Author Topic: Kyabje Pabongka Bio  (Read 14349 times)


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Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« on: July 06, 2010, 08:24:33 AM »

Wonderful informative biography of His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Dechen Nyingpo:



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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2010, 04:54:09 PM »
Ah, the hurt!
Kind Lama, look to this pitiful one—
How I behave and how I’ve cheated myself my entire life.
Please, look upon this mindless one with compassion.

The essential advice to give yourself—Heart-Spoon—
Keep it deep within your heart.
Don’t be distracted; don’t be distracted!
Reflect upon the state of your life from the essential drop at your heart.

Since beginningless cyclic existence, which hasn’t ended up to now,
Though you’ve experienced countless cycles of rebirths—
Just so many variations on happiness and pain—
You’ve achieved not the slightest of benefit from them.

And though at present you’ve attained leisure and fortune so difficult to find,
Always till now, they’ve finished and been lost, have been empty and without meaning.
Now, if you care about yourself,
The time has come to practice the essence of future happiness— virtuous actions.

You appear so capable, smart, and clever, but you’re a fool
As long as you cling to the child’s play of the appearances of this life.
Suddenly you’re overwhelmed by the fearful Lord of Death
And, without hope or means to endure, there’s nothing you can do.
— This is going to happen to you!

Because you think, “I’m not going to die for some time, I’m not going to die for some time,”
While you’re distracted by the never-ending activities of this life,
Suddenly the fearful Lord of Death arrives,
Announcing, “Now it’s time to die.”
— This is going to happen to you!

Though you make arrangements, saying “tomorrow” and “tomorrow,”
Just then, suddenly, you have to go.
— This is going to happen to you!
And without choice, leaving behind in disarray
Your left-off work, left food and drink, you have to depart.
— This is going to happen to you!

There’s no time other than today to spread [your bedding] and go off to sleep;
Upon your last bed you fall like an old tree,
And others, unable to turn you with their [lily]-soft hands,
Tug at your clothes and blanket.
— This is going to happen to you!

Even if you completely wrap [your body] in last under and outer clothes,
Still you have no freedom to wear them other than just today,
And when [that body] becomes as rigid as earth and stone,
You behold for the first time your own corpse.
— This is going to happen to you!

Though you struggle to speak your last words,
Your will and expressions of sorrow,
Pitifully your tongue dries up, and you can’t make yourself clear—
An intense sadness overwhelms you.
— This is going to happen to you!

Though others put your final food, holy substances, and relics
With a trickle of water into your mouth,
You’re unable to swallow even a single drop,
And it overflows from the corpse’s mouth.
— This is going to happen to you!

Though surrounded by a circle of close relatives, heart-friends, and those near to your heart,
And even though they’re loving and distressed at the ending of your being together,
While crying and clinging,
Just then, you have to separate forever.
— This is going to happen to you!

Though you [experience] horrific hallucinations like a turbulence of waves
And are overcome by unbearable, excruciating pain,
Pitiful though you may be, there’s nothing to be done;
The appearances of this life are setting [like the sun].
— This is going to happen to you!

Though with unbearable compassion your lama and vajra-friends
Plead in your ear for a critical virtuous thought to arise,
And even though they do so with loving minds,
There’s no hope; it’s unthinkable.
— This is going to happen to you!

With an [expelled rasping] sound, “sor…sor…,” [at the time of death]
The movement of your breath builds faster and faster,
Then breaks like the string of a violin
And the end of your life has come to its close.
—This is going to happen to you!

There’ll come a time when your cherished and sadly lost lovely body
Is called “corpse”—disgusting and rotten,
And a time when your body, which can’t bear even rough bedding and mattress,
Is laid out on bare ground.
— This is going to happen to you!

There’ll come a time when your body, which can’t bear even a thorn,
Is chopped to pieces and [from the bone] its flesh is torn,
And a time when your body, which can’t stand even fleas and lice,
Is devoured by birds and dogs till nothing’s left.
— This is going to happen to you!

Though you [go to so much trouble blowing] “pur…pur…,” in dressing your body in the finest of clothes,
There’ll come a time when that body is placed within a burning house,
And your body, which can’t tolerate even the fire of [a glowing stick of] incense,
Must be burned in the midst of a fiery conflagration.
— This is going to happen to you!

There’ll come a time when, entering into roaring flames, all your flesh and bones are burned
And [reduced to] a pile of ash;
Or a time when your body, which can’t bear even heavy cloth,
Is wedged tight in a hole in the ground.
— This is going to happen to you!

There’ll come a time of the announcing, “the deceased, _______, him- or herself,”
At the beginning and end of your sweet name.
— This is going to happen to you!
And a time when the area is filled with the sobbing sounds
Of your affectionate, close companions and circle of servants.
— This is going to happen to you!

There’ll come a time when your clothes, hats, possessions, and livestock will be divided up
With nothing left in the four directions and corners,
And there’ll come a time when, in total despair, alone,
You reach the passage to the intermediate state.
— This is going to happen to you!

The terrors of the four fearful enemies descending upon you are going to come:
The appearance of being trapped under a mountain of packed rock and rubble,
And buried beneath a furious avalanche of earth— what to do?
The appearance of being set adrift on the surface of a vast sea
And carried away by violent, swirling waves—what to do?
The experience of your heart and ears being split open
By the sizzling and crackling sounds of a fiery conflagration— what to do?
The fearful experience of being enveloped and swept away
By the swirling dark winds of the end of an eon— what to do?

When you’re driven by the powerful red winds of karma
And swallowed up by a terrifying darkness—what to do?

When you’re bound with a lasso by the messengers of Yama
And, in total despair, are led away—what to do?

When you’re tortured in so many detestable ways
By ox- and scorpion-headed karmic agents—what to do?

When you’re before the Yama king, the Lord of Death,
As he weighs up the whites and blacks—your virtuous and non-virtuous actions—what to do?

When Yama exposes your lie of having spent
Your human life in attachment, hatred, and deceit— what to do?

When at Yama’s court the punishment that is the ripening effect
Of your negative actions [is meted out]—what to do?

When your naked body is stretched out on the glowing red-hot iron
ground in the fires of hell—what to do?

Though your body is cut to pieces by a rain of weapons,
Still you must experience it without dying—what to do?

Though you’re cooked in molten iron until your flesh falls away and your bones disintegrate,
Still you must experience it without dying—what to do?

Though your body and fire burn inseparably,
Still you must experience it without dying—what to do?

When your body is pierced by a freezing cold wind
And cracks into a hundred thousand pieces—what to do?

Having fallen into the miserable state of a hungry ghost with its hunger and thirst,
You have to starve for many years—what to do?

When you’ve become one of those stupid, dumb, unfortunate animals
That eat each other alive—what to do?

When the unbearable sufferings of the evil-gone realms
Have actually befallen you—what to do?

Now! Don’t be distracted! [With the sounds of hurrying] “la…ur…la…ur…,”
Right this moment is the time to steel your will.

It’s not only time—it’s almost too late.
Right now! Right now! “La…ur…la…ur…,” [apply yourself with] great force!

Holy precept of the lama, kind father;
Heart of the authoritative scriptures of the Victorious Losang;
Practice of the pure path of complete sutra and tantra;
It’s time to place real experience upon your mindstream.

Who’s the faster:
Yama, the Lord of Death,
Or you in your practice of realizing the essence of your eternal dream—
The welfare of both yourself and others—as much as you can each day?
Unifying the three doors [of your body, speech, and mind],
Put the whole of your effort into your practice.

In response to a request in the past from Ngawang Nyandrag, who singlepointedly dedicated his life to practice, and a recent request from the manager of the Potala, Pelshi Kunngo Sönam Kunga, I was persuaded [to compose] for myself and all others "Heart-Spoon: Encouragement through Recollecting Impermanence". I, with the incarnation name of Pabongka, wrote this text at Tashi Dechen Monastery at Drula in the district of Kong.

[It was translated into English from Tibetan by Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Gelong Jampa Gendun at Chenrezig Institute on the auspicious occasion of its twentieth anniversary, September 1994.

Whatever merit may have been accumulated through the translation of these profound holy vajra-words of Pabongka Dechen Nyingpo—Heruka in human form—may they immediately and completely fulfill all his vast and profound wishes. And may anyone who touches this text, sees, hears, recalls, or practices it receive the blessings of holy Pabongka upon their mindstream and may they and all other sentient beings have the realization of impermanence in terms of death—the basis of the Lesser, Perfection, and Vajra Vehicles—and, quickly actualizing bodhicitta, may they all swiftly reach buddhahood.]



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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2010, 06:12:15 PM »
TK - thank you for the link to Pabongka's wonderful bio.. what a fantastic lineage lama he is. It is sad that because of politics, he cannot be publicly declared to be the incarnation of Changkya Rolpay Dorje, although since everyone knows it, i don't really see what's the difference.

I very much enjoyed reading the little vignettes of Pabongka's life - he is truly an enlightened Being. From not having a scholarly background to giving the yearly Lamrim teachings in 1925 instead of the Gaden Tripa as is the tradition, it proves his tremendous attainments.

I fervently hope that I will receive Vajrayogini from within the seven generations to receive Pabongka Rinpoche's blessings.

Tenzin Sungrab, thank you for posting the Heartspoon. I love it! Fantastically visual imagery... and yes it's gonna happen to you, me and everyone so we'd better get as much merits as possible while we can!

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2010, 11:38:35 PM »
TK - thank you for the link to Pabongka's wonderful bio.. what a fantastic lineage lama he is. It is sad that because of politics, he cannot be publicly declared to be the incarnation of Changkya Rolpay Dorje, although since everyone knows it, i don't really see what's the difference.

Ditto! How politics try to cover up information is just so silly and pointless! When information is uncovered, the news will spread even faster. Truth will always prevail..! Pabongka Rinpoche cannot be silenced!


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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2010, 11:16:02 AM »
Thank you for such a complete account of Pabongka Rinpoche, which is really hard to come across!

The strongest impression I received from Pabongka Rinpoche’s bio besides the magnificence of Pabongka Rinpoche is the power of Guru Devotion. Guru Devotion seems to be the common characteristic of all the highly attained masters. Therefore, for us to even begin working to have the slightest form of attainment, we really need to understand and practice Guru Devotion. Guru devotion is just 2-words but its significance it immeasurable. Guru Devotion is the key to gaining merits to have spiritual growth, attainments, controlled rebirth and, ultimately, enlightenment!

Unfortunately, Guru devotion is easier said than done with our strong imprint of ego and selfishness. However, as it is the prerequisite for our journey towards liberation and enlightenment, we need to find the incentive to re-habituate our minds. One way I look at this is: we chose our Guru with the knowledge that the Guru is of pivotal importance in Tibetan Buddhism because they are the vessel through which Buddha impart Dharma upon us. Therefore, once the Guru is chosen after careful observation, there is no looking back. If we question and doubt our Guru, we are actually belittling our own intelligence and betraying our journey to the ultimate destination of enlightenment. So, for the sake of self-respect, trust the Guru…when results arise, Guru devotion will become easier.

To end, may Pabongka Rinpoche's teachings continue to flourish and through Rinpoche's magnificent work, may Pabongka Rinpoche never be silenced.

Robert Thomas

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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2010, 05:12:06 PM »
I would like to suggest that Admin also add this in the section of what other great masters say about Je Phabongkha:

January 9, 2010 by truthaboutshugden (extracted from

Sermey Jetsun Khen Rinpoche Losang Tharchin on Pabonka Rinpoche

Khen Rinpoche, Geshe Lharampa, ex-Abbot Sera Monastery

KYABJE PABONGKA RINPOCHE DECHEN NYINGPO and his classmate, Gyelrong Sharpa Choje—known as Jangsem Choje Lobsang Nyima—went together very often to debate when they were at their monastery. Indeed, both of them became Geshes. Later Jangsem Choje Lobsang Nyima entered Gyu Me Tantric College and became a great scholar. He proceeded to become gi-go, an administrator, as I did, then Lama Umdze, then Abbot, and finally almost reached the position of Ganden Tripa.

Pabongka Rinpoche Kyabje Dechen Nyingpo’s life proceeded in another direction such that he was later to become a very famous teacher of Sutra and Tantra, especially of the Lam Rim (Stages of the Path to Enlightenment) tradition. Whenever he taught, many people came from miles and miles around to attend his teachings. Everybody said he was an unbelievable expert on all subjects.

Later, when Lobsang Nyima had learned that Kyabje Dechen Nyingpo was going to be in nearby Chusang Ritro, his curiousity piqued from having heard so much relating to Kyabje Pabongka’s fame coming from all quarters, he decided to visit him and so he brought along a pot of excellent yogurt as a gift for Rinpoche. During that visit they met for a long time discussing many points on numerous topics. Since Kyabje Pabongka had answered every one of his questions so thoroughly, Lobsang Nyima couldn’t argue with him at all on any of the points.

Upon his return, when others asked about the visit he remarked: “When we were on the debate ground at Sera Mey, Kyabje Dechen Nyingpo wasn’t an expert at debate by any means. At the time I didn’t think he had learned very much. But now I understand that his way of studying and mine went in different directions. For instance, when we debated, I for my part, would apply reasons and quotations to back up my arguments, all the time focusing on the other debater. But Kyabje Pabongka, for his part, when studying, asking questions, giving answers, reciting quotations, giving reasons, everything, would focus all of these on himself, applying them to his own mind. Therefore, by using such a method, there is no way to argue with him on any of the points since he has mastered them all.”


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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2010, 08:14:04 PM »
Dear Robert Thomas,

Thank you for the suggestion, it has been included in the bio of Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche on the front page:


Robert Thomas

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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2010, 08:00:30 AM »
Wonderful work, with or without this addition. Many thanks. I pray that this will be a powerful cause for countless living beings to come under the care and liberating blessings of this holy lineage.


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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2010, 02:09:14 PM »
"Upon his return, when others asked about the visit he remarked: “When we were on the debate ground at Sera Mey, Kyabje Dechen Nyingpo wasn’t an expert at debate by any means. At the time I didn’t think he had learned very much. But now I understand that his way of studying and mine went in different directions. For instance, when we debated, I for my part, would apply reasons and quotations to back up my arguments, all the time focusing on the other debater. But Kyabje Pabongka, for his part, when studying, asking questions, giving answers, reciting quotations, giving reasons, everything, would focus all of these on himself, applying them to his own mind. Therefore, by using such a method, there is no way to argue with him on any of the points since he has mastered them all.”

Robert Thomas, this is beautiful and am so pleased that you shared this! What a wonderful end of the week before we hit the weekend. Humbly, I'd like to second Robert Thomas in requesting Admin to please add this to the biography section ?

It is not uncommon to hear, in many accounts of Pabongkha, that he was often known for being "dull" in his early academic life. Isn't it rather interesting (though rude!) to read in the biography that he was often used as an example of "lesser intelligence"?

Though intelligence of course, is not quite the same as wisdom and attainments, as we well know.

This reminds me too of what was said about Shantideva - how he was ridiculed for just eating, sleeping and defecating and even nicknamed "Bhusuku" (with "hu" which comes from bhukta and means "eating"; su, which comes from susta and means "sleeping"; and "ku" which comes from kuchiwa and which means just walking: bhusuku is one who just eats, sleeps, and goes out to the toilet). How he stunned them when a supposed trick of humiliating them on the throne was turned around, and he delivered the most astounding teachings.

Goes to show then, that we should never be quite so quick to judge another, even (or especially) the sangha. Aren't there countless dozens of similar stories of mahasiddhas who have appeared in the most unconventional ways to shock us or expose us, only to reveal their true attained natures later?

As my lama has always taught us, it is more beneficial to view another person as a Buddha, than to view them as not - much better on our side, for our practice of awareness and for training our minds to look for the positive aspects in someone more than the negative.


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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2010, 08:21:50 AM »

I very much enjoyed reading the little vignettes of Pabongka's life - he is truly an enlightened Being. From not having a scholarly background to giving the yearly Lamrim teachings in 1925 instead of the Gaden Tripa as is the tradition, it proves his tremendous attainments.

Pabongka Rinpoche's life story is one which truly inspires me. It is amazing how he was an example, stated by his peers as not displaying intelligence. I recall this story often, as I have not much learning and intelligence, have been labeled as not being the brightest crayon in the box. I am deeply in gratitude to my Guru for being so kind and continues to give me teachings. Reading bios of such masters lifts my spirit..

my heartfelt gratitude to my Guru and the blessings of all the lineage masters



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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2010, 08:39:13 AM »
Is anyone working on translating the full bio of Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche written by Denma Lobsang Dorje ?


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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2010, 10:05:35 AM »
Is anyone working on translating the full bio of Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche written by Denma Lobsang Dorje ?

I didn't know there was one written by Denma Lobsang Dorje! Thanks TS for the lead.
Would you know where we can the original text of this (and what is it called?)
It would be really great to get full biographies out of all these lineage lamas, wouldn't it!


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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2010, 11:13:51 AM »
I have the original Tibetan text. It is called "The Lovely and Very Meaningful Song of the Pure One".
I have the digital text as well as the hardcover text. The hardcover text is about 900 pages long. I also have many of his shorter texts covering a vast array of topics.

Maybe I can make a PDF version of the digital text so that others can download it.
 Surely it would be very benificial if the many amazing activities of Kyabje Pabongkha were made known.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 03:14:24 PM by Tenzin Sungrab »


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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2010, 03:54:54 PM »
Dear Tenzin Sungrab,

Excellent - that's so exciting. it would be great if you could turn it into a pdf. If you could kindly email me the pdf, I can see if I can get it translated. Please send to [email protected]. Perhaps the admin might like to upload it as a Tibetan text for now?

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Kyabje Pabongka Bio
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2010, 04:37:23 PM »
I would be happy to send you a copy of the pdf. It may take a few days though. Today is a holiday (Chokor Duchen), but tomorrow I will be very busy again.