Author Topic: Why Dorje Shugden History?  (Read 6837 times)


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Why Dorje Shugden History?
« on: June 25, 2010, 09:56:30 PM »
I must admit that I do not understand all these complicated stories who is who around Dorje Shugden. This is too complicated for my small brain. The only thing I understand is that Dorje Shugden = Je Tsongkhapa. This is simple and easy to understand for me.

Now my question: Why are we discussing all these stories around Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen etc. when we know that Dorje Shugden = Je Tsongkhapa. Am I missing the point somewhere?

Thanks for your help


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Re: Why Dorje Shugden History?
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2010, 05:17:58 AM »
Dear Godi, please read the article the Murder of Tulku Drakpa - right from the very first post. In a brief summary for your easy reference, it is written and widely believed that Tulku Drakpa sacrificed himself in a way in order to arise as Lord Protector, Dorje Shudgen. For the lack of a better analogy - DS=Tulku Drakpa=Manjushri. They are all one and the same. Hope you find this helpful. Take care.


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Re: Why Dorje Shugden History?
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2010, 10:03:22 AM »
Manjushri=Tulku Drakpa=DS, ya I heard before this story. The story talked about Tulku Drakpa sacrificed himself became as lord protector, Dorje Shudgen always touched me very deep. Thank you. 


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Re: Why Dorje Shugden History?
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 11:40:47 PM »
Dear Godi,

It is important to know the history of Dorje Shugden in order to understand where he comes from. Do read Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors, by HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche ( When we understand more of the history and spiritual lineage of Dorje Shugden, it helps our faith. it's great that you believe Tsongkhapa is Dorje Shugden, but do get to know the incarnations of Dorje Shugden, which is on the front page of the Dorje Shugden website.

Manjushri -> Birwapa -> Sakya Pandita -> Buton Rinchen Drup -> Dulzin Drakpa Gyeltsen -> Panchen Sonam Drakpa -> Sonam Yeshe Wangpo -> Ngawang Sonam Geleg Pelzang -> Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen.

I've highlighted the incarnations that I found more interesting (sounds a bit sacrilegious since they are ALL important but if you really had to whittle it down, I would focus on these four).

Enjoy reading, Godi! Knowledge empowers us :)


Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Why Dorje Shugden History?
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2010, 10:04:11 AM »
Godi's understanding is that Dorje Shugden is Je Tsongkhapa. I think he is not wrong because Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen is of the same mindstream as Je Tsongkhapa who is also Manjushri. Don't forget that Dorje Shugden comes from Lama Tsongkhapa's throne. Having said that, I urge Godi to read up on the history of Dorje Shugden and his spiritual lineage in order to understand his background and develop faith in this great dharma protector.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 04:01:31 PM by Midakpa »


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Re: Why Dorje Shugden History?
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2010, 05:25:13 PM »
Dear Godi

... and all who are having trouble grasping the history, the information is here in the main site.
Read up these 4 pages

1 Lineage

2 Detailed Lineage

3 Appearance

4 Nature and function

This will help everyone to understand where DS came from, the incarnations before DS appeared and the circumstances from first setting the motivation, right up until becoming DS the protector.

Happy Reading, then lets meet back and discuss further.



Big Uncle

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Re: Why Dorje Shugden History?
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2010, 04:28:21 AM »
Dear Godi,

Also understand that an enlightened Being is without boundaries of the mind and hence able to emanate out in different manifestations as an expression of their compassion and wisdom. Hence, Manjushri, being fully enlightened is able to emanate as Lama Tsongkhapa, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen who eventually assumed the form of Dorje Shugden, a bridge, a demon, a bird, a tree etc etc... All in order to benefit sentient beings according to their karma and disposition. Yes, in the scriptures, it is said that enlightened Beings can even emanate as animate and inanimate objects to benefit us. So it is not unusual that Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden is emanation of the same Manjushri Buddha. I hope that little explanation will help in your understanding of what the others had put forth to you.

Big Uncle


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Re: Why Dorje Shugden History?
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2010, 04:43:27 AM »
DS can be viewed as one and the same as Manjushri, especially when viewed in light of the deeds of Panchen Sonam Drakpa. He composed the core teachings which are practised in Gaden, Sera and Drepung to this very day...and as I was recently taught, it is one thing to be a great scholar and teacher, and another to compose texts for people to study and become enlightened from.

Can I add to Kate's comment, knowing the lineage and story and background doesn't just add to our faith. When we speak from knowledge, we gain the power to convince people. How convincing is it when someone asks you about Dorje Shugden (or anything at all for that matter), and all of your answers are "I don't know"? Or something very long and boring and philosophical in fact - if it's not backed up by action and practice, and if we don't lead by example, no matter what we say, there will be no effect.

And following on from what Big Uncle has said, Dorje Shugden himself has taught that if you think of me as a Buddha, you will gain the blessings of a Buddha. If you think of me as a spirit, you will gain the blessings of a spirit. I believe the former is true as I've not seen any other protectors who can take trance in peaceful form, and stay to give teachings for hours. And the latter is to say that you will gain no blessings at all (but on his end as a Buddha, he's not going to hurt you). So even in the same form, he can be viewed differently by people of different karmic dispositions.


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Re: Why Dorje Shugden History?
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2010, 06:38:44 AM »
there is something extremely remarkable in the lineage of Dorje Shugden, in that he has manifested not just as a Dharma Protector but also as a Lama. This is where the greatness of those many incarnations as teachers come through - Panchen Sonam Drakpa and Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen being the two most renowned teaching incarnations, amongst many others.

DS is capable not just of protecting, blessing, and clearing our obstacles but, most supreme, he is able to teach us just as a Lama can, thus giving us the wisdom that we can apply to bring ourselves to enlightenment. When we receive advice or teachings from DS, such as through an oracle, it could be that we are receiving this directly from the "teaching aspect" of DS, where the emanation of Dulzin takes trance. There is a photograph of this right on the front page of this website (in the moving slideshow of pictures).

Like others have already pointed out, understanding the details of his other incarnations and the many great deeds they have performed in teaching, spreading the Dharma and making it grow, we develop incredible faith in our minds. We gain the understanding that this protector is by no means ordinary but a completely, fully enlightened being who, if we take refuge in him, can take us fully to enlightenment.