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This is something I read from the Trijang Institute website and thought it would be good to share with all of you here.

As you know, H.E. Dagpo Rinpoche (in his past incarnation) was the Guru of Pabongka Rinpoche. And many would say that it was Dagpo Rinpoche who started the practice of DS and transmitted the practice to Pabongka and Pabongka in turn passed it onto Trijang Rinpoche, and so the lineage of DS practice carries on till this day.

It is very interesting to read this speech delivered by the current Dagpo Rinpoche to welcome the then 14 year-old current incarnation of Trijang Rinpoche in 1996 to Paris.

H.E. Dagpo Rinpoche's speech centers on one central topic, as you will realise as you read.

The last few lines are the ones which left the strongest impression in my mind.

Enlightened beings have been around way before us and have been coming back time and time again to do very important works to benefit all sentient beings.

They certainly know much more than we ever will.

Excerpt from a speech delivered by His Eminence Dagpo Rinpoche in November 1996

Below is an excerpt taken from a speech delivered by His Eminence Dagpo Rinpoche in November 1996, when he welcomed to Paris the fourteen-year-old reincarnation, Kyabje Chocktrul Rinpoche Tenzin Lobsang Yeshe Gyatso:

For the benefit of the new people who have joined us today, I will mention, all too briefly the activities that have been accomplished by your predecessors, Rinpoche. The beneficial deeds of a supreme guide such as yourself are truly countless. In fact, only a Buddha endowed with the ten powers can comprehend them.

If I limit myself only to what you have dedicated yourself to doing in the Land of Snows, there would still be countless deeds to relate. There are so many wonderful and complex tales, melodies that can enthrall those with the gift of understanding, melodies that can fill them with faith. The whole topic is inexhaustible; I have given up trying to cover it. Today I will limit myself to just a few words about how, from the distant past, at all times and in all places, you have continued to work together with the Lord of the world Avalokite?vara to achieve the good of beings and to give them access to the Teachings.

To accomplish this, both of you have shown yourselves capable of every conceivable kind of relationship. You have alternated the role of Master with that of disciple, the role of donor with that of chaplain, parent, friend, or servant.

From the immense ocean of deeds that you have thus carried out together, I will take a very small drop, a drop no bigger than the pearl that sparkles at the tip of a human hair, but quite enough to inspire faith. Everyone knows that our Tibet has long benefitted from the Lord of the World Avalokite?vara’s caring protection.

He appeared at different times as king or as minister, as learned pandit or as a complete siddha. Each time, he made the light of religion and culture shine brightly so as to dispel the darkness that enveloped Tibet, and each time you were at his side.

In the eighth century when Avalokite?vara manifested as the great king Trisong Detsen, you, Rinpoche, were the pandit ??ntarak?ita, the Indian monk who brought and established in Tibet the tradition of vows and religious commitment which form the basis of Buddha’s Teachings. It was you who brought to light the vast and profound systems, while assuming the shape of the victorious Padmasambhava, first among the Tantrikas. As such, you overcame the obstacles that stood in the way of spreading the Dharma on earth. It was you also who passed the profound and secret teachings to the King and his ministers (how lucky they were!) and thus justified their waiting.

When the good qualities of human beings and the doctrine declined, you were the second Buddha, well known by the name of Ati?a D?pa?k?ra ?r?jñ?na. During the middle of the eleventh century you founded the Kadampa tradition with the help of his spiritual son Dromtönpa Gyalwé Jungne, who was none other than Avalokite?vara.

In order to consolidate and spread that tradition, you soon reappeared under the name of Lang-ri Thangpa Dorje Senge, well known as the eminent guardian of bodhicitta, in other words, a bodhisattva.

Some time afterwards, the good qualities of human beings diminished yet again, and the doctrine underwent another decline. You immediately assumed the shape of the second Buddha Je Tsongkhapa. That time your disciple was Avalokite?vara, later considered the First Dalai Lama. Together you took it upon yourselves to spread and expand the Teachings of the Buddha throughout the entire country.

Shortly afterwards, you were Mönlam Pelwa, one of the First Dalai Lama’s main disciples. You succeeded yourself, becoming the eighth Ganden Tripa, that is, the eighth head of the Gelugpa school.

Later on, as the head of the Kagyupa order, you were the eighth Karmapa, Mikyö Dorje, close friend of the Second Dalai Lama Gendun Gyatso.

When you returned to the school of the Nyingmapas in the seventeenth century, you were the dazzlingly brilliant light with the name of Zurchen Chöying Rangdröl, one of the Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Gyatso’s principal Masters.

Next, during two consecutive lives, you again took charge of the Gelug school: you were the sixty-ninth Ganden Tripa, Trichen Jangchub Chöpel, who was also the tutor of the Ninth Dalai Lama Lungtog Gyatso, and later the eighty-fifth Ganden Tripa, Trichen Lobsang Tsultrim.

And now we come to your immediate predecessor Kyabje Yongdzin Trijang Dorje Chang Chenpo, who for forty years was assistant and then tutor of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama.

Here you have a brief reminder of how and for how long you and the Buddha Avalokite?vara have been doing significant and enduring work for the benefit of sentient beings.


hope rainbow

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Thank you for sharing this transcript with us Helena.
Wow! Are we not looked after so well and by being so highly attained? It i simply extraordinary...
I fold my hands and pray that I may, one day, be able to do even a portion of what the enlightened teachers that we are fortunate to count among us today are doing out of great compassion and with pure and sincee motivation.


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This is something I read from the Trijang Institute website and thought it would be good to share with all of you here.

As you know, H.E. Dagpo Rinpoche (in his past incarnation) was the Guru of Pabongka Rinpoche. And many would say that it was Dagpo Rinpoche who started the practice of DS and transmitted the practice to Pabongka and Pabongka in turn passed it onto Trijang Rinpoche, and so the lineage of DS practice carries on till this day.

Just a little clarification:

This Dagpo Rinpoche was one of Pabongkha’s teachers, but he was not the Guru who had gone to Tushita and passed the DS lineage/teachings to Pabongkha. That was Tagphu Pemavajra.

As outlined here:

That's not to say Dagpo Rinpoche is anything short of a great lama himself - his works are splendidly flourishing throughout the world as we speak!


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Frankly, I am not 100% certain. But I think CC and Trinley Kelsang mentioned that it may not be the same Dagpo who went to Tushita Heaven - I could be wrong as it was in another thread.

In any case, personally, I really thought it is the same Dagpo from the information I have been reading. The problem is that there are many different spellings of Dagpo - there is Tagpu, Dapu, Tapu - it does cause a lot of confusion. And I do not read Tibetan at all. So, it makes it hard for verifying.

I think the other thread has mentioned something similar. CC might be better at answering this question.  :)


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Tulkus are so important. I am glad Trijang choktrul Rinpoche, the mighty Tulku is among us. He gives so many hope and the Tibetan govt in exile can do nothing to harm him. ;)


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In any case, personally, I really thought it is the same Dagpo from the information I have been reading. The problem is that there are many different spellings of Dagpo - there is Tagpu, Dapu, Tapu - it does cause a lot of confusion. And I do not read Tibetan at all. So, it makes it hard for verifying.

In this case, please note that Dagpo and Tagphu are not just different spellings but are two totally different lamas.

This information I shared above is also consistent with what Tenzin Sungrab has found out from monks in Shar Gaden.


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Thank you Helena for sharing this article.

It's quite amazing to read the spiritual lineage of Kyabje Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche. This is what i find to be so vital about recognising Tulkus. For a respected Lama like Dagpo Rinpoche to relate the lineage shows that it is real.

It's not so much that we rely on the spiritual lineage completely but that it backs up the character of the person as his life unfolds.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

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Shortly afterwards, you were Mönlam Pelwa, one of the First Dalai Lama’s main disciples. You succeeded yourself, becoming the eighth Ganden Tripa, that is, the eighth head of the Gelugpa school.

Later on, as the head of the Kagyupa order, you were the eighth Karmapa, Mikyö Dorje, close friend of the Second Dalai Lama Gendun Gyatso.

When you returned to the school of the Nyingmapas in the seventeenth century, you were the dazzlingly brilliant light with the name of Zurchen Chöying Rangdröl, one of the Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Gyatso’s principal Masters.

Next, during two consecutive lives, you again took charge of the Gelug school: you were the sixty-ninth Ganden Tripa, Trichen Jangchub Chöpel, who was also the tutor of the Ninth Dalai Lama Lungtog Gyatso, and later the eighty-fifth Ganden Tripa, Trichen Lobsang Tsultrim.

And now we come to your immediate predecessor Kyabje Yongdzin Trijang Dorje Chang Chenpo, who for forty years was assistant and then tutor of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama.

Here you have a brief reminder of how and for how long you and the Buddha Avalokiteshvara have been doing significant and enduring work for the benefit of sentient beings.

It is so neat to hear that the Tulkus are really emanations of enlightened Beings that benefit being irregardless the tradition of sect you are from. I read from somewhere Lama Zopa was a Nyingma meditator in his previous life and in this life he is ordained and practice within the Gelug tradition. Whatever way to benefit as much people as possible... I just thought that it was interesting to point that out.

Big Uncle


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To HD - Thanks for sharing more info on Dagpo and Tagphu - that there are 2 different individuals.

To all - I agree with all my heart that Tulkus are so vital and important. Beyond hope, they are proofs that if we practice well, attainments will definitely arise and we can control our deaths/rebirths. I especially find it most empowering because we can accummulate everything we have learnt and can return each time, wiser and better equipped to help all sentient beings.

This is really HOPE IN ACTION, COMPASSION IN ACTION for all lifetimes.


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H.E. Dagpo Rinpoche is from the same mind continuum as Atisha who was the Guru of Pabongkha Rinpoche.  He is an elite scholar living in Paris and was lecturing in the French University.   During the crisis when Kyabje Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche was still living in Switzerland before he moved to the United States, Dagpo Rinpoche had had helped Kyabje Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche.  They certainly have the guru and disciple relationship.


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« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2010, 03:44:06 PM »
Reading the reverence such a highly attained being (Dagpo Rinpoche) offers another highly attained being (Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche) reminds me how inadequately we cherish our kind Gurus.

If a highly attained being can speak of and treat another with such great respect and reverence, as lowly beings, we must change our view and habit of taking our Gurus for granted. We must realize quickly how fortunate we are to even meet a Dharma master and appreciate of the preciousness of our kind Gurus who return lifetime after lifetime to spread the Dharma. With this realization, we must commit ourselves to keeping clean Guru samaya as our Guru’s instructions are clear and specific step-by-step method to gaining attainments and eventual enlightenment.

I do not intend to offend anyone with this realization I got from reading this post. In fact, I see myself as a “bad” student who forgets the preciousness of my Guru and every bit of Dharma teaching He imparts upon me and I hope that this sharing may act as a valuable reminder to the participants of this thread.


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Thank you Helena for sharing this article.

It's quite amazing to read the spiritual lineage of Kyabje Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche. This is what i find to be so vital about recognising Tulkus. For a respected Lama like Dagpo Rinpoche to relate the lineage shows that it is real.

It's not so much that we rely on the spiritual lineage completely but that it backs up the character of the person as his life unfolds.
The lineage of Dagpo Rinpoche’s previous incarnations goes far back into the past. It includes masters such as the famous Taktunu who in the previous Buddha’s time sold a piece of his own flesh to make offerings to his spiritual master. It also includes the Indian yogi Virupa, the scholar Gunaprabha and Atisha’s main spiritual guide: the great Suvarnadvipa Dharmakirti Serlingpa. Suvarnadvipa gave Atisha the transmission of the teaching on bodhicitta whose lineage issues from Maitreya called "The Seven Point Instruction for the Generation of Bodhicitta" as well as one from Manjushri known as "Exchanging Self and Other". The two masters found themselves together again in the same master-disciple relationship in more recent times when Atisha was born as Pabongkha Rinpoche and received teachings on bodhicitta from Dagpo Jamphel Lhundrup, Dagpo Rinpoche’s predecessor.
In Tibet, other better known masters in the lineage of Dagpo Rinpoche’s previous incarnations include the great fifth century translator Marpa Lotsawa, who founded the Kagyu school of Buddhism. He is famous as the teacher who guided Jetsun Milarepa to Enlightenment by very severe training. In more recent times, we count several abbots of Dagpo Shedrup Ling Monastery among Dagpo Rinpoche’s previous incarnations.


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Kyabjye Trijang Rinpoche comes from an illustrious lineage of realised lamas and reading this again one can take note that he had taken rebirth within all the various lineages of Vajrayana. So I cannot imagine Kyabjye Trijang Rinpoche would engage in a practise that is sectarian. A person who has benefitted us in a previous life and a person who benfitted us in this life which is more kinder?   

I doubt Trijang Rinpoche can reach the levels of realisations he has if he propitiated a worldly deity.


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Thank you for resurrecting this thread, Dharmaspace. It was lovely to re-read about HE Dagpo Rinpoche and what he said about HH Trijang Rinpoche. And as highlighted, “Here you have a brief reminder of how and for how long you and the Buddha Avalokiteshvara have been doing significant and enduring work for the benefit of sentient beings.”

This is so important to reiterate. It’s not just Trijang Rinpoche himself who says that we should not lose faith in the Dalai Lama. Here, the supreme Dagpo Rinpoche also says that Trijang Rinpoche and the Dalai Lamas have been working together to spread Dharma for YEARS!! For so many lifetimes!!

Anyone who has been a student of HH Trijang Rinpoche or from his lineage should follow Trijang Rinpoche’s advice to not disparage the Dalai Lama. Especially in this controversy, we should remind ourselves of what our Gurus have said and follow it. If we do not do that, how can we say look the Dalai Lama is not listening to his Guru by imposing the ban? That would be hypocritical. We are also not listening to Trijang Rinpoche if we despise the Dalai Lama.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Who ever said they despise the Dalai Lama? Not sure why those who speak out against the ban are always implied to have 'hate' or that they 'despise' the dalai lama....

 I don't think this is fair. It only serves to widen the gap further.