Author Topic: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!  (Read 205474 times)


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #165 on: July 11, 2010, 01:33:43 AM »

Oh for goodness sake!. I appreciate your efforts, ya big baby.

You have misinterpreted, I believe, what ZP was saying. I believe he meant that if I allow my exasperation with the forum members to make me leave, then I have lost. I am not sure what fifth column refers to.

Your exasperation makes you might want to leave? Perhaps you should tone it down so that we are not exasperated with you. Be polite and nice, and not sarcastic PLEASE. I don't see anyone provoking you, yet you are consistently rude.

Not that I am telling you to leave, but if you leave who loses? Answer: NOBODY.

You see thaimonk,  when you are enjoining others to be nice and polite, you have to do the same otherwise you look hypocritical. Just saying.


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #166 on: July 11, 2010, 01:43:55 AM »


Tulku Tradition is too dangerous. That is putting every single tulku down out there. Very bad.
One rotten apple in the orchard, and every single apple on the 300 acres of orchard are bad. What a waste. How illogical please.

Think carefullt , tk, and you will see how the bad apple analogy is completely off. I'm not actually putting down tulkus, I'm putting down their grasping disciples, i.e us.

"Will completely ignore the ravings of anyone who claims he is who you say he is,"---How do you know this tulku proclaimed himself? Why do you assume that? How do you know he was not recogzined by a senior Master or the Oracle of Dorje Shugden himself? Also ravings is a words meant for some kind of lunatic. THAT IS A PUT DOWN. THAT IS RUDE. THAT IS UNCALLED FOR. THAT IS WHAT I CONSIDERED A ATTACK. YOU ASSUME HE IS SELF PROCLAMED. THEN YOU ACCUSE HIM OF SELF RAVINGS. NEGATIVE ASSUMPTIONS ALL THE WAY.

I hate to sound like a broken record here, but again, completely off base.

What the quote above indicates is that TGIE will ignore the ravings of anyone who claims this man (may I assume it is a man?) is who you say he is. You say he is TDG. This means TGIE will ignore any person who claims this so-called tulku is TDG. (please try not to get upset by the use of "so-called" here, forum members, to my experience, it is really all that is justified so far. I mean no disrespect to whoever it is.)

The meaning is very clear. I think you are upset and not thinking clearly. I am sorry for upsetting you.



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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #167 on: July 11, 2010, 01:44:48 AM »

I think that crazy cloud makes alot of good points.  I like very much. There are lots of wonderful things to read and see, it's an encyclopedia of great knowledge but the website recently has become a little fanatical and preachy in my view and needs to learn to be a little more humble.  Announcing the new reincarnation of Drekpa Gyalsten in that way was extremely unskillful!  To be honest I felt very embarrassed reading it, it made me cringe! We live in progressive times, we should try to fit in with modern convention. You are playing right into the Dalai Lama's hands, they will read some of this stuff and then they will accuse DS supporters of be a cult and being extremist! Thats not what we want now, is it!  This is only my opinion!

If i was the editor i would make 4 changes!

1) Do not announce re-incarnations!
2) Stop the leaflet drop
3) Remove the videos of Dorje Shugden oracles in trance
4) Remove any really wrathful pictures of dorje shugden like the one in the top corner of this page.

Maybe it's ok for us to see all this, but for people looking in from the outside i don't think it is a very good advertisement. One should be more skillful!



How surprising, I agree with all four suggestions!


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #168 on: July 11, 2010, 01:47:41 AM »
Hi Tk,
I like the oracle tradition, but I can understand why people may think it is weird can't you?
I have not said that I think the oracle tradition is wrong, of course it has it's place.
I thought Geshe-las uncle was invited by Geshe-las students not Geshe-la.

I won't feel it be 'weird', but I do understand why a lot(be lamas or lay people) not 100% relying on it, as otherwise you lost your feet on the DS 'debate' again: One of the major reason why HHDL stop practicing DS is that he decided to follow Nechung oracle's repeated advice(see HHDL's speech on 1978, actually looks it be no. 1 reason by then, he didn't talk about hurting his health etc. in this early time ..)... So for those pro-oracle 'hard-liners' what conclusion you are leading to....?
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 02:03:50 AM by wang »


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #169 on: July 11, 2010, 02:21:56 AM »

"What is it you need for this supposed emanation?" That's a put down. What do you mean supposed? How do you know it's a supposed? Who is this person? You don't know. Who recognized this person? You don't know. So just keep quiet and wait. Who are you suppose to convince anyways?

ha ha ! my dear thaimonk  you have so eloquently made my point here, I daresay I couln't have doen a better job!
I don't know who it is! I don't know who supposedly recognized him! "I know it's a supposed" because without any evidence whatsoever, all we can DO is suppose!

Saying "supposed emanation" does not say he is not, it just holds back from full acceptence in light of the paucity of evidence. Think it over.

thaimonk  No one here is convinced by your ravings

so it is insulting and sarcastic when I say it, but not when you do? or is it the "he started it" defense?   ;)

 Perhaps if you don't keep sinking down to your own level and be dharmic, I would listen more.

listen or not, up to you. By the way, it is insulting to say "sinking down to your own level!" tsk tsk, thaimonk, you are as bad as me!

Crazycloud, you don't need the tulkus to make dharma done for it. People like you are doing a great job already. Namdrol left because of you before he/she even started.

"People like me?"  ha ha !  So now you are seeing that you are no better, for when provoked, the insults come fast and furious! The difference is,  I can take it. I am not insulted in the least. In fact, I find you charming!

"TTGIE will completely ignore the ravings of anyone who claims he is who you say he is," Another derogatory statement. You asked for one thing, I gave you two. Ravings? Ravings is used for someone who is insane, or a lunatic.

sorry, didn't you just say I was raving a few sentences ago? The thing is dear Thaimonk, You can't have it both ways. You can say it is unkind to say raving, and that we shouldn't be unkind. OR you can use this term yourself in a pejorative manner as you did above, but if you do both, as you have, you look hypocritcal, and your words fail to convince anyone. See how that works?

Why do you put this tulku down? Why do you say he is raving??? Do you know who he is? NO. Do you know if he has made any claims or some seniors recognized him??? You don't know. You assume and you rave.

I am really beginning tho see that alot of this fuss is coming from the fact that many people did not understand the basics of what I wrote. I never said HE was raving, I said, and i thought clearly, that TGIE would not belive the ravings of anyone who claims this man is TDG. Was that not clear? I used ravings not to insult anyone, but ot indicate rather from a first person pov how it will certainly appear to TGIE, Pure madness. As for me, I have already stated that I believe there are countless emanations of Dorje Shugden in the world, how could I mean that anyone who said the same was raving? Think about it?

Wake up and stop trying to win the argument. This is a forum. Everyone can clearly read what you wrote CRAZYCLOUD.

apparently not.

In the above you generously said "NO ONE SAID THE TULKU SYSTEM IS WRONG, DID THEY?" But in your other statement "PLEASE REALIZE THAT THE TULKU TRADITION IS TOO DANGEROUS IN THESE DEGENERATE TIMES. IT WILL BE THE END OF THOSE WHO DANCE WITH IT."  What are you Nostradamus now?? In one line you insinuate thet tulku system is not wrong, then in another line you say it's too dangerous. You didn't even say some tulkus are dangerous, but you said the tulku tradition which is all tulkus. What a total put down to all tulkus.

slow down, you are way ahead of yourself. To say the system is dangerous is not to say it is wrong. There is no debating that. It is dangerous to put all your money in one stack, but that does not make it wrong.

Idid not say "some tulkus are dangerous, and I certainly don't say "all tulkus" in fact, if you take a deep breath, you will see that I am talking about the system. this is not an indictment of any person, but rather a statment that at this time (get that?) it is foolish for us to say "this baby IS (name of high lama here) and then accept their words as the words of an enlightened being. Many mistakes are made this way. thinking people are Budhdas from their own side is a recipe for siaster as we are seeing with our dear Dalai Lama. Ww would have no problem stopping his strange behaviour if people weren't convinced he IS Avalokiteshavara. no one would put up with. WE just can't afford this kind of risk, when labrang managers accept bribes to make a child a tulku. This is common. WE can't hang the pure tradition of Je Tsongkhapa on a child. Nine times out of ten, you will probably be ok. But if the wrong numnber comes up....Dangerous. Not wrong. Just real, real risky.

The degenerate age didn't start this morning or 10 years ago, it's this whole cyle of time we are in now. And the tulku system of Tibet is like what 700 or 800 years old. So which is it? All tulkus from day one in Tibet are too dangerous or tulkus now are dangerous?? Wake up!! Since the first recognized tulku in Tibet (karmapa) it HAS BEEN THE DEGENERATE AGE ALL ALONG.

surely you will recognize that in 2010 is is more degenerate than five hundred years ago in an isolated plateau? I am not sure if it is I that needs to wake up......

If you follow the above argument, you will see that your dichotomy of "all tukus from day one" vs "tulkus now" is a false one. It was simply less risky to rely on them then, because their activities would be much much more limited.  It would take three months to get to another monastery to give teachings! Now someone says something, and it is literally all over the world in less that a minute.

Your fixed mind  based on your 'experience' of tulkus makes you put down all tulkus. Well not everyone had your experience with tulkus and not everyone will go along with what you rant non-stop about them. Think. Calm down forever and think.

I will try to calm down and think, although I am not sure about "calm down forever!" ha ha! I am guessing English is not your first language? No insult intended, I think you are certainly doing better than I would in a foreign language. It's just that a lot of the things you are upset about is just you not understanding what was written.

Pleas understand, I have great respect for Tulkus. My own precious Lama is a Tulku, for goodness' sake! My experience wiht Tulkus overall is fantastic. it's just that I think the system will be the end of Buddhism if we try to carry it into the modern world in it's currnet form. It's like miracle powers. at one point, very effective. Then as times degenerate, harmful to the Dharma. DOesn't mean miracle powers aren't great, we should just keep quiet about them. Same with Tulkus. keep it to yourself or you will destroy everything.

And no, I am not Nostradamus. I believe anyone with open eyes will be able to see this if they think about it for a while with a good heart.



Zhalmed Pawo

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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #170 on: July 11, 2010, 03:18:46 AM »
By the way, it starts to seem clear that we are no longer a forum of DS-practitioners. There IS a fifth column, a Turing machine, an orchestrated campaign, or whatever. I only hope that the Man Behind the Curtain would have the guts to identify himself. But then again, since he is a Tibetan Buddhist, he has no guts, and will forever try to be in hide...


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #171 on: July 11, 2010, 09:01:45 AM »
Reject it or accept it
It matters little
Opinions as we know
We All have at least one
The Protector Will Show
Any and All
What it means to be Divine
The Divine Lord
Lord Dorje Shugden'
King Protector of the Dharma
Our Friend
Our Protector
The One Who Calls You All
Make Peace and Make It Right
We have an Entire World
A World that needs the Dharma
Not a bunch of Children Arguing!


Your a natural born poet Canada!


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #172 on: July 11, 2010, 02:31:28 PM »
I will second LineageHolder in what was said several pages ago: that this announcement was, i believe supposed to be something to rejoice in but people have once again become very snippy, choosing to take a negative view first. Having read through the first few pages, a summary of my thoughts:

1) That's fine if you do not agree, nor think that this announcement is a good thing but you could at least believe or understand that there are some people who do find a lot of hope in hearing news like this. Yes, it may not be "supposed" and we do not have the details yet, but as I mentioned in a previous post, it can serve as a lot of hope for someone who is starting to lose hope or faith in their practice amidst the politics.

Yes, we can sit and doubt forever that it is not true or that this incarnation is a swindler; or we could also choose to see it as something positive (as with all things in Dharma, it is about perspective, no?). All of us do have our own Gurus and practice already and I am sure that whether TDG returns or not, it will not change our practice and and our Guru devotion. But there are many others out there who may not be as strong as us; or it may just inspire more confidence, hope and faith in them for their practice, to know that there the very being they have always believed in and propitiated "is back" and continuing to do good things in the world.

There are many minds, levels of practices and attitudes out there - it may not work for us, but consider the other side, a positive one, where it can and may help others. Would it not be more beneficial to the world at large if we took on a more positive view? (this applies to any situation). I understand that you are pointing out the dangers of relying too heavily on a tulku system, but this is also not to be just relied on blindly; but comes with education. If you really care that much about the "dangers" and "grasping" onto the tulku system, then express that care by explaining clearly and logically WHY it is a danger (because so far, I have not heard a truly logical explanation yet that cannot be refuted; as TK has presented his points with so much effort, time and care). Or explain the kinds of precautions that people should take and why?

2) Above all, I think all of us here understand the importance of studying and mastering the lamrim, mind transformation teachings, guru devotion above all - so we are not disputing that. And this is what our own sacred protector and all our teachers always advise us after all. So I don't think anyone here is talking about RELYING on the tulku system, but merely to recognise its benefits and understand that it CAN and HAS been very beneficial to countless beings. I believe it would be very useful to consider these benefits  - how this believe has benefited in the past and how it can continue to play a part even in our modern world.

3) I am quite saddened to hear the criticism of this website and setting forth other alternatives for the admin. I believe the administration has always been open to our suggestions and even incorporated many into the website. But it is unfair to come on and simply proclaim, "If I was editor, I would do THIS".

In fact, why DON'T you really start up your own website and do that, if you really think it would be better. And I really do not mean this with any disrespect. There are many websites out there, taking many different approaches and views and presentations. If you feel that your methods would appeal to another, bigger crowd, then it would really be news to rejoice in if you did manage to open up another site. I don't think there's any competition here - whatever method would bring more and different people into the dharma is a good method and I am sure that the admin too would rejoice, as this is the kind of approach they have always taken.

It would be better, more beneficial and more effective than to constantly come onto this forum and go on and on and on about what this admin is not doing right etc.

4) Once again, I go back to my point made in other threads about how it is not what we are saying to each other but HOW we are saying it. For a moment, I read through the posts as if I was a complete stranger logging onto the site for the first time. It made me incredibly sad to realise that THIS is how Dorje Shugden practitioners talk - sarcastic, bitey and condescending.

It would help, if we just spent a few mini seconds just to think about how we are coming across. We may not MEAN something in that way, but why is it then that people are reacting to us in that way? saying we are sarcasting/ insulting/ negative etc? If you are really sincere, then you'd stop for a moment and think about what it is that you are might be doing that is causing others to feel that way? Or are you just going to be another one of those pretend practitioners that say, "Well! that's just the way I am and that's just the way I speak and I didn't mean it in that way, if you don't like it, then that's your problem and not mine!" Then, again, I go back to what i said about how this becomes such a sad and disappointing reflection of the very protector, gurus, lineage and practice we are trying to defend.

Please everyone, let's just try to stop for a moment and think a little about the possibility - even a tiny one - of TDG being back among us and it being for real. It may not change the way we think about our practice and of Dorje Shugden, but think of the many out there who may be changed by it for the better and whose practice may begin / deepen or reach higher attainments because of it. Isn't that something worth rejoicing in?


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #173 on: July 11, 2010, 02:59:34 PM »
honey dakini has some interesting points and talks with maturity! Maybe some of us need to look at our moral discipline, especially me. But this is also an open forum, it's good to debate.  We won't always agree with each other. If people don't speak up how can we ever reach any consensus and recieve feedback?  People might not always like what i got to say, but at least i'm honest. All i'm saying i believe Buddhism needs adopt a more progressive approach for a more modern society.  I think should try to be progressive to. I rejoice in all the hard work that has gone into this website.  Hours and hours of total dedication!  Please accept that this an open forum, it's upto the admin team to police things if things are getting out of hand and for the rest of us to try our best not to use harmful speech that might offend others! But sometimes some of just can't help being sarcastic, it's in our nature, lol :)




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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #174 on: July 11, 2010, 04:03:50 PM »
I have spoken with many monks here at Shar Gaden this week about this topic and I must say that almost all of the monks do seem genuinely intrigued. Many are like me in feeling that if the incarnation was recognized by one of the authorized Dorje Shugden oracles, or by a Lama such as Trijang Rinpoche or Zong Rinpoche years back, that is reason enough to be open to this. After all, in the begining none of us had any 'proof' of the existence of Protectors and such, so we had to establish the Lama as a reliable source first.

Maybe this a simplistic approach, but it suits me and my practice just fine.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 04:18:54 PM by Tenzin Sungrab »


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #175 on: July 11, 2010, 04:43:22 PM »
Please accept that this an open forum, it's upto the admin team to police things if things are getting out of hand and for the rest of us to try our best not to use harmful speech that might offend others! But sometimes some of just can't help being sarcastic, it's in our nature, lol

Can you please do something about your sarcasm, its destroying the forum, you and your friends (esp. crazywisdom, emptymountains) who, like Honeydakini said use "the thats just me, take me as I am, you don't have to like me" argument.

You choose to be buddhist, but your attitude is a relfection of your Dharma practice. You and your buddies.

Saracasm is part of your nature? I don't believe, prove to me that sarcasm is permanent and unchangeable in your mindstream and people like myself and others won't get p#$#ed off with your attitude.

Where there is smoke there's fire, when you guys have something good to raise, interesting points to note, people actually listen, when you become sarcastic and all sweeping with your judgements (notice i didn't say opinions) because thats how it comes across. Granted you didn't mean it to sound that way. But 1 person takes offence, then another, then another, chances are really high that your words are offensive. But I am detracting from what I wanted to say.

Sarcasm is your nature? False! Selfishness is your nature, a deep selfishness and a deep desire to want recognition, want attention!

Why don't you want to control your sarcasm?
Why do you want others to suffer from your sarcastic words?
Why is it ok for you to be sarcastic?

Show everyone where in the Lamrim where it says these habits are your nature, and cannot be changed. Because it still is part of you, then it still means your not into buddhism for Dharma, your still fixated on some part of you, you think is permanent.

Interested to see your replies if any.



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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #176 on: July 11, 2010, 05:09:47 PM »
Hey Crazy Cloud!

I've been reading quietly all the posts for months and I am going to post this one time. Your posts have been consistently the most sarcastic. Are you what you pray to? Is Dorje Shugden like this? If not, STOP!!

You write long posts filled with spiteful negative words at anyone YET YOU GIVE VERY LITTLE KNOWLEDGE, EXPLANATIONS, OR INFORMATION. Your posts educate no one. Everything is opposition to any knowledge shared.

You know so little yet you knock down anyone who has something to share. You feel like your from E-sangha. Anything on Gelugs, the moderators shoots you down. Here, anything against CRAZY CLOUD YOU GET SHOT DOWN.

Well, this is my first post ever and last because people like you on the forum really make me disappointed. The Shugden group is small and you encourage so much friction WITHIN THE 'FAMILY'. SAD!

Your views are different, yet I don't see anyone attacking you, yet you constantly attack.

Getting out of here, I came here to learn not get EXASPERATED AT SO MUCH SARCASM. No more of this forum for me.

Dear Namdrol

I hope you will still stick around as there are many posts from other members which are not exasperating to read! I sincerely wish you well.

Crazy Cloud, too bad, and I'm sorry for you that Namdrol left when he could have learnt quite a bit from this forum.



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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #177 on: July 11, 2010, 05:18:41 PM »
Just some thoughts on tulku according to THE BOOK.

Is Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya separate? It is said in "Liberation in the Palm of your Hands" by Pabongka Rinpoche,  that while we never associate the two together, this is not how things are. They are in fact one to start out with.

It does take logic/rational to learn but "faith" also plays a major role for us to take the necessary steps forward in our learning. IF the word "faith" doesn't go down well with you, then consider "being OPEN", as in refrain from resisting. Faith or being open is required as we do not have perfect insight.

The hatred against Tulku system is un-Dharmic, view of an unbeliever. It is against what is written in the Lamrim!  If a person do not believe in the Nirmanakaya form then forget about the existence of the Buddhas whom we cannot see.  THEY ARE ALL ONE! It's irrational to pick and choose what we like or is convenient to fit into our self made, picture perfect Buddhism.

« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 05:48:33 PM by DSFriend »


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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #178 on: July 11, 2010, 07:46:58 PM »
I would not publicly accept or reject that someone is a Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen/Dorje Shugden reincarnation, because I can't know.  Even if they have the good word of a DS oracle or an earlier lama that it's true, I wouldn't accept it on that basis even.  The reason is because even if the DS oracle or lama said it, that doesn't mean it was meant to be institutionalized or made the official view posed onto the general Gelug community.  That is unless of course there is official documentation that they explicitly approve of officially institutionalizing it publicly. 

We should accept there could be Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen/Dorje Shugden emanations, otherwise that would go against the speech of the lamas we accept like Trijang Rinpoche.  However, there has not been an official Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen/Dorje Shugden reincarnation institution for over 300 years, so an attempt to pin down and make an official reincarnation of such is a deviation from precedence that requires authorization from a lama of a very high stature such as Trijang Rinpoche.



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Re: Dorje Shugden Is Alive and Amongst Us Today!
« Reply #179 on: July 11, 2010, 07:48:52 PM »
Hey Crazy Cloud!

I've been reading quietly all the posts for months and I am going to post this one time. Your posts have been consistently the most sarcastic. Are you what you pray to? Is Dorje Shugden like this? If not, STOP!!

You write long posts filled with spiteful negative words at anyone YET YOU GIVE VERY LITTLE KNOWLEDGE, EXPLANATIONS, OR INFORMATION. Your posts educate no one. Everything is opposition to any knowledge shared.

You know so little yet you knock down anyone who has something to share. You feel like your from E-sangha. Anything on Gelugs, the moderators shoots you down. Here, anything against CRAZY CLOUD YOU GET SHOT DOWN.

Well, this is my first post ever and last because people like you on the forum really make me disappointed. The Shugden group is small and you encourage so much friction WITHIN THE 'FAMILY'. SAD!

Your views are different, yet I don't see anyone attacking you, yet you constantly attack.

Getting out of here, I came here to learn not get EXASPERATED AT SO MUCH SARCASM. No more of this forum for me.

Dear Namdrol

I hope you will still stick around as there are many posts from other members which are not exasperating to read! I sincerely wish you well.

Crazy Cloud, too bad, and I'm sorry for you that Namdrol left when he could have learnt quite a bit from this forum.



If you find someones opinion is too difficult to bear, it's true, you will find it unpleasnt to be here.

You gotta toughen up, kids.