a friend

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Thank you for sharing with us your father's story and we are very happy that he recovered so well.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 04:59:42 AM by a friend »


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Dear Admin,

I've been away for a while, thanks so much for all the hard work up dating the site.  All the video's and so forth are just a joy.  One show's all the different places that shugden is worshipped and revered.  I see alot of hard work has gone into compiling this information and i thank all the people who are involved.  I have one request though if possible.  Please can you add some pictures and articles of kadampa temples built my Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, maybe some pictures, video and an article on manjushri, new york and brazilian temples would be just wonderful.

thanks you again for all your hard work

a friend

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Hi Loneranger, welcome back.
I was going to say: I join the Ranger's request. And then I realized that any person from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso might upload the pictures of those temples.
I think I said months ago that I had visited the temple in NY State, and I really liked it. The statues are just exquisite, so refined. I appreciated that the temple had the most traditional plan of a deity's mandala, and at the same time a flavor of Western esthetics in the simplicity of the adornments. It's less colorful than a typical Tibetan temple, and I think it's fine to express our culture in that manner. I remember that following the doctrine about the Dharma being the main of the Three Jewels, in a general way the scriptures should be placed above the images. In this temple the architecture does not allow for the typical wooden encasement filled with pechas, so very elegantly they built small, simple bookshelves above the main statues, and the scriptures in the bookshelves, instead of pechas, are Western books ... again, exquisitely crafted. These are just small details, there are many other remarkable features.
I really would like to have detailed photos of the general temple and the various groups of statues, and probably we don't need to give more work to the kind Administrator. We have several beloved brothers and sisters from the New Kadampas that surely very kindly can upload those pictures.


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Here is a video about the Temple at Manjushri Centre...

Maybe Admin could contact Steve the Nkt secretary or Neil Elliot who I think does web stuff and ask If they could post the Video on here. I have a copy of it I could forward on.

a friend

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Sorry, I need to complete my previous message. I think that what the Loneranger is requesting is that Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso´s temples that have the Holy Dharmapala statues or chapels be included in the main website, not only in this Forum.
I entirely agree.
But still I think the best would be that some NKT person should send the best possible pictures to the Forum and then we can ask the Administrator to put them in the main website. How's that?


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The video of the Kadampa temple tour you mention is already on YouTube:

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I am pretty sure that the NKT will have no objection to at least links to the You Tube videos as they are already public anyway.

Dondrup Shugden

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My experiences with Dorje Shugden have always been very empowering and helpful but the most imprinted on my mind is as follows:-

4 years ago, my daughter in law seem to be always getting in accidents and ill health.  One day I was shocked to get a call from her that she had driven her small car into a ravine along an expressway.  I went to the scene of the accident and the first thing I did was to check if she was hurt.  I was amazed as there was not a scratch on her.  Then I looked into the ravine at the little white car sitting there.  When the car was hauled up, nothing was damaged at all.

I asked her what happened? She replied that she lost control of her car and she knew she was going off the expressway.  Suddenly she felt like she was floating in the car and she was lead by an image like DS to land safely in the ravine. 

A miracle of our King of Protectors.

You have any miracles to share?