I am somewhat baffled. I really do not understand why so many people are seemingly so excited by this thing. Really.
All the big time words about this happenstance being somehow world shattering, or whatever, do not ring a single bell within me. (Call me the cynic.) But really, people in general are interested in FIFA 2010, the sovereign debt crisis, the dollar printing of the FED, the possible escalation of USA war zone in South Asia... these things are important, big, and occupy people's minds. They, and just they, are world shattering facts, coming to light. If some obscure saffron robed Tibetans have said that some other Tibetan is a former Great Tibetan, that hardly constitutes as a great breakthrough of Truth into the light, or in any way a meaningful thing. This announcement will not make a ripple in the World outside Tibetan Buddhism. Truly.
This will in all probability not even shake the Tibetan Buddhist World. Some Lamas say "this guy is a Great One", and others say "surely not". That has happened with the new Karmapas, and it will happen with TDG also. If the powers that be, in Tibetan Buddhism, do not accept this tulku as a Tulku, they just say so, and all who say otherwise, will be stoned like Shamarpa, or whoever happens to disagree. There will therefore not be even a ripple in the Tibetan Buddhist World.
This will furthermore prove nothing to the World, as per any dharmic revelation, as surely all modern men know already that Tibetans believe in reincarnation/rebirth. This will be just a claim amongst the all others, proving nothing except the faith of the faithful, and therefore nothing.
But, and here is the proverbial butt, the most worrisome thing is nevertheless, that there seems to be a view that elevates Others above us. For, you see, if TDG is such a great being, his greatness has surely came through his personal practice, so shouldn't we therefore elevate personal practice above all else, claiming that just it will be the proof of the Truth of our religion? So instead of looking at an unknown and unproven emanation of a former practitioner as some sort of Saviour or an Idol, shouldn't we idolize and see the saving grace of the Practice itself? Otherwise we could just remain with the best of Idols, the HHDL, and yell in unison how great he is, while hoping that by attaching us to the Idol, we will somehow get a little star-glitter or blessing ourselves? Somehow the old saying "jumping from the frying pan, into the fire" comes to my mind. If all people want is an Idol, why take an obscure and existentially unproven one - stick with HHDL!
It is not that I dispute the appearance of TDG or in any way would detest the 'popping out', if true, but I just simply do not see a point in all the fuss. I hail him as great because he practiced and taught JT's doctrine, back then, and if he now reappeared, he will surely behave in a same way - practicing and teaching, but isn't just that what we all should be doing? Instead of hollering that "the King is the Noblest", shouldn't we all try to be Noble ourselves? Arthur might be the King, but the Table is Round!