Author Topic: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!  (Read 205424 times)

Zhalmed Pawo

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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #120 on: July 10, 2010, 02:17:17 PM »
I said before that it would be nice if people would not confuse issues. I'll say it again.

I fail to see what has GKG's decisions, specific NKT policies, validity of Tulkus and oracles in general sense, the possibility that someone changes his mind, etc, have to do in common, and especially with this TDG-issue that exists, it seems, only on this forum? Why is NKT and GKG dragged into this even in the first place?

What are people discussing here? TDG or something else?

It is as if telling gossip about GKG would have something to add to this discussion, or something. As if gossip would act as a proof for or against this or that point. But hey, what was the point?

PS: I must offer two corrections for something mentioned in one post, somewhere above: (1) Shakyamuni Buddha did occasionally change his mind, as evidenced by Classical Sutras (so why would a change of mind be an argument for or against anything). We all change sometimes our minds, including GKG, or even Buddha. (2) Thais do recognize the validity of Dharmaguptaka and Mulasarvastivada monks; they officially only dispute that they are the same as Theravada monks, but so do the other two Vinaya lineages as well. A monk is a monk, in Thailand, whether he is Thr.da, Dhrm.g.tka, or Ml.Srvs.da. If anyone wishes to discuss about these two points, let us do so in separate threads, not here, thank you.


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #121 on: July 10, 2010, 02:41:40 PM »
Whoa, guys!

How does this make sense?  The Tulku of TDG is announced and there is a disagreement and disharmony.  What does this tell you about how beneficial any of this is?  NKTworld are having a field day with it, coming up with all kinds of crazy statements and speculation.

For me, it doesn't make a jot of difference.  I rely on the living Buddha Dorje Shugden, my Spiritual Guide.  The appearance of a Tulku claimed to be TDG is not going to make any difference to my reliance and why should it?  I still do my prayers every day and rely in the way that's described in 'Heart Jewel', so that's it - end of drama.

What we need is DHARMA not DRAMA.  Dorje Shugden's critics lap up this kind of disagreement.  My suggestion is let's just take the wind out of their sails and stop discussing it.


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #122 on: July 10, 2010, 03:05:29 PM »
Hi Tk,
I like the oracle tradition, but I can understand why people may think it is weird can't you?

Yes, I can see how some people might think it is weird, but this goes with everything. Some people think even guru devotion / being Buddhist / sacrificing weekend parties to go for a spiritual retreat is also "weird" behaviour!

We can each do our part to explain what the oracles are about, the history, background and logic behind how they "work". It is all about education. I'm sure at some point, each of us also didn't really understand what oracles were about but our kind teachers or fellow dharma friends explained things to us and helped us understand what it was really all about. Now, we appreciate the tradition and may even consult oracles ourselves - but it didn't always start like this.

I understand that some teachers may choose not to focus on this as it may not serve the students of that time and place, but those of us who are do understand it should always (out of compassion and understanding its benefit) try to explain it to others who do not understand or have wrong view about it.


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #123 on: July 10, 2010, 03:11:46 PM »

I don't think the oracle tradition is weird at all, but DIFFERENT. To some the whole of Tibetan Buddhism is weird. So what. It doesn't make it weird, and those people who have manners would just have to respect.

Hi TK,
I wasn't asking if you thought it was weird, I was asking if you could understand that others find it weird. Yes, people may find Tibetan Buddhism weird, I guess that is why Geshe-la has dropped the cultural stuff and kept the Dharma, all beings need Dharma, maybe that is why his students have managed to reach so many people.
I like what Lineage holder said, so I will be quite now.


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #124 on: July 10, 2010, 03:28:56 PM »

I don't think the oracle tradition is weird at all, but DIFFERENT. To some the whole of Tibetan Buddhism is weird. So what. It doesn't make it weird, and those people who have manners would just have to respect.

Hi TK,
I wasn't asking if you thought it was weird, I was asking if you could understand that others find it weird. Yes, people may find Tibetan Buddhism weird, I guess that is why Geshe-la has dropped the cultural stuff and kept the Dharma, all beings need Dharma, maybe that is why his students have managed to reach so many people.
I like what Lineage holder said, so I will be quite now.

Yes, Geshe-la has reached so many AND I SINCERELY REJOICE with his immaculate dharma. Let's see what happens after he passes though and I am afraid for that. Whether we agree with the Dalai Lama or not, he has reached vast numbers of people that Geshe Kelsang could never even hold a candle to and the Dalai Lama didn't drop the 'cultural stuff'.  See 'Spirits in Dharamsala' ( ). So there is a huge market for something different than what our Western culture blandly offers at times.

Yes, others may think it is weird. Many others find it facinating also like me. I can't speak for others maybe you can, but many find it facinating when we talked. If others choose to judge another's culture and label it weird, they should look at their own culture carefully. I don't recommend anyone dropping their culture because others think it's weird unless it's colonialistic cultural thinking of superiority or somthing like that. That sort of culture or others similar to it, should be abandoned. Many of our European countries felt their culture to be superior, better, and civilized in the past, and how much pain was extended and exploitation as a result in the world. To me that is WEIRD and I know that is an understatement.

It's been an interesting friendly dharma debate and I do thank you, with folded hands,


« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 03:56:55 PM by tk »


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #125 on: July 10, 2010, 03:34:59 PM »
I said before that it would be nice if people would not confuse issues. I'll say it again.

I fail to see what has GKG's decisions, specific NKT policies, validity of Tulkus and oracles in general sense, the possibility that someone changes his mind, etc, have to do in common, and especially with this TDG-issue that exists, it seems, only on this forum? Why is NKT and GKG dragged into this even in the first place?

What are people discussing here? TDG or something else?

It is as if telling gossip about GKG would have something to add to this discussion, or something. As if gossip would act as a proof for or against this or that point. But hey, what was the point?

PS: I must offer two corrections for something mentioned in one post, somewhere above: (1) Shakyamuni Buddha did occasionally change his mind, as evidenced by Classical Sutras (so why would a change of mind be an argument for or against anything). We all change sometimes our minds, including GKG, or even Buddha. (2) Thais do recognize the validity of Dharmaguptaka and Mulasarvastivada monks; they officially only dispute that they are the same as Theravada monks, but so do the other two Vinaya lineages as well. A monk is a monk, in Thailand, whether he is Thr.da, Dhrm.g.tka, or Ml.Srvs.da. If anyone wishes to discuss about these two points, let us do so in separate threads, not here, thank you.

I have taken Tibetan monks with robes to Thailand:

1.      They are allowed to stay in hotels and pay. Thai monks are not allowed in the hotels. Thai monks stay for free in any temple (Wat). Tibetan monks are not allowed to stay in the temples in Thailand for free, they have to pay as they are not considered monks. So hence it was a ‘put down’ that the Tibetan monks were directed to hotels. Even when they stayed in hotels, none of the managers or lobby people rejected. If it was Thai monk, they would have questioned as it looks suspicious why a monk is in a hotel and not staying in the thousands of free temples. I have monk friends in Thailand who told me the same thing also.

2.      They must pay full rate in airports within Thailand, when we said they are monks, the airport counter said, they do not recognize (Thai Airways). NO DISCOUNT. And no preferential seating for Tibetan monks.

3.      No Thai monks are allowed in restaurants. But we had to take the Tibetan monks to eat in the restaurants. Clearly showing they don’t believe Tibetan monks are ‘real’ monks.

4.      I have travelled to Thailand countless times and lived in Thailand for extended periods, and they consider Tibetan monks spiritual people or some sort of priests, but not ‘real’ monks.

I don’t see the above posted by TK as gossip or dragging Geshe Kelsang and NKT into the picture. You stated Shakyamuni changed his mind. A Buddha is a Buddha so when He changed his mind he is still operating as a Buddha, it is different from Geshela changes his mind. Geshela may be a Buddha to you but not to the rest of us. We may respect, but he changes his mind as any ordinary humans do, because they make mistakes.

My supposed mother-in-law changes her mind and she said it is a woman’s prerogative to change her mind, but that doesn’t mean her changing her mind is not from mistake.

Hence you have opened the can of worms as the saying goes, so on the forum ANYTHING CAN BE BROUGHT UP. There are no hard and fast rules to what information is allowed or not except if it brings physical danger.

Besides, the gossip you mentioned is not some internal NKT state secret, it is published all over the internet, see the links in footnote.

Sorry if I am direct, but TK’s eloquent writeup gives me another view of oracles. I am not into them at all, but reading about it, makes me understand and respect them more. The writeup contained many valid points and lots of energy spent on it, I think it was sincere. You didn’t thank or say a word to any of TK’s points, but seemed worried about NKT gossip. Well we didn’t create the gossip. But it is in our view always on the net as it is to thousands of others.

I personally thank TK for his well written explanation that follows the spirit of this forum which is GAINING KNOWLEDGE.

Thank you Zhalmed Pawo for bringing this up. Thank you TK for such a great explanation. Again, I don’t plan to go to any oracles, but I appreciate the rich tradition behind it and the illustrious Lamas who believed in them.

But if my Lama recommends me to go the oracles, I WOULD DO SO NOW.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 03:46:42 PM by thaimonk »

Zhalmed Pawo

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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #126 on: July 10, 2010, 04:07:49 PM »
Hi Tk,
I like the oracle tradition, but I can understand why people may think it is weird can't you?

We can each do our part to explain what the oracles are about, the history, background and logic behind how they "work". It is all about education. I'm sure at some point, each of us also didn't really understand what oracles were about but our kind teachers or fellow dharma friends explained things to us and helped us understand what it was really all about. Now, we appreciate the tradition and may even consult oracles ourselves - but it didn't always start like this.

I understand that some teachers may choose not to focus on this as it may not serve the students of that time and place, but those of us who are do understand it should always (out of compassion and understanding its benefit) try to explain it to others who do not understand or have wrong view about it.

While I'm not sure what the issue about oracles have to do with this, whatever this is, I'm now intrigued, and as it seems inevitable that all internet discussions branch away from whatever this was, let us now talk about oracles, as it seems to occupy the minds of people.

Could somebody here please explain to me, why oracles are needed, in a Dharmic context?

While answering, please consider these points: Considering that the Buddha has taught the Dharma, and we can all find whatever we need (in a dharmic sense, not necessarily in a material sense), from those already existing Teachings, why would anyone need to consult an oracle? As the Buddha has given the Dharma, and that has been transmitted to us by the Sangha, especially our Lamas or Gurus, and is accessible through books, meditation and experience, what else one would need? If one has questions, out of not understanding, one can always consult the Buddha-Dharma, through either one's Guru, Sangha in general, or Dharma-scriptures, so where is the need for oracular instructions? If the oracle oraculates an enlightened Deity, the answers will naturally be the same as found in the Tripitaka and the Commentaries, as explained by the Sangha and the Guru, so in this case it would be needless to ask an oracle, and if the spirit that is oraculated is not enlightened, why ask him anything relating to the Practice, the Dharma? So where is the need for oracles, within a dharmic context? Of all the peoples in the world, only Tibetans seem to need a Dharma-Boost from oracles; the other traditional Buddhist nations do not seem to need any such observances.

So, all those who understand these oracle-things, please explain to me. If this cannot be explained, the only conclusion can be, that this need for oracularism is just a cultural thing of Tibetans, having nothing really to do with Dharma. And as you explain, please provide Sutra sources if possible. Protectors can be found in even the old Theravada Sutras, so I am not wondering about Protectors. Just oracles.

Thank you all, in advance,


Zhalmed Pawo

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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #127 on: July 10, 2010, 04:27:48 PM »
Thaimonk: If you wish to talk about our different experiences or understandings about Thai attitudes towards non-theravadin monks, we can do so in a separate thread. I have no wish to make this thread any more non-readable or unintelligible as it already is.

I also think it funny, that you allow the Buddha to change his mind, but see the same behaviour as reflecting badly on a contemporary Guru. What gives?

EDIT: You also mentioned a Can of Worms. Did you refer with that the fact that I allow both the Buddhas and the sentient beings to change their minds, and alter the practical decisions made before? If so, why is this a can of worms, and if not so, then what did you mean?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 04:50:27 PM by Zhalmed Pawo »


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #128 on: July 10, 2010, 05:02:12 PM »
this thread has grown very fast. But what is the reason? I do not understand the 1st posting of this thread. Can anyone help?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 05:07:05 PM by godi »

Big Uncle

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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #129 on: July 10, 2010, 06:21:18 PM »
Wow! The thread sure has grown and detoured from the original intent. If I am not mistaken, the original intent was to rejoice the announcement of the incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and subsequently, the posts became a slight debate. Then somehow Geshe Kelsang Gyatso was dragged in because he has a shall i say it...dislike for the tulku and oracle system. Personally, I do understand where he is coming from and I think he just want his students to practice the Dharma.

However, I do find the announcement very exciting and we don't have the full facts here yet and I do think an incarnation is unlikely but I can't denounce the possibility as it has happened through Tibetan history. Dorje Shugden was said to emanate in so many places. Well, he is Manjushri so that's a piece of cake for him. My thinking is that he has incarnated all this time and surfacing now because he is preparing for Dalai Lama to leave his worldly body. Whether he will take over or not, I don't know but I think he has a role to play in spreading the Dharma after the Dalai Lama has gone to pure realms. Who knows what his enlightened actions are as they are probably too vast for us to fathom. Anyway both Lamas - Dalai Lama and him has been working together whether together or against each other to spread the Dharma...

That is what I got and what I am thinking so far...

Big Uncle


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #130 on: July 10, 2010, 06:33:08 PM »
Barring some new insight or reason, I think this will be my last post on the matter.

I am sorry I called this a hoax, initially I simply could not believe the people here were so credulous. It appeared unfathomable to  my mind.

Now I realize that either it is a hoax, in which case there is no point commenting further, or these people actually believe this and really are that exited about the whole thing!!Ha ha! I don't know if I should laugh or weep, I can only shake my head....

Initially when this was posted, (TDG is alive!!!!!), the flood of uncritical rejoicing blew my mind.

here is a sampler-
*May Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen Rinpoche live exceptionally long and reveal his whereabouts very soon and may I have the chance to meet his incarnation wherever he is now.

*I feel in awe - like I'm witnessing history unfolding before my eyes.

*May Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen reveal himself as soon as possible to continue his holy work!

*And he has been amongst us for decades only goes to show HIS TIME HAS COME! I believe a new era is about to dawn on us.

*I feel extremely humbled by what is happening right now as these events begin to unfold.

*I wonder: is His Holiness feeling threatened today? Or is he chuckling to himself, amused that his old friend is "back" and the final showdown of "elaborate epic" of Dharma is finally unfolding?

*I hope his students know just how fortunate they are to be sitting at the feet of such a great being, and one who has suffered so much for the dharma.

*Once he is out in the public, can his name be put back as one of the lineage lamas?

*It's lovely and awe inspiring to receive news about the return of our Lord King Drakpa Gyeltsen. His presence and return might be the answer to all our turmoil and worries.

All from HoneyDakini, DSfriend, Wisdombeing, Dharmadefender, harrynephew, iloveds, vajraprotector, Big Uncle, and the rest of the gang, all of whom joined the forum withing a few days of one another, and all of whom responded to this "news" with gudhing hyperbole that would embarass even a christian, who really do think someone is coming to save them.

Sorry, it just looks a little "orchestrated " to me. Are you seriously telling me these are all separate people not one of whom expresses the sligtest reservation that this might not be true, or if true, might not be good?!?! I'm sorry, if that is true, the Dharma really is in it's last days. 

I'll tell you how "His Holiness" is feeling. He doesn't give a fig. it has no import!

SO, in response to some silly arguments that have been made, let me say a few things:

I am not saying that there are no such things as Tulkus, or that they are never beneficial, so no need for psuedo prasangika consequences showing how I don't accept Trijang Rinpoche as he believed in Tulkus etc etc etc. That is just plain silly.

tulkus are real, and their nature is benefit. I just thought that in this day and age, especially among this group of people, we would know better that to repose our hopes in the hands of one. OF COURSE Tulkus are beneficial! OF COURSE there are oracles, and they can, in certain circumstances, be useful.

Can either one COMPLETELY DESTROY our lineage? Yup. There is a "tulku" who is out there trying right now, and the only reason he hasn't TOTALLY SUCCEEDED is that not everyone accepts him as who he is touted as being.

OS, kind reader, please realize that the tulku tradition is too dangerous in these our degenerate times. It will be the end of those who dance with it.

When people hear "This is the Tulku of Drakpa Gyaltsen, " then they think it really is, independently, inherently a Buddha who cannot be wrong. Ten years later, when he says, let's drop DS practice after all, you now have to do this. YOU DONT KNOW WHO THIS PERSON IS, if he even exists! How could you already be applying honorifics??!! It boggles the mind, honestly.

ALL that silliness about GKG and oracles has nothing to do with anything, everyone can appear to make mistakes, and NKY policy need not be the policy of others, esp in the east. BUT COME ON, at least hold back your unmitigated fawning adulation until you find out who, if anyone, recommends this person! UNtil you confirm that this person is not an alchoholic or a money-grubber. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUt HIM!!!!!    hello????    IS this thing on???

Finally, along the lines of Trinley Kelsang's (always ) sane and informed posts, it really makes no differece at all. Not to Dharamsala, not to those with a spirtual guide, to no one.

The actual "reincarnation " line of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen ended at his death/buddhahood. SO whoever this is, if it is anyone at all, is a recognized emanation, at best. But if you have a guru, you already have that! Dorje Shugden's emanations pervade the owrld!! Why run after an "inherent" one?!?! What is it you need for this supposed emanation? TTGIE will COMPLETELY IGNORE THE RAVINGS OF ANYONE WHO CLAIMS HE IS WHO YOU SAYS HE IS, it will not even cause them to hiccup. Probably they will just laugh at what a bunch of superstitions sheep we are.

anyway, this is really the final straw for me on this topic. I certainly wish you all the best, but I can't take it, I find it embarassing to be associated with this.

cheers and good luck!


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #131 on: July 10, 2010, 06:52:39 PM »
Hi Big Uncle, crazycloud,
thanks for your postings. I understand from these summaries that I do not need to read all these many pages. Thanks!! This saved me a lot of time.


Zhalmed Pawo

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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #132 on: July 10, 2010, 07:24:18 PM »
...anyway, this is really the final straw for me on this topic. I certainly wish you all the best, but I can't take it, I find it embarassing to be associated with this.

cheers and good luck!

Please stay. Otherwise the Fifth Column has won the game on this.


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #133 on: July 10, 2010, 07:32:22 PM »

I am here on the forum, there are too many interesting things here in general, but his goodness. Can't abide it.

Thanks for the thought.


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #134 on: July 10, 2010, 07:59:04 PM »
Hi Tk,
I like the oracle tradition, but I can understand why people may think it is weird can't you?

We can each do our part to explain what the oracles are about, the history, background and logic behind how they "work". It is all about education. I'm sure at some point, each of us also didn't really understand what oracles were about but our kind teachers or fellow dharma friends explained things to us and helped us understand what it was really all about. Now, we appreciate the tradition and may even consult oracles ourselves - but it didn't always start like this.

I understand that some teachers may choose not to focus on this as it may not serve the students of that time and place, but those of us who are do understand it should always (out of compassion and understanding its benefit) try to explain it to others who do not understand or have wrong view about it.

So, all those who understand these oracle-things, please explain to me. If this cannot be explained, the only conclusion can be, that this need for oracularism is just a cultural thing of Tibetans, having nothing really to do with Dharma. And as you explain, please provide Sutra sources if possible. Protectors can be found in even the old Theravada Sutras, so I am not wondering about Protectors. Just oracles.

Thank you all, in advance,


1. Of course the 'oracle-things' can be explained. If this cannot be explained, the only conclusion IS NOT "THAT IT IS A  CULTURAL THING OF TIBETANS and HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DHARMA".


It is your particular like and dislike due to ignorance perhaps that you have distorted thinking of certain very beneficial practices such as oracles or oracular practices.  The oracles can be very useful.

Western society relied on oracles and the like before the advent of Christianity. With Christianity, many practices such as the arts of divining, tarot cards, taking trances, reading the future, ouija boards all became labelled as evil and should be violently stopped. Violent and aggressive campaigns were set throughout Europe and the Americas to abolish these practices. We are the modern day results of that destruction in excluding anything labelled magical. Hence things like oracles are seen as superstitious, or invalid. That is the legacy of the advent of Christianity.

The Delphic oracles with their famous Pythias were sought over the ancient world for their very clear prophecies for hundred of years. Destroyed by Alexander so he can be assured no one else will know what was told to him. How selfish. In order to assure his victory.

2. It would take many pages and hours to type out what I have learned at the feets of 8 eminent lamas for the last decades to explain. I will condense very short. If you understand, fine. If you don't it's obvious then why you're 'against' it.

3.  I would recommend to you to read 'Wheel of Protection' from 'Exile From the Land of Snows' to get an overview of how oracles work. Dorje Shugden and Nechung oracles operate somewhat differently, but generally same. Please do your homework, read, research, contemplate then speak to elucidate to others to clear their misunderstandings and ignorance. After all dharma is the highest form of giving. Before giving go get it.

See Here. Please read thoroughly:

4. Simple story: When I was in Dharamsala 14 years back, an American backpacker lady fell off the hills there and was lost for around two days. Her friends, local police, and some Tibetans scoured lower upper dharamsala for her. Could not be found. I went to see the Yudroma oracle for my personal reasons as were a few other people for their questions also. At that time, another group had consulted her out of desperation. The American friends were very desperate. The lady oracle went into trance with the help of the monk from Gyuto Tantric College as Gyuto Tantric College often consult her( Yudroma is their protective deity). Yes the renowned Gelug Tantric college goes to her to consult often. When Yudroma entered the oracle ( i witnessed several times), she gave the location, place and fall clearly. She also said the lady is still alive but must get to her quickly. Within another half a day, following her instructions they found the backpacker who had broken a leg ( maybe wrist) and was stuck in a precarious location. The Americans were dumbfounded.

That was one of my first personal experiences with a recognized oracle with many more to come. Observed I did and convinced I am today.

5. Our bodies are just a shell in which our sublte consciousness temporarily abides. You can leave it and enter at will if you have practiced correctly. Ra Lotsawa and son were well known for that. Hence, since it is a shell, any beings can enter and abide including yourself. Thererfore possessions of the evil nature is definitely possible as the Vajra Yogini Kakkoo (ritual) text is a remedy for that. Possessions, ghosts, spirits, psychics, clairvoyants do exist previously and currently. The stories abound in the bios of Heruka lineage Mahasiddhas.

We can temporarily abide elsewhere or within an object and let a higher force use our bodies to speak, express, move or do whatever actions that are necessary. Hence Dorje Shugden and Kache Marpo can definitely enter such a 'ready' body. When we do the invitations for example in Lama Chopa and ask the deities to abide, it can be inviting them to enter a statue or thangka we are consecrating. They abide at our request to become a merit field not that they have nowhere to go.

Hence if they can enter a statue and abide, why not a human? Both are made of the four physical composite elements suitable for a consciousness to abide in. Of course there's the formless also, but need not apply here for now.

In the Tara ritual, you ask Tara to come forth, abide in her image. Then we make offerings, requests, mantras, prayers, etc and at the end, you ask her to remain in this image by scattering dried rice/flowers with appropriate recitation. Then she abides. When you invite Dorje Shugden to enter an oracle, you recite the invitational liturgy at the beginning of our Dorje Shugden Kangsol. If you wish the peaceful to come, the oracle will wear monk robes, yellow chogo/Namjar, and Pandit's hat. Then Dorje Shugden will enter in a peaceful form to talk, known as Dulzin. If wrathful is required, then oracle will wear the full robes with flags, boots, weapons, etc. This energy cannot stay long, or talk much as it is in fierce form. Old oracles in their 70's who limp or are on walking sticks when taking trance of the wrathful form, can leap, bend swords, 'dance' and whole body convulses with the energy of the deity-Shugden. That is amazing, what is more is, someone like Kuten Lama (Geshe-la's uncle) never studied much, but in trance as Dulzin he can give long (2-3 hours) discourses citing perfectly from Panchen Sonam Drakpa, Nagarjuna, Chandrakirti, Dharmakirti, etc's texts and give you page numbers and cross reference points. He can give oral transmissions, initiations, compose texts on the spot as I have witnessed. He is elucidating among scholars, high incarnates such as Zong Rinpoche, Zemey Rinpoche, Dagom Rinpoche, the abbots, Geshes etc. He can refute with them or even debate if the occasion calls for it. Out of trance, Kuten Lama is a nice old man whose knowledge of dharma is that of little higher than the typical Tibetan laity. Certainly he couldn't fool the masters in Gaden for 30 years.

He must have gone into trance thousands of times since Buxa when he was officially approved as genuine by H.H. Trijang Dorje Chang. Leaping around and bending swords is neat, but lesser spirits can also do the same. What is amazing and convincing is what comes out of the mouth of the oracle time and time tested again. Even things you asked Dorje Shugden through another oracle ten years back, when taking trance of a 'new' oracle he can recount and remind you. It has happened to me. I consulted Shugden through Sera's oracle, then much later the Gaden oracle. While in trance Dorje Shugden reminded me of what he said precisely and accurately what he told me ten years back through a completely different person, different setting, different translators, different monastery. Mind you, what he told me was very intimate and very applicable to me. He has even indicated clearly to me what my gurus have told me in private- he reminded me of their vajra commands. This happened to me. I do not need you or anyone else's confirmation as the advice was timely, very helpful and I saw the results. His advices and dharma talks will blow your mind. You feel you are in the presence of someone very old, grand and from another time. But then that cannot be used here, as that is subjective-my feelings of him that it.

6. Lama Tsongkapa's Guru Yoga practice and Guru Rinpoche's practice are not in the sutras or tantras from India. They were not taught in Pre-Tibet-Buddhist India. Due to the many enlightened activities of enlightened beings after the Buddha, of course that is possible. Buddha Shakyamuni cannot be the only enlightened one, otherwise the dharma is false. But by seeing the many attainments gained by many practitioners over 600 hundred years, we know Guru Yoga of Tsongkapa is valid.  The close lineage of the Mahamudra instructions that are practiced by Tsongkapa's disciples are also not the sutras and tantras of Buddha Shakyamuni/Vajradhara. Nyingmas rely heavily on Secret treasure texts or Termas never spoken about and guru Rinpoche's mantra is nowhere to be found in the original sutras and tantras yet has created many realized beings within the Nyingma, Kagyu and Sakyas.

Yet Guru Rinpoche's initiation, practices, rites, rituals, images form the central core of the Nyingma lineage. Tsongkapa's  Guru Yoga practice was revealed by Manjushri directly to Tsongkapa. Hence if something is not in the sutras do not disqualify their authenticity nor benefits. In this case the qualifications of the author is very important.

Thai Buddhists do not recognize Yamantaka, Heruka nor Vajra Yogini. They do not have the lineage nor believe that it originated from the perfect Buddha. Not finding something somewhere can lead to endless unnecessary debates. Hence, for us the author is very important. Dorje Shugden is not mentioned in the sutras. Dakpo Rinpoche named the 'village lama' by the 13th Dalai Lama 'left' his body and transported to Tushita to receive the practice of Dorje Shugden. So today if someone was to say that was their soure of teachings, this forum would be alive with snide sarcastic posts. So why is it we can believe Dakpo Rinpoche. Just because it happened 50, 100, 200 or whatever years ago? If we don't believe him, then our whole Dorje Shugden lineage is a lie. Then why are we even here. The origins of our Dorje Shugden practice, Heruka, Vajra Yogini, etc are all from 'magical' beginnings. Yet we believe and trust. Why not oracles? Why not Shugden entering a qualified oracle consecrated and authenticized by HH kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang the heart son of Pabongka who in turn is the heart son of Dakpo Rinpoche? Contemplate.

Not everything has to be in the sutras yet we still need a lineage no matter how magical it's origins. Western culture claims to not accept anything magical but more practical. Hogwash. Much of western religions and our Buddhism is awash with 'magical, mystical and obscure' beginnings yet we still practice and proclaim logic. Logic by us is very limited. We cannot take full refuge in our logic after certain point.

Heruka revealed his tantra by teaching on Mt Kailash to Vajra Yogini then to human first. How to verify that? Yet many have received attainments from Her practice. So we need to see results to ascertain validity of origins in this case. Many have received benefits from Dorje Shugden's oracles for the last 350 years including myself many times over.

How many scholars and masters rely on Asanga's 'Ornament of Clear Realizations' given to him by Maitreya Buddha in Tushita. Doesn't that sound wierd in today's terms? How about if I wrote a text and told you Tara told me the contents. It would be psychiatric time. Well why do we accept Asanga's assertions coming from such a source? Because we rely on the author and mostly the benefits in this case. Nagarjuna retrieved how many wisdom texts from the Nagas hidden away? Show me a naga. Have you seen one? Hence validity in Tibetan Buddhism is not stemmed only from the original sutras alone. There will be more teachings arising in the future logically speaking to suit the various aptitudes. Lam Rim made it's first appearance by Atisha's composition. Before that it was unheard of. Yet it is our core practice now having been passed down and further versions written of course the latest by Pabongka. Oracular practices do not need to be in the original sutras/tantras to validate their authenticity and applicability for dharma practitioners of this age, time and circumstances.

I hope this sincerely help you. I have spent over 6 solid hours writing the various explanations on this thread. I didn't write to convince you but to open your mind to things that perhaps are very foreign and at first unacceptable to you. I hope you will investigate further as knowledge is knowledge. We carry that into our future lives. As Shantideva says, there's no limit to our minds ability to comprehend.

I wish you luck and I humbly hope you will accept for others' sake, if not your own, practices that may benefit them by not discarding due to ignorance. All practices by our lineage lamas should be respected and feel how fortunate we are to even hear about them. Our lineage lamas are free of faults, hence their practices, teachings, traditions, manners should be respected even if some cannot be applied now due to degenerate times, but they should not be seen as something Tibetan and hence culturally beneficial only.