.. i said, "youre a rip off" and I left..

Next, I joined the Ordo Templi Orientis... That was very strange.. And they followed a man who was Aleister Crowley, but when i did magick, it didnt work.. The masters at the oto told me, that I didnt develop my senses.. So i tried. but still nothing worked.. So I went on to voodoo to see where my curses is coming from and to stop them and "get revenge."
I wanted to study voodoo to become a powerful houngan, SO i sought out a man in New York, Brooklyn, who was renouned for his voodoo magic. So he said Bring 400 dollars and Ill help you get what you desire.. He gave me a veve (sigil) and said call upon this, and cal it "the spirit of the veve." and I was short 10 Dollars with him.. he said dont worry about it. Well This veve didnt work.. I said i wanted my $390 dollars back.. he said.. "how dare you come at me like this.. Go to the graveyard.. Dig yourself a hole and put the 10 dollars into the hole.. I'll receive it.. If you do not do this.. than I will bring calamity upon you and your people and whoever you care about."  I laughed at him and said.. "mail me a check for $390 dollars, or I'll dig the hole in the graveyard with you in it." I was very angry in those days.. full of hatred because you see, the curses were happening and they were worsening, as with the person who lived in east asia who seeked out a black magick sifu, my problems were getting worse by the minute.  Already over 300 pounds in weight, and my blood pressure was sky high, and my health was worsening.. and Constant bickering from family.. Oh i do NOT ever want to relive those days again.  It was hell.

 One time, a year and a half ago, We heard a voice say Dadda, dadda. The sweet smell came. but our child was gone to her grandmas, .. but it was her voice.  It angers me that Spirits or sentient beings would want to try to curse us.. I dont want to harm anybody.. Why would they want to harm me?  Where do you think the sweet smell came from?

In my experience of spirituality, there are 4 things that give the HIGHEST results to attain spiritual enlightment and spiritual conversation and knowledge

The best form of spirituality is 4 things..

1. Tibetan Buddhism
2. Direct Magick
3. Shamanism
4. Judaism/Kabbalah

More Recently, I've found Tibetan Buddhism, And my first deity I wanted to contact is Dorje Shugden.. He appealed to me the most out of all the deities of Tibetan Buddhism, because he gets no justice, but yet he is so helpful of many.. And I see that he is fond of me and all those who are here.. Im noticing that im getting along with family much more.. Im able to see why my problems are what they are.. and Im more "aware" now of everything.. and People still gossip, and are jealous.. Because of the town I live in..

One question for TK, All those practices you mentioned especially about removing curses.. Where can I find all those practices.. I googled some of them and I cannot find them?

But Im glad I found Dorje Shugden and Buddhism.. And all the lineages and things you can become.. it's a beautiful and wonderful tradition that can fulfill your ever desires.. Spiritually and Materially!!



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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #52 on: June 13, 2011, 07:10:08 AM »

Thank you for your sharing. I am glad you are better now.
Good to hear your story. It is very similiar to how i felt and what i went through. Does everyone that is curse go through the same experiences??
I hope your past experience will have your faith and practice for Dorje Shugden be strong and everlasting.  ;D


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #53 on: June 16, 2011, 05:08:03 PM »
Being a man of science,  I did not really believe in black magic , curses and  the supernatural. However , my personal witnessing of some of my friends and relatives whose abnormal behaviour could not be explained by doctors and science made it difficult to ignore the existence of such ' dark' powers.Being a Buddhist now and understanding the different planes of existence and how there are so many different kind of unseen energy and forces affectingour body and mind, I no longer treat them lightly.
Thanks to TK's instructions here, we can all use it to help our friends who may have such  afflictions, if nothing else work for them.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #54 on: June 21, 2011, 05:43:48 PM »
Welcome to the forum. I enjoyed reading your sharing, and it has inspired me to share mine. I have lived my home for more than 45 years. It belonged to my father, and his father before him. It has been the only home I know, and my place of refuge and solace, up till about 8 years ago. Gradually, over time, the energy of my house began to change. I started to feel edgy, cold, and the hairs on the back of my neck would rise. My dog (i have an incorrigible beagle) would sit facing odd corners of the room and stare. The candles I lit on my altar started going out  for no apparent reason and from time to time, a sweet smell seemed to travel from room to room. My family members also started falling ill, and my niece started to have fainting spells.

I was at a loss, and a friend of mine from another dharma center introduced me to Dorje Shugden. I was given some blessed rice, and told to burn it with some incense, and to ensure the smoke permeated my home. I was also told to chant his mantra. I was doubtful how effective a small grain of rice would be, and with much misgivings i set a few grains alight on a bed of smoldering incense. I walking thru my home, including the attic and the basement, and after i had covered all corners of the house, I sat in my bed, wondering what difference it had made. Everything felt the same and I went to sleep, thinking that it had been a waste of time.

The next few days passed, and after about a week, I realised that the frequency of candles going out on my altar had started to reduce. My family's health improved. and my house no longer felt like the dark hole it was starting to be. Things started getting better, gradually, and I continued to chant the mantra daily. I was not a believer then, but looking back, the little grain of rice was the turning point for me and my family.

I will always be grateful to dorje shugden, and if anyone is experiencing similar problems, you could try this method. It worked for me.

Thank you for sharing.
I have friends told me similar happenings of what Thor has experienced.  Be it black magic or spirits.  Many remedies are sought after  to overcome them.  Yet there are some could not be solved. can one obtain this blessed rice which I would like to recommend to my friends to burn?


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #55 on: June 22, 2011, 05:05:13 PM »
Dear TK,

Thank you for such a concise explanation written with so much care. It came in very timely as I have a friend who suspects that he has been affected by black magic from a jealous colleague. I have copy and paste your advice and emailed to him. Black magic seems more prevalent in where he lives in South East Asia as compared to where I live.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #56 on: June 23, 2011, 01:27:51 PM »
How fortunate and good timing for me to read tk's reply. My colleague's friend suspects her husband may be hexed and now I am able to share this with her.

tk's replies are so in depth and informative. My highest respect to tk and his lama(s) for sharing these info.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #57 on: June 24, 2011, 09:01:43 PM »
Dear TK,
Wah, after i have read through your information, make my mind be more open. How kindness you are, even teach us how to kind to spirit...this i never think before.  ::) The important thing is I can avoid myself be harm by curses and negativity. I found out you give me very completed and practical information regards curses and negativity. With this knowledge I can help my friend who he or she faced this problem.

Thank you!

happy sun


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #58 on: June 25, 2011, 11:19:35 AM »
Being a man of science,  I did not really believe in black magic , curses and  the supernatural. However , my personal witnessing of some of my friends and relatives whose abnormal behaviour could not be explained by doctors and science made it difficult to ignore the existence of such ' dark' powers.Being a Buddhist now and understanding the different planes of existence and how there are so many different kind of unseen energy and forces affectingour body and mind, I no longer treat them lightly.
Thanks to TK's instructions here, we can all use it to help our friends who may have such  afflictions, if nothing else work for them.

It is very common for people at large to ask for blessings, be it from an almighty God, from the celestial guardians and masters, angels, spirits and any other entities... If people can so easily believe in blessings which is associated to positive energy, then logically the dark, negative energy must be present/exist also. If we can bless each other, then surely we will have it in us to curse also.

I suppose science can in someways measure these energies with the use of modern technology in this day and age.


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Re: Removing curses and negativity
« Reply #59 on: June 26, 2011, 04:07:56 PM »
this forum really amazing,there are so much things to learn especially i don't know when my bad karma ripen will been cursed by third party or any negativity but i noticed the basic things  i can do now is to respect all beings no matter is human,spirit,animal,gods etc at least don't disturb others. ;D