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the ultimate proof of the enlightened nature of any deity are the realizations attained by its practitioners. As devotees of Manjushri Je Tsongkhapa and Manjushri Dorje Shugden, the strongest point of our debate are our holy enlightened lineage masters, most of which have been recognized as such by the Dalai Lama(s) as well. Therefore we aim to raise awareness about them here on our website.
For practitioners of other traditions, newcomers and the general public however, this could be argued as a matter of belief, as they haven't seen the minds of our Lamas, or the benefits they have brought, with their own eyes. Their biographies are mostly available in Tibetan only; their teachings often unrecorded or known only to advanced students; their holy deeds of many lifetimes and their incredible devotion to the Dalai Lama(s) unknown to most.
Everybody, on the other hand, can relate to experiences as those quoted below, shared by friends on this website. Everybody will be moved by the bodhicitta energy that pervades the prayers, teachings and advices conveyed by Dorje Shugden through his oracles. It may take longer for them to reach global consciousness than the negative propaganda that has been the tool of those trying to separate us, it may be more subtle, less sensational, less spectacular, less 'glorious', but i feel strongly that the effect will be more beneficial and long term. On top of that, it helps and reminds us to practice what the Buddha taught.
I will not be convinced by anyone that HH the Dalai Lama has negative intentions against anyone, and it has been sad enough for me to start separating the Dalai Lamas from their institution and the Tibetan government, as i'm not advanced enough to purely see the display of enlightened mind, as the injustices and resulting sufferings on the relative level of appearances need to be addressed somehow, and as we simply need to make a stand for our lineage which can help, bless and bring to enlightenment inconceivable numbers of beings with affinity.

Therefore, even if we see ourselves in a position to amend spiritual and historical falsifications at this time, may we never forget our deeper goal - to practice and share Dharma - and this is where ALL OF US CAN CONTRIBUTE!

From the bottom of my heart i ask you all to share your experiences with our Dharmapala. It doesn't need to sound glorious! If Dorje Shugden helped you in any way to become less selfish, less angry, more giving, more focused on Dharma, that IS glorious, that is how the world becomes a better place, and that is how we ordinary beings promote our Lamas and lineage.
Please please please, take time, reflect and write your story from the heart, honestly, openly and carefully. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE THIS AS A QUICK NOTE FOR A FORUM, BUT AS YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO A BOOK THAT WILL MOVE AND INSPIRE ANYONE WHO READS IT. If your English isn't good, don't worry, we can help edit if needed- just write! Write with details, write 2, 3, 5, 15.... pages instead of a paragraph!
If you have attended oracle sessions, write down what you heard, the advices that moved you. If you have tapes, please transcribe them.
If you have access to sources of prayers, teachings and advices by Dorje Shugden, please share them.
If you have friends who might have experiences of interest, please interview them.

We probably all ask ourselves what we can do about what's happening right now - this is what we can do. So let's please do it. If we don't, who will? Pray to your Lama and Dharmapala for inspiration and sincerity - they will help. NOW IS THE TIME -

yours, beggar

ps, the below are great examples, and each could be expanded into a chapter of a wonderful book (please do it!):

In 1978 I took my son to Wisconsin to recieve blessing from the great Masters assembled at a meditation course being hosted by Geshe Lhundrup Sopa. H.E. Zong Rinpoche and H. E. Geshe Rabten were among those Masters present. Upon returning home my son fell ill. He had been diagnosed with viral encephalitis. The doctors told us there was no treatment or cure and that he would either die or come out of it mentally retarded and we should expect him him to remain hospitalized for at least 3 weeks. I called the attendant to H.E. Zong Dorje Chang to request Rinpoche to pray for our son. Rinpoche had some precious pills, special incense and a Protector knot sent to us. Rinpoche performed puja invoking Dorje Shugden to intercede. my son was released from the hospital 3 days after his admission to the hospital completely baffling the doctors and they called it a miracle cure as there was no other explanation. My son is 32 now and quite healthy.  by Jeff Ryan - one of his many experiences

i have been visiting this site from long time but today i would like to write something which i have experienced.... as few months back i didn't knew anything about dorje shugden and later i started visiting nynang phegyaling monastery which people says its shugden monastery.. talking and discussing with the monks there i knew little about dore shugden...
as i started faith and believing dorje shugden i found my life more easy..
i must say people will find joke but its really true that dorje shugden stand on my chest at mid nite and warned me for not doing any evil things .. i love flirting with gals and dorje shugden told me to stop all this... i couldn't breathe that nite coz i was totally scared and later the monks told me to pray MIGMETSEWAY..
wel.. now i came to know that this deity really stops doing evil things and so i’m just shocked why the tibetan people and dalai lama thinks it will harm us... by Tashi Lama

Let me share a Shugden being clairvoyant. Many years ago in 1995 at Gaden, i was at one the Shugden audience given to a group of monks who were going to America to raise funds for their monastery. The monks were asking advises from Shugden and believe me shugden gave a very good and heart moving advise to them and at the end of session, shugden made very peculiar statement. He said" when you all are in America, you may hear some disturbing news from India, but dont be worried just carry out your spiritual obligation as usual, the issue is dated back to long time ago. So dont be worried , understand! At that time we thought disturbing news would probably be some high lama going to die, we never infered rightly what shugden was intended to tell us. We could have assume correctly had we given deeper look at his last line which reads" the issue is dated back to long time ago.

After that exactly in 1996 HH dalai lama banned shugden practice follwed by many social unrest. At that time the group of Gaden monks were still touring in America, giving teachings, creating sand mandala and raising funds.

The monks were finally able to come to term with Shugden's precise prediction. I have so many instances to tell.   by Jampa Gyaltsen

jeff Ryan

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Dear Begger,

I have very many stories to share. I'm sorry I am a simple person and not eloquent but I will do my best. I will write as time permits. Quickly I will tell you this. I attended an invocation in 1997 and Dharmapala predicted the time will come when we will become our own school. I am convinced the recent events are the unfolding of His prediction. Thank you so much for your work.

Jeff Ryan


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Dear Jeff,
thank you ever so much!! We don't need to be eloquent or super-learned or anything like that; if we can just simply share truthfully from the heart i feel that it will have a much more profound and beneficial effect on others' minds than somebody holding a brilliant speech that is pure theory. I also feel that one of the amazing aspects of our Dharmapala is that he can help beings on all levels, from the bottom (like myself) to the top. Since ordinary beings are far more numerous than highly attained ones, our contributions can make a great and much needed difference, completing the accounts of our realized masters and communicating directly to all those who are similar to us. And the more numerous we come alive as normal individuals, the more the public eye will notice that all this is not a matter of one spokesperson debating with another, but a matter of real life, real sentient beings. If we can't mention the names of our Lamas at this point because their work would suffer - no problem; nobody can deny our own true experience and that's how we can empower ourselves to help. I see you have amazing things to share and look forwards to hear as many as possible!
Thank you for coming forwards and setting an inspiring example Jeff, i rejoice with all my heart and wish you everything good -

yours, beggar

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Yes, Tom, this is the site.
You have two ways of writing: to everybody, like you just did, under General Discussion, or privately to a member, under Personal Messages. These are to be answered through the same channel, i.e., Personal Messages, not publicly through General Discussion.

In General Discussion you can start a new thread, any number of times, or you can reply to the threads already started, like you replied to this one.

Beggar, who is the kind creator and moderator of this website, suggested to you to write in this particular thread, "Experiences with DSh, advices, etc", all your experiences with our great Lamas.

This goes nicely with what I told you in the Guestbook, to tell your story as it comes to you. Now is the time to let things be known.

In the future we might end up here writing a collective book. Already this website is helping tremendously with the task of not allowing the "official history" issued from Dharamsala as the established historical truth.

In the mean time, it would help us all and also you, Tom, to know step by step what happened in your case, brave and generous Dharma practitioner.

Welcome, brother!

All the best in your red mountains

A Friend



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Dear friends,

About 5 years ago I received from my Guru the empowerment of Dharmapala Dorje Shugden. Since I became Buddhist 3 years before that I felt my life had been changed in many ways, more internal than external. I felt protected, blessed, etc. But since the DS empowerment I felt more secure and protected when I repeated His mantra in my mind or aloud in many different dangerous situations I had to face.

So, many times in my life I've had many dreams receiving teachings from my Guru and another Gurus -most of the times I am in Buddhist robes- in another places, countries, healing people and animals, levitating, flying in different kind of situations and environments, speaking languages -even speaking mentally with another monks or Gurus- that I do not speak in my wakefulness, etc. That kind of dreams have had a faithful effect on me, no matter they are just dreams, no matter if they are fantastic and "unreal" projections, but I have never felt that kind of peace and happiness in my wakefulness.

About to weeks ago I dreamt I was walking in the street with some friends and my mom. Suddenly some one of them said that it would be interesting and exciting if we go to certain place where there was a missed and evil amulet in an abandoned house. I told them that we do not need to do that, those are things we cannot play with, because we don't know what can happen if we manipulate that kind of amulets and that we are not going to be better persons, etc etc. Suddenly, I do not remember how I saw the amulet hanging fron the roof of that abandoned house and I felt an evil mid-dark environment. I saw my mom lying on the floor speaking like monster and convulsioning. I thought that the amulet was possesed by an evil spirit and he entered my mom's body to possess her. Suddenly I felt down on my knees and turn down my mother to the floor and pressed on her back and then I began to repeat the Green Tara, muy Guru and Buddha Sakyamini mantras. Finally I repeated Dorje Shugden and his entourage mantra many times and aloud, saying "In the name of the Supreme Victor Buddha Shakyamuni and King Dorje Shuden I order you to go out of this body and return where you came from", again and again with the DS mantra. I saw how the spirit leave my mother's body and returned to the amulet. In any moment I felt afraid, on the contrary, I felt secure and faithful. I remember that in the dream I also said. "I am going to take this amulet to my Guru and teachers to make a fire puja in order to subdue totally this spirit and make no more harm to others".

I know they're just dreams but I think that what is more important is the faith and trust I develop every time I have that kind of dreams. Actually, I have understood many Dharma aspects or doubts that have been resolved in my dreams.

Also I have heard many stories of monks and Dharma friends about Dorje Shugden "miracles", so to speak.
Thank you for reading this, and blessings to all. Thank to the Admin and the people that make this site every day, your efforts are extraordinary.


a friend

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Re: to Vajra dreamer
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2008, 10:36:54 PM »
Dear Vajra,

It's true that dreams are dreams.
But the fact of having virtuous minds in dreams, like the mind of faith towards our Lamas that you've been having, is a very profound and wonderful thing. It means first of all that you are receiving their blessings and that your mind is greatly protected by your own motivation and efforts.
The doings of our holy Protector that is inseparable from your own Lama are shining in those dreams.

Thanks for sharing this with us. Keep on with the practice.


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Dear Vajra,

i guess it's as with Dharma practice we do during (so-called) waking hours - if the qualities invoked/embodied during sadhana 'spill over' into daily life and we become humbler and happier, gain purer view of our Lama and sentient beings which translates into caring skillful actions, what more authenticity confirmation do we need?

I rejoice for you, and thank you very much for sharing!

Yours, beggar


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Allow me to share my experience with Vajradhara Dharmapala. My noble father became seriously ill for very long time. At that time I was young and my dear mother was very worried about the state of my father’s deteriorating state. She knew that the end was near. Although my father was bed ridden for three years he never had a unbearable pain and mental anguish. Every morning he would recite Lama choepa puja in his bed. As he does not have enough strength to hold his body upright he has to recite his morning prayer by lying down. My mother knew that the end was near and she requested his Eminence Choyang Duldzin Kuten lama make visit to our home. Kuten Rinpoche agreed immediately and came to our home. There was no elaborate preparation just a chair near my father’s bed instead of thrown. After the trance Vajradhara blessed my father and gave long discourse about the impermanence and Karma. There was glow in my father’s face. Throughout the discourse Vajradhara spoke with very gentle voice as if speaking with small baby. The kindness in Holi vajradhara’s voice has immediate effect on my father’s soul.

Soon after that my father remained blissful till the end of his day. He passed away with his Holy prayer Book ( Pecha ) on his chest. My mother used to tell me that has it not been for the kindness of Vajradhara Dorjeshugden we would be suffering under Chinese oppression. It was because of Vajradhara advice that they left their newly build home in Tibet (without attachment) and were able to come to India.

I for one can never agree with Dalai lama’s statement of calling Holy Vajradhara an ( evil spirit ). I am writing because many people believes Dalai Lama blindly – especially our fellow Tibetan. I hope very soon all these disharmony within the Gelukpa sect will subside and once again the world will learn the truth about Holy Dharmapala Vajradhara.


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The reasons or proofs that  Dorje Shugden is a real protector are so many that it is impossible to write about all these things. Even if would I start to write about some examples of my own experiences, then I afraid that some evil minded persons would misinterpretate this as any strange stuff or whatever.
So this force me to keep these treasures as my own secrets and not to share it in any open forum.
I think that the presence of Dorje Shugden has a very strong influence to keep myself stable on my path about more then 10 years of many up and downs in the developement of our sangha. And I can see how our sangha, the dharma in the mind of the people and our facilities constantly grows, although we are poor in material things.
I have really no doubt that he is a Buddha - even if the rest of the world would claim he is the worst demon of the world.
Everybody sees which his mind reflects to him. An evil mind sees evil things. I think it is difficult to convince people who are unable to see things which are apart from their delusions which bind them into negative views as long as they believe them as true.
Delusions never end until we stop it. If some so called Buddhists would really practice dharma and take the words of the Buddhas to their hearts then they would see the truth and all evil reflections of mind would dispels into emptiness...and they will see the real nature of Dorje Shugden too...



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Dorje Shugden manifesting in oracles in both peaceful and wrathful forms.

As everyone knows our Lord of an Ocean of Protectors, Dorje Shugden has taken rebirth from the illustrious Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. Prior to that rebirth he has taken on a string of high incarnations in China, Tibet and India to preserve and proliferate the Buddhadharma.

As Dorje Shugden is the main mind incarnation of Lord Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, he is a protector of the highest calibre. As all of the previous lives of Dorje Shugden were illustrious high mahapanditas especially famed for teaching and composition, hence our Dorje Shugden is unlike any other protector as they are the same mindstream.

Example, when Nechung takes trance in a medium, since he is that of an evil being bound by Guru Rinpoche's compassion, he can fortell the future and remove some obstacles while in trance, but all his prophecies are not accurate. There has been many mistakes in the past.  Some prophecies were so off the mark, few of the Nechung oracles in Tibetan history were dishonourably discharged or even whipped. Nechung while in trance can do no more than give some clairvoyant limited prophecies due to the level of his mind, which is not enlightened. 

Whereas Dorje Shugden being an incarnation of such illustrious masters has in his previous lives mastered mandalas, rituals, the corpus of Buddha's teachings, divination, debate, poetry, composition, astrology, history,etc. has those knowledge in his continuous mindstream unlike the protectors such as Nechung.

Hence Dorje Shugden when he enters a qualified oracle, may come in two forms: In wrathful form direct protector manifestation or as Dulzin (peaceful form) where he wears the robes of a monk and golden Pandit's hat of Lord Tsongkapa.  In Dulzin's form, he is as he was before he manifested as wrathful Dorje Shugden, a high lama. He can stay in trance for many hours at a time to teach, give advice, debate, give initiation or oral transmissions. He is the only protector who can take trance and offered these types of benefit to sentient beings. Although it can be somewhat taxing for the oracle to be in trance that long.

He has been requested before to take trance in Choyang Dulzin Kuten (oracle monk of Gaden) in the peaceful form as Dulzin. While as Dulzin he remained in full trance for over three hours and conferred the full Avalokitesvara initiation. The participants were very fortunate as to recieve Avalokitesvara's initiation from 'Manjushri' Dulzin himself. Whenever they do guru yoga of Avalokitesvara in their sadhana thereafter, they should have no problems in visualizing their initiation guru as perfectly enlightened!!!!

How incredible that Dorje Shugden can and has manifested for everyone to recieve this precious initiation from someone as precious as himself. Or to take any role necessary to benefit others. Of course Dulzin is very humble, he has mentioned it is not necessary for him to give teachings or it is 'improper' to teach when there are qualified masters, but when requested, he must comply. He mentions, he primarily serves as a Dharma protector. That is his main function at this time.

Dorje Shugden as Dulzin also took trance and conferred the full oral transmission of his personal divination text also composed by himself in trance. There are many forms of divination according to Manjushri, pelden hlamo and kalacakra tantras to benefit others using dice from a qualified practitioner. Dorje Shugden also has his personal divination method that is highly accurate after one has completed the proper retreats. So this text and method he has conferred the oral transmission while in full trance in the past. Incredible. I have talked to ppl who has attended the transmission from Dulzin and use this form of divination to benefit others.

I thank the kind admin to post up pictures of Domo Geshe Rinpoche's Dungkar Oracle in the MAIN PAGE OF THIS WEBSITE.  This clearly shows Dorje Shugden in wrathful form taking trance in the oracle. Also taking trance in peaceful form as Dulzin in the full robes of a high lama adorned by Pandit's hat. Few oracles today can do that as it takes a special medium to be able to do this. But most mediums can take the wrathful form of Lord Dorje Shugden who has the might of ten million dharma protectors. Either taken form in wrathful or peaceful trance within the oracles does not matter, as it is Dorje Shugden. But as Dulzin he can speak longer and stay in trance longer.

I have had the fortune to experience Dorje Shugden taking trance in both peaceful and wrathful forms in qualified oracles in the past. My questions on a few occasions that I met him were answered perfectly and as time passed, I have clearly witnessed EVERYTHING HE TOLD ME/PREDICTED FOR ME ARE 100% ACCURATE. I have experienced that myself. I hope to have this opportunity again and again.

It is the only time when humans can actually directly interact with enlightened beings without having any attainments that is only speaking for myself.  It would be a long while off before I can have direct visions of various Enlightened beings in this life and interact with them as Lord Tsongkapa had pure visions of Manjushri. So interacting with Dorje Shugden via his oracles is a rare priviledge that further deepens my convictions in him.

If Dorje Shugden exists and can manifest via oracles, then definitely Tara, Heruka, Vajra Yogini exists. His existence helps me to have convictions in the existences of other deities or holy beings. In this way, for me the oracles of Dorje Shugden has tremendous benefit for my practice. And I assume many others.

Robert Thomas

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Hello everyone,

I think this is a wonderful idea for a thread. I have had so many positive and almost miraculous experiences since meeting the mighty Dorje Shugden that I couldn't possibly write them all down but there are a few which I think are worth sharing because they may also be inspiring for others.

The first thing I would like to say is that my first full on Dharma book which I bought in a second hand shop (after reading Sogyal Rinpoche's wonderful best seller) was Heart Jewel by Geshe Kelsang. It was 1995 and I did not have a clue what any of it meant, but I had a wonderful feeling that here for the first time in my life I was getting in contact with a real living tradition of practice, I felt that there was a wonderful secret behind those words.

Later, not knowing there was any connection, I went to a meditation class at Heruka center in London. I tried very hard to go to other centers, such as RIGPA but the phone was always on voicemail, my calls never got returned and when I arrived in person, the place was locked. At the same time there were posters for a talk by a Lama I had never heard of (still didn't connect the author of Heart Jewel) - the talk didn't happen, but my wife got the phone number and booked us in for a class.

So I went to some general meditation classes, and really enjoyed them and finally a few months later I went to a puja - Heart Jewel (for non-NKTers thats the Ganden Lhagyama combined with the short sadhana of Dorje Shugden). As soon as the Dorje Shugden prayers started I had a really strong image of him and his retinue, which was amazing because this really was first contact - there they were, seemingly as alive as my wife who was sitting to my right.

A few months later I was extremely fortunate to be invited to an invocation of Dorje Shugden with the Venerable Kuten Lama Choyang Rinpoche. The gompa was packed and a very high throne had been built. We recited the Ganden Lhagyama and the Kuten Lama entered the room - I thought, "This old man will never get on to that high throne", but once Dorje Shugden entered his body he became visibly strong and young (the flesh of his arms became taught with muscle) and up he jumped on to the throne. He then gave a teaching in Tibetan, we were very lucky to have a monk there who could translate the teaching - this was another twist of good fortune, at all the other centers there was no translation.

His teaching was incredible, he taught about respecting all religions and Buddhist traditions, he taught about practicing dharma with humility, comparing Buddhadharma to a mansion with different entrances and floors. He said that the different entrances were the different ways that people might enter dharma through the different traditions buddha taught,  and that we should be careful to enter on the ground floor and then climb up with a good foundation. If we tried to go straight on to the top floor he said people there would be surprised to see us and we would not be able to stay! Finally he gave a blessing to each of us (we each offered a kathag). He touched our heads and for some people he performed healing actions (one friend of mine who was going blind had a great improvement in her eyesight).  For me, the blessing was very blissful and I had an experience as if the whole world dissolved. This feeling lasted for many hours and afterwards the whole world and all the people I met seemed really pure and beautiful. Please remember, I was still very new to Dharma and knew nothing about any of the practices of Tantra etc.

That afternoon my brother came to visit me at my flat. On the mantelpiece I had a picture of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, immediately my brother saw the picture he said, "That's him, he's the devil!" I was, naturally very surprised. My brother then explained by producing a copy of the Guardian with an article published that day by Madeline Bunting (it is widely available on the internet and in Prisoners of Shangri-la). In it are claims that Dorje Shugden was evil, and sectarian etc. But I knew then, from my direct experience that these words were not true. Only that morning I met Dorje Shugden, he had spoken of loving people, respecting different traditions and so many other wise words about respecting one's spiritual guide (and praising Geshe Kelsang). Also I had that blessing, which I knew could only be good because it made me feel that people were really special. For me that blessing was a miracle, without it I may very well have abandoned Dharma or at least the NKT that very day and as a result missed out on so many wonderful teachings and experiences.

A couple more, real quick now....A few years ago my mum was gravely ill. She was taken into hospital with kidney infections and fell into a coma. We feared she would die. I dedicated a group Kangso puja to her and she got better. When she became conscious she said that she had seen white lions which were friendly and she had not been afraid of them. I thought this was a clear sign that she had been visited by Dorje Shugden's snow lion.

On another occaision a friend of mine, who had no religious faith, was suffering from terrible nightmares. He started to take sleeping tablets because he couldn't sleep due to being disturbed by the nightmares. Eventually, when he was desperate, I said, "I know what will help you, but you just have to trust me". I taught him Dorje Shugden's short mantra "Om vajra wiki witrana soha". He had some faith in mantra because he could think of it as a sort of tool to help quiet the mind. Before he went to sleep he said the mantra many times and he wrote it on a piece of paper which was by his bed. That night was his first truly peaceful sleep in months. He was so amazed he sent me a text message saying "that mantra was fantastic, it really worked!".

On another occasion, my wifes' brother was being threatened by some one with black magic and he was having nightmares. My wife told him about Dorje Shugden and gave him a small picture. She told him to remember Dorje Shugden in his nightmare. He said that for some reason the image was really memorable and so when his nightmare started he thought of Dorje Shugden and immediately everything stopped completely and his mind became very peaceful and filled with white.

Most importantly, I can say that sadly, I myself rarely have an interest or motivation to practice dharma. But consistently my mind is blessed by this wonderful great protector of ours and again and again I find myself, studying, meditating and trying to train my mind. I have lived in several different countries since I first met Dharma and every time the conditions are assembled whereby I have the opportunity and the motivation to practice. I am certain that this is due to my closest friend and helper who cares for me like a mother for her dearest child. I really am so happy and overwhelmed by the kindness and closeness of this dear being and through his actions I have so far lived a wonderfully fortunate life.

May the study and practice of dharma in increase like a waxing moon.



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Dear Robert,

How wonderful, your 'classic' story of a true connection - thank you so much! I get goosebumps reading it...

In my understanding such a direct powerful link shows

- affinity from previous lives,
- pure samaya with one's Lama or simply
- the blessing of our Lama and lineage (within which we, even as beginners, can experience such wonders of enlightened care)

... probably it is the combination of all three.

In any case, i think we all experience the same: what a blessing it is to even read such accounts.

I feel they connect us instantly to Vajradhara Dorje Shugden's holy mind - what an amazing gift!

Thank you everyone, your sharing is most precious. Grand or humble is irrelevant - light is light...

Yours, beggar


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by Pelsang (India), copied from the guestbook:

A person named michael wrote this,

This is simply not true, Pelsang. Controversy has accompanied this practice since pabongkha used it as his flag bearer for Gelugpa sectarianism and extremism in the early twentieth century. The persecution of non-gelugpa Buddhists in eastern Tibet by dogyal worshippers such as togden is an example of this, or do you think the Nyingma monasteries of Dhartsedo, for example, wanted to be Gelugpa all along? The destruction of Nyingma statues and scripture was a sign of harmony and not hostility?

The writings of pabongkha, trijang and dzemey rinpoches are evidence enough for the sectarian nature of this practice, and whatever the Dalai Lama has said about it does not effect this one bit.

The overwhelming majority of high lamas, including the heads of the four major traditions are opposed to this practice. It is not just the Dalai Lama. Great lamas, such as Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, spoke out against worshipping this spirit and asked the thirteenth Dalai Lama to stop the followers of dogyal from persecuting nonGelug practitioners, well before the current Dalai Lama was born.

Pelsang's answers following;
Is there any religion without being accompanied by any sort of controversies in history of human kind. Name it, Christianity, Islam, Hindu and even Buddhism, all are directly or indirectly linked to one or another controversy, even much bigger than shugden controversy. Your story about the persecution of non-gelugpa Buddhists in eastern Tibet by shugden worshippers is not a valid reason because how can you be sure about that it is true. It is just based on Nyingma lamas or jamyang khentse's saying? Most of the Tibetan high lama lives comfortably in their well protected house that they are seldom correct in real happening among general people. Whatever their attendant told then, they simply believe. It seems that their clairvoyance doesn't work in these things( i believe because of our karma). Anyway high lamas saying about these happenings are not reliable. Anyway i heard different version of your story from somebody from chamdo region( eastern tibet) about what really happened at that time. It is nothing to do with Togden rinpoche or shugden but i will not go in detail here. Even if your story had been true, we should differentiate between those who misuse religion and the religion itself. Whatever so called shugden followers does in the name of shugden cannot be attributable to shugden or his main philosophy. Here i am defending shugden and his philosophy.

I tell you one real story witnessed by my friends many years ago.

HH Zong Rinpoche was invited to Orrisa( south India) to do a special ritual. At that time in Orrisa, Tibetan camp, many people were dying without any obvious reasons; as a result, many lamas and specially those from nyingma did rituals to ward off negative energy, but none of them was sucessful and then Zong rimnpoche was invited as he was very famous as powerful tantric master. Zong rinpoche's ritual was very effective and showed many signs described in text. During that time Zong also gave some small teachings and empowerment. He even visited Nyingma monastery of great Dranag rinpoche(highly realised master), where he gave teaching on Guru padmasambawa's life story, so moving and inspiring that even nyingma lama Dranag commented that " even we nyingmapa weren't aware of such". This great dranag rinpoche later offered his younger son to HH zong rinpoche as disciple. This young son studied under zong and now he is geshe lharampa.

 This clearly shows that how authentic lama from gelug side and nyingma side can keep such a healthy relationship? But then what had happened thereafter, few nyingma persons out of jealousy started to spread a rumor that zong was against nyingma ,destroying Guru padmasambhawa's staues and nyingma text and started to collect signature from nyingma followers to condemn zong. They hurled same accusation like in your story to my most precious, ever compassionate and truthful lama, zong rinpoche. I saw from my own eyes that zong rinpoche kept statue of guru rinpoche in his personal altar. As their approach one old lady for signature, she was said to have told them that Zong rinpoche had instead advised her to recite mantra of guru rinpoche and pray to him, hence cannot sign. Then these fanatics send petition signed by several people to Exile Tibetan government. Government sent one envoy( then member of parliament) named kunsang choemphel to investigate the matters. Kunsang chomphel and then local representative( like mayor) Lobsang nyima did thorough investigation. Their investigation found HH zong rinpoche with no faults and all accusation were baseless and unfounded. They gave zong clean chit. When these two men asked those people who signed the petition about their reason, most of them told that we just signed it because we were told to do so, that is the only reasons.
Infact main culprit were one low profile nyingma lama, others were just ignorant and following him blindly.

This happening is ,unlike your story, well documented proved by government appointed reliable third party. Despite the investigation, after many years( zong passed away in 1984) in 2002, Dalai lama just repeated what had been proved to be wrong by his own goverment several years ago, may be his memory is poor.

Phagphongka and Trijang did highly praised and with reasoning established the fact that Lama tsongkhapa's interpretation of buddha's both sutra and tantra are perfect, immaculate devoid of even a subtle mistakes. Then they further emphasized that tsongkhapa's tradition should be upheld purely without mixing with others. What wrong in this? If this amount to sectarianism, then i think all religion are sectarian because very religion says that their way is the best and prefer to not to mix. Religion is supposed to be the way to ultimate goal and who wouldn't chose the best for him or her when it is about way to ultimate goal.
In christian, jesus is the only way to salvation. According to madhayamika, chittamatrin(mind only) school's way cannot even lead to liberation much less buddha hood. Is madhayamika a sectarian? I never read and heard any such things from Phagpongka, trijang and zong that we shouldn't respect nyingma or kagyu and say bad things about them. In fact my most immaculate teacher zong rinpoche repeatedly told us to respect and generate pure vision with respect to nyingma teaching and their teachers but he remind us that this doesn't mean that one should practice other tradition. We, Buddhist respect Christianity but doesn't practice Christianity. We rae not politician or playing games with religions, if one is really serious in practicing dharma in order to get buddha hood then, practice one of the four traditions whichever you like, not all by mixing. Because mixing has greater long term harm then benefits.
Every great religion advocates the practice of their tradition purely.


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    • duldzin
I just wanted to bring this up front again so people will read these stories and hopefuly add to them. Dear Jeff, do you have any more that you can share? :)


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Hi all,

I would like to mention one little story concerning my father.

In 2005, I have had the extraordinary opportunity to be in Nepal to assist Kabdje Dagom Rinpoche teaching on the Lama Chopa. It was during the Mon Lam period. Some time before I came back, I learned that my father had to be taken to hospital. I didn't know exactly what he has at this time. I just know that he get pain on his back and probably a tumor under a lumbar vertebra. My father was 78 at this time.

Then I came back to Montreal. Of course, before I leaved Katmandu, I asked Rinpoche to pray for my mother (my mother also was sick at this time) and my father. Rimpoche gave me little healing pills.

When I say my father in the hospital, he was near dying. He suffer a lot and did loose weath. He looked like a skeleton.

For some time before this happend, he did suffer of 2 illness: Parkingson and leukaemia. For a person old as he his, these 2 illness develop very slowly and most of the time people can live long. Anyway, we learned that the doctor did found a tumor under a lumbar vertebra. Furthermore, he was suffering of an agressive bout of osteoporosis. To calm his dolor, the doctor gave him morphine.

So, I wrote to the Dagom labrang to give news and to ask Rinpoche to pray for him and to do kangso. I was sure that he would die shortly because of his general condition. Suddenly, he began to get better. Then, some time later he have been able to come back home where he have been able to eat good food (my mother was bringing food for him to the hospital, but not all the time.)

Now he is 82 and his health is good. He still have Parkingson but the disease didn't deteriorate very much since then, which the neurologists doesn't understand. Furthermore, he doesn't have leukaemia anymore and  the tumor also has disappear. His oncologist never saw that.

So, there is no doubt in my mind that Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden prayers saved him.
