Author Topic: situation in mundgod and bylakuppe  (Read 4714 times)

three pots

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situation in mundgod and bylakuppe
« on: January 27, 2008, 07:47:46 AM »

I would request anyone who knows of these events more thoroughly than I to provide clarification or correction of my explanation.

While some of the unfortunate events that have occurred as a result of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's recent announcements regarding the Dharmapala have been posted here, I have not seen mention of the very serious situation within Gaden Shartse College.  The division reaches far beyond individual monks being expelled. 

Following His Holiness' statements, the collection of signatures began once again - this is, I believe, the third time that the colleges have been requested to collect signatures from each monk regarding their practice.  Sokpa Khangtsen has taken it upon themselves to announce that until this issue is "clarified" once and for all (meaning that until the practitioners of Gyalchen Dorje Shugden are no longer allowed to remain within the Gaden Shartse college) they will not be eating with the monastery.  They were a bit indignant when the monastery proceeded with the morning prayers & meal without them, but have continued to eat within their own khangtsen, having their meals sponsored by one of their lamas.  I believe that Sokpa Khangtsen went so far as to state that if the college chose to allow the practitioners to remain in the monastery, they themselves would withdraw - the entire khangtsen. 

All eyes have now turned to Dokhang khangtsen.  It is afterall Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang's own khangtsen, and most of it's members come for regions inside Tibet where one would die before giving up their practice.  Support has been pooring in from monks and ex-monks around the world, encouraging everyone in the monastery to remain calm and to think long and hard before making any rash decisions.  The members of Dokhang khangtsen have been meeting regularly for the past couple weeks, ensuring that they take into consideration the position of each member of their house.

I have just heard this evening that Dokhang khangtsen has presented their paperwork to the monastery and, with the agreement of more than 90% of their members, they have refused to provide their signatures. 

This is not an easy time, and I believe that the monks of Sera Mey College are also being presented with some difficult decisions.  All of the colleges have been given until Losar to present their decision... to "clarify" things... and we're not even talking about the vote that His Holiness mentioned. 

I appreciate your letter to the Prime Minister Alexis and have heard that a previous member of Dzongkar Choede monastery has established a case with a well known Indian lawyer as well as a respected Minister in the Indian government.  I have started a letter to my own teachers requesting their thoughts and advice on this matter and attempted to collect some names and address' from the Indian government's website - however once there I was unable to figure out who did what and under whose jurisdiction this issue would fall.  I will let you know when I find out.  I do think that it is time to act - not to critisize any one person or party - but to shed the light of truth on this issue so that whatever separation might be looming around the corner may be as clean and untained by the politics that have instigated it as possible. 

Finally, I would like to thank you for your words today beggar, much appreciated ;o)

with best wishes for everyone

three pots

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Re: situation in mundgod and bylakuppe
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2008, 08:00:51 AM »

I stand informed - within minutes of my last post:

Thanks to beggar, a friend, namdrol and others for providing the names and contact information for plenty of concerned parties.  They can be found under the following post:


Thanks again ;o)


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Re: situation in mundgod and bylakuppe
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2008, 08:58:49 AM »
Dear Three pots,

Thanks for your post although reading it is worrying.  :'( :'(  Please keep us posted of what is happening in college shartse continuously. We are very concerned and we dont have a proper source of information.

three pots

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Re: situation in mundgod and bylakuppe
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2008, 07:19:12 PM »

Yesterday two associations were sent by the Tibetan government to begin the collection of colored sticks to determine the following:

1.  Do we need "Dolgyal" or not
2.  Should the monastic community have any interaction with those who are devoted to "Dolgyal"

If a red stick is submitted, it is in support of Gyalchen Dorje Shugden and maintaining relations with those who are practitioners and supporters. If a yellow stick is submitted, it is not in support of Gyalchen Dorje Shugden and prohibits any interaction with those who practice or support the Dharmapala.

Yesterday, January 26th the one association headed by Sharpa Choeje's representatives visited Sera Je, Tashi Lhunpo and a small Gelugpa temple in the area for which I don't have a name.

Sera Je currently has 3727 monks residing at the monastery and the association collected 3727 yellow sticks, for both votes.  They noted that they have a few monks living abroad and it will take them some time to collect their decisions.

Tashi Lhunpo currently has 271 monks residing at their monastery and the association collected 271 yellow sticks, for both votes.

The small Gelug temple currently has 6 monks residing there and the assoiciation collected 6 yellow sticks, for both votes.

A representative of Gaden Tri Rinpoche is in charge of collecting the votes from Gaden, Drepung, the Jangchup Choeling nunnery as well as two small Gelug temples in Camp No. 1 in Mundgod.  These results are not yet in.

Sera Mey and Gaden Shartse colleges have both requested additional time and I believe that February 9th is the date that they will be required to vote. 

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: situation in mundgod and bylakuppe
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2015, 10:02:57 AM »
This posts may not be relevant today as it is about the historical time in 2008 when the monks were to choose whether they support Dorje Shugden or not.

However, it is important to just read to see how the segregation and division was created in Mundgod (Gandan Monastery) and also the formation of Shar Gaden, as a result of this so called choice.