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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #60 on: September 03, 2010, 01:17:34 AM »
EXACTLY - people are not seeking enlightenment from the very beginning.  They just want to reduce their anger and get some peace in their life.  Let's be realistic and put ourself in the position of an ordinary person who has problems and is looking for answers that work.  What they need is lamrim teachings.  It would be very rare for people to develop faith in holy beings from the very beginning - heck, most people these days have aversion to religion!.  You need to give them something they can relate to and practice rather than encouraging them to rely on an 'invisible being in the sky' as it were.  This might work in asian cultures, but it certainly won't work in the West.
This is why it's best to encourage people to seek teachings on meditation practice rather than encouraging them to rely on Buddhas who they don't have any faith in anyway.  It's about skillful means which is why promoting your Dharma Centre activities is a much better idea than the Dorje Shugden brochure.

I have been reflecting on what Lineageholder mentioned above. I think we are operating in a very limiting view and generalised that “people” are not seeking enlightenment from the very beginning and are ordinary. Perhaps this is because we have only met these type of people around us. Too bad for us! May be we need to collect more merits and “move on” and stop being in the herd?

I am very fond of Kalu Rinpoche’s examples and teachings from the book Luminous Mind when Rinpoche talks about the stages of progression in Vajrayana. It is a bit long, but I think it’s good to share since we are at the subject of enlightenment!

In letting the clear light of mind emerge, there are 2 paths: SLOW and INSTANT.

The veils (haze/ fog/cloud) are initially very thick that nothing shows through. But when the fog lifts/clouds disappear, space is gradually revealed and the sun shines in all its splendour. So the 2 accumulations of merit and wisdom are like the wind that blows away the haze/clouds of the mind, making them disappear and revealing the bright space of clear light.

Flipping an electric switch is enough to illuminate a room that has been completely dark for centuries.  This is a disciple who has faith, diligence, and spiritual intelligence who meets a master who opens him to the understanding of mahamudra or dzogchen, that can cause all the veils of ignorance to disappear in an instant.

Of course, for practitioners of middling or inferior abilities, definitely it is a long process through these steps below:

1.  discipline of Hinayana
2. common preliminaries to develop awareness of the Lamrim teachings: value of the precious human rebirth, impermanence and death, karma, etc
3. collection of 6 perfections & calm-abiding practice
4. generate altruistic attitude of compassion thru lojong/ tonglen
5. ngondro (Vajrayana foundations/ various 100,000 preliminary practices)
Only after all these they are to practice the Deity Yoga (yidam practices) until signs of success appear. Finally, the subsequent practices such as the Six Yogas of Naropa to realise the bliss-void.

BUT there are practitioners with sublime faculties whom according to Kalu Rinpoche, merely encountering the Dharma awakens in their hearts renunciation of samsara, aspiration for enlightenment, compassion for all beings, and trust in the lama and the Three Jewels. The meaning of emptiness, the practice of mahamudra or of dzogchen, fills them with great joy and great aspiration. Their body, speech and mind have matured through the transmission of initiations, and they recognise in a flash the meaning of mahamudra or dzogchen practice. They know how to meditate in the realm of nonmeditation, nongrasping, and nondistraction, and therefore, there is no doubt that they will attain buddhahood in this life or at the beginning of the bardo.

Also, yidam practice is attained only by realising that the yidam, the guru, and one’s own mind are in essence indivisible. I personally think it is not that they are relying on an 'invisible being in the sky', but rather the trust in and devotion to their Guru (which is the foundation of all realisation according to the Lamrim) topped with yidam practices that will bring attainments.

As we do not possess skillful means and did not study enough to recognise each being's mind level, we may not know and should not say it should be this or that due to our limited exposure. What if that 'someone' is a high tulku (sorry if you don't believe in them) or just someone who is ready for that instant/ immediate path?

This also validates the need to recognise the "advanced" practitioners so that their path may be swift. Anyway, whether or not they are recognised, their merit/karma will lead them to a Vajra master who will start them off where appropriate. 
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 02:01:36 AM by Vajraprotector »


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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #61 on: September 03, 2010, 06:00:03 AM »

Dorje Shugden can manifest in any form he wants. No ONE IN THIS WORLD MAY DICTATE OTHERWISE.

As to what to promote. There are many ppl in the west and east. So just don't regionalize it. Westerners are not superior or their style better just because they 'like' meditation. Westerners have long exploited the earth and other races due to greed for many hundreds of years ago. Suddenly discovering Buddhism isn't going to change that.

You don't like the brochures, then you don't have to repeat yourself over and over.We heard you the forst 10 times. Thanks.  You don't have to do it or distribute.

You go and meditate and get enlightened and then we can talk. Unitl then I will pray to shugden for what I need and want on a short and long term basis. And you or any other Westerner or Easterner do not need to curtail my freedom of how I wish to interatct with Dorje Shugden.  :)
Dear Thai Monk

Avalokiteshrva manifested as Mahakala protector, thus Mahakala's function is to protect teachings and Dharma practitioners. Thus, we must be able to recongised that Dorje Shugden manifest as Protector now.

Whether east or west side, Lamas will tailor the Dharma practise according to the different mentality of the people and this is about skillful mean.

I think it is a bit rude to mention that Westerners exploit the earth, as this is a sweeping statement and not all westerners are like what you think. Beside most of us are sincere Buddhists who also do care and concern about environment.

I agreed with Lineageholder that it is more effective to distribute and promote the Dharma Center's activities than to give out the DS Broche. I feel that by doing the former, it better suits and attract more devotees. But I am not against DS Broche as it helps to create awareness. At the end of the day, the focus is to make Dharma flourish and reaching out to benefit more mother sentient beings. It is about utilizing the most effective method.

As mentioned earlier, there is certain sequences and procedures to observe in order to obtain the optimum desired results, It is not encourage to "anyhow" to Dharma practice and if not your practice will degenerate. If you advice the wrong practice method to the fellow Dharma practitioners. That will be even more disastrous.

It is also wrong to just do Dorje Shugden's practice as a wishing tree - just pray, make some cheap offering and ask to win the lottery. OF COURSE, it is must bigger than that. We must also be careful not to fall into a trap of relying on him just like we rely on things like tarot cards or fortune tellers or quick fixes like that. Our motivation is to bring ourselves into the Lamrim and bring others to the Lamrim too. If the motivation is clear, then the method will fall into place- whether it is via a brochure or via a long and detailed dharma talk.
LOL...I notice that It is irresistible for some practitioners to regard protector as a wishing tree Many fell trap to rely Him for quick fix. I feel that it is all right to do request and concurrently wish that your Dharma practise will improve, but not at the expense of our homework.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 06:27:51 AM by lightning »


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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #62 on: September 03, 2010, 06:03:18 AM »
This probably sounds like a daft question, but do bodhisattvas suffer?

Ordinary bodhisattvas experience pain.  In 'Guide to the Middle Way', Chandrakirti says that ordinary bodhisattvas (those who have no direct realization of emptiness) experience pain when they give their bodies to sentient beings:

"through the pain from cutting and giving his body,
He sees through his own experience
The sufferings of others in the hells and elsewhere,
And strives with great effort to eliminate it quickly"

Then he goes on to say that a third ground bodhisattva, who is a superior being, could patiently accept his body being mutilated by someone and that for such a bodhisattva, "what is cut, by whom, at what time, and in what manner, all these phenomena are seen to be like reflections, therefore he is patient".  

In summary, superior bodhisattvas do not experience pain, but ordinary bodhisattvas do - however I don't think this means that they suffer.  Because they have bodhichitta and have exchanged self with others their experience of pain is transformed into compassion and so their minds remain peaceful.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 06:04:53 AM by Lineageholder »


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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #63 on: September 03, 2010, 06:14:27 AM »
Sometimes I always wonder what it's like for these Bodhisattva Lamas. For them to leave their wonderful monasteries and come to Dharmically alien places like England and Europe, not receiving the support from their Sangha family, not having the respect accorded to them etc. and having to deal with many deluded students. I know they are Bodhisattvas and hence they suffer gladly for others, but it still doesn't mean that we should treat them badly.

This probably sounds like a daft question, but do bodhisattvas suffer? After all, isn't suffering a perception of the mind? And aren't Bodhisattvas in full control of their minds? To say they suffer would imply they are subject to the same delusions as us, wouldn't it?
Preharps it is wrong choice of word and I would rather interpret it as Supramudane Bodhisattva give appearance to take on suffering ;D
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 06:18:51 AM by lightning »


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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #64 on: September 03, 2010, 11:44:20 AM »
Sometimes I always wonder what it's like for these Bodhisattva Lamas. For them to leave their wonderful monasteries and come to Dharmically alien places like England and Europe, not receiving the support from their Sangha family, not having the respect accorded to them etc. and having to deal with many deluded students. I know they are Bodhisattvas and hence they suffer gladly for others, but it still doesn't mean that we should treat them badly.

This probably sounds like a daft question, but do bodhisattvas suffer? After all, isn't suffering a perception of the mind? And aren't Bodhisattvas in full control of their minds? To say they suffer would imply they are subject to the same delusions as us, wouldn't it?
Preharps it is wrong choice of word and I would rather interpret it as Supramudane Bodhisattva give appearance to take on suffering ;D

I do think that some Lamas are enlightened Bodhisattvas and they manifest suffering as a Dharma teaching to us at our level. These holy beings manifest unhappiness when we do not do what we are supposed to do, manifest illness as a result of the students' broken samaya etc. - all out of compassion to help us realise something.

Even though they may not suffer in our sense of suffering, they manifest suffering so that we can see karma in action - the results of our actions. And again, just because they are bodhisattvas and may forgive us for our transgressions, it doesn't mean we treat them badly because we will accrue the negative karma as described in the 50 Stanzas of Guru Devotion (
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #65 on: September 03, 2010, 06:34:44 PM »

LOL...I notice that It is irresistible for some practitioners to regard protector as a wishing tree Many fell trap to rely Him for quick fix. I feel that it is all right to do request and concurrently wish that your Dharma practise will improve, but not at the expense of our homework.

Yes, it is true that many people in the east or in asian cultures have a strong reliance or faith in the power of the Buddhas. I have many Asian friends like this, even here in America where I am now! Sometimes I would say that it even borders on superstition.

But this can also be seen VERY WIDELY throughout the west. How popular are all those phone lines of psychics and tarot card readers? Have you been those new age kinda festivals they have all over in Europe? People consult mediums, psychics, divinations, people who claim to see visions – it is everywhere now, almost uncontrollable! This can also be dangerous.

The difference is that Dorje Shugden IS a fully enlightened being. If these are all these people out there in the world who rely on these kinds of things, wouldn’t it be better to put in their way something that is actually authentic, NOT HARMFUL and can help them to create a connection to the three jewels, full enlightenment. Engage them by their attachments – this is the very method of tantra, no?

BUT THEN AGAIN, as you have also so rightly pointed out, IT CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT STOP THERE. We cannot be relying on Dorje Shugden for money, relationships, quick fixes, for the rest of our lives.

What you said is very correct and should be the way: it is all right to do request and concurrently wish that your Dharma practise will improve

This is our hope and motivation with every being that we introduce Dorje Shugden to – to bring them ultimately to lamrim and lojong and full enlightenment. The superstition, the brochures or whatever is just an initial attraction point. You’re right though, all this should not be at the expense of doing our own homework, learning up and getting proper understanding.


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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #66 on: September 04, 2010, 02:29:55 AM »
Personally, I think that most average person, myself included, would not be seeking Enlightenment when we first enter into Dharma. To be exact, I just wanted to find a better way to deal with my list of personal issues. However, as time passed by, I find myself more focused and my desire to learn the Dharma began to shift as my mind shifted.

I think, for whatever reason a person may start practising the Dharma, with Protector Practice, all their obstacles will be removed in order for each person to learn the REAL DHARMA.

It may begin as a personal wish-fulfilling practice but it will change into a wish fulfilling practice to benefit others as well as self.

As Dorje Shugden's main purpose is ultimately to bring people to do the Dharma, HE will work to remove all obstacles to each person and bring about what he or she desires in order for real faith to arise in him or her. Once people's faith arises in Dorje Shugden, HE will undoubtedly move them into the TRUE DHARMA practice. And that will be Lam Rim.

To me, it matters not how each start, it is what they end up practising or realising that makes all the difference in their world.

As Dorje Shugden is swift, so will each person's path to Enlightenment - whether they know it or not, whether they want it or not in the beginning.

Yes, most people would not be seeking Enlightenment when they first entered the dharma but will be more interested in having their worldly obstacles cleared. So by doing Dorje Shugden's practice with faith, those obstacles will be cleared and when one sees that it brings results, there will be a mind shift and improvement into the real dharma practice….the lam rim.

As posted by tk: “Therefore, anything associated with Dorje Shugden is pure Dharma. No less and no more.”

The most important is the end results of the practice.


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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #67 on: September 06, 2010, 11:50:02 AM »
I agree with Pgdharma. I have heard that as skillful means, some teachers would use the protector's help to eliminate obstacles of their students and bestow protector practices to the students.

When the students see results due to the help from protector or from their propitiation, their faith increases and hence they are more interested and committed in their Dharma study and practice. For example, those with problems like spirit possession or black magic , or even those who requested for mo (divination) who later become committed students and sponsors of a lama.

Like what beggar said, many people in the east or in asian cultures have a strong reliance or faith in the power of the Buddhas. Some of them might pray to the Buddha (and protector) like a wishing tree, but it could be because they had no teacher to teach them what Buddhism is about, and in our (Asian) culture here, many still go to the temple to make a wish, and then make offerings when their wishes are fulfilled. Hence, isn't it skillful means to build on what the students already know/ have in their culture, and slowly bring them to the path ?


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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #68 on: September 06, 2010, 02:50:51 PM »
Wow, thanks everyone for the rich sharing of information, points of view and experience.

There were points of view that mystical practice is the way of the East and, thus, worship of Dorje Shugden may not be as attractive compared to learning of lojong, lamrim etc. However, from what I understand, the practice of Dorje Shugden in the West is very strong and growing steadily. Therefore, based on result, Dorje Shugden practice is appealing to both the East and West. What is important is the skilful mean in which we bring our Great King’s worship to benefit others.

Vajraprotector, thank you for sharing the 2 types of general path (slow and instant) available in a Dharma journey. It brings to mind the story of Milerapa who had to do mundane work like baby sit, cook and clean for more than a decade before officially receiving a single piece of pure Dharma teachings from His Root Guru, Marpa, which started his journey towards enlightenment within that same lifetime! From this, I gather that our path can change depending on our motivation and efforts, which influence our merits. Nothing is permanent and what appeared to be a dreadfully slow journey may take a turn because we caused our positive karma opened.

I also agree with Vajrprotector that “Yidam practice is attained only by realizing that the Yidam, the Guru, and one’s own mind are in essence indivisible”. We all have our Buddha within, but we often need the “help” of the Buddha without to bring forth the Buddha within. At the end of the day, we are all interconnected.

Additionally, Vajraprotector quoted beggar: “many people in the east or in asian cultures have a strong reliance or faith in the power of the Buddhas. Some of them might pray to the Buddha (and protector) like a wishing tree, but it could be because they had no teacher to teach them what Buddhism is about, and in our (Asian) culture here, many still go to the temple to make a wish, and then make offerings when their wishes are fulfilled. Hence, isn't it skillful means to build on what the students already know/ have in their culture, and slowly bring them to the path ?”

I agree with the tendency of Asian communicaties, where many people’s spiritual practice is action oriented: make a donation, light incense, go to the temple, bow to Buddha images etc. Furthermore, I would like to add that I believe this is due to the level of intellectual education in Asian communities that (in the past more than today) are slightly behind the west. However, the good news is that the seed for Dharma is deeply ingrained for centuries and the re-opening of the seeds would not be as difficult as finding new fertile soil to plant the seed.

Taking this into consideration together with many other factors (such as our horrendous degeneration and result-oriented habits), our kind Buddha and Protector works patiently with our perception so that we can overcome some of our obstacles and persevere in our Dharma journey. Granting our wishes acts as the carrot to develop trust and faith. However, it is not going to be long term if wishes asked are motivated by selfish reasons (no Buddha or Protector will encourage us to indulge in our ignorance and self-cherishing!). Therefore, as practitioners stay on the path and collect the merits, their Dharma journey deepens and they will develop true and pure understanding and practice of Dharma.


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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #69 on: September 08, 2010, 10:13:47 AM »
Granting our wishes acts as the carrot to develop trust and faith. However, it is not going to be long term if wishes asked are motivated by selfish reasons (no Buddha or Protector will encourage us to indulge in our ignorance and self-cherishing!). Therefore, as practitioners stay on the path and collect the merits, their Dharma journey deepens and they will develop true and pure understanding and practice of Dharma.

I agree with what Shugden Protect wrote above.

The Buddhas, Enlightened Beings and Protectors will use whatever means to 'attract us' into Dharma.

It may begin with very secular and material things but the spiritual journey will inevitably blossom from there because that is within the Enlightened Ones's skillful means. They will bring us into the Dharma somehow.

However, whether we stay on the path is another story. As well as how fast or slow we improve or transform. These are solely dependent on us and not the Enlightened Beings and Protectors. They are constantly doing their jobs, but are we doing ours to become better? Let's not even talk about Enlightenment here. Just better.

If we have become better, then its proof that your spiritual journey has begun.

May we all remain on the path and work diligently and devoted to remain on the path until we achieve Enlightenment.

May we ourselves remove the darkness within and become the Light for ourselves and others.


andrew paisley

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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #70 on: September 19, 2010, 10:26:48 PM »
Thanks Beggar,
I have had the empowerment quite a few times since then and recieved lots of teachings also. I appreciate your advice. There are a lot of people studying and attempting to practice Tantra without having had proper guidance and blessings to do so,because its easy to get books that are about these practices. I tried to do a Padmasambhava practice years ago from something I had read in a book.
Anyone can practice the sadhana daily of Heart Jewel or Wishfulfilling Jewel and Lama Chopa also which has lots of tantra in it..and of course Kangso. HYT empowerment enables us to practice anything within our tradition.
Bringing the result into the path when we strongly imagine we are a Buddha in Essence of Good Fortune (Buddha Shakyamuni) can be done without any type of ritual blessing or whatever we call it.
Taking and Giving is very "Tantric" empowerment needed.
Nothing can compare with the live transmission of teachings from a qualified teacher,no matter what it is!
I read somewhere about some sort of crystal being given to disciples by the Guru re Dorje Shugden. As far as I can remember we were given a crystal by Geshe Kelsang...if we werent then i must have dreamt it or imagined it!!!
It is in my is a Heart Jewel....
The purpose of all this is to help All living beings be free from all suffering permanently...Dorje shugden has been with me all my life protecting me...he is my protector. I certainly wont come to any harm trying to practice secret mantra...only if I tried to do it for worldly non virtuous reasons..thats not possible if we have the 4 wheels tightly fitted for our practice...Renunciation,Refuge,Correct View Of Emptiness and Bodhichitta....without this we can fiddle about with inner winds,drops channels etc..till we are blue in the face..nothings gonna happen.
Im only speaking from my own perspective...ive been saved by my protector in situations where i "should" have died so i dont think im going to come to any harm practising pure Dharma...quite the opposite..and yes of course i make tons of "mistakes"..thats the purpose of Vajrasattva and all the other purifying rituals within secret mantra practices.
Love is the greatest protector..if we dont dive in to our practice..when will it ever begin??..tomorrow?..we all know that never comes. love andy xxxxxxxx


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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #71 on: September 22, 2010, 07:01:12 PM »

When you recieve the Dorje Shugden initiation (sogtae), you will recieve two items to be kept with you for life. One is a 'mandala or protection wheel' folded and wrapped in colored consecrated strings. Second is a crystal with his sacred mantras written on it.



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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #72 on: September 26, 2010, 09:34:47 PM »
Anyone can practice the sadhana daily of Heart Jewel or Wishfulfilling Jewel and Lama Chopa also which has lots of tantra in it..and of course Kangso.


I certainly wont come to any harm trying to practice secret mantra...only if I tried to do it for worldly non virtuous reasons..thats not possible if we have the 4 wheels tightly fitted for our practice...Renunciation,Refuge,Correct View Of Emptiness and Bodhichitta....without this we can fiddle about with inner winds,drops channels etc..till we are blue in the face..nothings gonna happen.

Hi Andy,
It sure is good to hear someone write so passionately about their practice and have so much commitment to the practice and the path. However, I would like to refer to some of what you said in your last post, which I quoted above. I am quite concerned that you mention "we can fiddle about with inner winds, drops channels etc til we are blue in the face, nothing's gonna happen". In the sense of Dharma: yes, nothing will happen and we won't gain the attainments or enlightened results because we are practising it without any real basis.

However, something will still "happen" that could potentially be harmful to you. If you're not practising on a firm basis or if you haven't already mastered the basic teachings and practices that your teacher has given to you, then doing tantric and secret practices can be like giving a child a big bunch of matches - you don't really have control of what you are doing, don't have the foundation, and are not fully versed or able to protect yourself and do the practices in the right way. See, fire can be very, very helpful for us if we know how to manage it; but if we don't, we just blow ourselves up or burn ourselves (and others)! So tantra is a lot like this.

The best way is to seek your lama's advice and he will be able to tell you how to proceed. Maybe you are already all ready for tantra, so your teacher will then give you all the right steps and instructions to follow and pass you the initiation/empowerment. If you are unsure, or if you come across a practice that you haven't received any formal initiation/empowerment, I would advise you to err on the side of caution and not just simply do it on your own steam. It could be more trouble than it's worth for yourself and others in the long run.

good luck!

yours, beggar


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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #73 on: November 12, 2010, 06:33:12 AM »
I am a HUGE fan of this website. Some of the views on it does not match with mine. But so what? Where else better than here is there to go to? Why find differences in a few issues, why not find commonality with the huge similarities.

Anyway if I don't like it, I DON'T HAVE TO COME HERE, but where can I go? I am addicted to this site.

I sure can't set up something like this with the time, energy, money, knowledge, research, thousands of hours necessary.

So I am here to stay and my respect for this site grows all the time.

San Diego

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Re: Shugden Arising As A Yidam
« Reply #74 on: September 20, 2012, 01:38:31 PM »
If any of the Oracles of Dorje Shugden recognizes a tulku, I will trust and believe all the way. If there was no use for the Tulku system, Dorje Shugden would not entertain any inquiries. Also if the Tulku system was damaging, then of course, Dorje Shugden would not recognize any Tulkus.
With the increase of skeptics in Buddhism, I can see as well why people would doubt the tulku system. Fundamentally, many new age Buddhists feel that Buddhism is free of beliefs and dogmas and we do not need to believe anything to be Buddhist, including the theories of karma and reincarnation which are the cornerstone of Buddhism. So thus, they would not buy into the tulku system at all.

The Tulku system is so very important within Tibetan Buddhism in general and within the Gelug system. We will die, we will reincarnate and we will take rebirth. So if we practice the tantras correctly, one of the side benefits is that we can control our rebirth. So two and two makes four. If we can take charge of our rebirth, then why not Tulkus.
In other words, tulkus are the living proof that the Buddha's teachings are real and it is something that is tangible. results that are tangible. And this increases people's faith in the Buddha's teachings. If one were to deny the tulku system it would be the same as saying that the Buddha's teachings have no effect.

Within Tulkus, there are many level of attainments also. Their ranks or height of their thrones do not always indicate their attainments. How far a tulku has progressed on the path in their previous lives is how much control they will have over their rebirths.

I for one, am all for the Tulku system which is alive, active and thriving. Many great Tulkus are able to return, be recognized and continue their work. It is very important for the Dorje Shugden lineage tulkus to return. It proves to everyone clearly that practicing Dorje Shugden does not bring negative states of rebirth. How can the worship of a Buddha such as Dorje Shugden bring damage in any way.
personally i feel that it is not just that people will not see harm in Dorje Shugden but also of the benefit he can bring others if the line of tulkus were to be re-established. There will be many more people that will be able meet the Dharma and also reap results from it in a quicker and faster way. It will also cement people's faith in the Gelug lineage as well as they can see direct and tangible results.

When we worship Dorje Shugden, we are worshipping Manjushri. Since we are worshipping Manjushri, we are connecting to all the matured wisdom of all Buddhas.  Therefore the 7 limbs offered to Dorje Shugden is equal to offering the 7 limbs to all the Buddhas of the ten directions and three times. It is incredible merits just to offer one light or a single stick of  incense to Dorje Shugden.
Thank you! You inspired me to make more offerings to Dorje Shugden to gain the merits to support my Dharma practice as I do need to keep my Dharma practice afloat.

Easily from Dorje Shugden's side, we can say he is a yidam. But from the path of presentation of his puja text, he is propitiated as protector. It would be wonderful if Dorje Shugden can be used as a Yidam with the full generation and completion stages of the highest yoga tantra included within his practice. It would require that we request Dorje Shugden via the oracles to give such text or a highly accomplished level lama can compose one such as Pabongka Rinpoche, Gangchen Rinpoche, Yongyal Rinpoche, or Gaden Trisur Lungrik Namgyal. It would be the first text of it's kind and highly blessed as the lineage is short and hence making it quick in attainments. I wish very much a text and practice for Dorje Shugden to be practiced as a yidam would arise. I would IMMEDIATELY engage in the practice and await the festival of attainments to be gained in order to benefit others to happen.
Wow! Even thinking about its possibility brings tingles and chills to my spine. Being one with Dorje Shugden would be incredible as he has benefitted so many people and so many more will benefit from him. I would really love to do that practice as well because one of my utmost wish is to be able to be of benefit to other beings in the ultimate way!

I found this very inspiring old post that really sent tingles down my spine about Dorje Shugden being a Yidam, because to me, he already is one, or so that is what I have ever felt about him, a yidam taking the form of a protector and somehow what TK has said matches with what I knew...